TCN Interview, Brian Orr

Today we have brian orr. as with all individual interviews, this one follows a pre established set of questions.


La vida de Rax

Sólo dije la verdad." dijo brian con una sonrisa. "¡j\*\*\*\*e! el dragón rugió cuando escupió hacia la cara de brian. para la sorpresa de underax, brian lamió la saliva y se lo tragó.

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New york, new york brian looked himself over in the mirror, he'd heard on the news that a nasty rash was going around.

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Family Guy: Brian Meets Fluffy prt1 (Short Version)

Stewie got down the stairs and saw brian left. stewie: brian, wai... brian closed the door. stewie stopped looked down to the floor.

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Family Guy: Brian's Play Time

brian picked up stewie and slammed the baby into the wall, still thrusting stewie screamed. "brian stop". brian didn't listen he kept violently rape his friends ass. brian felt a thick liquid sliding down his cock, stewie was bleeding.


Family Guy: Play-Mate

She handed the key to brian, brian payed the women the money that the room had costed them. brian looked down to the key chain.

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Family Guy: Stewie's Play Time

brian gulped of fear. the bear picked brian up grabbed his cock moved it up and placed brian on it and pushed brian down on the cock. brian mourned. the bear rapidly moved the dog up and down his cock. brian sprayed his cum.

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Brian's Gay Day

Jasper was brian's favorite cousin even though he was gay and brian wasn't they still had a good time. the night before jasper's arrival brian had a dream and it wasn't normal he had a dream of japer and him having sex!

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Chapter 1: Canceled

He tried to hold off for brian to give one last bomb and sure enough brian was not one to disappoint. brian's legs extended and a large blast of air shot out.

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Brian Griffin: Family Slut

brian cried out, his whole body tensing as new brian violated him ruthlessly.

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The Urge

brian: "jasper? it's brian." jasper "oh, brian! the irony, i was just about to call you! how are you?" brian: "fine. are you okay? you sound miserable!"

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