true feelings , chapter 1 , part 1

Story by Whiskey Hyena on SoFurry

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True feelings , part 1

Disclaimer*** ok you all should now the damn rule. 18 or older , contains yiff yada yada yada , don't like it , then why the hell you still reading the rules. ANYwho Im making this story up as I go but with my work , college classes , and such. Idk how long of a distance there will be between the chapters. Also this isn't gonna be like any other coming out story... or so I hope. ANYWHO AGAIN!!! , I hope you all enjoy the story. Comments , rating's , and suggestion's are greatly appreciated ^^. So sit back , relax , and enjoy

By kian wolffox omega

"all I want is a place to call my own and mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone . WHOA you know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low!!!" was the only sound that could be herd throughout the room as the alarm clock blared. Sluggishly i sat up and rubbed my eyes as they tried to open. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the dim lighted room as i got up to head towards the curtains that hung on the other side of his bed right. As I opened the curtains the sun shone bright as day as the sun hit my eyes directly. "oh shit!!" I yelled rubbing my eyes since the direct and very bright sunlight hit my eyes directly. " hehe well at least it will be a great day" was all I was able to say before my mother walked in.

"kian sweety , are you alright? I heard yelling?"

"yeah mum im fine just wasn't expecting it to be this bright outside"

"well don't waste to much time! Remember you have school in 1 hour !" and with that said his mother left the room and went back down to the kitchen where she was making breakfast for kian

School... the one thing I didn't look to foreward to going to. Don't get me wrong im not the kind of wolffox that got bad grades and skipped out on my classes to go hang or anything. In fact I was quite the book-worm. I got straight a's have no beef with the principle or any teachers. I play for the varsity soccer team... although the seasons over , and I have a good paying job to get me through one day at a time. The only thing I didn't like about going to school though... was the bullies. I'm not the one getting bullied though its... the other people that get bullied. And by other people I mean the gay and bisexual people at my school. Though im a closet gay myself , it truly does feel like a dead heavy weight on my shoulders but I try not to let in interfere with my studies or life. But I would love to get it off my chest. "who can I come out to...?" was the only thought that rushed through my head "most of my friends are homophobic , and the way gays get bullied at my school.... I cant even think of someone who will accept me...." And as he said that to himself a tear started to form in his right eye and drip down the side of his cheek. The same statement running through his head. Being closeted was finally starting to take its toll on kian since he has been closeted for 3 years.

Kian is a wolffox but more on the wolf side, he has the build of a runner and swimmers body , 5'10 , he didn't resemble his mother much since she was pure fox . he did however , have her eyes and her bushy luscious tail, he resembled most of his father... which he despised so much since his father was never able to be proud of him no matter how much he excelled above the othershis father always said "you can do better then that" and go right back to either drinking or wasting money on god knows what. Though there is much more to the hatred of kians father that will be discovered later on. Kians parents divorced three years ago when he was 15 (mainly because his father was getting to rude , aggressive towards his wife , and far worse things that led to kians youngest brother chase running away from home and hasn't been seen since.) kians mother however was a true angel . standing at 5'8 a couple inches shorter than kian , she enjoyed life to the fullest , always having a smile on her face. Caring for others more than she ever cared for herself, though deep down inside kian could tell that something was definitely bothering his mother and it was starting to show as well....

End of part 1 , hope you guys enjoyed it

Will kian eat his breakfast?

Who will he come out to?

Was his father a dick?

Will his younger brother be seen ever again?

And what is taking its toll on kians mother?

Keep reading and stay tuned to find out more ^^ love you all and hope you enjoyed the story.

dead fur character description 2 - kale

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dead fur character description part 1 kian wolffox

Characters description 1 - kian Species - wolf/fox hybrid Age - 18 Sexuality - straight Kian isn't your normal everyday wolf , why? Well mainly because hes also part fox , that right part FOX!!! You've read the stories a wolf falls in love...

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dead fur - introduction

Prologue or whatever you want to call it before the real action starts Tags: death , cum , m/m , love , coming out , story progression , zombie , vore , (these tags are through out the whole story) Characters: chase , kian , kale , kevin , claira...

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