Cultist Brood: Chapter 2

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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Finished with Chapter 2 after a few weeks of laziness here it is though, enjoy. -- Prologue --Chapter 1

A New Exhaustion

King Rhen watched from his bedside, dark red eyes pinned to the ruined room. Everything was destroyed, tables smashed, decorative shelves ripped from walls and books scattered across the floor, their pages torn from their covers. His anger had gotten the best of him; he too had a side like Darrin but was more in depth with his. On an evening like today though, his anger had the better of him and the style of the room proved it. Darrin had not returned, it was normal for him to run off like this, something Rhen planned to fix. It was one of his flaws; he had to warn his son that running from things could not make them better. Facing your problem is the only way to defeat it. Darrin never ran off for this long however, he was never gone for more than a few hours. But now, the sun was starting to set. He had sent guards out searching for him hoping they would find him, but deep down he knew how crafty his son was.

"Forgive me Darrin." He growled cursing under his breath despising himself for revealing how he felt for his son. The dragon's fist came crashing into his bed post, smashing the wood into splinters as he sat with his hands over his face. "Forgive me Darrin!" He yelled this time. A white glow caught his attention as a Poe slithered up from the floor, head cocked to the side with an emotion of fear. Poes were creatures who bared a single emotion and used it to frighten their opponents. They rarely had enjoyable emotions, death seemed to dim out their brighter side. Poes gave off a large aura of depression; it was something they fed on. Whenever depression was expressed by the living, they were there to soak it up, in a way it was almost a healing process as they lapped up the sorrow of others. "What is it?" Rhen questioned in his usual angered tone. The Poe only cocked his head even more snapping the spirit bone from the neck. It then slowly drifted over the floor with its icy fog trailing behind as it made its way to the balcony. Rhen watched as it just stood there, and then he himself followed. The Poe stood motionless, face starring at something. His red eyes followed them and then widened. "Darrin." The Poe disappeared without a word and King Rhen left the balcony to meet his son.

They rushed toward me once I came in sight of the gates. My eyes lifted first to the balcony where my Fathers room was, his black figure only there for a moment before he was gone. I sighed to myself.

This is going to be awkward, what am I suppose to say? _ 'Just tell him how you really feel.'_ _ Stop that, this isn't a two person thing, we're the same person and what do I say? "Hi Dad, I liked the way you touched me last night will you do it again?"_ My canine self laughed. 'Try it, see what happens.' "Master Darrin!" A voice called from the gates. I was swarmed by men of the castle both protectively and on order. A large dragon dressed in heavy silver plate stepped forward. Captain Gorik was his name, he was a stocky dragon heavily built around his upper body. His face was clean of any scars, his snout large and two ebony horns curved out the back of his head. He and I always met often, this wasn't the first time I've ran off and whenever i'd return he'd be here waiting for me. Standing before me like he was now, arms crossed eyes glaring in a way almost totally resembling to Dad. He and I never saw eye to eye, he was dedicated to serving Father with every command whether disapproved of or not. He sighed. "You know you can't keep running off all the time Darrin?" "Where's Father?" I said pretending I didn't hear him. Again he sighed then lifted his arm a gauntlet pointed toward the castle. I was escorted to the courtyard where yet another captain waited for me. He was dressed as same as Goruk except slightly smaller and had his helmet on. "Darrin, I'm surprised you've stayed out so late." It was Dock, or Dockrine. Dock was my nickname for him; I found it rather fitting since he seemed to cure many emotions with his comical side. He had no comparison, very intellectual with war, performing in battle yet could always make you laugh. The only reason Goruk was more superior in Fathers eyes was because of his obedience. "As am I...Dads inside right?" He responded with a nod and then said. "Watch yourself though, his tempers been greater than normal... I'm not sure if I want to know what happened between you two." I laughed. "No you don't." Passing him, I entered the castle hearing Fathers beating heart high up in his chamber. Poes were skidding across the castle floors in fear fleeing past me and out into the city. A nervous feeling touched me and I stopped to stare at the large stairway leading to him. 'Think he'll be really upset?' _ No, if anything he's upset about himself..._ _ 'Let's hope...'_

Starting up the long staircase I felt more and more nervous the closer I came to the sound of his beating heart. At the top of the stairs was where I stopped, frozen. He was standing in front of me red eyes wide, and his stance awkward. Behind him I could see his door ravaged from his claws. What should I say?

_ 'If you can't decide what makes you think I can?'_


"Dad-His hand came up and I was silenced.

"No, none of this is your fault! I shouldn't have come onto you the way I did, the manner was inappropriate. I don't want to risk losing you." He's really apologizing? He breathed deeply. "Darrin... can you please forgive me... I know it's going to be the hardest thing to do knowing now that I'm not the man you thought I was... I know seeing me as a Father will give you nothing but nightmares... The filthy pig I am!" He said with a scowl. "I just want you

"Dad." I tried to interrupt but his eyes glared and held my tongue.

"Let me finish!" His words came next without losing a beat.

I couldn't let him tear at himself. "I liked it!" I shouted at him sending the hallway into silence again. At first he seemed like he didn't hear me, but then his eyes looked into mine and he spoke.

"You... liked... it?" His words were strange hearing it was a softer tone, a tone I hadn't heard since I was a child. Then his eyes and face followed as they changed to adornment.

I slowly nodded. "Y-yes...I liked it."

He stood tall now eyeing me suspiciously. "Prove it then."

For a second I didn't catch his meaning and started to ramble off with nonsense before I stopped and simply starred at him suddenly catching it. He was grinning by this point, at my stupidity. I walked forward in a revengeful manner, closing the distance between us, only stopping inches from him. Taking in his body as my eyes made their way up to his. Beautiful ruby and big, watching me, testing me to see if what I said was true. There was only one thing I could think of doing at the time, it was obvious really... I didn't need any other part of me to tell me what to do... it just felt right. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him, not a quick pat of lips to lips, but a long hard kiss. He didn't kiss back for the first second but when he did, a swirl of passion energy stunned me.

His arms wrapped around me and I stood frozen in his embrace only enjoying the kiss. It became deeper as he pushed his tongue past my lips and danced with my own. I found myself suffocating to breath but still didn't want to let go until finally we released. I fell into his chest panting and heard him laugh above me. "Are you sure you want to do this Darrin?"

I exhaled with a smooth breath of air. "...Yes... I'm sure I want to do this."

He smiled again and took me up in his arms cradling me close to his chest. "Then it's best if we do this in my room." I had forgotten about the others for a second. It felt like a world where just he and I were in, where we didn't have to worry about anything else.

Thera's betraying eyes from earlier struck me. "Dad... Am I really the one to get the crown?"

He kept himself gentle with his words. "Darrin... I will tell you the reason why you get the crown... I wasn't finished with what I was saying earlier... I saw my mistake the moment I opened up but I promise I will tell you. For now though, keep the thought away from your mind... tonight is going to be special."

I nodded and hid the thought away. He pushed his doors open and the ruined room I expected was there. More guilt came over me and I swallowed a lump in my throat. "I'm so sorry for this..."

"Your apology means nothing, this has nothing to do with you, it was all me in the beginning."

"But look at your room, I never meant to make you this angry... Everything's," My eyes scanned the room. "destroyed..."

He laughed in his throat. "Yes, but I'll have the servants clean this up, none of this is your fault, don't think that... and enough with your depressing thoughts, open yourself up tonight." He snuggled his snout against my face then sank a kiss against my left cheek making me blush. He laid me on the bed facing him and growled seductively making me smile. Pushing his waist between my legs, he caged me in with his arms and legs then grinned and kissed me again. This one made my mind swirl as I went hazy and fell into his lips. Again and again he kissed me, pushing his tongue past my lips and growling again, his chest rumbling as my hands found his muscular body. His chest was hot to the touch almost burning, it matched the heat of my werewolf side when it was exposed and somehow comforted me.

"You're so... beautiful." He said, running his claws down my sides. "The most beautiful child... I'm so proud to have you."

My canine self was breaking loose gnawing at the passion and arousing me from down below. "Make me yours Daddy."

That made him laugh. "I plan to take it slow with you little one... Tonight's going to be much more love than want... but know this... once you have me Darrin... as soon as I know that you really want me... I will never let you go."

I sucked on his lips. "You might have trouble with me... I do have a wilder side than you."

"A side I hope to see in the future..." His hand found my stomach and lightly rubbed stirring me even more. Inside I could hear my canine side moaning and found myself letting one loose as well. His warm hand traveled further lightly touching my erection as it pushed my pants upward. Another moan escaped my lips before I was suffocated by his lips becoming intoxicated with love.

Suddenly my canine side hit my body spitting out a powerful amount of energy. I found myself lying on top of Dad, legs straddling his partially dressed waist. I hadn't even noticed how undressed he was, the only thing that prevented me from seeing him completely nude was a maroon loin guarding his manliness. The surprise in his face caused me to smile. "Where did that come from?"

I simply shrugged and leaned down kissing him, "I have no idea." I said whispering to him.

"Well watch yourself." He growled throwing me back over and straddling me this time. "I'm not the submissive one." He smiled with his white fangs and his hand started to work me out of my clothing.

It wasn't long before the two of us were nude caressing one another and exploring the unknown body of the other. Too lost in my canine self and half smashed from the passion, I found myself licking and whimpering against his delightful self. The feeling of incest was gone from me now; the love too thick for it to bypass the ever growing wall... all I wanted was him... didn't worry about anything else just him.

I found his lips and his tongue found mine and we kissed back and forth. His hand slid down my stomach again and I growled shivering in pleasure. The luminous red eyes never left my gold ones, not even for a second. Then my body twitched slightly as his dragon paw took hold of my erection and stroked it lightly. A gentle moan slipped from my lips and my head fell back being revealed to the new pleasure. He laughed huskily and then I felt his moist tongue slide up my neck all the way to my chin.

"How does it feel?" I smiled starring at the ceiling realizing that though he felt like the perfect person, he still had his same personality.

Lifting my head I suddenly became lost in him. "...I-it feels so good."

He laughed again. "Just wait..."

I didn't lift my head to that, the way he said it sparked an excitement in me and as if on cue I felt his moist tongue touch the head of my shaft. I gasped as his mouth followed taking my cock completely. I moaned and lightly raised my hips into a thrust out of reaction. His tongue was pushing against the underside stirring something I had never felt before. Soon I was lost, my cock at full attention but my body not; I was more in a dazed space, unable to control my actions and my canine side wasn't helping by pushing against me wanting me to thrust long and hard into his mouth. I felt it again, an almost tingling feeling stimulating from the base of my cock as it throbbed in his mouth.

"Dad..." I gasped gripping the bed sheets and letting out another moan. He lightened up and whatever burn like sensation was growing suddenly died down. Once it left me though I wanted it back, the pleasuring feeling was all soaked up. "Don't stop." I said starring down at him.

He attacked me, his lips sucking over my erection immediately pulling me back into lust. My hands tore at the sheets while the energy built back up deep in my pelvis. I groaned thrusting into him again wanting to go further than I had. "Give it to me Darrin!" He growled lapping up my balls with his tongue as it slithered from his lips. He sucked harder now and there was no turning back, I was harder then I had ever been feeling his lips pulling me closer and closer.

"Dad...I... I'm going to-My words were interrupted by a triumphant howl as my body ripped into my feral side and I shot my white seed deep into his throat. Glob after glob spewed from my cock and he gulped every bit of it down. I was panting when he finished, long hard pants, laying spent on the bed feeling exhausted. No amount of war could relate to this feeling, it was a new exhaustion I had never felt before.

He lifted off me after I went limp and kissed my lips sharing the taste of my own seed. His taste was what I was after though, the heavenly sweetness of his lips and tongue as well as the exotic dragon taste that was indescribable but very soothing and delicious. I stared into his eyes smiling in satisfaction and ran my hand against his chest than down to his long erection. He was several inches longer than mine but before I could do anything he had me by the hand.

"Tonight's your special night... not mine... Another night for me... I seemed to have overdone it, I was hoping you could with hold your werewolf self." He said to me kissing my forehead. "I did like the transformation mid release though."

"I'm sorry... you were the first to show me this... I never knew how tired I would feel after it and how much energy it consumed." I said sighing sleepily.

He cradled my head kissing my wolf nose. "Then rest little one, I don't want you to be tired and you've been out the whole day, which I'll speak to you about that tomorrow."

I grimaced hating that though he loved me this much, he would still punish me. I tried to change the subject. "You never really told me why you chose me over Thera or Brendon."

"Tomorrow little one... tomorrow." I drifted into slumber after that, feeling his warmth hold me through the night.

I woke up alone the next morning, the debris on the floor now gone. The only evidence that what happened last night was real was the fact that the windows were still being put in and the bed had not been touched. Dad was gone, off somewhere I was sure tending to some matters. Before me stood a little Poe, the one I called Sarah, the one Poe that I found smarter and much more social than the rest. Her head was cocked to her right and her emotion confused seeing me in Lord Rhen's bed.

"Master Darrin?" She started with her young voice. "Why are you sleeping in King Rhen's bed?" She was very beautiful actually, a poor soul that had died at an early age against an attack from the other Brood. From her years of spent dead though she had picked up a vast amount of knowledge opening herself up to me when I was younger. She had the mind of a two hundred year old woman but the figure of an eight year old.

I looked away from her and out the window. "Dad and I sort of..." I left it at that knowing she would understand. I had told her of some of my dark secrets of how I found other men attractive and at times Father.

Her eyes widened at the sound of my words though. "You... and he..." She gasped and then squealed and I rolled my eyes as she fluttered around the room in excitement.

"Shh... you're the only one that knows!" I quickly said but she ignored me flying through the room. "Sarah!" I growled with my canine side and she stopped to look at me. "No one know except him you and me okay? I'm not ready to tell anyone else... it was hard enough revealing this to him. When the time comes I'll say, but not now."

Her excited feature suddenly fell into a mellow look. "Fine..."

"Where is Dad anyways?" I asked looking around.

"He's downstairs with Thera and Brendon and Morei! They're eating breakfast, it smells delicious!" She was smart, but her childish figure kept her from becoming mature always using an over enthusiastic voice when discussing something happy. She was the first Poe that I had seen a happy side to.

Breakfast had already been served and everyone was there, as soon as I entered I felt the presence, the awkward and betraying sense. Then Father cleared his throat from his seat me. "Good morning Darrin, finally awake are we?" I stared at him, seeing the emotionless face I grew up to know, unsure whether to smile or not. I gave a gentle nod saying nothing and took my normal seat between Thera and Brendon. The tension was there to join me as well. Every second felt like Thera would pounce up and strike. I almost felt like I was being fed alive to the wolves. I ignored it as best as I could, trying to enjoy the meal, savoring the eggs and slices of ham. Though no matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep myself from returning to the harsh feelings. My eyes eventually crept to Father who was watching me. I weakly frowned trying to tell him that Thera hated me now. He didn't seem to catch it and instead sipped from his ale mug. "So... we are all preparing for the flame festival right? Any plans so far from any of you?" My gaze was still on him and now so was everyone else's. Thera shook his head and I felt impaled. It wasn't an assumption anymore, I knew... knew he was holding in a grudge. "Same as last year." Brendon said with a smile. That made Father laugh, last year Brendon and Thera had drunk till they were no more and created quiet the show for everyone to see. Morei shook her head. "No... Nothing for me, maybe distract a few of the men and listen to your speech." That was right, every year Father would speak about the accomplishments of last year and what to achieve this year. "What about you Darrin?" He was watching me again, folding his hands under his chin. I stared down at my plate, twisting the fork without cause. "I'm... not sure..." "Hmm... Decide quickly, the festival is but a day away." I nodded and stood up not feeling like eating turned to bow to father and quickly exited following the stairs to my room and locking the door behind me. I was back at the balcony overlooking the city again. God... I feel so terrible for doing this to Thera... it felt so hostile being in the room with him. Like he would just strike me down, and I'm sure Brendon would be behind him. _ I sighed. ..._I'm not sure how long I can keep this stress up with Thera. _ 'You're starting to push it all to me.'_ My tone became apologetic. I'm sorry... It's the hardest thing to deal with; I do horrible under stress... 'You sure do build a lot of it though.' "Darrin!" Sarah came up through the floor perching herself on the edge of my bed. She kicked her little pale feet and smiled. "Hi!" I smiled for a moment and then the stress took me again. "Sarah... do I look like a King to you?" She swirled into the air plopping onto the ground and walking toward me. "I think..." She looked me up and down. "You could make a King... it would take time to get use to things but you could definitely make one!" I turned back to the city. "I'm not sure... being limited to leaving the kingdom would be hard to deal with. Having werewolf blood in me I'm not sure if I could stay away from the forest." 'You won't be able to control me from that.' My conceded attitude went off. _ I know._ Sarah shrugged though. "With anything... it takes time, discipline, it's not something you'll learn within the first day or first month." Her head shot back and fear invoked her eyes. "Your Father is coming."

I nodded and the handle on the door turned subsequently Sarah vanished. "Darrin... can you please unlock this door?" His gentle tone... I exhaled in slight relief and unlocked the door.

He pushed himself in swooping me up then kissed me deeply. The kiss lasted a good minute before he pulled back. We were on the bed: He lying on top of me staring into my eyes and I beneath him staring into his. "I thought I told you to ignore what you're Brother thought about you?"

"I can't... I don't want to lose Thera as a brother."

"I will talk to him later tonight." He rubbed the side of my face with the back of his hand kissing my forehead. "Thank you so much for last night Darrin... you know you really had me frightened with the length of time you left me... I thought I lost the next bearer of the crown... my son." I touched his new face, seeing an expression I had never seen before... It darkened me as well, just seeing it almost brought tears. I reached up with my lips and kissed the end of his snout. "You never told me why Thera wasn't chosen. He grinned a little bit. "There are many reasons I chose you over Thera. It wasn't just because of your looks as I said, but how your characteristics really are... You have different ways of thinking Darrin... you adapt quicker than the average person and you're not afraid to act or stand up for what you believe in." His eyes narrowed and a rumbling in his chest came. "Even if it means disobeying me... None the less, everything a king searches for or desires are inside you, you may not have found everything yet, but it's there... I can sense it." He got up from me and took me to the balcony."You're act in battle is very high, though I disapprove of all you do; it really stuns me to see how you perform against groups of enemies. An assassin's act really is your role." I smiled, happy he saw who I really was. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to give up with you on the bow." My face dragged down. "The bow... I hate the damn thing!" "You just haven't learned to use it properly... Remember the first day I taught you?" Of course I remembered it was the first day I was taught and the day I regretted asking to be trained with a ranged weapon. "Unfortunately... yes." His large smile spread across his face."Remember how angry I was when you brought the bow back to me snapped in half?" I couldn't help but join in the funny memory. He had demanded me to train with it on my own after a few lessons and the very next day I brought it back split in two outraged at the stupid weapon. "I really hated that bow; it wouldn't let me do anything, everything I tried to do from your teachings I couldn't pick up." "You never practiced hard at it you know... as a child a few hours seemed like a century to you, only when you found interest in assassination did you perform to the person I saw you as... Seeing you older now, you must learn more, must open your mind to everything... other options. You cannot learn all the secrets of your weapon in a single life time, realize it now. The bow will be your next option." I averted my eyes from him. "Fine," I breathed. "I will make an attempt to using the bow." "An attempt huh?" He snuck his snout into my neck tickling me. "Darrin, I will make a marksman out of you, don't think I won't. The bow was one of the first weapons I used in war, it never left my side. Never will until my grave."

What do you think... give it another go?

_ 'You're the King.'_

I smiled. "Okay... I'll train with it."

"After the festival then, you and I will train... I promise it won't be like last time... as long as you promise not to snap the bow." I laughed and kissed him again.

"I promise."