Just the Beginning

Story by KairoTheDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of short stories

A cool blue dragon sat on her haunches beside a vibrant lake, idly staring at her own reflection on the water's glassy surface. She was indeed beautiful. Silver belly scales accented her deep blue hide, and horns that curved nicely back from her skull. She was gorgeous and she knew it. Many males had asked if she would be their mate but she had denied them all, waiting on someone to love her for who she was rather than what she looked like. She was just about to touch the water with a talon when...

"CANONBAAAAAALLL!!!!!" Suddenly a streak of red dashed through her vision from above and sent a wave straight toward her. The poor female couldn't dodge the water and ended up soaked. She stood up water, dripping from her smooth scales. If the cool liquid hadn't come so violently, she would have enjoyed the feel of it on her tough, yet surprisingly smooth hide. As she stood there, a red dragon head broke the surface of the water. A gold mane and a set of gold horns flowed back from his rather amused face. He looked straight at the blue female and said; "Hi Athena! What are you doing way out here? I thought nobody knew of this place."

"I could ask you the same thing," she replied with a slightly angry yet slightly amused tone. For some reason she couldn't be angry at this dragon. She had known him for a while, but never really KNOWN him. It was strange to her that he knew her name, but she didn't remember his right away. He seems nice enough, she thought. What was his name again? Phoenix, that's it. "I thought I was the only one who knew about this place.

"Well I guess we could share it," The red and gold male said, walking out of the water. Athena watched him as he did so. The way he moved made the sunlight reflect brilliantly off of his crimson hide, giving it the appearance that it was on fire. I see where he gets his name, she thought.

"I don't see a problem with sharing, though we need to try to keep it secret from others. Wouldn't want anyone else to find this spot," Athena responded. She looked at him one last time before slipping into the cool lake herself. She was in the beginning of her heat and didn't want him noticing. She could use the water to wash off her scent and not have to worry about it again 'till later. She swam around, having fun doing intricate loops and patterns in the water. To her surprise, when she looked up Phoenix was still there, watching her. He wasn't staring, just watching.

She swam up toward the shore until it was too shallow to swim, and then started walking toward the bank where the red dragon was sitting. To her surprise, she never got the chance to ask why he'd just sat there watching her. He immediately smiled and said; "You swim beautifully."

"Heh thanks...I enjoy swimming."

"Can I make a confession?"

"Sure. What's up?" Athena asked calmly and kindly, starting to really like this new dragon. It couldn't be too bad, she thought.

"I have been watching you...for quite some time..."

"Huh? What do you mean? Why?" Athena said, stepping back a bit from the suddenness of the statement.

"Athena I have known you for a very long time, probably before you knew me," Phoenix said. "No I have not been stalking you...well not completely. I wanted to know more about you."

"But why not just ask?"

"You have turned down every male that has ever asked for your mateship...Athena I really like you...I have for a long time. I couldn't bear being turned down so I tried my hardest to get to know you. I tried to hang out with you but that didn't really work so well. I am just too shy..."

"You have just done something no other male has ever done in front of me," Athena said smiling.

"Huh? What do you mean" Phoenix was thoroughly confused by what she had meant. Was it a compliment or an insult? He wondered how she was going to react and he was about to find out.

"You admitted a fault," the blue and silver dragoness said simply. "now I have a question for you."

"Ask away! I will not hold anything back from you."

Athena grinned at that comment, as if she knew something that Phoenix didn't. "Good...The stars are out now, it's late but the sky is beautiful and I do not feel like sleeping in my cave tonight. However it is a bit chilly..."

"Uh are you asking me to..."

"Would you cuddle with me to keep me warm? Better yet would you be my mate?"

Phoenix's eyes went WIDE as he heard those words. They were words he had planned on one day asking her, but was caught off guard when she decided to turn the tables and ask him instead.

"Oh...I wasn't expecting that...."

"Is there a problem?" Athena asked, moving seductively around him and flicking her tail so that it just barely grazed his side, which left a ticklish feeling.

"Other than you are in heat and can't make rational decisions about this right now, no there isn't a problem," Phoenix said, grinning at her obvious behavior. He could smell it earlier but hadn't said anything out of fear of being rude.

The blue female rolled her eyes, but also blushed a bit, making her blue hide turn slightly purple. Phoenix just chuckled. "I guess we COULD snuggle up...but only for warmth tonight. We'll see how you feel about this in the morning and go from there."

Phoenix lay down on the soft grass, by now it was dark and the stars and moon shone brightly overhead, silhouetting Athena with their bright light, and making her silver horns shimmer. He once again just watched her, to see how she would react.

Athena just yawned and took what she could get for the moment. He really cares about me, she thought to herself as she lay down next to Phoenix, scooting closer until her belly scales were pressed up against his back and folded wings. She shivered a bit and put an arm around Phoenix to bring him and his body heat closer to her. Any other male would have just taken that chance to mate with me and be done...but this dragon, this male actually cares. He knew I was just acting on my body's needs rather than out of love...but now, I actually do love him. Her thoughts went on like this until she finally let her body go limp and fell asleep. Her dreams were indeed sweet that night....

Phoenix woke up very early the next morning. He hadn't slept much. There was a lot going through his mind. Will she ask again? Does she really love me or was she just too aroused to care? What do I do about having a real mate? Gah there are too many variables, he thought, as his mind went into overdrive about how many things could go wrong. He decided to get up and walk around the lake to clear his mind. This was made easier by the fact that the female that was previously pressed up against him had rolled over enough as to not be disturbed by his absence.

Phoenix stood up and started walking toward the little clear area around the water. His excellent, raptor-like vision made this easy, and he was soon headed around the perimeter of the dark water. It was darker than it had been when he had fallen asleep, clouds partially covering the stars and moon. The humidity along with the clouds threatened rain later, but it didn't seem close enough to worry about at the moment. He was vaguely glad he had to pay attention to where he was stepping. It kept his mind off of the beautiful female he had just slept with. He had shown some serious restraint when he denied her request to mate. He'd really wanted to accept but he couldn't bring himself to do it for a few reasons. First off was he didn't think she was thinking clearly, but there was more to it. He'd never mated before, and he hadn't been ready at the moment. The final reason was what he had said before. He was shy, not just about talking, but about sex. He didn't really feel comfortable talking about it, let alone doing it.

All these thoughts were swarming his brain again. He tried to be positive though.She's gorgeous, he thought. You have WANTED this for so long, just go for it, he told himself. Just then he was jerked back to reality when a gust of warm, humid air blew past. Normally this would have gone unnoticed by the fire-colored dragon, but the wind had caused a sensation he couldn't ignore. He woke up from his daydream to find his cock standing at attention. He froze and looked around, he saw no one so he began to relax again. It wasn't like dragons were generally body shy. It's not like they could wear clothes or something. "Silly humans," Phoenix said out loud.

"You're one to talk," Said a voice from his left.

But there's nothing but the lake over... just as that thought registered he realized that if the clouds had thinned enough for the moon to clearly shine through, that he was plainly visible from the other side of the lake. He looked over toward the water to find Athena walking through the shallow part of the water up to him.

"Oh hey Athena. Sorry," he said lowering his wing a bit to cover himself. Even though it wasn't bad, it was still polite to cover oneself in public if in the situation Phoenix found himself in.

"Relax it's just me," she said, nudging Phoenix's wing with her snout. "You okay? You just walked off..."

"The truth is...I am scared..."

"Scared? Of what? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm scared of...love. Not sure there is anything you can really help with..."

"I beg to differ," Athena said grinning.

"WhaAAA." Phoenix let out a roar and an "oof" as he was pushed over by the blue dragoness. "There is still the matter of this," she said running the back of her forepaw over his penis.

"Oooh...wait wait..." Phoenix looked up to face Athena. "Are...are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am! I was sure last night when I asked too, but I appreciate your concern. I thought about what you had said all night, and could only come to one conclusion."

"And what was that?"

"That you truly love me," she replied. "May I?" she asked moving her forepaw back down his belly to his sheath and erection.

"I...I have a better idea," he said grinning, yet blushing heavily.

Athena was about to ask what he had in mind, but never got to ask the question. Phoenix suddenly used his powerful muscles to turn the tables on her. He threw himself up and pushed her onto her back in one swift, powerful motion. "I think you know what I mean," he said. "If not here is what I mean. I accept your offer."

Athena just smiled up into the red dragon's gaze. She'd been thinking and she'd hoped that he would understand that she really did like him. "Then go ahead," she said craning her head up to lick the underside of his muzzle.

"Oh not yet my sweet Athena," he said gaining confidence now that he knew she really wanted him. "I am not just going to mate you like some animal. I am going to make you feel heavenly." With that he lowered his head and traced over the edges of her belly scutes with his tongue, knowing that these and the wing membranes were very sensitive on a female in heat. Athena shivered in delight, not realizing just how good this would feel for her when it actually happened. She just lay there on her back, letting the...no...her HER loving male take care of her. She instinctively opened her wings out of pure bliss from his tongue's actions and he mirrored the motion. However, he lowered his wings to run lightly over Athena's membranes, which were supersensitive to touch at the moment. The light touch caused her to squirm and pant, further exciting Phoenix.

"St...stop...t...teasing me..." Athena said through her panting. The feeling in her wings was like being tickled, except far more arousing. She tried to growl her command but found herself moaning instead.

"Awe but you are so cute squirming beneath me like that!" Phoenix said, mocking disappointment. Athena just rolled her eyes at him, knowing he was right, and loving the attention being lavished upon her. Finally though, even Phoenix couldn't take much more of it and he lowered himself so that his now rock hard penis was lined up with her vent.

Athena shivered a bit, not only in excitement but slight fear. But Phoenix knew how she was feeling and whispered reassuring words to his soon to be mate. "It's going to be fine...more than fine...it will be great. I'll be gentle." The blue and silver dragoness smiled lovingly back at him and he took that as a cue to continue. Phoenix moved his hips forward slowly, sliding just the tip of his member in. Both dragons purred in pleasure at the new stimulation. Knowing his mate and he both wanted more; he continued to push in until he was fully inside of her. Then, he pulled out and pushed in again, slightly faster this time. He set up a steady rhythm of thrusts; his draconic member pressing up against pleasure spots Athena had never known existed. As he claimed her as his own, he turned his head a bit and dove down into a deep passionate kiss. The dragons' tongues danced with each other as their bodies combined in a second place.

Phoenix could feel the pressure build in his loins as his seed started build up inside of his body, waiting for it's time to be released. He pulled out of the kiss and smiled at the beautiful dragon he was making love to. "It's...It's coming...." He said shakily, thought his pleasure wrecked mind and quick ragged breaths.

"Yessss," Athena replied with an animalistic hiss. "Give me your ssseed...I want your eggssss." And with that encouragement, he pulled almost all the way and then rammed his pole all the way in to his sheath, releasing a torrent of life giving seed into his beautiful mate, Athena. Both dragons roared loudly and simultaneously as they both felt the most pleasure they had EVER felt in their lives.

"That...was...amazing Phoenix," Athena said, coming down from her ecstasy filled high.

"Yeah...but what made it better was that it was with someone I truly love. Thank you," Phoenix said, his body losing its last bit of energy and collapsing on her belly into a deep kiss and blissful sleep.

THE END (Or just the beginning)