The Wanderer - Part V

Story by Ludoergosum on SoFurry

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The Wanderer - Part V

The tiger snuggled himself into the blanket, and and let himself warm by the fire. As the warmth consumed him, he fell asleep, thinking of the eyes of the fox, "just like his..." he thought before he fell asleep...

[about six years earlier]

The southern jungles were the most dangerous jungles on the continent. They were thickly overgrown with large trees and small bushes, lianas hanging from the trees. Many animals and poisonous plants lived in these jungles. It was hot in the jungles, especially on mid-day. The nights were cold, but still as dangerous as the day. While on the day, your biggest enemy was exhaustion, in the night the most fearsome predators went out for hunting. A few less dangerous ways led into and out of the jungles, most of them just leading to some of the tribes, which had established contacts with the northern civilizations and were used for trading, since this forest was rich on resources.

Still there were many small tribes in the jungle which hadn't made contact with the civilizations and had not even much contact with other tribes. Every tribe was its own small social system, and while the clans had only about 200 to 300 members, the stuck together, each with a system of rituals and believes. Almost all tribes were led by a chieftian and this position was inherited. But they were also spiritually guided by shamans, which picked their successors by themselves and trained them. The shamans were skilled in the art of Hskinika, a foretelling technique which was based on drugs extracted from the poisonous plants.

In a particular tribe of tigers a long time ago, a shaman had a clear vision during a session of Hskinika, and he told his last prophecy and died shortly after it, without coming back out of the trance. His apprentice carefully had written down the prophecy, so that his last words should never be forgotten:

The time of darkness will arise

the fate of the clans will be decided

the decision over the white

he will banish the darkness

he will bring the darkness

the decision over the white

will be the judgment over darkness

The prophecy was told and teached to all shamans of this tribe coming after him, for it should never be forgotten. This was 235 years ago and the shamans did remember the prophecy, but no one really believed in it, and so it was decided to keep it secret, since no white tigers were born. But about 18 years ago for the first time in over 400 years of the existence of the clan a white tiger had been born...

The morning in the village had started like every morning started. The young white tiger stood up, when the sun was rising. He went to the river and took some water and washed himself, then caught some fish for breakfast. He always catched two fish, one for him and one for his morning ritual. After that, he went straight to the village cemetery. At the shrine he burned one of the fishes, and prayed, and then he went to a grave and sat in front of it in silence for five minutes. It was the grave of his mother. He was her only son and he had not known her for long, she died of a mysterious disease when he was eight. He had never known his father, and when she died the village chief took him and and raised him. He was already a good friend with the chiefs son, Asaki, and now they were like brothers. The chief taught him the rituals, which he was performing now for every day in the morning and he had done them any day.

On his fifteenth birthday he moved back into the old house of his mother and lived there. Still he and Asaki were close friends, closer than ever after living together for so long. Both had learned the important rituals of the clan together with a few other young boys from the shaman, and when they became fourteen, they learned how to fight. The white tiger was a quick learner; a born fighter, the teacher noticed. He picked up all tricks the teacher showed them quite fast, and was clearly the best student he had ever seen. He would make an excellent fighter one day, most likely able to teach the young boys, since the teacher saw him, helping Asaki to get it right and become a better fighter.

Despite being a good fighter the white tiger was well acknowledged in the village. He was generally helpful and eager to learn. He went with trading groups of the village to get to know more of the other clans and soon had some skill in trading. He was quick learner in the tracking and hunting, and was able to provide a good amount of food for the village.

After he had his breakfast, he went out to the village. He spotted Asaki who moved towards him quite fast: "Hey, Rikal, come over here. I need to talk to you...". "I'm coming,.." he called back. He headed forward to Asaki, "Whats up, Asaki? What do you need to talk to me?" the tiger said, feeling his heart beating somehow faster as he looked in the green eyes of his best friend. "The Shaman wants to see you. You're turning eighteen in a couple of days and, you know, the ceremony of adulthood..." He stood there and blushes, "you know, the permission to take a wife..." he stammered a bit, but caught himself "Well you should head to him, you know the shaman hates to wait. And after that, please come and see me again. I need to talk to you... I have to go for my duties, see you later" Before the tiger could say anything, Asaki turned around and headed away.

The tiger went to visit the Shaman, knocked on the door of his hut and entered as he was called inside. The shaman, Nasafi, was a quite young shaman only eight years older than the tiger. As he spotted the young tiger he smiled, or at least the tiger thought it was a smile, well a rather strange smile but with some interpretation it was a smile. Nasafi had always been a bit reserved against the tiger, and the he didn't know the reason for that. The shaman spoke "Ah, Rikal I have been expecting you.", the tiger said nothing and waited what the shaman had to say. "Come over and have a seat." The tiger moved closer and sat on a pillow in front of the fire. "Rikal you will be turning eighteen in a few days and as you know, the ceremony of Adulthood will be performed. You will become a full member of the clan with all privileges and, of course, responsibilities. You will be chosen for a job you fit." he said, "you know and understand that, yes?" the tiger just nodded. He had heard this, since he was five. Why did he tell him this now again? Still, he remained silent, the shaman was not to be questioned, that was the second most important rule in the clan. The most important rule was, "The clan stands above everything".

"Rikal, I am telling you this, because I need to see in your Heart, to see in your soul. I have thought for a while, and I thought of possibly making you my successor." The tiger looked up his eyes wide, A shaman? He? But why, this was strange. He had always thought that Nasafi was watching him suspiciously, as if he was an intruder in the clan, and now he told him, he wanted to make him a shaman? This made no sense, but "the shaman was not to be questioned". Still he thought he would fit more as a fighter in the clan, but if the shaman wanted him...

"I know, this is a surprise for you Rikal, but I have thought thoroughly about this. But I need to see in your soul before I can choose you" he said. "So please, hold still and be not alarmed, when I perform the old ritual..." The Shaman laid a hand on the head of the tiger "close your eyes and relax." The tiger did so and could feel his mind drift away...

"Open your eyes..." the shaman said suddenly and the tiger was aware of his surroundings again. "What just happened?" the tiger thougt. "Thank you, Rikal. You may go and perform your duties now." What had happened? He couldn't remember a thing since he had entered the hut of the shaman. The shaman had wanted something from him, but he couldn't remember what it was... He remembered, of course, to see Asaki later, who wanted to talk to him. He went on to perform his few duties and after lunch he went to see Asaki.

Asaki was in the house of his father, who was not at home. He knocked and Asaki opened him. How beautiful Asaki looked. The orange fur, slightly brighter than most of the others and his lovely green eyes. Thanks to his help, Asaki was quite muscular and strong. He felt his heart beat when he saw Asaki, and somehow he was worried about, what his best friend, or his brother, would have to tell him. He was suddenly nervous, but couldn't really say why. A strange fear of loss overcame him, as he saw Asaki.

"Hello Rikal," Asaki said, "I'm so glad you are finally here." He looked around, "please come in. I need to talk to you..." The white tiger entered and Asaki closed the door behind him. He hugged the white tiger, once he was inside. "You know, I have to talk to you, but I just don't know, how I should say this...", he started. "What is it, Asaki? I was worried the whole day, what you want to tell me.." the tiger said. Asaki blushed, "Well, you know, you're entering adulthood soon, passing the ceremony... and well of course the right to choose a woman..." Asaki blushes more. "Yes, I know," the tiger responded, "but what do you want to ask me?" the tiger felt somehow uncomfortable, he knew he liked his friend, who was like a brother to him with these wonderful green eyes.

Asaki took a deep breath, and made a step forward. "You know Rikal, we have been like brothers since your mother died. You lived here in our house with me and..." he stopped, a tear forming in his eye "you were like a brother, my best friend, helped me with everything, trained me to be a fighter like you, even if I'm not as good as you, I would be worse if it wasn't for you..." he blushed a bit more. The white tiger was more confused, and he had a strange feeling, he was more afraid of a loss then ever before, but he didn't know, what he could lose...

"Well, Rikal, you know I..." Asaki started again. "Asaki, what is it? I can'T stand this, what do you want? Do you have to leave the village forever? What is it?" the tiger said "please tell me" Asaki took a deep breath again. "Rikal, it's hard for me to say this, but I feel more then friendship for you..." he said, "Rikal, I love you and I want you to know this, before you choose a woman..." he sighed.

The white tiger was speechless, and suddenly he knew what all this was what he felt. He took a deep breath, and moved closer and hugged Asaki "Oh Asaki, I don't know what to say... hearing you saying this solves a long mystery in my life." He hugs him very closely "Asaki..." he whispered in his ear "I love you, too"...


The white tiger awoke, as he thought he had heard a strange noise. He was quickly awake and looked around. It was dark in the room, only traces of moonlight came in through the window. Thanks to his feline eyes he could see quite well in the dim light, but he couldn't see anything harmful. The noise which had wakened him, was the last bit of wood in the chimney, which had creakily fallen into ashes. He stood up and went over to take a look at the wounded fox. He was still asleep, but he slept a quiet sleep, his breathing was regular and he didn't move much. The tiger raised the blanket to take a look at the bandages, and they seemed to be clean. So far, so good, the fox most likely would survive. To his surprise his next thoughts were how sweet the fox looked with the moonlight shining on his fur and only his next thought was that he needed to bring him alive for a higher bounty. Something felt wrong, suddenly. He felt wrong, but why? What was happening here? What had happened to him in the forest? The tiger was sure never to have felt like this in his life before, or did he? He shrugged, as he watched out of the window, looking into the stars, before he went back to the chimney and fell again into a dreamless sleep.

[six years earlier]

Rikal was looking into Asakis eyes, and they both knew, they felt the same and it was the truth they had spoken. None of them could say a word now, both new they had found their love. Their faces were close together, and Rikal started: "Asaki..." but he was silenced, "shhhhh..." made Asaki and moved closer and their faces met as Asaki started to kiss him. At this moment Rikal couldn't believe what just happened, but he simply gave in and closed his eyes. Their lips met and embraced a close kiss. Instinctively both opened their mouths and the kiss changed into a deep french kiss, which they hold for a few minutes.

Asaki released the kiss and took the white tigers paw. "Come with me my friend..." he said and led him towards his bed. He sat on the bed and tried to pull Rikal to him, but he hesitated. "What if your father...?" Rikal started but Asaki interrupted him "Remember he is the chieftain, he has more duties and won't be coming here for at least three hours, so..." and with that he pulled Asaki towards him into the bed. Asaki rolled over Rikal and kissed him. "I love you, and wanted to do this a long time..."

With that he embraced Rikal and his paws moved over his back. Shivers went through Rikals body, as he felt Asakis paws and a soft purring escaped his lips. He looked in the eyes of his best friend, no his love. Asaki looked back deep in his eyes, and kissed Rikal again, while his paws moved down his lovers back. Rikal embraced his love and snuggled close to him, he wanted to feel him. Both felt that something special was happening here, and in their sheaths they could feel it too. Rikal felt a short tugging as Asaki had removed his loincloth and his paw moved in front of him, rubbing over his semi-errect cock. Asaki smiled at Rikal, and licked over his nose, before he kissed him on his muscular chest, while gently caressing over his balls. He moved down, and continued to kiss his love on his body. He gently stroked Rikals cock, and as he had moved down with his kisses, he looked up to his love, looked in his eyes, who just understood and softly nodded.

Asaki looked in the eyes of his love, saw the nod and smiled. He blew his love a kiss and then moved close to the tip of his loves cock and licked over it. Shivers and sensations ran through Rikal as he felt Asaki lick him and a soft moan came out of his mouth. Asaki noticed it and gently licked along the now fully erect shaft of his love, causing Rikal to whimper softly in pleasure. Rikal moaned, and caressed with his paw over the head of his love. "This is incredible..." he moans, as suddenly Asaki engulfs the tip of his cock into his mouth, causing him to moan even louder. Asaki licked around the tip of the cock, before he gently moved down the shaft, tasting every inch of his loves member. Rikal shivers, as his cock was fully engulfed by the warmth of Asakis mouth. His cock was standing tall and leaked pre, which Asaki greedily swallowed. Asaki was moving up and down on Rikals member, licking around the shaft moaning softly, feeling his friend getting more and more aroused and harder. Rikal breathed short pants and said "Ohhhh,....", pant "Asaki, I can't hold it much longer..." Asaki stopped and let the member glide out of his muzzle. He moved up again to Rikal and kissed him deeply on the mouth. "Rikal..., I..., I want to feel you... in me" he whispered. Rikal turned to Asaki, and looked in his eyes. "Asaki, I would love... are you sure?" And looking deeply in his eyes he knew Asaki was sure, he was giving him the greatest gift he could give him, his virginity. "Yes, please. I want you, I love you, I always loved you, and I want to show it to you..." Rikal leaned over and kissed Asaki deeply again, before he turned him on his back and rolled on top of him. He released the kiss and repositioned himself, looking in Asakis eyes. He shortly moved down and licked over Asakis cock, tasting the pre before positioning his cock close to Asakis tailhole.

Moving his cock around the hole, teasing Asaki he again looked in his eyes. "Are you ready?" Rikal whispered softly. Moaning and whispering Asaki answered "Yes, I want you..." Rikal leaned forward and kissed Asaki deeply again, while his hard cock pressed against Asakis tight little hole. He pushed softly, not wanting to hurt his love, and suddenly he could feel the hole open and his cock entering. This caused Asaki to break the kiss and moan in pleasure, as some sweet spot inside him seemed to be pushed. Rikal started to slowly thrust inside his friend, loving the warmth around his cock. He too started to moan, while he trusted. He grabbed Asakis cock, and started to stroke it in rhythm with his thrusts, resulting in a faster breathing and moaning of Asaki. Rikal increased the speed and depths of his thrusts, both of them starting to pant heavy. Suddenly Asaki sighed relieved as he couldn't hold back any longer and shot his load on his chest. This led Rikal increase his thrusts a last time, and with one deep thrust he came deep in Asaki and collapsed in the arms of his love.

They looked each other deeply in the eyes and whispered at almost the same time "I love you..." and kissed each other again, as suddenly someone entered the hut. Both looked in shock to the door and saw Asakis father, the chieftain and Nasafi the shaman. The chieftain was the first to speak: "My son? My SON? You told me he might be corruptive, but he used my son? After all we had done for him?" Asaki tried to speak up: "Father it is..." but he didn't get any further. "Shut up" the chieftain screamed. "Guards" he screamed. The shaman looked at the chieftain "I have told you, the prophecy is true, we have to expel him and purify your son to save our clan. He is not our rescue, he is our doom." Asaki again tried to speak up "Father, no, please listen..." but again his father interrupted him "WILL YOU SHUT UP NOW!" he screamed and a bit calmer "You will not speak until spoken to now." And then pointing to Rikal "And for you, doombringer, you will be expelled from the clan. You don't belong here any longer." At this moment four guards arrived. The chieftain pointed to Rikal "Take him, bring him to the ritual place..." he turned towards Nasafi "You will perform the ritual to expel him. He is not to be killed, not by our hands. The jungle will take care of him." He turned to the guards "Take him away, I will have a talk with my son." The armed guards came closer. Rikal thought he could fight them, but this might got Asaki hurt. He was in an unfavorable position and unarmed. He took his loincloth, and put it on, before the guards took him out and followed the shaman. The door of the hut closed behind him.

The shaman went straight to the ritual place, where he lighted a fire in a large black onyx bowl on the altar. He turned towards Rikal, as the other inhabitants of the village came closer. Nasafi spoke up: "The prophecy has begun to fulfill itself. You were the one, who could save our village or who would be the one to destroy it. You have tried to corrupt the son of our chieftain, so the only choice to save our village, our clan is to expel you!" All the villagers looked in shock to the shaman and then in disgust on Rikal. The shaman took a long onyx staff and got out a small white stone. He held it in front of Rikals face, so that Rikal could see, that the clans symbol was engraved in the stone. Then He sat the stone on top of the staff and put it in the fire. "The ritual of expel has not been performed in 300 years, because it is the highest punishment the clan knows..." Nasafi continued. He took out the stone of the fire, it was glowing red. He took an onyx pen and inscribed something on the glowing stone. Then he put it back in the fire and through some herbs and other ingredients in it. He spoke a few words in a language no one could understand, and got the glowing stone out of the fire again. "Take his right paw and hold it open." He said to a guard, who obeyed immediately. Rikal could now see the stone again. The Symbol was no longer engraved but stood out of the stone slightly and also was his name. He tried to free himself, but now the guards hold him tightly. For four guards he was not strong enough.

Nasafi came closer to him, the stone burning red, Rikal could feel the heat of it. "By the rules of the clan you have gotten your name. As long as you have your name you are part of the clan." With these words he pressed the burning stone into the open paw of Rikal. "By the rules of the clan, your name is taken." With these words he ripped the stone of his paw, causing the tiger to scream in pain. "You are no longer a member of the clan. You no longer have the name. The mark on your hand will prove that your name is taken." Nasafi turned to the guards "Take him out, throw him in the jungle." And, turning back to the now nameless tiger: "You are no longer a member of this clan. You are no longer welcome here. Do never return, or we will kill you." Then the guards grabbed him, took him towards the village gate and threw him out. "Don't you give me anything to protect myself?" he tried to ask, but the gate closed behind him without an answer. Then above the gate on the wall a guard with a bow appeared. "If you are not gone in five minutes I will shoot you myself. Now go."

Nasafi stood at the ritual place, smiling. He had interpreted the prophecy correctly. A guard approached looking worried. "A good, go to the chieftain and tell him, the clan is save." The guard gulped and then said. "This is not possible anymore. The chieftain is dead." The shaman looked surprised. "What?" the guard gulped again. "It seems he had argument with his son, who had grabbed my sword and killed his father. He tried to run up here, but he saw what you did to... the outcast. Then..." the guards pointed down and as Nasafi followed the sign he saw a trail of blood, "Asaki killed himself..."


As the first rays of the sun fall through the window the white tiger woke up. He looked around and stood up. The fox was still lying on the bed. The tiger moved closer and checked on him. He was breathing in steady rhythm and his heartbeat had a normal rate. His paw ruffled over the head of the fox. He felt strange, somehow this little fox had stirred something in him, which had been dead for a long time...