Lost Little Kitty Chapter 2

Story by Toyloli on SoFurry

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#2 of Rejuve Universe Stories

  • - - - Warning - - - - The following chapter does depicts a sex scene and continues to discuss adult subjects, and illegal acts in a manner that may be offensive to some readers.

For information about the Rejuve Universe see here: http://rejuveverse.wikkii.com/wiki/Rejuve_Universe - - - - Warning - - - -

A lost little Kitty - Chapter 2

Arean grinned As she left Gariab's little grotto. It had been a surprise for her, she hadn't really understood just why he was going on and on about the vacation. Lying on his bed in the afterglow however of another rather disappointing session where (again) he had had a little bit of trouble putting up a performance she was surprised to hear him bring the topic up again. It wasn't like Gariab to be so persistent about things; yes he talked to her a lot. It was disconcerting in a way. During their encounters he would tell her about his trade, about the place that he worked for his part-time cash and occasionally other traders but it was all kind of vague about the way he did it. Gariab was what they called a free trader, mostly, in that he would sell his goods to anyone without bias but like most dealers he seamed to have 'preferred clients'. People like her uncle Missel who if he got something special he would approach them give them a good deal.

Arean wasn't sure if this was common or not but it seamed to be with Gariab and when he called Missel, or when Arean approached the cat herself he usually expected a favour - ever since the early days when she first met him. She had been only 16 but he was unscrupulous and a friend of hers at the time and introduced them. Since Arean didn't mind the sex, having already got a number of clients from her Uncle and made a neat profit out of it, she hadn't thought anything at the time about getting a discount in such a way. It didn't happen a lot, not at first but later as she started to become more adult it became more common. By then her Uncle had come to realize Arean was willing to scoop the bottom of the gene pool when it came to using sex to get her way and they had developed a strategy they used with all the dealers and some of Missel's more regular clients who needed a little incentive to do things his way.

It was just sex. That was the thing, favours for favours and personally she didn't think anything much important about it. That was why Gariab talking to her so actively confused her. He was a mangy cat with patchy fur and didn't look in the slightest bit healthy but..... It turned out he was a sweetheart. "So you see don't cha?" Arean blinked - she had been kind of ignoring his dribble but suddenly required an answer. "It sounds beautiful and I'm sure you'll have a lovely time!" she had replied sullenly. "I knew you'd like it, Wont you come?" Arean scoffed. "I don't have the money to go on a holiday to some remote planet! You know the kinds of income I make and how I make it! I would have to rejuve back to six and get a string of high paying clients to even consider affording it!"

Gariab pushed himself upright, using his tail to steady himself and accidentally fwaping Arean with it in the chest. "So, you don't understand. I thought you got it at the beginning?" Arean was starting to get grumpy now - "Got what, all I get is that I'm going to have to find a new supplier!" Gariab was running off to a chest of draws nearby and came back. "Read it, the trip is a trip for two. I'm wanting you to come with me Arean. Your a nice girl and I've known you on and off for nearly six years now. Youve been a regular customer and the closest thing I think I could ever get to a girlfriend and -" Arean began coughing and rolled over to a kneeling position. "Excuse me?" she said, still faking the cough. "Excuse me did I here you say girlfriend? I don't think so, this was just about sex! Favours for favours, I thought you understood that bit?"

Gariab made 'No no' gestures with his hands. "I understand thats how it started, but all the talking we've done. Six years of history, you've never gone to anyone else and we've had so much fun together. Please!" Arean was staring at the man in shock. "Please, you're the one person I would most like to come with me! It'd be rather boring otherwise." Lost for words Arean got to her feet, fumbling to gather her clothes and pull them on, as usual her clothing had just been thrown anywhere. She ignored the obvious sensation of Gariab's seed making her fur stick to the skirt as she pulled it on, as usual it would take a bit to clean herself up later.

"I... I dent know." she replied uncertainly. "You're asking me to give up five months on a trip where you're the only person I know. I'll. Give me time to think about it okay." she said lamely. The alley cat nodded as Arean pulled on her boots. "Oh wait - here!"

Looking up she suddenly saw and remembered what she'd come for in the first place. Out of a small box he furnished five white logs of something wrapped in paper, commonly referred to as Treage it was a chemical drug made from certain mineral salts and a solvent. The common trend now days was to mix it with this foreign alcohol that had become popular called 'Gin' and from memory of her last experience it felt something like getting a rejuve while fully awake. The other was a large stock, larger than what she usually bought of Carnima, a sweet smelling plant that when crushed or burt let of a nice pungent smell and got you high cheaply. Grabbing her bag Arean fetched out her Caller and selected the 'Payment' option. Places end to end with another caller in 'Payment' mode it would read her paw print to confirm her identity and transfer money from her bank to his wirelessly. Only he wasn't getting out his caller.

"Come on - Don't ya want your money!" the feline shrugged. "I've told you what I want!" Arean Growled at him. "Look, I'm not gonna say I will. I need to think about it. And if I take that from you now its not a yes, Gotit?" "gotit!"

Arean glared at him for a moment to make sure he was being honest then took the loot, stuffing it in her bag and switching her boots to 'Hover' mode as soon as she was outside. Floating two inches above the ground she made fast speed, scooting along the pavement back to where she had left uncle Missel and turning them off as soon as she reached the twilight park.

Entering the park quietly with a big grin on her face, Arean was looking forward to seeing Missel and her friend but didn't need to see to know what was going on. Arean could smell it long before she found them, the rising musk. It was almost like a warning that if you weren't involved you should stay out. Stalking along quietly and trying to stay downwind so she wouldn't be picked up she finally spotted them at a chair in a hideaway section of the garden. As usual Missel had gotten busy, lying on his back in the grass and moaning quietly as the tan furred feline rode up and down atop his decently sized staff. Arean Snickered. Neither of them had seen her yet so, taking her boots off for a silent approach she padded up behind the mating couple and quietly slipped her arms around the small girl on top.

Cassier nearly jumped six feet in the air at Arean silky touch and the relief in her voice was tangible as Arean giggled. "You're getting busy again I see Uncle!" She nuzzled her friend's neck. "You should have said what you planned on doing; I hope you brought enough to share?" Beneath the two girls Missel was laughing. "I'm not about to say no to two lasses at a time!" Cassier gently kissed her friend, licking each others lips in between in the style they had developed while Arean felt for the shaft of Missel's penis and used it as a guide to insert a finger into Cassier's little love nest. Naturally this brought a little squeal out of her. "I'm always willing to share things with my friend!" was Cassier's curt reply. "You're cheeky as always!" Arean Grinned and repositioned herself into a proper threesome.

The trio were in the park together for the best part of an hour before they split the Haul Arean had 'Bought' and parted ways. Arean didn't tell her uncle about the deal Gariab had offered her or the fact she'd got the kit without spending any cash but then Missel was taking three of the sticks of Treage powder and nearly half of the Carnima so Arean figured she had the right to keep the money. Splitting up and calling it a day Missel went one way as the two girls went the other, picking up Arean's Zoomer and heading for the little apartment they called 'Home'. Both had done their days 'official work' as well as knocked off a couple of clients and all in all there was every reason to be cheerful.

"So why aren't you?" Arean snapped out of her daze at her friend's question. It was getting to late evening and the girls were using their hover-boots to go get some food and a movie." "We scored a pile of money today -" "- You more than me. I wish I was 15 again, I'd get more money out of my clients then!" Cassier shrugged and continued talking as they skated along, turning to face her friend. "We got money, we got entertainment, we both got some good lay and a night of happy and movies! What more could you want?" Arean rolled her eyes and sneered. "About the stuff I got from Gariab. I didn't pay for it!" Cassier performed a two-step with her boots to skip over some trash in the street and blinked. "What, you steel it? Was he still asking too much?" "No, he gave it to me!"

Cassier nearly fell over. "He gave it to you for now charge?" Arean nodded, following sedately along behind her friend. "So, what. Does he want you to do something special to pay for it. It must be a major favour!" Arean took a breath. She still wasn't sure what to think of it her self but the fifteen year old voluntaris was her oldest friend. She had met Cassier nearly 12 years ago and technically Cassier was the oldest. Chronologically 7 years older she had been the one to introduce Arean to Missel and had mentored her personally on how to please people, male and female. And now, with money from Missel to fund the rejuve Cassier had gone back to 12 years to get a better class of client and higher pay leaving the two girls living together for the past three years. In time when Cassier was old enough Arean planned on doing the same. She could trust Cassier, Cassier wouldn't laugh or be nasty.

Arean released the breath. "Gariab won a holiday trip for two to earth on one of those cheep liners. Two months there and back, a month on earth of fun fully paid for and living in moderate luxury as you tour one of the major continents." she explained. "And he wants me to go with him!" This time Cassier DID fall over.

"You have to be kidding me!" Arean stopped and swivelled to a stop, bending down and turning off the hover function on her boots. "Nope. He seams to think there's something between us cause I've been his customer for so long, and he's invited me to go to earth with him." Cassier burst out laughing, making Arean frown. "I'm Serious!" "I know!" Cassier screamed, "Thats what makes this so damned funny!"

Pulling Cassier back upright Arean scowled. "I'm serious, this isn't about a favour. That stupid cat thinks I'm 'The closest thing he's ever had to a girlfriend' and is serious. It's like he thinks he's in love with me - Heaven forbid. What am I supposed to do?" Cassier was still laughing as the resumed the short journey but after a moment she calmed down and started trying to at least act serious. "Well, he is definitely not your type! If you were going with uncle Missel or with one of those high rung clients we sometimes get I could understand but he's just -" "A mangy cat. I know. It's annoying me, in some ways what he did was sweet but he is SO not the kind of person I want to be associated with like that. He would have to seriously clean himself up!" "Look!" Cassier put forth. "He's made an offer and goodness knows a holiday would be nice but well. Maybe you should try and work him to give you the tickets. if he realises he can't go with you maybe he'll let us take the tickets and we can go together?" Arean brightened. "I don't know that I could get him to do that but, well. I wouldn't mind a trip if it was with you!"

Stopping by the holovid store on the way home the girl's picked up a movie before scooting off to their little pad. When she woke to the alarm she was groggy from the gin and Treage and it was later in the day then they hoped for. Arean had no way of knowing the rollercoaster that was going to begin today.