Alley Cat: Chapter 1

Story by Poxy on SoFurry

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The darkness was briefly illuminated as the cat flicked her lighter on. She cupped her hands around the flame and held her face close to it. The flickering flame cast a menacing red glow on her face as she moved the cigarette in her mouth to the flame, lighting it. Once lit, she drew in the hot smoky air from the cigarette, choking the lighter's small flame as she took a padded thumb from the button.

She looked up at the dark night sky, slowly letting a stream of smoke from her mouth. There was nothing more satisfying on a cold dark night than a warm cigarette. She didn't care that she wasn't old enough to smoke. She didn't even care that cigarettes were known to cause lung cancer, emphysema, and many other defects, eventually leading to her death. The way she figured it, she had been slowly dying since the day she was born.

She breathed in some more of that hot air. She felt warm and soothed on the inside as she held her breath, then slowly released the smoke.

She walked over to the small ledge of the roof she had been relaxing on. She looked over the edge, taking another drag from the cigarette. Six stories down, she could see the empty street. Every once in a while a car would drive by but for the most part it remained empty. It was no less than expected; only a fool or a crook would be caught in these streets.

She grinned, wondering which her next meal ticket would be. The cat happened to be the latter of the two. She was planning on taking whatever she could from the next person she saw. Criminal or fool, it didn't make much of a difference to her; she just had to be more careful with one than the other.

She took another drag of the cigarette and let out a puff of smoke, looking down at the street. A man came out from the building she was standing on. He was dressed in a suit and holding a brief case. He leaned up against the building and lit a cigarette, starting to smoke and stare blankly out at the street.

So it was a fool, and a rich one by the looks of it. He was too well dressed to be a criminal in these parts. Then again, he was too well dressed to be living in these parts. Perhaps he was simply visiting, either way he was a fool.

She looked at the cigarette in her hand and gave a frown. It had died down to just a butt. She smothered it on the roof ledge, then holding it between her thumb and index finger, flicked it off the ledge. The cigarette butt landed on the man's head. She ducked back behind the ledge, snickering to herself as he quickly brushed the hot butt from his hair and looked up in confusion.

After a moment, she looked down seeing that he had given up his search for the source of the butt and returned to smoking. She quickly descended the roof, climbing down the fire escape. She jumped from platform to platform, gravity pulling her down faster than if she used stairs. Her feline reflexes allowed her to land quietly and agilely with each jump.

She landed without notice off to the right of the man. She casually walked up to him, inspecting him carefully. He was a human, stood about six feet tall, had short brown hair and as previously stated was dressed for success.

She let out a mew, causing the man to jump in surprise. Her tail swished dangerously as he looked at her. She gave him a sly grin, knowing that humans were not used to her kinds ways.

He genuinely did not fit in down here, perhaps it was some sort of set up. She shrugged off the idea, it was too late now, and she wouldn't be getting another chance like this.

She innocently held out her paw, palm up, and said, "Got a spare smoke?" The man blinked at her, he seemed to still be surprised at her appearance, then quickly ruffled through his pockets, pulling out a cigarette pack from his coat.

He plucked out one of the smokes, handing it to her. She immediately plopped it in her mouth, regardless of the fact that she had just finished her last one. She politely asked around the cigarette, "How about a light, mister...?"

He reached into his pocket again, pulling out a lighter and flicking it on. She leaned forward a little, lighting the cigarette on his lighter, while eying his fancy watch. The man gave her a weak smile and spoke with a sound of unease in his voice, "Howard."

She leaned up against the wall next to him, enjoying the second cigarette. Howard stared at her as she gazed out into the empty street. She glanced over to him and asked, "Something wrong?" He averted his eyes, looking back out at the street while his quivering voice answered, "N-no... well... I was wondering...." She gave him a look of intrigue as he talked, encouraging him to continue.

The man's voice seemed to grow even more uneasy, "Uh... I mean n-no offense or anything..." Still not sure what was going on, the cat said, "Go on...?" He let out a sigh and looked over to her, "A-are... are you... a prostitute?"

Her eyes widened at the question. She hadn't thought that she really looked like a hooker. She wasn't really wearing anything revealing. She had a black fabric beanie with a couple of buttons from her favorite bands on it. She was wearing a leather jacket that was too large for her, and a simple white shirt underneath it. Probably the most revealing thing she had on was the black miniskirt, but she was wearing panties. As for shoes, she was wearing black knee high buckle boots. Not those extremely sexy kind or high heels.

She gave him a stern look and asked, "What makes you think that? Do I look like a hooker to you?" He looked down at the ground, obviously embarrassed and in shame as he muttered, "N-no. It's just that you are out here late at night... approaching me and all... I couldn't help but assume..." She rolled her eyes at his excuses, turning away from him.

She then remembered why she had approached him and she started to form a new idea. She looked back over to him and spoke, "So... why do you ask anyways?"

As it turned out, the cat didn't have a problem with prostitutes. She even had a couple of clients herself, knowing that it was a good way to make money, a way she didn't mind anymore.

He looked up at her, sort of confused, "Oh... uh... no reason." She nodded her head, speaking sarcastically, "Oh yeah, right. You just thought it would be a good conversation starter. Are you a cop?" He blinked at the last statement and said, "No...?" She didn't bother telling him that cliché of a line; you have to tell me if you are. If he was a cop, he would know.

She stepped closer to him, lowering her tone and swishing her tail, "So then... are you looking to hook up?" He blushed at her and said, "Uh... why... a-are... are you a prostitute?" She smiled and leaned even closer, "I wouldn't mind, if you took me back to your place."

He smiled at her, sort of hesitant, then grabbed her paw and led her up into the building while talking, "This isn't my place, but a friend is letting me stay here for a while, while he is away." She followed him, grinning. She knew that there was no way this fool could have lived here.

As they entered the elevator she spoke, "Well, maybe to welcome you to the neighborhood, I could give you a free night." They got off on the fourth floor and he led her down the hall to one of the apartments. He took out his key and opened the door, then turned to her.

He leaned in and whispered, "Aw, that's really sweet. Then I guess it won't matter if I do this..." he leaned in to her and kissed her on the lips. She stiffened up and extended her claws, being caught off guard by his sudden forwardness.

Then she remembered her manners, realizing it was just a kiss, and softened into the kiss, retracting her sharp claws. After the kiss, he smiled at her and brought her into the room, saying, "So... what do I call you, miss kitty?" She giggled at the comment and said, "No, call me Frisk."

He smiled as she told him her name, "Frisk, huh? Hmm... I'd like to frisk you... and more." She looked over to him, rolling her eyes as she shut the door. She then took a look around the room for the first time.

It was a single room apartment with a bathroom and small kitchen. The bed was straight across from the door. The man sat down on the bed and patted it, gesturing for her to sit next to him. She walked over and sat down, asking, "So... Howie, why are you staying at your friends place?"

The man looked over to his briefcase, sitting next to the bed and responded, "Oh, I'm on a business meeting. Needed a place to stay for a while and my friend was going to be out of town, so it all worked out."

He was very eager to start the night already, running his hands along her thighs and even beginning to lift her blouse off. Frisk didn't do anything to stop him.

There was a time, when Frisk had just run away from home, that she was a virgin. She was even afraid of having sex, at that. How foolish she had been. Then one night, walking in a dark alley, her fear was put up to the test.

A brutish bulldog had grabbed the cat, pushing her against a wall and pulling her clothes off. Soon, his large dick was hung from his pants, stiff as could be. He raped her, even tying his knot to her so she couldn't escape for a good thirty minutes afterwards.

The dog then left her lying in the alley in tears, never to be seen again. For weeks her fear was even greater than before, but one day she realized something. Men are almost willing to do anything for sex. She desperately needed money, food, and a place to stay.

She learned that by "selling her body" she could have a nice place to stay for the night and money in the morning for food. She had grown over that fear and even began to enjoy sex, now that she knew it was so useful.

She may have been underage, but a man who was willing to pay for it usually didn't care. Sometimes, it attracted even more clients to her. She didn't consider herself a prostitute, even though she had sex for money. She did it for more than the money now. It was enjoyable and gave her a place to stay for the night.

Frisk blinked, breaking her thoughts about the past. She hadn't even realized it at first, but she was only wearing a pair of panties now and lying on her back in the bed. The rest of her clothes had been removed by Howard and tossed off to the side. "Boy, he sure is an eager one..." She muttered under her breath.

Howard's face was hovering down by her legs, looking up at her and smiling. She grinned back and tickled his nose with her tail. He gently bit onto the tail and then licked its length. She giggled as his tongue ran along her tail-length.

Once his head reached between her legs, he looked up, smiling at her. She nodded at him, watching as he bit onto the top of her panties. He started pulling them down with his teeth.

She didn't try stopping him, letting him have his way with her for the night. Besides, this was one of her favorite ways to have her panties removed. She found that the boys were usually prone to giving her pleasurable licks when they did this. A somewhat more course and curly tuft of her grey fur showed as the panties slowly slid down her hips.

A groan of pleasure escaped her mouth as Howard continued to confirm her beliefs about the panty removal. He had begun licking at her clitoris, his warm tongue elicited more moans from her. His hands reached up to her hips, running along them and then grabbing onto her panties and pulling them all the way off while he began to plunge his tongue into her wet slit.

She moaned and spread her legs due fully in pleasure, placing her paws on his head. His tongue slid around the inside of her cunny, eliciting more moans of pleasure and causing her paws to press down on his head, wanting him to plunge deeper.

He cast the pair of panties off to the side, bringing his hands back to her hips and rubbing her naked thighs sensually. She was surprised at his skill with his tongue as it plunged deeper, causing her to gasp for air and moan.

Even though it was a human tongue, physically incapable of doing what dogs and many other animals could, his use of it made it just as wonderful.

His tongue licked hard along her inner walls, then brushed against her g-spot. Her hips suddenly jolted and she let out a quick yet loud moan. Noticing her reaction, he brought his tongue back the way it came until she jolted and clenched up again. He then began to lash his tongue quickly and hard against the spot.

She squirmed in response, her hips unable to stay still with each lash of the tongue. Her paws pressed down on his head harder and she let out a series of rapid, loud moans and groans. He kept working the spot with his tongue, feeling her walls tighten and clench up. He knew she was close, her moans were getting louder and gasps for air were more frequent.

Finally, he got the result he was looking for. With a loud and drawn out grown, her claws extended and dug into his head while pressing his face harder into her, then a flood of juices came down and onto his tongue. Howard drank heavily at the juices as Frisk's hips fell back down onto the bed.

After a minute of continued groaning from the cat, he stopped and pulled his head up. The two of them were gasping desperately for air. She looked down at him lazily, purring loudly and smiling, "That was amazing... Howie...." He gave her a quick grin, still gasping for air.

He climbed up on top of her and looked down at her, "Don't think you're done yet, kitten. That was just an appetizer, I'm still hungry." She grinned up at him. He was still fully dressed, only having taken off his coat. His face and the top part of his shirt were wet with her juices.

She leaned up, kissing him and licking some of her own juice from his face. She loved the way she tasted. After the kiss, she looked down, seeing Howard had pitched quite a large tent in his slacks. Eager to please him, she reached down and pulled his slacks off with his underwear. He had a nice size for a human, easily eight inches.

She quivered and groaned as he eagerly laid into her still sensitive slit. He would slowly grind himself inside her as she unbuttoned his wet shirt, pulling it off him and casting it to the side. Once his shirt was off, he started to hump, making her moan with each thrust in.

He started out a little slow at first, but quickly picked up the pace. She didn't mind at all. The faster he got off, the sooner he'd fall asleep.

At this point, he seemed to be more interested in pleasing himself now. He recklessly sped up, groaning above her and thrusting harder. She let out louder moans as he got quicker, her paws landing on his ass and holding him down.

She wrapped her legs around him, rubbing his ass as he sped up even more. Soon, he let out a loud grunt and she felt his seed spill into her. She didn't mind that he wasn't protected; she had been taking birth control for a while now

. After a couple minutes, he pulled out of her, clearly exhausted. He kissed her and whispered, "This was amazing, Frisk." She smiled and kissed him back, "I know it was, Howie. Now get some sleep, you need it after that ride." He nodded his head and snuggled up against her, burying his face in her breasts.

She began to purr softly as they snuggled, knowing it had a soothing effect. Her eyes lazily looked over to the briefcase and his discarded clothes.

After a good thirty minutes, she was sure that Howard had fallen asleep. Carefully, she let go of him and got out of the bed. She walked over to his slacks and bent over, looking through the pockets. There inside, was his wallet. She smiled and started to pull it out when she heard a voice from the bed, "Now that's a nice view."

She looked back to the bed, realizing Howard had woken up and was now staring at her naked ass. She grinned, letting go of the wallet, but staying bent over. "Oh really, you like it?" She said.

He stood up, stark naked. She noticed that his cock was sticking straight up again, fully erect. He approached her and said, "Mhm, I'm going to have to enjoy it more thoroughly." She didn't try to stop him as he mounted her, knowing after more sex he would fall back to sleep.

She purred as he leaned over her body, feeling his hands travel up along her belly and rest on her breasts. He slowly rubbed her nipples as he brought his hips against hers, grinding against her. She closed her eyes as his fingers stopped massaging her nipples and he grasped her breasts.

His stiff shaft slowly worked its way into her slit again. She mewled as he began to rock back and forth, feeling his breath on her ears. He chewed lightly on one ear while slowly thrusting his hips into her. She let out a gasp as he gave a sudden hard and deep thrust into her.

His thrusts went back to the slow steady pace, but every once in a while a sudden hard thrust penetrated deep into her, causing her to let out a long moan as he dragged his shaft out.

She lifted her head up, his chin resting between her eyes as she whispered out, "Mm, go faster." He obliged without reluctance. His speed increasing to an average pace, making her breasts wriggle in his grasp.

He did not stop accelerating, slowly thrusting faster and slightly harder into her. It didn't take long before he was at full throttle, plunging into her with quick succession between each thrust. His grasp on her breasts increased as he made her shake underneath him with a torrent of thrusts. She let out a loud series of fast moans and gasps for air.

Finally, with one last thrust harder than all the others and penetrating deeper than before. He grasped her tight and grunted in pleasure as he dug deep into her, spewing his seed inside of her once more. She couldn't help but quiver violently, clenching up and digging her claws into the floorboards. She let out a moan and came with him, covering his cock in her juices.

After a few more heated moments with him buried in her, he finally pulled out and stood up. He laid back down on the bed, looking lazily to her, still bent over and writhing in the bliss of the orgasm.

She looked back at him as he said, "Come back to bed, kitten." She stood up and slowly walked over to the bed, collapsing on top of him. He smiled and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her. She purred loudly this time, watching him fall asleep. Now, she was exhausted and unable to help herself, she let her eyes drift closed, falling asleep on top of Howard.

Frisk let out a groan as her eyes slowly opened, revealing the glow of the early morning sun coming through the window blinds and the grunting of the naked man beneath her, as he thrust his stiff shaft up into her. He grabbed her ass, pulling her down hard as he thrust up as hard as he could, letting out a loud grunt and spewing cum into her.

She blinked, then her eyes widened as she realized that he was fucking her. He looked up at her lazily, eyes half closed. He gave her a cheesy smile and said in an exhausted voice, "Hey there sex kitten. You sure sleep heavily. You just caught the tail end of round three. Nice way to wake up, hmm?" Her eyes grew even wider as he spoke and she extended her claws, swishing her tail angrily and said in a stern voice, "Round three?"

He nodded his head and explained, "Well, I woke up with you sound asleep on top of me. I couldn't really go anywhere and we were both still naked, so I went ahead and started up without you. I hope you don't mind." She glared at him, getting off of him and standing up.

She stretched her arms and yawned. He looked over her body intently as she stretched. She then gave him a glare and said, "I do mind, as a matter of fact. You're paying for those three rounds I missed out on." He stood up and said, "Aww, come on... You said I get a free night." She glared, "It's not night anymore, so it's not free anymore."

He sighed and said, "But, two fucks hardly equals a nights worth..." She raised her eyebrow and swished her tail, "Three hundred dollars and a shower, then I am out of here." He sighed again and sat back down on the couch, "Fine, I'll pay up. I guess I got carried away. Go take a shower and I'll give you your money." She nodded her head and said, "Good" as she walked towards the shower.

The bathroom wasn't very impressive. It was a simple small room with a shower/bath, toilet and a sink. She pulled the shower curtain back and turned on the water, muttering under her breath, "Two last night, then three while I sleep? How repressed is this man?" She pulled up the lever that turned the bath into a shower and stepped in.

The hot water was a relief as it hit her fur. She purred happily, letting the water soak her for a while. She then grabbed the shampoo and began to lather it into her fur, scrubbing hard at it. She closed her eyes as she scrubbed the fur on her head with the shampoo and then stepped into the stream of water to rinse off. Her eyes slid back open as the shampoo was rinsed off.

Off to her left she heard the curtain open. Her eyes snapped wide open and she instinctively covered herself, looking over to Howard standing by the shower, still naked. He smiled at her and said, "How about 400 and another round in the shower?" She sighed, "My god Howard, how much spunk do you have?" His smile widened, "Enough for a fuck in the shower. I've always wanted one of those."

Without waiting for her consent, he entered the shower and pressed her against the wall. His hands went down to her thighs, pulling her legs upward as he pressed his hard cock into her, once more. She thought to herself, Jesus this man was so nervous when I approached him last night, now he is fucking me as if I belonged to him. You give a man a night of passion, and this is what happens?

He fucked her against the wall for a good ten minutes while the hot water ran over them, then finally he came once more. She couldn't help it, climaxing with him; rough shower sex was really hot. Afterwards, he smiled and kissed her, then helped clean her up. He overly lathered the tuft of fur between her legs, but she didn't mind.

Finally, the shower was over and they had both dried off. They stepped back out into the main room and he walked over to the bed, collapsing on it and looking back at her, "I don't know about you, but I'm worn out again."

He yawned and stretched his arms, then looked over to his pants, "My wallet is in there, help yourself to the four hundred I owe you." She nodded and casually walked over to his pants, picking out his wallet. She slipped out four hundred bills and set them on the floor.

She slowly got dressed, every once in a while looking over to Howard on the bed. He seemed to have finally fallen asleep, exhausted from his relentless torrent of sex. She picked up the four hundred dollars and stuffed it into her coat pocket and then while still watching him, she pocketed his wallet. He didn't move. He was definitely still asleep.

She cautiously picked up his briefcase, it was surprisingly heavy. She shrugged, unsure of what was in it, but left the apartment quietly. Instead of going down to the lobby, she headed for the fire escape. She quickly went up, making sure nobody saw her. She sat on top of the roof, grinning and holding the briefcase. That was almost too easy. Now, to find out what is in this briefcase.