Godson chapter 4

Story by cutelionx on SoFurry

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#4 of Godson

Chapter 4

Alyx's mind was buzzing, he had been a fool. He had been brought up to believe that homosexuality was wrong. Men were designed by God to love women. If men felt the wrong way and preferred other men how could they possibly move on as a species. Men who were gay had a problem. But somehow he now he shared that problem.

He had always thought that there was some kind of choice involved, the choice to comply or to rebel. He had begun to realise there was no choice, he had never made a choice to be straight, he had assumed he was but now...

He had met this stag, Mike, in the gym... well he hadn't met him exactly...he'd seen this stag in the gym...ohhhh that body!

He had started off just noticing his body in the gym, how the muscled rippled under his fur as he moved, making the light glisten on his fur. It was gorgeous, he had just wanted to stroke that body; feel it move beneath him. He just wanted to make Mike happy. That was two weeks ago. In that short time the stag had filled his dreams and it had become more than just a set of abs, he loved everything about that guy's body; from his strong arms to his thin waist and muscular thighs! It had taken him two weeks of moping before he even found out the stags name was Mike!

Since then he had secretly tried to find out everything he could. In the gym he had started to get stronger, dingo's like him weren't naturally big and he found that he was getting good definition but very little bulk, he was only 2 weeks in but his mates had been teasing him, especially Ben. He dreaded talking to anyone about how he was feeling but he didn't know how he would tell that bear. Ben disliked gays, not in the same: avoid at all costs, give a bit of abuse too way that Alyx used to feel but more along the: let's try and beat the queer way that Alyx's father used. He couldn't talk to Ben or his father, or any other mate for that matter in fear it could get back to either of them. The problem was he needed help.

Mike was a junior and even had a long term girlfriend. He was on the football team, had a close circle of friends and was in short unattainable. How was he supposed to decide what to do? He wanted desperately to have someone to talk to.

He sat in his bedroom looking at his notes; he had begun posting stories for some gay sites he frequented. Most were clean but he was very private about the whole thing, they were all what others would call gay but he just wanted to find some way of expressing his desires without having to face them, could he really be gay? Talking about them would mean accepting who he was and he wasn't ready for that yet.

Whenever he wrote he thought about Mike, how he felt about him was the inspiration behind every story. He read through his most recent and first ever yiffy scene. I had been a commission for some guy online who had noticed his penchant for deer and wanted a story about himself (a tiger) and his best mate who happened to be a buck, Alyx leapt on the opportunity but it was a step further from anything he had even thought of before.

As the young tiger walked quitely into his friends room he saw the buck dripping wet,his defined body made to stand out but his soaked fur, he was getting out of the bath perfect balls swinging under a swollen sheath. Unaware of the tigers gaze he towelled himself slowly moving around the room. The Tiger unbuckled himself his hand wound its way towards his already bulging tiger meat.

"ohh yeah," he thought, wishing it was him in the tigers shoes, the buck always was Mike in his eyes. Sitting on the corner of the bed he pulled his briefs down to his ankles and began to stroke himself cock already exposed, leaking pre.

The Tiger moved his way carefully around the room till he could slide unnoticed under the desk enjoying the show." Mmmmm," Alyx began slowly stroking the base of his sack and sheath, he always enjoyed that tingling sensation and began to savour it as his cock became stiffer.

The buck was playing with himself, he was alone safe, he lay back with his legs open, facing the desk, the tiger could see everything. As his balls began to bounce to the same rhythm as his arm his left hand made its way up his chest, slowly arriving at his nipples where he began to rub his chest, moaning ever so slightly... Alyx was there, in his mind's eye he could see the bed perfectly from under the desk, the older deer unaware of his gaze lost in a one-man frenzy.

The buck began to writhe around on the bed the sheets dragging behind young antlers getting caught on the duvet. His leg swung round...CRASH... the tiger and the buck stopped their joint masturbation. A lamp lay on the ground, light illuminating the tiger perfectly.

"No" the word came soundlessly from the tiger, deafening in the sudden silence. Alyx almost paused, imagining Mike discovering him under his desk.

The tiger held his eyes closed he heard no reply, the lamp was picked up and put on its stand, he opened his eye, the bucks waist was in front of him he almost reached out, his friends glistening cock an arms-length away. Was he found out? Surely! The buck pulled in the chair and sat down knees almost touching the young tiger. Silently the tiger tried not to breathe. What was going on? He listened; the buck was doing nothing at the desk - silence - no scratching of a pen or typing on a laptop. He looked forwards and noticed something prominent. The buck's cock was stiff as iron, the tiger waited, he was desperate to touch it, was this some kind of test, had he been seen? Slowly, almost imperceptibly the buck rocked his hips back and forwards causing the tip of his cock to move mesmerically. The swaying seemed to make that beautiful member so irresistible.

Alyx was moving furiously now, so entrenched in the story he could feel every word, see every moment, the buck was tantalizing and he couldn't resist, he licked his lips slightly as if getting ready.

Licking his lips to wet them the tiger couldn't wait any longer, he pounced and engulfed the waiting cock!

"Finally!" the buck leant back to look his friend in the eye, "all you had to do was ask"

"mnngghghhg" came the muffled response, the tiger was intent on sucking. He had gambled everything and it had paid off. The sweet salty taste of man meat was intoxicating. He would do anything for this taste and would savour every moment! He felt the buck's hands pull his head further down, taking him to the hilt. Imagination had brought Alyx these words, he feared he would never find out what Mike tasted like but he became more determined than ever that he would find out.

The buck began to pull away. Desperate the tiger crawled forwards following the beautiful cum giving rod. In the middle of the room the buck stopped

"Here let me help you with that!" came a groan; abruptly the buck began to lie down in the opposite direction to the tiger. Sucking had filled his mind till now but the tiger suddenly felt his hand being removed and a warm sensation engulfing his member. The two lay there licking and worshipping each other's cocks, suddenly the buck moaned sensation tingling along the tiger's shaft, he couldn't help but moan back.

Alyx was on the verge of cumming, he needed this, he thought of Mike...

The two furs lay there moaning with pleasure, the tiger had always had low stamina, he was just too sensitive and the fact that his every desire had come together was becoming too much too fast. He reached around and grabbed the bucks firm buttocks. He could feel them flex with every thrust into his throat, suddenly there was a thrust stronger than any other so far, he felt the back of his mouth fill suddenly with warm salty cum, he could feel it slide down his throat and treasured every drop and it pushed him too far, he came with what felt like the force of a fire hose! He looked down and saw the buck, strands of his cum dripping from his muzzle, a grin from ear to ear.

"argh!" the pages dropped to the floor, his story had brought him so far but he couldn't quite finish, he thought of Mike, tried to hold the image in his mind; the secret looks he stole from across the gym, the way he would follow the same gym routine moments later simply to smell his musk on the benches, sneaking looks in the shower of his spectacular ass and burly shoulders. The image rose in his mind until he couldn't hold it anymore, forgetting the tissues his cum shot across the floor, he leant back, dribbling cum still leaked from his cock and dripped on his chest. He barely even registered it.

It was official, he was gay.

Will had spent the last week idle; sex was all well and good (especially good in fact) but he wanted something more. When you can get anyone you want it is challenging to motivate yourself. He had resolved to let Jamie move in with him, The house was empty now his mom was being kept in the company of the gods and Jamie was desperate enough to be around him that it felt harsh to keep him away. Jamie's parents were easy enough to persuade, For Will anyway, he found himself indulging a bit getting a $2000 check too, its less than they'd spend on a college fund for Jamie; he reasoned. Money was a problem however and he would need to address that soon.

In the meantime he was keeping a close eye on Justin. Since he'd freaked out Will was trying to follow him as closely as possible.

Since their little foray in the shower Justin had been quieter and more withdrawn, Will wanted to let it play out naturally but he had felt a bit bad, some of the other partners he'd had in the last two weeks he'd simply wiped their minds but Justin had kept his memories and dealing with them might be hard to adjust to. Besides, he had only been made horny his actions were still his own Will still felt bad despite justifying it to himself. In his only appearance Jace had been typically cold and reminded him that as a mortal it was of little importance to how Justin felt.

Jamie on the other hand had never been happier, he had become self-appointed lover, friend, cook and PA. In fact he tried to make life so comfortable that Will could probably have given up feeding himself. It was incredible though. Thanks to his efforts Will was suddenly happy, there was little reason behind it other than one new person in his life and suddenly it seemed complete. Both of them had grown in confidence over the last fortnight and Will had finally come up with a plan of action, selfish action but action nonetheless.

*Ding Dong*

The doorbell rang.Odd considering Jamie and I are both home. Will made his way downstairs to see Jamie already by the door. Looking up Jamie blew a kiss and winked. Will loved that Jamie had gone from being a jock/'bad boy' into being a bit cheeky and fun as if the whole world was a joke, a joke filled with hot guys. Walking through the mall they had been ranking the guys who walked past to pass the time, he had spotted a cute dragon and called out "10!" far too loudly, the dragon looked up as he passed by, Jamie just kept grinning "that's you hot stuff!" he said with a wink and patted his ass on the way past. The dragon grunted and walked by quicker. It was stuff like that that had made Will most pleased, he had complete love and at the same time an open and confident partner. In the first two days he had been quietly worried that Jamie had been made completely submissive and had no Will. Now he was great to be around and the couple of times they had been to clubs he had been a complete party animal. He had started off seeking permission to, in his words, 'play' but once he had learnt that Will trusted him he became a completely open person, though he still made sure Will was his priority and adorably, Will thought, had brought back a couple of new 'playmates'.

Jamie pulled open the door and was almost bowled over by an orange blur that pushed in and slammed the door behind it. Standing there was the dingo, Alyxander.

Stunned there was a silence for a moment, the residents confused and the dingo looking awkward.

"To what do I owe the pleasure" Will wanted to sound a bit menacing but couldn't quite force it on demand yet. Fortunately Jamie growled as he was saying it helping the image somewhat.

I...I...nngh, I need to apologise" the words came out as a stammer from the dingo

This was unexpected, he had tampered with his head a little but there was nothing he'd done to get an apology. "Err, go on." Will tried to maintain the façade of control he would have liked to display, this dingo had not exactly been pleasant in the past.

"I made a regrettable mistake. I... well umm, you know how you aren't the most popular guy in school...?" he seemed to regret each word but Will barely noticed. He was more surprised him how much it hurt to hear someone else tell him he was unpopular. Abuse was one thing but this was a statement, cold hard fact.

Jamie upped the growling to a new level "he's got me though!" Why should you have the right to come here and upset my master?

"Well I w...w...was never the...er... best at helping you avoid bullying and... I was often out of order myself." Jamie was quite intimidating (even though at 5ft 10 he was two inches shorter than the dingo) and Alyxander was having trouble stringing words together in case he wound him up to much. "Well I never told anyone but... I saw you looking at gay porn once in the library and well... until recently I always thought homo's were, well... wrong" He began to get a bit more confidence, "I was never the best when it came to dealing with you and... well I am sorry. Recently I've been having these feelings for this guy and I... I dunno I have been proven wrong, it's given me new perspective. Sometimes it takes something huge make you change your beliefs and I've had just that."

The words were tumbling out now! "I was brought up to be very conservative, anything that wasn't 'normal' would be wrong and being gay was so far wrong it was repulsive. I bought into that because it was all I knew."

"So what happened that was so momentous?" asked Will but he thought he knew.

"Around two weeks ago in the gym, I started having feelings for this guy, Mike, he's a stag a bit taller than me and he's got this perfect sleek fur and big arms, he...he...well, he doesn't even know I exist."

"Ouch so you've started having gay feelings! Why are you apologising though? It is nothing to do with me."

"Well since then I've been thinking about how I treated you and I kinda needed this to accept who I am, what person would I be if I couldn't try...couldn't make an effort to tell you I was wrong."

"It's not a problem, I kinda sympathise though, sometimes finding out a truth can cause a bit of upheaval in your life. I've been through something similar myself recently!"

"Well I was kinda hoping you could help me, I know what I am now and I need to take the plunge. I read online about these guys who try to live a closeted life and it is never good. Those who are brave enough to come out ... it's often hard but they have an honest life, my father won't accept me but I need to tell him, how do I do that? I can't just tell him surely?"

Will was stunned; this was a shocking turnaround from the homophobic dingo of three weeks ago. This was happening too quickly for him to get a handle on. "look what you've said has thrown me a bit, I want to help but...you can't just flip a switch and become my friend, I will find this hard but come back tomorrow and I'll have a decision for you."

"Oh!" the dingo deflated instantly.

"That isn't no, it's just that I need to think about it Alyxandr." Will tried to sound kind but felt awful.

"Please call me Alyx." He gave a grim smile as he made his way out of the house; he looked up at the sky and pulled out his umbrella. A few moments later the rain started to fall, he looked like a man headed for his own death sentence.

Will moved slowly to the sofa where Jamie joined him, quiet for once he just put a reassuring hand on Wills knee.

In a few minutes Will felt like he had built up his strength enough to talk. "Jace now would be a good time to chat." He called to the thin air.

"Indeed it would..." A white wolf in a smart suit sank into the armchair opposite, fading into reality was the only way Will could describe it. "...though only by dint of there being worse times for such things." Sounding bored with the conversation already he seemed to be putting a pocket watch back into his jacket pocket, looking down at it rather than up at Will.

"Enough with the attitude, I want to know what's happened to Alyx, I wanted to torment him with some gay feelings but no more than that, what has happened?"

"Your power and traits are inherited from your father, your power has more intoxicating effects than you might think but that is irrelevant in this case, you did a rather good job of implanting 'some gay thoughts' as you put it but no more."

"But he is gay now; he wants to come out to his father!"

"What he wants is immaterial; the mortal's wishes are of no consequence."

"But If I made him gay then do I...?"

"You didn't scan his mind for gay feelings before did you? That particular mortal was gay before you discovered any of your powers, very repressed, but gay. He has wanted this for a long time but didn't even know it; you just helped him to discover it. I expect you'll see more change in him than what you have implemented, over weeks to come."

"wait so I didn't do this too him?" Will wasn't sure why but he was relieved.

"No. Might I enquire as to why do you care for this mortal so much?"

"I dunno, I don't particularly. He has gone out of his way to apologise and I want to make sure he is ok that's all."

"I don't understand why you persist with this mortal code of morals; they are more screwed up than Hephaestus' love life!"


"Craftsman god, interesting relationship with his wife... you get the picture."

"OK...well, moving on, could you do me a favour?"

"I live to serve," came the sneering reply.

Will thought to himself for a moment, "could you follow Alyx and make sure he does the right thing and stays out of trouble?"


Suddenly Will and Jamie were alone.

"Will you help that dingo master?" squeaked Jamie.

"I expect so, I'm sorry I know you don't like him much." Will looked down, locking eyes with the cheetah who had snuggled up to his leg during his conversation with Jace.

"I don't dislike him master, he apologised and you forgave him. I just don't like people that are mean to you."

Silence fell for several minutes


"Yes Jamie?"

"Do you forgive me?"

Will was shocked, had Jamie been holding this in since becoming his slave? He reached down and stroked Jamie's muscular chest, "I forgave you the moment I fell in love with you." He leaned in and kissed the Cheetah before he could move.

Jamie was overwhelmed; the most important being in his world loved him! He loved him and forgave him! A tear began to roll down his cheek. He grabbed Wills shoulders and pushed him back, he was going to say thank you his own way.

"I love you too master!" he whispered in a husky voice, slowly he felt his arms move down to the band of Wills underwear. He slid them off making sure he maintained eye contact. This was going to be done right!

Will suddenly relaxed, he hadn't realised how much he wanted this, he had been pent up all day, thinking about the plan, Alyx then Jace. For the next few hours he would enjoy himself.

Jamie was becoming an expert cocksucker, he had done it a lot in the last few weeks but now he was putting all he had learned into action. He treated the cock like three separate entities, the head, the shaft and the balls. There was a weird science behind this and he was determined to master it.

He would make sure that the balls were tended too at all times, the secret was a light touch, to hard became distracting, too light was fine early on but would become lost in the lust later on, cupping his masters balls he would lightly massage them, moving them in time to Wills thrusts, controlling that meant the sensation was constant and it sent Will into overdrive! The shaft was the least sensitive and needed the most force to produce pleasure, he kept his lips wrapped around it at all times, being sure not to bite but keep pressure through the lips was a tough task. When he had swallowed up to the hilt he would growl a little bit, or moan loudly, trying to get a little vibration up the shaft. On his way back up the shaft he would run his tongue up the base of the shaft and along the base of the tip before wrapping his tongue around the tip on his way back down.

Jamie's timing was perfect and he could read his body signs perfectly he could keep a man waiting hours to come or make a pornstar cum in a minute simply by timing his movements properly and diverting focus before the receiver came. Will reached over to the kitchen table that was behind the sofa in their open plan house. He found what he was searching for. Honey. He drizzled it on his nipples and then a thick trail down his chest to his cock. Rather than simply tell Jamie he decided to have a little fun, looking inside himself he searched for Jamie's orb, once there he reached inside, he gave Jamie a craving, he wouldn't be able to resist, it was for two things; honey in his mouth and cum in his ass!

Jamie was going to keep this up, he was going to make this the best blowjob anybody had ever had, but what was that smell, it was intoxicating, he looked up and saw Will rubbing honey into his chest...honey...so delicious...sweet...he needed...honey. He was powerless to resist, Will had put honey in a trail just above his cock. He took his mouth away from Wills cock for a moment, keeping his momentum going by jerking him off. All the time the smell of honey was filling his nostrils, had it smelt this good before? He lowered himself down and buried his tongue into the fur above Wills cock desperate to get any trace of flavour out of the fur. Slowly making his way up he rubbed his crotch on Wills bending forwards, their members rubbing together.

There was one more thing he needed too. He had to be filled. He continued rubbing his cock on Wills whilst he made his way up the golden trail towards Will's chest. Now he had a bit of room. In a remarkable feat of flexibility he brought his ass so he was sitting on Wills lap, leaning forwards he nuzzled Will's neck, with one paw he reached back and positioned Will's cock perfectly before sliding his ass down on it slowly but delicately. He leant back down, trying to get all the honey he could off of Will's nipples. Will was so far gone he barely notices till Jamie began the back and forth rocking motion trying to get will to cum as fast as possible. Faster and faster he rocked whilst harder and harder he sucked. Will's nipples were raw, each new lick softly caressing the tip, sending pleasure arching into his brain.

Their tails wrapped around each other tightly, holding them close. Will could feel his cock twitching so close to cumming inside Jamie, bumping his prostate and making Jamie clamp down harder, moaning each time! He came with one final thrust; the sensation of finally being filled as well as satisfying his honey craving was too much for Jamie to cope with, he came all over Will's chest cum mixing with honey between their bodies.

Will lay there in a daze, knackered, Jamie had given him the best sex of his life.


"Mmmm" Came Jamie's reply. His cum and honey craving not quite satisfied he was licking Wills chest clean.

"Huh...huhhuh...ha..haa!" Will began chuckling uncontrollable at the adorable yet somehow sluttish look his boyfriend and slave could pull off all at once. Made all the worse by the frantic look on his face as the rise and fall of wills laughing chest meant he kept missing his target.

I am the luckiest guy around he thought to himself.

Godson chapter 5

Chapter 5 So then, the plan. Will had sat and deliberated for a long time over what to do. He had all these powers, seemingly no limits and all the time in the world. After all this time spent wondering what he should do the best he could come up with...

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Godson chapter 3

## Chapter 3 Hi all, only read on if you're over 18 yada, yada, yada. Jace and Alyxandr © their respective owners, Bighope and Alyxandrdingo "The Pretender, The masquer, The foreigner, He of the Trees; all of these are names given to your...

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Godson chapter 2

Chapter 2 The sunlight was too bright when Will woke. "Damn, my eyes," he said blinking profusely. The world swam in and out of focus, but the room was no brighter than usual, the blinds weren't even open. Primary colours leapt out at him...

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