Dustin & Kai: Chapter 2

Story by Aurora Australis on SoFurry

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#2 of Dustin & Kai

Chapter two!

This is, once again, dedicated to my bestest friend in the whole world ^.^ (Is bestest an actual word??)

Warning! This story comtains M/M action! YAY!! If you are not of legal age to read this then you probably shouldn't. ( But I ain't gonna stop ya ) And if you are desturbed by furry sex or gay stuff than what the hell are you doing here?!?


Dustin & Kai Chapter 2: Video games

The rain pattered on the roof of the science block. Kai sat in his seat dragging his claws through his fluffy grey tail. His shoes sitting next to his bag. His brownish-green eyes seemed transfixed on the tip of his tail. His mind stuck on the thought of spending the weekend with his friend. He juggled his thoughts 'round in his head. He'd finally met the fur of his dreams. The one fur he wanted to-


The classroom door flung open, as several furs barrelled into the room.

"Hi Kai!"

Kai looked up, white fur filling his vision. "'mornin' Mark" he mumbled, barely loud enough to be heard.

Marc perked his cute fuzzy ears, pulling one of his strange faces, forcing a laugh out of Kai "You're a wierdo" muttered the wolf, looking back to his tail, grooming it with his claws.

The morning passed quickly and soon enough lunch rolled 'round.

Kai sat alone, waiting for Dustin to get out of class. He played with his tail absentmindedly daydreaming about what might happen tonight at Dustin's. He was just getting to some more interesting thought when he felt a paw brush through his head fur and ruffle it up. "Hey Kai!"

Kai spun around, almost falling out of his chair. "Dustin. Hey." A broad smile spread across his muzzle as he looked up, reaching a paw up and fixing his head fur. "How was your morning?"

Dustin chuckled lightly, shrugging a shoulder "It was ok."

The two furs sat and talked all lunch, Kai brought up the subject of the girls that seemed to follow Dustin 'round. Dustin grumbled a wee bit, dismissing the topic and changing to a new one.

"You're still coming over after school right?"

"Of course." Kai smiled "Never miss a chance to play video games. I'll meet you at the gates when school finishes."

Dustin gave a quick nod as the bell rang for 4th period "Ok. See ya then."

School seemed to drag on and on. Not even English was exiting. The teacher didn't seem to care that Kai was sleeping through the period.

*Brriinngg* The bell chimed in, waking Kai up. Grabbing his bag, he ran out of class and headed for the front gate.

Dustin leaned against the stone wall at the school gate, lifting his head to see Kai bounding towards him, dodging through the mass of gathered furs. He smiled watching the short wolf bounce to a stop in front of him.

"Hiya!" Kai said, panting slightly.

"Hey there cutie. You look full of energy."

Kai grinned "Yea. Had a wee nap in English."

The two wolves walked to Dustin's place almost paw in paw. Kai looked up at Dustin "It's my birthday tomorrow... I'd really like you to come to my party." Dustin nudged Kai as they walked "Of course I'll come" he smiled, thinking of a present for his little wolf friend.

The walk was short and soon enough Dustin was fiddling around with a key, trying to unlock the door. With wriggles the door clicked open and the two walked in.

Kai looked around the entrance way which was scattered with boxes and packing paper. "Sorry 'bout the mess." Dustin said, looking around trying to find a way through the sea of boxes.

Dustin grabbed Kai's paw, leading him into the next room and up the stairs to his bedroom.

They both sat on the end of Dustin's bed playing Counter Strike on Xbox.

Dustin shifted slightly, looking up at Kai. "So... I was thinking... umm.." Kai looked up from the game, tilting his head looking at Dustin. "Thinking what?"

"Um... Well..." Dustin looked into the smaller wolf's eyes, slipping a paw slowly onto Kai's thigh, his heart beating hard in his chest.

Kai's eyes widened as he felt his friend's paw on his thigh, letting out a soft murr as the paw slowly worked its way up to near his crotch, then over his bulge. "D-Dustin?"

Dustin smiled, pulling Kai into a hug, still rubbing at the growing bulge in Kai's pants "Well.. uhh...we did all this stuff online... I thought maybe we could... play 'round a bit?"

Kai murred in reply, moving a paw to Dustin's crotch and pressing into the bulge.

Letting out a light chuckle, Dustin undid Kai's pants, slipping them and his boxers down to his knees, his paw moving to Kai's full sheath, giving it a soft squeeze. Kai let out a yip, falling onto his back. He murred loudly feeling his wolfhood slowly slip free of its sheath.

Dustin sniffed the air, taking in Kai's sent, rubbing Kai's hot length firmly in his paw, squeezing along the base and watching Kai's knot form "Awww.. D-Dustin.. mmm... that feels so good!"

Dustin wrapped his paw fully around Kai's cock, pumping it lightly and looking up to see Kai's eyes closed and muzzle open, moaning in pleasure.

Dustin shifted around so that he was lying next to Kai, and undid his pants, pulling his own maleness out in front of Kai, who immediately reached a paw up and started stroking.

Kai, pumped his hips towards Dustin's stroking paw, letting out a loud moan, feeling himself ready to shoot at any moment. "Ahh... Dust...Dusty! I'm gonna cum!" Kai shot his load all over his stomach and Dustin's paw, Dustin only grinning as he felt himself getting closer to orgasm.

Dustin moaned and bucked his hips forward, covering his own chest and Kai's paw with his cum while letting go of Kai's cock.

The two furs lay on their backs looking at each other and panting. "That... that was amazing." Dustin sat up looking at Kai "Mmm... yes it was. We should get cleaned up before my parents get home. Come on." He grabbed Kai's paw, pulling him off the bed and half-carrying him to the bathroom.

Dustin grabbed a washcloth from the cabinet and got it wet, started to clean Kai and himself free of their seed. He looked into Kai's eyes and mouthed the words, "I love you." Kai responded the same way, trying to say it but couldn't, still amazed by their feelings and happy that he had finally met his best friend.

The two went back to Dustin's room and continued playing the game, when Kai looked over at Dustin. "My party starts at 2 in the afternoon. I hope to see you there!"

"Of course you will, I wouldn't disappoint my best friend in the whole world!" responded Dustin. The two hugged each other and continued to play on the Xbox.


Ahuh! Yiff ^.^

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