Rob and Rose Ch.1

Story by Dax96 on SoFurry

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Before i begin there are things you should know. I don't know much about digimon and stuff like that, I don't care if all renamons are female or whatever i keep getting heckled at about, I don't want to include d-arcs or whatever those things are. All I care about is that renamons are cute. So I use them as characters in my first story, and since this is my first story go easy on me in the comments Ok? But helpful suggestions would be appreciated, Oh and don't read this story if you're under 18 or whatever legal age you gotta be to read this. I warned you, so you are no longer my responsibility if you are offended and or too young. Also. This story belongs to me..and me only. Thanks! And enjoy! Rob and Rose Ch.1 The field mouse woke to the sound of two swords clashing in a battle of craftsmanship, sending a torrent of sparks into the dry grass sparking a small fire. As the mouse scurried away the two figures could be identified as a Renamon girl and a tall figure cloaked in black robes. Each struck each other hoping to land that crippling blow they needed. Blow after Blow was Blocked, countered, or parried on both accounts. Neither could get a shot in when the figure hit her sword rather hard, hard enough to break her balance. The robed figure saw a kink in her defense. As he struck he barely noticed a male renamon slide instantly in front of her with arms spread to protect her. As the girl dropped her sword in surprise, the figure, Who will now be known as shadow, struck. The Renamon male winced and slumped to the ground in silence as a dark red liquid stained the ground around him. The renamon girl's eyes widened and she could feel a tear roll down her furred cheek. "Rob..." She balled her hand into a fist. "No..." "A pity." Shadow grinned through his hood. "No matter." He readied his sword when the renamon girl couldn't take it anymore. With tears streaming from her deep purple eyes onto the ground she spread her arms wide and shouted. "NO!" And as she did so shadow stopped, in fact, everything stopped. The flames, the birds, even the clouds. clearly not herself anymore, as if in a trance, she picked up her sword, Rob's sword and Rob, and left shadow in the field to burn. Shadow chuckled as he was sure he was out of earshot. It turns out he was not frozen but giving the renamon some time to be a proper challenge.. "You're time will come...soon" The room was dark, it was clearly night time as there was no light coming from the window over the bed. In the bed was rob, unconscious with the renamon girl sitting beside him visibly sleeping having cared for him the remainder of the day. "R-Rose..?" came Rob's voice from the bed. Rose, jerked out of her sleep, quickly assessed the situation and hugged him as tight as she could. "Rob dammit! Don't Do that ever again! Please...! Please!" Said Rose clearly sobbing into robs chest. "Well I'll be damned if i didn't try to save you is the way how did we get here? I thought we were done for." He said slowly pushing up Rose to look at her calming her down "to be honest, i don't know, i remember shouting and thats it..." rose spoke quite perplexed now that she thought about it. "Either way.. Thanks for saving me you know?" Said Rob lowering his gaze and attempting not to strain himself holding up his head. "The feelings mutual." Said rose beginning to blush without knowing it. They both had feelings for each other but neither had the strength to admit it. They were best friends, they had been since they were very young, but never more than that. About a month passed and Rob was feeling much to his old self again. Rose and Rob were in the upstairs room of an inn of the town they were going through. Rob on a couch to the far end and Rose sitting on the bed. They were passing the time by By remembering old times and talking about family. Then it happened, Rob yawned. " Oh now don't do that you'll make me-" she was interrupted by her own yawn. She glared in Rob's direction. With a smirk on his face he purposefully yawned a second time "Stop it!' She shouted playfully. "Stop what?" He half-yawned still grinning Rose tackled him over the couch and onto the floor "Stop yawning!" she warned. Rob grinned again and blinked "Make me." he spouted attempting to get on her nerves. Rose thought a moment about what she was going to do and leaned in and kissed him on the lips, thoroughly shutting him up. With both of their tails waving contently Rose was the first to draw back slowly "I don't know what to say." Said Rob blushing a deep red under his fur "Say you love me..." whispered Rose also blushing like..well a rose. "I do." said rob reaching up and kissing her again and playing with her tongue using his own. They kissed for a long time before they finally went to sleep in each others arms.. The next morning Rob was the first to wake. "Rose...Rose wake yourself its morning and we should get going." Rose looked up and whined "Awww... Cant we stay for a while longer?" She said softly scratching Rob's chest clearly happy to be there with him. "I'm sorry but we gotta get going. I'll tell you what lets stop at the lake a while up the trail, we can make camp for the night there. And besides this floor is killing me" Rob said getting up with rose still in his arms "Oh okay..." she blinked the sleep from her eyes " Rob?" she looked up at him "Hm?" he looked down at her before he opened the door "Say it again...please." she grinned Rob chuckled and recited " I love you Rose." Rose closed her eyes and smiled. "Thanks" as she looked up and kissed him on the cheek "well i guess we should get going then?" "Yep. But how about something to eat before we head out?" He said rubbing his stomach "Mmmmhm sounds good" She sighed Downstairs they ate but barely thought of anything but each other and what is to come. when they were done they split the tab and decided to get moving, holding hands they walked out of the village. When they finally got to the lake they sat down on a fallen log and stared out into the water. "I love you rose" said rob blushing slightly. "I know Rob. I love yo-" and suddenly Rob pushed her off to the log and into the water. In between roaring laughter he managed to get out "is it cold?" Rose glared and nodded sashing her boyfriend with the ice cold water. "You tell me!" Blurted Rose climbing out of the lake "Aww did i annoy you?" he said still chuckling "Shut it." Stated Rose Drying herself off and shivering "Oh come here" said Rob giving in to Rose's Blatant ability to be adorable. Rose obeyed and sat next to Rob still shivering "Cold?" Asked rob not expecting an answer as he swept up Rose in his arms, with her facing the same direction he was on his lap, and held her close trying to warm her up. Rose said nothing but looked up at Rob and smiled happily at the attention, even though she was freezing. Looking over Rose's shoulder as he held her Rob noticed her breasts, they had been there all along but Rob had never thought about Rose that way and only now was realizing how great they looked. He began to wonder what it would be like to mate with his beautiful girlfriend "What are you thinking about Rob?" Asked Rose as she noticed he was blushing "Huh? Oh nothing" Rob stated shaking his head "Liar." Rose smirked and adjusted her position so that she was facing him "C'mon Tell me" She said trying her best to look cute as possible. "Pleeease?" "I was just thinking about how beautiful you were.." said Rob in a warm relaxing voice as he started to rub his hands on her arms and stomach "Feeling warmer yet?" "Very much thanks" She smiled and closed her eyes blushing "Good.." Said Rob as he placed his head on her shoulder moving his hands up to her breasts with his right hand on her left breast and vise versa. Rose let out a soft moan as she was caressed by her boyfriend and started to Feel herself Tense up. Then rob started to kiss her neck as he moved one of his hands to her inner thigh and started to move his hand and up and down her leg feeling the texture of her fur. her moans were getting more audible now and she ached her back enjoying every moment and letting her tail wave around gracefully. "Oh Rob.." She said the only thing she could think of. Meanwhile Rob started to move his hand to her slit massaging it with his fingers as her moans grew louder and she arched her back against him. He turned her back so that she was facing him and let her gently lay back on his arm. He started to lick the area around her love. When she interrupted "Oh please no more..Just take me..." she half-moaned her words. Rob needed no further persuading as he put her down completely and slid on top of her and kissed her as his member hung just above her entrance. "I love you Rose" he spoke before he entered her slowly as they moaned in unison. His thrusts became quicker and he brushed against her hymn they looked each other in the eyes before one thrust tore the skin. Rose screamed in a mixture of pain and extreme pleasure with Rob's hands on top of her own and Rob thrusting into her Taking good care that she was enjoying it just as much as he was. Then Rose hit her first orgasm like a tidal wave as she coated him in her juices and her muscles closed in on him as she arched her back up meeting him in his thrusts. Rob approached his own orgasm. Rob Quickened his pace and grabbed her hips, then they both orgasmed at relatively the same time as their fluids mixed in Rose's sex and on the floor. They remained in this position for a few minutes and Rob withdrew his softening member from her pulsing slit brushing her clit on its way out. Rose let out one last moan of pleasure when Rob fell upon her kissing her and falling asleep with her in his arms at the shore of the lake Rose woke up to the sound of something Burning. Rob was nowhere in sight.. An alarm in her head told her something was wrong so she grabbed her sword and searched for Rob. It was dark and She could not tell heads or tails where Rob could have been until she heard Rob speak "Evening" He said waving to her yards away stamping out the remains of a fire used to cook some fish "Hungry?" Rose stopped and put a hand on her chest and sighed sitting down "Is something wrong Rose?" "Nothing" she said with a sigh "Just give me a fish" "Here" he said tossing her a fish "How are you feeling? You look a little pale." "Nothing i was just a little scared. Never mind" she eagerly ate the fish and sat down. "Thanks Rob" "Don't mention it" He said "I wouldn't be too happy if you had starved" He said jokingly. "Rob?" Asked Rose, "Yes?" he said gulping down the last of his fish. "Do you remember my mother?" "You have asked me that before you know" "Have I?" She sighed "i guess i just cant believe she's gone." "Well..." He couldn't think of something to say to make her feel better "Some help you are." she scoffed. "Oh don't be like that i miss my parents too, i never even knew them" "I'm sorry its just a lot to think about." "Well then don't think about it... Think about Us." he said putting an arm around her "I guess you're right Rob" "I know I'm right" he said with a smile. "Don't push it." she said as she turned to face him "but really. What do you remember of her?" "Well, She really did everything. I don't think we could have survived without her" he averted his gaze and his voice grew lower and more solemn "i definitely would not be here if you guys had not taken me from the burning village" he sighed "But your mother was a great person, don't forget that." "Well, That does make me feel better i guess" she said as she used some water to clean her face, little did she know rob had crept up behind her with a sly grin "Then how about a swim?" "I don't know is the water still as col-" and she was pushed in. This time Rob followed. As it turned out (Somewhat to Rob's dislike as he loved the cold) the water was perfect for swimming "You Really need to stop doing that." she smirked "Doing what?" he laughed only to be dunked under the water by Rose. Which then Rob promptly grabbed her ankle and yanked her down too. Rose yelped on her way down but soon realized how clear the the water was. Rob then spotted what looked like a underwater cave of sorts. So he tugged at Rose's arm and pointed to the surface. as they were both up Rob stated "Follow me i think i see something." "Wha-?" spoke Rose only to fine Rob had already gone underwater she sighed and followed what they found was astonishing. It seemed to be an underwater grotto with a small hole at the top leading to the surface and many crystals providing ample light "I- Its beautiful" Rob said looking around "You can say that again" Stated Rose following him Then suddenly Rob noticed something. "look out!" Rob Yelled as he spotted Shadow behind her with his sword raised high. Rose Then unsheathed her blade, a purple hue similar to her eyes stained its hilt and handle and The blade itself had red carved runes in it, she held it horizontal and high to block Shadow's strike Rob meanwhile took his sword out and spun it around its crimson hilt and steel handle glistening with the silver blade longer than a usual sword would be, a custom made. Rose charged first shouting "Hit him to the left I'll get his right!" when Rob slid instantly to his position and struck but Blow after blow was Blocked, when Rose got to her side things should have gotten easier. It didn't. Shadow's reflexes rivaled a computer. Rob swung horizontal while Rose swung at and angle and amazingly Shadow blocked them both and managed to slam Rose and Rob into separate walls. Shadow took a step toward Rose and held his sword to her neck "It's time Rose" he said giving her one last word "How did you know my name?" she demanded. Shadow opened his mouth to explain but wisely cut himself off as he raised his sword to end her existence. Rose felt blood on her face. But it was not her blood. It was black as oil with the familiar smell of blood about it, she knew it was shadow's as a sword hit the ground and another sword stuck in the wall. "AAAGH!" Sahdow wailed and pointed to Rob "He wont always be here to protect you!" shadow gripped his shoulder and dropped his sword and dissipated into the air. Rose soon pieced together what had happened, Rob had thrown his sword at shadow but only grazed his shoulder, enough for him to flee perhaps but nowhere near enough to kill him. Rose stared and sighed. "Who was that?" said Rob stepping up to claim his sword from the wall "I really don't know Rob.." she stated whipping the now dry oily substance off of her cheek. "No matter.. are you harmed?" Rob said as he slung his sword clean of dirt and blood and sheathed it. "No are you?" she ran up and hugged him tight. "No I'm fine, get your sword i don't think it would be wise to move from this area until day, we should go to sleep, its been a rough evening." said Rob before he looked down and kissed her deeply happy she was okay. They cleaned up, Rob tried to take shadows Unique looking sword but it turned to dust in his hands. They gave each other a long goodnight kiss and went to bed. "Hmph" said shadow, he stood in the corner grasping a wounded shoulder. They were a good couple. Shadow couldnt kill them. Not yet. Even he had a heart..Or at least he used to Elsewhere a homeless field mouse scurried off into the distance * * *

End of chapter one

  • * * I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, if I get an okay response ill write more :) Goodnight!