Life on the Farm 1- Father Son Bonding

Story by furrybate on SoFurry

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Life on the farm was hard but Nathan wouldn't have it any other way. The twenty year-old 7' 5", muscular, timber wolf grinned as he picked up the sack of grain and headed to the hen house. He was always told by his mother to feed the hens first and make sure to get the eggs to the house quickly. He had gone about his chores quickly, throwing slop to the pigs and milking the goat. He headed into the house carrying the wire basket full of rich brown eggs in one hand and the pail of milk in the other. His mother was in her normal place in the kitchen and took both from him.

"Well you certainly got them done fast. What's the deal?" Nathan's mother said in her slow, southern drawl.

"Ma, ya need to realize that you ain't down south any more, and there is no reason."

"Don't let the boy fool ya Wendy, he's got a date with that young vixen from town."

Nathan blushed as he turned to see his Pa duck down in the archway to enter the kitchen. He would never understand why his Pa, a draft horse, would have ever agreed to marry a wolf in the first place and secondly, agree to live in a small farm house.

"Oh, so that be the reason you hurried." She said with a wink, and then quickly added "Thanks Hank honey" as she reached up and drew her husband into a deep kiss.

"Now Wendy, ya know ya shouldn't start anything you can't finish." Hank said as he grinned at her.

"Seriously here, ya both don't need to do that this early." Nathan made a false throwing up face.

"It's only seven o'clockboy, now if we wanted to start something early it was at five o'clock." Hank grinned.

Nathan shook his head and began to head to the stairs connecting the kitchen to the upper level of the house.

"Oh! Nathan one more thing before I forget." Wendy called to him.

Nathan started to climb the stairs, "Yeah Ma?"

"Your cousin is supposed to be coming over for a bit this morning and tonight Pa and I are going to be gone for a while." Wendy grinned at Hank.

"Wait. Why?" Nathan seemed oblivious to his parent's unspoken language.

"Because son, it's our anniversary today." Hank said as he scooped up Wendy, "an I plan on treating yer Ma to a night of dinner, dancing and a little romancing at the Pink Flamingo Inn. So don't wait up." Wendy giggled as Hank spun around with her in his arms.

"Well ya'll have fun then, when do ya plan on heading out?" Nathan asked, mentally running over his plans for tonight.

"We'll be leaving around noon, we have to go see yer Grandma Becky, seems she thinks she lost her cat again. Seriously Wendy I don't understand why yer mother, a wolf, would ever have a cat as a pet." Hank had that look on his face of a conversation had too many times as he sat Wendy down.

"We'll talk about that on the drive there, Hank hurry up and get the larger livestock done while I finish breakfast." Wendy gave her husband a quick peck as she went about starting breakfast.

"Alright, but ya know the mare's in heat again." Hank said with a sly grin.

"Oh, so I should get Nathan fed and be ready when you get back." Wendy winked at her husband.

Nathan was half-way up the steps and had to suppress a shudder. His dad always got all horned up when the mare came into heat, and it was going to be a long week because of it. He always wondered why he didn't have another sibling by now.

"Nathan, are you hungry?" Wendy called up as Nathan had just made it up stairs.

"No Ma, I'm gonna go and clean my room. Besides I grabbed some leftovers this morning before I headed out." Nathan quickly entered his room and shut the door quietly behind him.

Nathan quickly picked up the clothes strewn around the room, and then when he was sure his Ma was busy cooking, he sat on his bed. Looking beneath the mattress he found the log book he started when he was nine. In the book he had been tracking how big his cock was growing.

He opened the first page and grinned. At nine years old he had the biggest dick in school, a large five inches, he started this book when some of the boys at school were shocked at how big he was. Now being fifteen, half of the guys in gym class were embarrassed to go into the showers with him, even the equines. Nathan opened to the next blank page. Carefully he brought out the cloth ruler he had had since he started, carefully stripped off his overalls, and shimmied out of his red briefs. He had thought it was weird when he was younger that he didn't have a sheath like the other little canines but one similar to the equines. He began to think about Sarah, the vixen he was going on a date with, and he felt himself begin to drop. He picked up his cock head; it was defiantly canine but the ring of flesh around it allowed him to flare like an equine when he came. He carefully measured, he had grown since last week, and he was now twenty-two inches long when soft. He looped the tape around his dick, five inches thick. Now came the hard part. He began to slowly stroke with both hands until he began to become erect. Pre began to flow and made it easier to become fully hard. Nathan stopped and admired his cock. It was a perfect blend of equine and canine. He was uniformly thick all the way down, with a medial ring half way down. About three inches from the base was his swollen knot. Taking the tape he measured himself to be twenty-nine inches long and seven inches around. His knot was a good ten inches but Nathan would never know how big his knot was, as he could never jack off.

Nathan was now all horned up with nowhere to go. He knew his dad was still outside but he had to get to the horse barn. Carefully pulling on his overalls, Nathan went down the other set of stairs that lead to the living room. Careful to look around, last thing he needed was to explain why his cock head was in the middle of his chest, he snuck out the front door to the nearby horse barn.

As he entered the barn, Nathan stopped at the metal cabinets and grabbed a bucket of stallion-smooth, a lubricant made for false mares. He went into the side pen and found what he was searching for, the false mare. When he turned fifteen his Pa had explained to him that when he was a boy he had to use the false mare at his boyhood home because, like Nathan, he couldn't quite jack himself off. Nathan had never used the false mare before but this time he was too hard and needed to cum.

"Well I wondered when I would find you out here."

Nathan jumped and slowly turned, Hank was standing right behind him. Nathan flushed five shades of red.

"Son, don't be embarrassed. I wondered if ya were ever going to come to me first or just sneak out here. I am at least glad ya grabbed the stallion-smooth, but there is one more thing ya are going to need." Hank went to the metal cabinet and reached to the far back of the top shelf. He pulled out a black box, reaching in; he extracted a metal foil square. "Catch" he said while throwing it to Nathan. "That my boy is a condom made for equines like me, and even though ya are part canine I am sure it will also cover yer knot, as they are made to cover up to thirty-six inch cocks like mine."

"Th-thanks Pa, but..."

"Oh that's right ya don't know how to use it. Here. Hand it to me and strip off yer overalls."

Hank took the foil wrapper as his son undressed. He let out a low whistle, "Boy you did inherit my genes after all." Hank went and grabbed a handful of stallion-smooth and gently rubbed it onto his son's cock. "Ya need some lube before hand, and don't be afraid this how my Pa showed me."

Nathan let out a moan as he dad lubed up his shaft. "Now watch." Hank took the metal foil square and tore the corner pulling out a rubber disc that a baseball could fit inside of. "Now ya place on the tip, and don't worry these are designed to stretch for a flare, then ya roll it all the way down." The condom rolled all the way down and had to be stretched a bit to go over his knot. "Boy, you be careful with that knot, it could cause you trouble. Now come here."

Hank beckoned Nathan to the false mare, and then began to lube up Nathan's cock again. "Now normally I would tell ya to lick a girl's pussy or finger her first, but as this is a false mare, extra lube will work. Line yer cock head up with those puffy lips and feed yerself in."

Nathan did just what his Pa told him and put his cock head against the smooth leather lip of the false mare, pushing just the tip in he let out a small moan from the tightness around his head.

"Stop and give yerself sometime to breath, ya don't wanna pop too soon." Hank advised as he began to move something around behind Nathan.

Nathan pushed more of himself into the false mare, until his medial ring popped through. He let out a gasp and stood still. He looked beside him and saw Hank had gotten out another false mare.

"Don't mind if yer old man joins ya do ya?" Hank grinned as he removed his own overalls. His thirty-six inch monster standing between his pecs. "Go on boy, hilt her." Hank said as he unrolled the condom and began to lube his dick up.

Nathan pushed until his knot was just outside the set of lips. He savored the feel of his cock being in something so tight. Nathan looked over at his Pa, who was now moving his hips in and out of the false mare, pumping like a wild stallion.

"Okay boy, in and out, vary the speed and enjoy the ride." Hank grunted out the instructions as his tail flagged up and down.

Nathan began to thrust slowly, the friction from the leather and his cock causing the false mare to warm up. He savored the tight warmth caressing the length of his cock, it was his first time ever attempting anything like this and he wished he hadn't waited so long. His cock became harder and he felt a pressure building behind his balls that he had never felt before. He felt his knot pushing up against the false mare's lips.

Beside him Hank let loose a whinny and gripped the false mare as he buried himself in it completely. Nathan canine instincts kicked in and his pace quickened as he began to thrust with abandon. He felt his knot popping in and out of the false mare, then with three savage thrusts his knot popped inside the false mare.

"Oh my God!" Was all Nathan could get out as his knot and flare expanded in the false mare as he let loose his first torrent of cum. The sensation overwhelmed him as his body did what was so natural but was denied for so long. Nathan lay over the false mare, locked securely with it, panting, amazed at how good it felt.

"Quite a ride wasn't boy?" Hank said. Nathan turned his head as he lay on the false mare to look at his Pa and saw him draw his cock out of the false mare, a large amount of cum within the condom. Nathan tried to pull himself out but found his knot was still stuck. His Pa chuckled, "Don't worry boy, I'll tell yer Ma that I sent you out here while we get down to business. From the looks of how the false mare's lips are stretched you'll be out here for at least an hour or so, plenty of time for yer Ma an me." Hank grinned as he threw the condom in the trash-bucket by the door, pulled up his overalls and headed towards the house.

Nathan lay their in a daze; he had just came for the first time in his life, his cock still delivering his cum inside the false mare. He gently pumped his hips, moaning at the feeling of his knot so well buried. Yet he was still shocked that one: he had just fucked the false mare; two: his Pa did the same beside him and three: now his Pa was going to go inside and fuck his Ma. He was amazed at the ability for his Pa to do such a thing, and if he was just like his Pa... well, he couldn't wait to do this to Sarah.