Rebirth [part 1]

Story by Amber_skies on SoFurry

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This story contains bestiality and a wet dream. The sexual encounters occur between Jurnee, a fennec fox and Elsu, a feral dragon. Hope all who read enjoy this little tale.

She ran, ran as fast as her little fox feet could take her. Young Jurnee was so excited as she ran through the lush green meadow that soon lead her to the forest.

The sun shined through the spaces of the tree leaves, making the grass glow with bright patches, resembling a dance floor. Jurnee leaped and executed a graceful spin, giving a performance to all the feral woodland critters who called this wonderful place their home.

Jurnee's big rush of happiness got the best of her. Her quick paced running had finally slowed down. She panted, her heart feeling as if it could burst out and yell at her for working it so hard. Once she caught her breath her step quickened once again. She looked around at her surroundings.

"Yes! Finally Im close." She noticed the rock that resembled the face of an old man and began running full speed. Jurnee, the lovely fennec fox with velvety, cream-colored fur,made sure that she dressed nice and neat this lovely spring day. She wore a light pink tank top, bordered with delicate lace and dark wash denim shorts.

Jurnee picked out her clothes carefully that morning, after all, she was on her way to visit Elsu, the wise and gorgeous feral dragon she met about a year ago. They had a secret spot that no one else knew about. Well, maybe just the creatures that lived in the forest, but that was all.

Jurnee kept this all a deep secret, for she was the only one who knew of Elsu. Such a huge and majestic being. How could she tell anyone? From what she knew, he was the only dragon left in existence. Who could she trust? Anyone would take advantage of him. Or even worse, have him locked away.

Jurnee kept her mind far from the depressing thoughts. She was drawing nearer and nearer, till finally, she arrived at the large boulder, decorated with leaves, vines, and shrubs for disguise. "I sure hope he's here. He promised me he would be.. " she thought to herself.

She brushed away the leafy visage and pulled out a gold whistle that hung around her neck. It was a gift from Elsu and it was her way of letting him know that she was outside.

Jurnee wrapped her plump lips around it and blew as hard as she could. Almost immediately the large boulder began to slowly move to the left. Jurnee couldn't bottle up her joy any longer and began jumping in place, her brown backpack bouncing with her. Once the gap was wide enough for her to squeeze in, she made her way into the cavern.

The fifteen year old fox took in a deep breath and walked quickly through the beautiful cave. The walls had a blueish hue to them. Lovely particles that shimmered and glowed stained these walls as well. Jurnee always considered it to be from magic, Elsu explained that it was from some specific mineral. Jurnee didn't really like that idea.

The long passage way lead to a large room, just as beautiful as the entrance, accommodated with a magnificent waterfall that fell into a sparkling lake. There was Elsu, smiling lovingly at his dear fox friend. His golden eyes glowed in the low light. The chocolate colored scales that enveloped his strong body gleamed brilliantly. Such a sight was he, that any being could stare at him for hours on end.

Jurnee squealed and ran up to him, feeling very much overjoyed. "Elsu! Your here!" Her soft young voice shouted, echoing through out their magical cave.

"I had made a promise, hadn't I? I couldn't possibly break your heart by not bearing you my presence." the large dragon said sweetly. Jurnee walked up to him, giving his muzzle a warm hug. The dragon's maw was just as big as Jurnee,making him truly a great dragon, but not quite as great as many dragons that came before him.

Elsu closed his eyes, which were outlined with sapphire scales, as Jurnee embraced him. He truly loved this child, and he would protect her from anything and anyone.

"So Elsu! I brought alot of stuff for us to look at!" exclaimed Jurnee. "Is that so?" he answered. "Well then, lets have a look." Jurnee loved how smooth and deep the dragon's voice was. He didn't sound elderly, despite being hundreds of years old. Any one else would have considered his voice rather stimulating.

Jurnee giggled as she plopped down and went through her bag. She got out her Pokemon lunch box and a few books. "I went to the library the other day and got some really neat books. I even got some about dragons, like you!" she said smiling. "Like me eh?" he asked with a grin. "Well, of course not just like you Elsu. Your the best dragon ever. No one can compare." she told him.

"Ah, I beg to differ, Jurnee." he said with a chuckle. "Were many powerful and honorable dragons in my time. Just seeing one of them would lower your thoughts of me immensely." Jurnee simply smiled, not that much convinced. "Your the only dragon Ive ever seen Elsu. It seems so hard to imagine someone cooler than you." Elsu chuckled, appreciating the flattery young Jurnee was handing out to him.

Jurnee went into her lunch box and pulled out a pear, proceeding with taking a nice big bite out of the luscious fruit. She picked up a ruby colored book and opened it up to the first page.

"The librarian told me that this book here is about legendary dragons. They each have their own story." Elsu rested himself behind her. "I see. Go ahead and read some if you like. It sounds quite intriguing." he said to her. Jurnee took advantage of his position and rested her back against his sandy tinted underbelly. Firm, yet soft.

She continued to munch on her favorite fruit and began to read aloud. She read of a great dragon name Tonitrus. His power was feared by many, while others would worship him, hoping that he would bring thunderstorms to relieve their land of droughts. "So powerful was he, that all dragons respected his might, even after his passing of one thousand years." she read. "Hardly.", Elsu said, in an amused tone. "Huh? Whatcha mean by that?" Jurnee asked in curiosity, looking up at him.

Elsu raised his head and spoke, "Tonitrus was powerful, but he was rather swollen. Not much of a leader as they try to portray him in that text of yours." Jurnee turned her head to look him in the eyes. "English?" she asked with a giggle. Elsu joined in with a chuckle. "I meant that he had a big ego. Pretty snobbish. Everyone who adored him just didn't know of his nasty nature." he explained. "Wait. Your saying you knew this dragon?" She asked in amazement.

"I wouldn't lie to you Jurnee. It is not in my nature to." he replied. "Oh wow." she said, her eyes, which were an aged amber hue, stared at him in bewilderment. "But Elsu, you said you were about, five hundred years old. How could you have known him if he died at the age of a thousand?" she questioned him. Elsu sighed heavily. "I suppose I could tell you..." he said. "Tell me what?" she continued to ask.

"Well, dear Jurnee. It is true that I am but five hundred years in age, but I have lived more than that. See, about five hundred and sixty years ago, I was reborn." Jurnee could not believe her boundless ears. "L-like, a phoenix, Elsu?" Elsu remembered he had told her many stories of the magical bird. "Yes. Somewhat, except I was not reborn from my ashes." he told her with a smile. Jurnee set her pear aside and turned herself completely around, her attention on all the dragon.

"Listen closely now Jurnee. Ill try to make this as short as possible." She nodded and crossed her legs, ready to listen to another one of Elsu's wonderful tales, except this particular tale would be about a secret he had kept from her, for no particular reason.

"I have been reborn twice. Was a way of my kin. The strongest of our fathers and brothers would be placed in an enchanted crypt upon their deaths. It was there that after some time, our bodies would wither away, but the earth that we would be laid upon would breath life back into the flesh and we would be reborn. But, it molded us back into young dragons."

Jurnee rested her chin in her hands. "So you guys would be made back into babies?" she asked him. "Yes, that is a way you could put it." he replied smiling.

"I have been placed in that vault twice," he continued. "But how do you remember everything from the lives you had before? I mean, do you remember?" she interrupted him. Elsu sighed, but answered her politely. "When you reach a certain age, it just all comes back. It just works out that way." he chuckled.

"That sounds so awesome Elsu!" Jurnee said with excitement. "Yes. Fairly awesome" he said grinning, showing off his ivory fangs. Jurnee blushed and rested her head against his chest. "I love when you tell me all these great stories. My parents never tell me about things that cool."

He laughed, causing his body to stir and Jurnee's head to bounce with it. She laughed along with him, not knowing what exactly was so funny.

"Jurnee, you must listen to your parent's words. They can teach you many things about life. They know whats best for you." he said to the young girl. "Oh I hate when you say that to me." she groaned. "Its the truth Jurnee. If you trust me so much, you should listen." Jurnee sighed and nodded. "I know. They just don't...understand me like you do Elsu. I don't think anybody could." she explained. "Oh, my dear, I do understand you." he said softly, leaning in and nuzzling Jurnee under her chin. His affection and warmth made her beam.

"But just because I understand, doesn't mean you should close out everyone else. Do you understand?" he asked as he spoke to her in soft whisper. "Yes, Elsu." She wrapped her arms around his snout. "But just because I understand, doesn't mean you should try to push me away..." she added. Elsu shut his eyes. "Never." he answered her.

To anyone's eyes, Jurnee and Elsu would appear as great opposites, but their bond was stronger than their differences. It was something not even they could explain.

"Elsu, will you be reborn again?" Jurnee wondered out loud. A sigh escaped his lips, his warm breath tickling her legs. "Im afraid not Jurnee. All my clan have disappeared. They are all gone. There is no way for me to bring myself back." he replied. "But why? Why are you the only one here now Elsu? I don't get it." Elsu shook his head. "That is something I must tell you another time Jurnee." he told her, knowing he left her unsatisfied. Even if he wanted to tell her, he knew he just couldn't. "Such a dark story for her to hear..." Elsu thought to himself.

Jurnee responded with a nod. "Okay Elsu...." She yawned before she could say anything else. "Tired are we?" he teased. "I guess so. I got up so early for today. I guess I just feel worn out from all the chores I did before I came here too." "Ah I see..." Elsu responded. "I too feel a bit faint." he added. "Can we nap together? Its been a while since we done that." Jurnee suggested. "I think that's a wonderful idea." Elsu replied and rolled on to his back.

He laid his claw down so Jurnee could use it to climb on to his belly. Once she moved up his tawny body and on to his beige underbelly, she curled up and rested, ready to take a relaxing nap. Elsu laid back with his beloved fox using him as her resting place. Both dragon and vixen slowly drifted into a deep slumber, the crashing of the waterfall lulling them to their dreams.

It didn't take long for Elsu's hidden desires to invade his dreams. He laid in a grassy field. The sky was tinted with a pinkish hue. His hefty genitals being caressed by a lovely anthropomorphic female dragon. Her claws danced along his meaty shaft as her forked tongue bathed the slit in frothy slobber. Elsu moaned and grunted as the she-dragon giggled at his lusty appetite.

Jurnee still laid on Elsu's tummy, though she was now in a light slumber. Elsu began to stir in his sleep, his sudden movement awakening Jurnee. She opened her eyes and sat herself up gently. After a long drown out yawn she began to climb down off of the ample dragon. Turning her gaze to the right, she saw Elsu's leaking erect rod.

It made a her heart jolt up into her throat. She knew exactly what it was, after all, she has messed around with two young wolves before. Not at the same time, of course.

She stopped where she was and made her way back up onto his abdomen, her curiosity getting the very best of her. She has never seen Elsu erect, and certainly not to this extent. His penis throbbed all on its own, a plentiful amount of pre drooled out of the large pee slit. It was enough to quench the thirst of four or maybe even five seed hungry animals. It was such a sight, Jurnee was too mesmerized to think reasonably.

It was as if this erection hypnotized her into forgetting the platonic relationship they shared. It told her to touch. It told her to feel. It told her to feed.

She crawled closer and closer to the pulsing slab of dragon meat. It was about the same color as the rest of him. A lovely, rich brown cock that emitted so much heat.

She sat up and scooted herself closer so that her crotch touched the base, her short legs on either side of the penis. Her fluffy tail swished from side to side. The heels of her furry feet pressed against his great jewels. She would have to pay attention to those later on.The pre cum that had been coating his cock got her denim shorts soaked.

Her eyes explored Elsu's glorious sex. Once she looked straight up she realized that the head was staring straight at her, perfectly at her eye-level. Her maw hung open at this marvelous sight. The slit looked big enough for all her digits to slip in.

Elsu was still very much asleep, not at all aware that his dear friend was ogling his hard on. He was too deep into his wet dream, where he was now filling the lovely dragon with his milky seed.

Jurnee knew this would be wrong, but she just couldn't care at that moment. His penis....was amazing. From the beastly, yet fresh musk. To the impressive length and width. To the amount of drool it was producing from its "mouth". It was all too much for Jurnee to pass up.

She wrapped her arms around the girthy dick and almost right away, nuzzled the front of his head, coating her fur in his sticky pre. By gently squeezing she produced even more pre to pour out of the dragon's cock.

All this thick juice caused the front of her clothes to dampen. She wondered if she would be able to pleasure a cock this impressive in size. There was no way it would fit inside her, no way at all. But she would try to pleasure him in any way she can. It was an opportunity she knew she would regret if she did not take advantage of it.

So the young fennec squeezed more, urging a light groan out of Elsu. She nuzzled the meaty head once more, intoxicated by the scent and feel of her best friend's sex. Once she got the courage to stick out her tongue, ready to bless him with a tongue bath, she heard something that caused every inch of her body to freeze. "J-Jurnee. W-what...what are you...doing?"