
Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry


Are you the artist? Can you say?

Or has that too gone, run away?

It seems that time has come once more,

Our respects again to pay.

The way is clouded, dark, and bleary,

As your eyes grow tired and weary,

The road grows crooked, steep, and eerie,

Night has come again.

The path is lost, and yet you seek:

Divide the righteous from the weak,

Explain to them their place and place them

Far from truth they say.

Are you the writer? Is it known?

Or is it just your rhyme and bone?

Some trifle to placate the masses

Make them all happy.

It's all a way to move the masses,

Keep on making pious passes,

At the will and whim of man,

And to what end, my friend?

Who will you save when day is done?

Who will you pay for your crooked fun?

Is this the Way or is it yours,

To force on other men?

Whence did the big man come to you,

Tell you truly: It was true?

And now whatever shall you do?

When last your ruse is done.

For all of us, an end to life.

An end to money, love, and strife.

But what more lies beyond the veil,

To tempt your weary eyes?

None of us know, and none can say.

And to the liar: will you pay?

If it is known and otherwise it is,

Will He say "Liar"?

Ponder now, my friend, for I,

Hold enmity at bay and sigh,

We're all Enemies to one another,

At some point in life.


So what is this judgement that you seek to pass? Invisible world, unheard of, unseen. Only spoken and written--legacy of a man. Thirteen years ripped out. Thirteen. Twelve of them were yours, one turned on you. So they speak of you like a legend,...


Diary of a Furry and Would-Be-Werefox Sufferer, Entry One

First of all, my name is Anthony Lutz, and I'm writing this for two reasons: One because I can't sleep... the terrible allergy that I suffer has stricken my skin with all kinds of myriad tingles, every hair becoming like a live ant, biting into my...

The War Inside

Your dignity, it's safe to say, Has swiftly gone and flown away. The beast in you has gone to pay Respects to her once more. She's neither dead--no, nor departed, It's just the fire that she's started, In your heart to burn away, All else and...
