A Shepherd In Sheep's Clothing- Chapter 2: A Wolf's Guise

Story by Tigerlily1327 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Shepherd In Sheep's Clothing

A warning to all who read... this story does include sex between two men. If you are under 18 or if this is not your thing, I'm sorry but consider yourself warned For all you who don't mind a little M/M, please enjoy reading part 2 of my series and don't for get to comment and vote :)

Chapter 2: A Wolf's Guise

Caitlin Rhodes, or as many knew him as Silas Rhodes, had always been different from his friends all the way through high school. He had known he was gay for a long time, but he had known he was a supposed to be a girl even longer. While his friends were off playing football or hunting, he was working on his feminine image. Matching shoes with belts, blouses with skirts, and panties with stockings. Silas felt it was his life goal to be a girl and he would do everything he could to achieve it. He would go to local bars on the weekend dressed a girl and see how many heads could turn with his feminine charm and sex appeal. The answer soon became apparent that many men couldn't resist taking a peek at the "new girl in town." Of course he'd never gotten one of them to come home with him but it was only a matter of time till he met a cute boy, fell in love and was finally accepted for who he was; a girl in a boys body. However, as the weekends dragged on and the number of potential "lovers" increased, Silas saw that his Prince Charming was only in fairytales.

I roll over as the sun shines in my eyes and feel my hand brush against a leaf from the forest floor. Immediately I am brought back to the events from the night before and feel a surge of fear and curiosity at the same time. I open my eyes slightly and look around for any sign of my kidnapper. "Eric..." The name tastes bitter on my lips but at the same time makes me feel safe to hear it. I raise my head and slowly look around me for Eric or any hint of life for that matter. Trees and beautiful flowers greet my newly opened eyes as I rub them. Before me lays a truly breathtaking scene of nature's splendor, a setting out of a beautiful movie, that now hosts my tragic and terrifying story. I stand up and shake off the leaves from my skirt and stockings. Suddenly I realize that Eric was nowhere to be found, I was alone in the forest and most importantly, I was free.

I begin walking in a direction, any direction I wanted. It didn't matter as long as I got the hell away from here and from Eric. I stop for a moment. The thought of leaving Eric brought subtle tears to my eyes and I wipe them away in disgust. "What's wrong with me? How could I feel sad?" As I say this though I realize that "sad" wasn't the right wording to describe my emotions, more along the lines of empty or unfulfilled. I try to take another step in the direction to freedom but my body won't respond to my mind. Come on, I need to get the hell out of here, I think as I try to move forward, but still no motions match my thoughts. I sit down on a log and look around me actually hoping to see Eric trudging through nature's haven toward me. Before long though I got my wish. I look up as I hear leaves crunching and see Eric, the tall dark stranger who kidnapped me about 12 hours ago and dragged me away from society. I should hate every fiber of Eric's being, but for some reason I can't, all I can feel is security and affection.

Eric flashed a smile at me and I blush as he carried over small logs of firewood and throws them in a little pile. "Someone's still here." He said as he sat down next to me.

"W-what do you mean?" I notice Eric raise an eyebrow, questioning my stupidity so I decide to give up. "Getting lost in these woods seems like a worse idea than staying here with the man who kidnapped me. Despite what you've done to me, I'd rather be here than wondering aimlessly and dying of starvation."

"Well I guess that's a start." Eric laughed and got up walking over to a nearby tree and leaning against it.

I look at him and sigh. What the fuck is wrong with me? HOW CAN I FEEL ANYTHING BUT SPITE AND ANGER TOWARD SOMEONE WHO FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME? My thoughts were loud, but not loud enough to become words. Instead I take a breath and say "Eric, why did you bring me here? What is it that you think is in my best interest?" I feel like I'm going to cry but I had used up all my tears last night. My eyes are now dehydrated and irritated as I try to produce a single tear for my own sanity.

Eric grins and looks at me, "I can't tell you that, at least not yet. But trust me, it will change your life and you will thank me one day." I glare at him but feel childish doing so and I decide to look at my torn socks instead. "I do want you to know that I will never hurt you, and I will be good to you." He smiles and walks over to me again. I can't admit it to him, but I am glad we are in alone in these woods. I smile back and blush slightly as he places a hand on my shoulder. My immediate response is for me to push him and run, but for some reason my body won't respond to my mind again. What I want and what I do become parallel to each other, creating two possibilities of reality. But the question is, in which one do I live? If I run I will likely die of starvation or become some wild animals dinner, but if I stay here, he may kill me regardless.

"I-I don't know why I feel this way toward you. You kidnapped me and I should resent you for it, but at the same time you offered me another option to my usual life." I hear myself explaining my thoughts and realize I sound like a Stockholm's Syndrome patient. Falling for my kidnapper. Before I knew it we would be kidnapping people together. Silas and Eric, notorious criminals. The sound of that doesn't fit so I change it to Caitlin and Eric and laugh silently as I hear the ring to it.

"I can assure you I am here to protect you. I always have been and always will be." He walks over and shapes his hands around my face before slowly pressing his lips against mine. I see his eyes close and I follow as I kiss my kidnapper and am lost in the action. I feel his hands on my hips and know now that this beautiful visage of nature isn't ironic; it's a supporting scene of romance and perfection. He pulls back from the kiss and stares in my eyes. I catch a quick glance then turn away suddenly and stare at the ground.

"Do you always do that?" He asks as if not anticipating an answer from me.

"Do what?"

"Let someone in, then shut them out just as quickly. I could feel you changing from your normal protective state. What made you go back?"

"Well normally I don't let anyone in to begin with, and I guess I realized I was kissing someone who kidnapped me and became disgusted with myself."

"We could pretend you came willingly." He said this with a smile as if it were a pick up line.

"Then our entire relationship would have been built on a lie." Even as I said the word relationship, I wanted to throw up. How is it that the boy who can read everyone else now can't read his own actions? Actions that should be entirely different but for reasons unknown remain submissive and affectionate.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've liked you from the moment I saw you. I really wish we could go back to my place rather than the woods and I wish I could have done the whole "first date" thing right."

"I-I've never been with anyone before, so you probably wouldn't have heard from me even if you did."

Eric looked at me questioningly. "By "been with anyone" you mean what exactly? Sex, a relationship or slept with someone even in the same bed?"

"All of the above." I looked away from him and crossed one arm holding the other. "I had never even been kissed, before a few minutes ago." I blushed at this fact and faced back toward him, my hazle eyes gazing into his dark brown. I never noticed how mesmerizing they were until this very moment. His eyes were a paragon of the beauty of the earth as well as the filth that comes with it. Again I look away as I notice myself becoming lost in his gaze.

"Well we've gotten two of those things done, although we technically slept on the floor and not a bed, but it still counts." With this he laughs and I join in as I genuinely find him charming.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I ask as I lay my head on his shoulder, feeling the warmth of the sun on my exposed cheek.

"If you ask me, nothing is wrong with you."

I feel his hand resting on my knee and I decide I want him. I want everything I've never had before and I want it now. He may be my kidnapper but the sad thing is he's the closest thing to a relationship I've had and I'm tired of not knowing what love feels like. I pull his face toward mine as I go in for a kiss. Final chance to turn back I think, as we are mere inches away from each other's lips. My mind tells me to stop, to turn and run leaving with nothing left to lose and with everything behind me; I don't. I press forward until I feel his lips against mine, and my arms go around his neck, holding us together in this moment.

This time it is Eric who breaks the kiss as he pulls back and looks at me. "Are you sure you want this?" He asks already knowing what I decided on but I figure he's just trying to be the perfect host to set an example for other kidnappers and I nod as he pulls me in for another kiss. Each one is like its own dose of poison and there is no antidote.

I am lost in passion as I feel his hands around my legs and he pulls my stockings down around my ankles before removing them. I slowly unbutton his shirt and pull it off him exposing his well-toned body. "W-wow," I exclaim as I run my hands up and down his chest. I can feel every curve, every muscle working together to build this mass of perfection before me. He grins as he removes my blouse, showing of my lean and slightly toned body.

"Pretty wow yourself there Silas." I blush as I hear him say my name, my real name. Here is my prince charming who accepts me for everything I am and loves me regardless. I feel his hands around my waist as he pulls down my skirt leaving me in nothing but my blue panties that leave nothing to the imagination. He is left staring at the growing bulge in my skimpy underwear so I decide to use the moment to my advantage and slide his pants around his ankles. Immediately, my nose is greeted with deep and intoxicating male musk that is radiating from his boxers.

I look up at him while on my knees and innocently ask, "m-may I?" he smiles and nods as I take his remaining clothing off and am left staring at his 8 inch cock. Instinctually I lick my lips and rub my hands over it. I hear Eric moan above me as pre-cum shoots out of tip and I quickly lick it up, savoring the taste as well as the sensation.

"Mmmmmmhhhhhhhhh" Is all that he can manage to get out as my tongue works the length of his shaft while my hands gently rub his large sack. "Are you sure you haven't done this before? You're pretty good for a first timer"

"I used to watch a lot of porn and take notes." I laugh and take his entire cock in my mouth, using my tongue to coax it to full hardness. I can feel his thick cock going deeper and deeper in my mouth till I can't go any further. My eyes water as my breathing is temporarily cut off and I pull back, allowing his cock to spring from my mouth.

"Enough foreplay, I'm guessing you're really excited for your first time." He watches as I nod my head and blush. "Plus I've been picturing this moment since the first time I laid eyes on you."

"Oh? You've been picturing this since last night?" I smiled as thoughts of the bar entered my mind. The frat boys now seemed like they were years away and the liquor had been out of my system for just as long. Eric pulled me to my feet before getting on his knees and removing my panties. I shyly cover myself from his view but he takes my hands in his and gently kisses above my navel. My six and a half inches looked dull and lifeless next to his proud eight, but he seemed only to see me. Me as I truly am, none of my games or facades that I used to fake so well. He sees me as the scared yet eager boy I am and loves me.

"Are you ready?" He asks as I nod again and turn around, revealing myself to him and shyly bends over. Eric stops and looks at me curiously. "As much as I love doggy style, I want to be able to see your face when we make love." I can't help by smile and feel like he is the one I was meant to be with. I turn back around and he pulls me into a close embrace. I can feel my cock against his and it only excites me more as he pre-cums over mine, making it slick and wet. I giggle girlishly and he kisses me again. "I know you don't believe me now, but I have and will always love you Silas Rhodes. If you want to be Silas or Caitlin, I will be there for you."

I feel my face get hot and flustered as his shaft rubs against my virgin hole. I can't help but moan out as it too becomes slick and lubricated before he gently pushes his tip in. Immediately the sensation of pain alerts my body. I grit my teeth as he continues to push in inch-by-inch till my body can take his whole eight and the pain seems to subside. He stays hilted inside me until he carefully removes and inch, then pushes it back in, then two inches; Eric repeats this process until I am easily taking his entire cock and my ass begins to loosen around his large shaft. The pain that I had once felt now turns into immense amounts of pleasure and I can't help but moan out as his shaft gently rubs my sensitive prostate over and over again.

It does not take long for my cock to release heavy loads of thick and hot cum. Without even touching myself I am spraying my seed all over Eric's chest and some even upon his face. I feel something rubbing against my ass but am too lost in my own orgasm that I don't even notice something slowly prying me apart even further than his cock can. I come down from my sexual high right as the intruder penetrates me and I scream out in both pain and pleasure. "EEEEEERRRRIIIIICCCCCCC" I scream as I feel myself being split by whatever it was. I can feel his balls pull up right before he releases more cum than I ever thought possible, deep into my now abused, deflowered ass. His cum begins to fill me quickly as I feel some of it escape and slide against the spot where are legs touch each other. We simply lay there, me on top of him as we both come down from our climaxes.

"T-that was amazing" he states as he is trying to catch his breath. I notice how strange he looks as he hyperventilates from sexual bliss, then I realize he's not catching his breath, he's panting. Panting like I've seen a dog on a hot summers day or when a bitch is in heat. If he's panting, am I the bitch? I think as I try to pull off his still sensitive cock. It soon becomes apparent though that I will not be going anywhere for a long time.

"W-what's happening Eric?" I scream as I realize we are stuck and I can pull off of him. He pulls me in an embrace and holds me closely.

"Just give it a minute. I promise I'll explain everything to you then." He looks in my eyes and I know he is about to tell me something that will be hard to hear. Despite my gut feeling though I don't argue and patiently wait for him to pull out. About 20 minutes pass before he tries again and I feel something being released from inside of me. "Now, I don't want you to freak out with what you are about to see. I will explain everything to you and I will answer any questions you might have."

I give him a look of curiosity as he pulled out of me. At first I didn't see anything wrong, but then it all became visible and I had to stop myself from screaming. "WHAT THE FUCK... WHAT IS THAT?" I point to his now pointed and alarmingly red cock that is covered in cum. "Eric, what happened?" As much as his new appendage scares me, it also intrigues me for reasons I can't explain; yet again. I notice that his new "red rocket" is protruding from a furry pouch where a set of furry balls hung below. I had seen this set of genitals before, but never on a man. It had always been some kind of four-legged animal.

"That is my cock, my real cock." Eric pointed to the red pointed shaft. "And this is my sheath." He rubbed the furry pouch where his canine cock was now receding until it hid itself from the world once again. I must have looked either completely shocked or disgusted cause I could tell on Eric's face that I had hurt him.

"W-why do you have a dog's penis?" I asked as I got up and started pulling my skirt on forgetting about my panties that lay a few feet in the grass from where I stood.

"That's not all Silas." He looked like he was worried to tell me something. Something I wouldn't want to hear and would run away from him yelling "MONSTER!" Thousands of possibilities were running through my head as he stared at me while I held the same blank expression on my face. Those thousands of possibilities soon disappeared as one remained. The one I had not even thought possible now was the reason why the man who kidnapped me, the man who I unexplainably have grown to love is now sporting the type of penis a female dog would get wet with desire.

"Silas, I- I'm a werewolf." His face that had been smiling so many times before now looked worried and scared. Eric watched my face for any sign of emotion or even understanding of what he just said. But all I could give him was a blank stare as this natural scene of beauty suddenly turned into the setting of an adult version of an old child's tale I had heard countless times before. I had gotten it all wrong before. Prince charming wasn't in my fairytale, that was meant for someone else. It seemed now all I was missing was my basket of goodies, and a red riding cloak that marked me as an innocent girl who should REALLY learn not to talk to strangers in the woods.