A Lily For My Lily

Levi purred lightly as he felt the strong arms of his mate slowly wrap around his waist and pull him closely. His mate's hot breath bushed against his fur and sent a shiver down his spine. Matt gently kissed him as he growled with lust and rubbed his...

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Detentions Not ALL Bad...

**As always, do not read if you are under the appropriate age (you be the judge of that) or if you have a problem with any of the tags used to describe this story. There is some very adult content present so consider yourself warned. Feel free to...

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A Shepherd In Sheep's Clothing- Chapter 2: A Wolf's Guise

_**A warning to all who read... this story does include sex between two men. If you are under 18 or if this is not your thing, I'm sorry but consider yourself warned For all you who don't mind a little M/M, please enjoy reading part 2 of my series...

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A Shepherd in Sheep's Clothing- Chapter 3: The Call of the Wild

_**Once again... this story contains content not suitable for all audiences. Do not proceed if you are not over the age of 18 or if any of the "tagged" keywords are not ok with you. You have been warned and anything you read from this point on is by...

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A Shepherd In Sheep's Clothing- Chapter 4: A Wolf Named Cat

_ **As always, do not read if you are under the age of 18. A lot of the content in this chapter is disturbing and includes both sexual and violent nature. You have been warned and do not proceed any further unless you wish to. Enjoy the next chapter in...

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A Shepherd In Sheep's Clothing- Chapter 1: Taken

_ **Do not read if you are under the age of 18. Some content maybe found disturbing. ** _ Chapter 1: Taken The trunk of the car shook and rumbled as my kidnapper picked up speed. I could feel every bump, every pothole he hit and cried out with each...

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A Cub of My Own

Chase woke up on the couch with a splitting headache as the sun poured in through the windows. Remnants of the fight he had with his wife still echoed in his head as he sat up and searched for any sign of her presence. He searched around as he took a...

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A Shepherd In Sheep's Clothing- Chapter 5: Introduction

Sorry guys, I've been really busy and I felt like I should give you something to look forward to since you've been so patient. I'm sorry its taking so long, like I said I've had a lot going on lately. Here is the INTRODUCTION to the new chapter. Let...

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