Love time lost prequel Part 1 of 2

Story by Kris the golden retriever on SoFurry

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#2 of Love time lost

Love time lost prequel. Chapter 1-Sadley happening.

It was only the beginni...

Love time lost prequel. Chapter 1-Sadley happening.

It was only the beginning of a soon to be a long and hot summer in Pawvile. School had only gotten out a few hours ago and the town was running rampart with many groups of all aged gangs of furs, excited about there long break. One unparticular fur though was very nervous, his name is Kris. Kris is a six foot five tall golden retriever, his tall yet bulk body only weighed 290 and he gave his weights class the thanks for that. He was on his was down a long stretching road of black pavement blocked by both sides by large, expensive houses.

Kris had only been here a few time, all different reasons but this time his body was filled with a mix of excitement, nervousness, and utter bliss. These strong emotions he was feeling were almost enough to make him stop in his tracks. He was slowly padding down the street in his flip-flops , brown linen shorts and white tank top, with a previously used backpack loosely hanging on his shoulder, every step he takes lightly jostling the contents inside of the black bag. The golden canine stops for a minute to get his bearings, he looks at the houses around him. They all have the same style, obviously track homes, after a while of examining each house he notices a light blue house with two Hummers in the front, Kris mumbled to himself as he fidgeted with his shirt with his left paw, There it is, Kevins house.

Kevin and Kris have known each other since they were little, ever since 4th grade if Kriss mind can think back that far. Now that they were in high school, Kevin had gotten into sports and Kris had been into studying. Kevin was a big person naturally, not to mention the fact that he was a mix of petcheron and stallion, but because of his just raw bulk the football coach was all over him the second they hit freshman year of school and soon he was the star football player, the jock of the school, the highlight, the star. But every star has their own secrets.

Ever since he could remember Kris had been in love with that handsome horse, just everything about him was perfect in Kriss eyes, he was a gentle giant because even for his pure mass he had the most tender and sweet touch that even Kris could not believe. Kevin was a perfectly muscled and perfectly well-endowed horse, from what he has seen in the shower room from PE, the chocolate brown skin covering his muscles was like tight leather molding over those bulging and chiseled muscles that covered his body. His very foot step made his muscles flex in a way that-that was indescribable, yet so beautiful. But the most beautiful thing about him was his voice, it was deep and lustful, playful yet serious and sultry yet seductive, this was Kriss favorite part of the horse he has known for the majority of his life.

As Kris had walked up to the door and rand the bell, his nervousness had sky rocketed as the sound of heavy foot clomps fell upon the hard floor, and as the door opened it revealed something, err someone, different then he expected. Instead he saw a rather tall black stallion, about 8 feet tall, muscular like a bodybuilder and intensive as ever, as Kris looked up the handsome face that was attached to that enormous body a smile cracked upon the face as a deep voice bellowed out Hello, you must be the guest my son has been waiting for. Please come in take your shoes off and I will get Kevin. Those were the only orders that Kris needed; he did as he was told. He hefted his bag a bit up on his shoulders slipped off his loose flip-flops and waiting in what seemed like a small hallway, to his left a large open extravagant kitchen full of new shinning utensils and top of the line cupboards, along with black granite table tops. In front of him were a long line of stairs ascending up into a hallway only lit by the natural light pouring out of the windows at the top, shining down on the soft carpeted stairs, a big contrast from the dark stained hardwood he was on now. Finally to his right there was what seemed to be a large family room, again carpeted in white carped that looked matted down from heavy foot falls, the end of a leather sectional poking around from the corner looking new yet used on many occasions. In front of the sectional there was a huge flat screen TV, and connected to that was an Furbox560 and a large stack of games, Kris mumbles to himself Someone must like to play games here. Just as he had said that he herd large foot falls coming down the stairs and as Kris had turned his head to see what was coming down, Kevin was already on the hard wood floor only inches away from Kris as his long candid snout hit the large equines chest, the next thing he knew he felt the strong arms of the horse around him pulling him close into a tight and wonderful hug, Kris tried to return the hug but was un able to wrap his arms even around the horses wide chest. The horse had looked down at the small canine in his arms and lapped at the top of his head with his long sticky tongue, between licks he says Hello my love, Im glad that youre finally here. Ive been waiting for this night for a long time now. Kevin and Kris have been dating for a few months now ever since the second half of the first semester of high school. It was Kriss birthday party, and since there was no adult supervision, things had gotten wild. Beer was being passed around, music was being blasted and furs were going crazy, then the real excitement began, truth or dare. The game went on for hours, the booze was working through the systems of the different party goers, and dares were being passed around like candy. One of the few last dares went to Kevin, his dare was to take somebody from the circle of furs and tell them something that you have been keeping secret, the horse stood up and nickered a bit, knowing what exactly to do. He walked right on over to Kris who was a little drunk at the time picked him up with those muscly arms of his, and said Kris, I love you. Then kissed him square on the mouth the best he could. Kris was in shock from the kiss but then just from the pure passions and lust behind the kiss he let the kiss take his mind, and fill it with passionate thoughts of how much he to love the horse. The crowd of furs now staring at them in the middle of the circle, eyes wide mouth agape, all of them knew Kris was gay but Kevins erratic coming out was a shock, but no one cared as they all either cheered wildly or went OHHHHHH its so sweet!!. The night had gone as such, the dog and the horse were now a thing and throughout the rest of the night they were like magnets never leaving each others sides, and thats how they became the loving pair that they were now. After that party they had many talks about how they were never going to be apart and how truly in love they were, they were the most perfect couple inseparable. Kris had looked up into the horses lovely deep root beer brown eyes and replied lovingly, Well Im happy Im here as well, I cant wait for the weekend to begin, then the has both leaned in for a long wet sloppy kiss, the horses long tongue invading the canines muzzle and exploring the familiar depths of his mouth. In the middle of their kiss in the small entry way of the house, the same large horse had walked from the kitchen to see him son and his mate already getting at him he nickers loudly and says to them Hey you to, Kevin you know the rules if youre going to go at it always have a condom and keep it in your room ha-ha! Kris had jumped back from the adults voice suddenly, as he stumbles backwards he would have fallen over if Kevin had not kept a firm grasp on him to keep him stable as Kevin turned his head to the adult horse who was now giving him a serious almost glare. Kevin smiling a bit Dad dont worry, it was just a kiss. We would not do anything anyways. Oh and meet Kris, Dad, my boyfriend Kevin then lets his grip on the dog slip a bit, but only to parade him in front of the large horse like some prize, but he was to Kevin. The adult horse looks down at Kris again, Hello, I met you at the door but was busy and needed to clean up a bit. He holds out a massive hand out at the dog, My name is butch. Kris had been blushing the whole entire time from Kevins father seeing him like that, he had taken the large hand and he was surprised how gently yet firm of a grip the large equine had, Kevin obviously learned from him, but he said Hello its nice to meet you Butch, my name is Kris, you have a beautiful house. Kris giggled nervously; Butch noticed and gave him a softer look Thank you very much, took a lot of work to get where I am now. Also you dont have to be nervous, Im very accepting of my son and of you, I will not judge you in any way, I want this to be as comfortable as being at home. Kris just smiled and said Okay thanks. Butch happy with the introduction then instructed Kevin to take himself up to his room to let Kris drop his bag up in his room, Kevin only nodded and led Kris by the paw up the large stairs and to his room. One in the horses room Kris was instantly intrigued by it, to your left was a large dressed packed with clothes and a walk in closes just beyond that on the wall. Opposite of that was a desk that was fairly high off the ground perfectly fit for a horse, the key set to the desk was a computer, and from the looks of it a new and extremely expensive one, Kris was instantly envious as his school nerdy side showing itself for the first time. Kevin had then pulled Kris along the room to the large bed in the corner, fitted with black sheets and a large brown comforter, Kevin had turned around and with those big hands of his, quickly removed the back pack from Kriss back and had pulled him on the bed on his back. Kevin then crawled over the small canine that fit perfectly between the two arms on his either side of his shoulders and his slim waist just fit through the lower prison of the horses thick beefy legs. Kevin smiles down at the canine below him, breathing heavily as his arousal surrounds the air around him and Kris, the quickly growing bulge in his thin shorts making it obvious what was coming next, Oh my love, I have been waiting for this for such a long time. Kris smiles up at his lover as he wraps his arms around the thick neck of the horse, Yes love I have been waiting as well, for this moment to come where we can finally mate. Kris then pulls the horse down and bit and they lock in another deep kiss, the horses tongue again exploring the depths of the dogs muzzle loving the flavor. After a few minutes of sloppy wet kissing Kevin had used one of his free hands to strip himself and Kris of the cloths they were wearing to be thrown into a small pile in the corner of the room. The two animals musk had become strong, wafting around the room filling the air with pure male musk, strong, masculine. Soon after the two furs had stripped down and had a few more moments of kissing, the horses own prick had begun to grown and get hard as blood quickly pumped through it, Kriss own hard cock already pressing against the horses belly. The horses dark spire poking it way between the two, pre already dribbling out of the thick head, Kris had broken the kiss to look down at the hard cock amazed with its size. Kris already mesmerized with the thick member, had moved his paws to stroke the member, feel the blood pumping through it, throbbing, the glans just beneath the tight, hot , musky skin he just could not resist it. Kris had open his muzzle his long canine tongue rolling out to taste it for the first time, the pre dribbling out of the large slit leaving a deliciously salty taste in his muzzle. The second Kriss mouth wrapped it self around the horses one and a half foot length, he grew weak from pleasure , his arms and legs shaking as Kris had used his paws to stroke up and down the shaft with his paws as he was sucking furiously bobbing his head on the first few inches of the hot stallion cock as pre was filling his muzzle and throat with every quick gulp of it. Soon the horse above the canine that has been sucking furiously propped himself up on his large knees and yelled out loud as his large member flicked as cum was filling the muzzle of the dog lapping at his cock. Kris struggled to keep rope after rope of stick cum inside his muzzle as his cheeks bulged out as he could barely keeps it down his throat, a few minutes had gone by and finally the horse stops cumming down the dogs throat, his gut now bulging with cum that sloshes around inside of him. Kris smiles as the last gulp of cum goes down his throat, pleased he kept it all in. Kevin leans down again panting heavily, he leans in to give Kris another deep kiss and to taste his own cum to. Kris kisses him back deeply as possible and looks up at him lustfully My love pleas im so horny now from your cum, pleas take my hole I need you Kevin simply smiles and gets up again leaving the bed to walk over to his dresser and open the top drawer pulling out a large bottle of lube, then walking back to the bed applying a good amount to rock hard shaft. He gently turns his lover over and applies another gracious amount to the tight pucker, he slowly sticks thickly hooved finger in the hole to begin loosening him up a bit, muffled moans of mixed pain and pleasure are heard from Kriss side of the bed.

After a while of fingering Kevin positions him self where his cock head is pressing against the stretched hole as he slowly pushes into him, Kriss bites harder on the pillow he had grabbed for himself as the thick cock almost tears him open as it slides in. Kevin gets half way deep as he retracts his mean from his loves ass and then returns it again into its rightful slot, OH love you are so tight, and I just love it! Kris moans as the equine thrusts back and forth with every thrust getting deeper. Kevin moans out loudly now humping with feral motions, pre already coating the dogs insides, he was already close. Kevin pumps faster and faster as the bed rocks back and forth, he was going to cum and hard. Kriss again protruding boner making a big pool of pre under him as he lays in it as his tight virgin hole gets pounded by powerfull stallion meat. After a few more feral thrusts Kris succumbs to the pleasure and without even touching his boner he shoots thick jets of cum onto the bed and not to soon after that Kevin begins to cum as well. Kevin thrusts deep as he cums again thick roaps pf cum hit his organs stream after stream filling him once again. Kris moans out in pleasure as he is filled again, he just loved this feeling not wanting it to stop, but sadley it ended as he heard and felt Kevin pulling out of him surprisingly little cum flowing out of him. Kevin laid down next to his lover, tired he gave him one last kiss before moving them both to face the right way on the bed giving them both a pillow and pulling the covers over the top of them, Kevin was happy as he wraped his arms around his cute lover as he drifted away into the world of sleep. Kris felt those dominant arms around him pulling him close into the sexy chest of the hot stallion, he kissed the meaty arm of the equine before doing the same and falling asleep with his lover wrapped around him and the cum still filling him.