Outback Part 1

Story by DominoHorsey on SoFurry

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The stories are based on the rleplaying i have done with Amithyst the Roo, so the credit is half hers as well. Hope you enjoy. This was actually my second rp session on sf xP. This one is introduction really, if you are looking for yiff, go about halfway through. Part two and three has nothing but rough sex. I would very much appreciate comments.

Outback Part 1

A large mustang walks over, dressed in only a belt and a cowboy hat, dusty from a day wandering the outback. He had noticed the white kangaroo anthro a few moments ago and thought to come over and introduce himself. With a wave he called out and approached, "Well howdy there!" He tips his cowboy hat in greeting, a cheerful smile on his face "How are you this fine evening miss....?"

The white kangaroo flips her long ears towards him and looks up at the mustang with shock blue eyes, "Oh um.. g'day there. I'm doin' right well I am." she gives him a smile, her voice evident with a light Aussie accent.

Rionsmiles cheerfully at her accent, his own Texan one fairly pronounced "Well, thats mighty fine then. The names Rion by the way miss....?"

She smiles, flashing her straight blunt teeth in a slightly goofy lopsided grin. She flicks up the brim of her own hat, one reminiscent of the one wore by Crocodile Dundee, and nods, "Right nice ta meet ya mate, the names Amithyst or Ami if ya like."

"Well howdy Miss Ami," he says with his cheerful smile, "tis a fine day indeed for someone round these parts to greet back with such manners!" He was referring of course to her own tip of a hat "Sure is a nice change of pace." he points out very appreciatively.

Ami chuckled and gives a nod, leaning back on her muscular roo tail in a familiar kangaroo 'tri-pod' position and resting her hands on her stomach just above her pouch. "Well I try ta be nice ta people. Least the first time round." she says giving him a wink.

He grins at her wink, and nickers in soft equine laughter "Tis a proper thing to do, to be sure Miss Ami." His agreed, his own braided tail swishing side to side. "So if I may be so bold to ask, what are you doing round these parts?"

"Oh just wandrin round, i live nearby so just out for a stroll." She says as she starts to idly lick her thin forearms in a rather feral behaviour, her long thin roo tongue slipping out and covering her wrists in cooling saliva, something done to cool off and combat the heat while in the Outback. "An what abouts you? Got business here yourself?"

He watches her lap at her arms with some interest, before looking up at the sun and squinting his eyes in an attempt not to stare. "Why Ma'am, just wandering around, looking for someone to meet and socialize with, heh, happened to have gotten myself lost on tour and well... here i am." He turns a bit sheepishly, his hoofs clattering on the ground.

"Well ya found me, can't say I'm to much help with that though. Usually one ta keep to myself, but I'll try to force the talk." she snickers a bit her clawed toes wiggling as her long digitigrade legs stretch out slightly as she leans back on her tail more.

He nickers again in laughter, "well, Miss Ami, I'm normally not one for much talk myself." He rather timidly admits, "But I figure at some point you have to head out there and try new things. Besides, I can't say I have ever spoken to a kangaroo before, I hand known they would be as pretty as you, or I would have left for the outback a long time ago" He looks back at her, positioning his hat so the bright light would not be in his eyes and grins.

She chuckles, "Well I am hardly a normal roo any more; used to have red fur and green eyes not too long ago. Slight mishap ended up with me like this." She to pulls down the rim of her hat again, her long cupped ears flipping forwards towards him as she looked up at the mustang that was quite a bit taller than she. "You're something yourself. I've seen my share of equines but you're the first Mustang I've happened across, I have some tribal roots myself." With a grin she added, "Seems we have a lot of things in common with each other." she says with a chuckle. Both had accents from their home, both were half feral, and to both their hats seemed to be the only clothing that was to be worn. "I was born and raised up in the Outback in a mob(group of kangaroos), though when I was taken and put into this sorta zoo thing for a good number of years after that."

He noticed these similarities himself, again another reason he tried to stare too much. "I am sorry to here that Miss Ami, sounds like a terrible ordeal, I'm happy to see you got out. Were you ever able to get in contact with your family again?"

"Na, they were killed by humans the night I was taken." she says, shrugging one shoulder and flicking her ears a bit. She had long since gotten over the fact, she had her own family now and she wasn't one to live in the past."

"Tis he a hard fact of life miss," he nodded knowingly "a number of my brothers and sisters were taken by humans, and either broken, or killed" Having years between he also had gotten used to it, it was just one of the things that happened.

"Yup.. like ta see them mess with me now though eh?" she snickers and throws a few punches at the air then sticks out her tongue in a goofy expression.

He chuckles at the expression on her face, and continues to smile happily. "It is a match I would bet heavily on in your favour miss Ami." Not much of a fighter, other than a few good rear end kicks, he was remarkably impressed. He had thought all those cartoons of boxing kangaroos a joke, guess he was wrong he thought.

She chuckles, knowing full well what he must be thinking then going and raising up and giving a slight turn on the spot then whipping her tail around fast enough in the air it made a soft snapping sound, not as loud as a whip but still impressive that such a thick and muscular thing could move that fast. This caused him toblink in surprise at the movement, wowed by the act. He also couldn't help but catch a glimpse of her rear as she turned, thinking to himself she was very attractive. "Well miss, I will keep it in my mind never to anger a kangaroo to the point that a fight might break out." he chuckles again "I don't think I would stand a very good chance in a bar brawl to say the least." Rion happily complemented her, very impressed indeed.

She snickered and grinned widely at his complement, not usually one to show off much it was nice to get them when she did. "Well good thing I don't go to bars to often then eh? Heh, not that I'd hurt a fine specimen like yourself unless I was really drunk." she says, sticking her tongue out at him again.

Not one normally on the receiving end of complements, his muzzle starts to turn a bit red, and he tips his hat down a little more to try and shade his face, to make his tiny bluish less noticeable. "Tis a shame to hear I won't be seeing you in bars anytime soon. Especially after saying you wouldn't be going round hurting me." He winks, "I'd be more worried for the rest of the poor furs. I'm a large stallion, I could take it I think." He grins again at the expression on her face, her tongue sticking out at him, "But thanks for the special treatment Ma'am."

"Hah, well I'm usually a pretty laid back fur. Let the good and bad come to me instead of seekin it out ya know? I've had my days of bein the chaser." she says, remembering the years she had spent as an 'archeologist' of sorts. To re-iterate this she suddenly rolled down onto her knees and made a rather impressive 'FLOP' onto her side onto the ground, causing a light puff cloud of dust to rise up as she lay there in a typical roo lounging position.

"That's a good outlook on life that is miss Ami, one I happen to share myself. Why worry about the things you can't change. Does nothing 'cept make your fur fall out." noticing how relaxed she was getting, he leaned back thumped down on his bare ass, spraying a bit of dust around him. He sat with his legs apart, basking in the warmth of the sun, leaning back, his hands supporting him as they lay on the ground behind him. He looks up again "Well, I thank my lucky stars to have met you Miss Ami, you seem very similarly inclined as myself, and it sure is a pleasure speaking with you."

"Mmmhmm.." she nods, cracking open an eye she had closed and smiling at him seeing him relaxing now as well. "Yup, it certainly is a pleasure Rion." she says in a soft chitter, her tail thumping the ground idly behind her

As he looked at the pretty white roo in front of him, certain parts of him started to get excited. It wasn't so often you ran into other furs who didn't conform to the idea of clothing. He tried to reign himself in though. He just relaxed under the sun; happy to have such nice company for once. His large wide tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth as he felt the breeze pick up. "Tis mighty fine of you to say that Ma'am" he said, his muzzle blushing a bit more.

She grins a bit, her own eyes had been on him for a while and her whiskers twitching faintly as she looked over the fine example of an equine sprawled out naked before her. Her ears rotated back and forth a few times then with a slight huff she rolls onto her back and wiggles side to side as if scratching her back, her long tail thumping and swaying on the ground behind her kicking up more dust and her legs splayed out below her.

His eyes traveled back to her just as she started to move. He couldn't help but notice the curves of her body, and what lay between her legs as she wiggled back and forth and her legs splayed towards him. His own body acted accordingly. His member that was lying on the ground started to rear, and grow at the sight. Without thinking he snorted in lust before controlling himself. As much as he tried though, he couldn't take his eyes off of her; they ran across her entire body his mind picturing his hands doing what his eyes were

She hears his snort but doesn't think much of it, not seeing the rest of his reaction for her eyes being closed. As she stops wiggling on the ground her long legs stretched out to their full extent and her tail curled up between them and thumped back down to the ground slowly a few times. Her body was picturesque for a roo, her shoulders and upper body narrow down until her wide hips and long legs flared out. She had no breasts to speak of but she did have a crest of long fluffy fur at that area that gave her the illusion of having them, her teats laying in the smooth skin inside of the pouch that rested on her stomach. She stretched out lazily with her arms going back behind her head, hat tipping down over her eyes putting them in a shadow out of view.

He knew he was being bold. He wasn't sure if she would reciprocate this, but a passion burned in his mind that needed to be sated. He crawled over to her, over her tail that lay between them. He grabbed at her outstretched legs, and bent his muzzle to between them. He gave a tentative lap at her folds, before a more forceful one. He was pretty sure if she wanted to get out of this she could take him, but he hoped she didn't, and that she wouldn't hate him for what he was going to do afterwards. He gave her another deep lick on her sex, smelling her scent. She could probably feel his rod dangling between his knees as it brushed over her tail once or twice.

She was surprised to say the least; a loud gasp coming from her and her head coming up and eyes snapping open when she felt his tongue lick at her thinly furred folds that lay between her legs. With her tail and legs stretched out as such her sex was wide open to whatever he would wish to do to her there. "Wha- What?" she wiggled away from him slightly in her shock, tail behind him flicking back and forth below her, making his member sway as it tapped against it on its path.

He had a firm grip on both of her legs. While he had no training as a fighter, as a naturally muscular being he pulled her close again, his abs rippling as he did. He kept his muzzle buried between her legs, lapping at her folds, His wide tongue starting from between her tail hole and her sex and licking to her nub. He snorted again a bit lost in lust. His member twitched at her tails accidental touches, and continued to harden, excited by what he was doing. "I-I can't help myself" he moaned into her treasure.

She gasped again and tried to wiggle away from him more, more from the suddenness of his onslaught than anything else, her hands went to push at the top of his head a bit and her chest started to heave with her increased breathing. "W-well ..." she stutters out before trailing off not really knowing what to say to the situation. She made a sort of barking coughing noise and her tail continued to wiggle, her legs useless as they were held out straight and not able to kick. Her inner folds were smooth and easily wet at his saliva, her hips arching up involuntarily as his tongue laps over her sensitive nub.

He misinterprets the stuttered well, and the hips arching as a sign to continue. He continued to lick at her sex, tasting her, before occasionally driving his large wet tongue deep into her slit. He rather enjoyed the feel of her tail moving below him and slapping at his shaft as she squirmed. He assumed this meant she was enjoying it. He gripped at her legs fiercely and continued his work. His breathing and snorting blowing hot air on her nethers

She whimpers softly and bites her lip, slowly warming to the action despite its abruptness. Her tail would rub up the side of his shaft as it flicked up and then thumped back down while he continued his licking of her smooth wettened sex. As his tongue delved inside of her she jerks her hips a bit once again, and another bark coming from her, he would notice a distinct downward curve to her tunnel as his tongue worked in and out of her sex from such an angle.

He whinnied into her sex as his large black shaft was rubbed. His tongue continued its exploration of her cunny, stopping occasionally to retract so that he could taste her in his mouth. He would then give her outer folds a long lick and delve back in, finding the peculiar curve of her love canal. Not knowing the difference of a roo, his left hand moved upwards to her chest and started rubbing, searching for hardened nipples to play with. His other went to spreading the walls of her sex, and its thumb playing with her nub. He would also thrust at her tail, trying to prolong its contact with his impressive shaft; his own tail swishing back and forth rapidly to show his pleasure.

She chews at her bottom lip as his tongue lapped at and delved inside of her sex, her tail continuing it's up and down flicking that made it brush against his shaft. When his hand came up to try and grope her breasts she rolled her eyes slightly and his hand was met with nothing but fur that was flattened under his hand. With a soft chitter, finally warming towards this actions she takes his hand and slides it down her belly, her fur short, thick and plush over the flat plane as she drags it towards her pouch. She pulls down the lip of her pouch and slips his hand inside where his fingers were greeted by the smooth warm skin inside along with two nipples on slightly raised mounds up against her tummy.

He chuckles as she moves his hand to her pouch, unexpectedly finding her nipples there. He snickers as he laps at her, realizing he should have known, after all that is where they kept their child. His hand eager to begin its work started playing with her two peaks, rubbing them, and caressing them. His thumb picked up its tempo in her nub, and Rion did his best to get his tongue into her as far as possible, meaning to explore her curved tunnel before he used his other equipment on it. When he would come out to lap at her whole sex, he now started at her tail hole, working his tongue up.

She lets out a soft moan as his hands rubbed over her teats, giving a soft shudder and her clawed toes digging into the hard cracked earth of the sun baked ground below them. "Ooh..." she lay back and folds her ears back, her tunnel squeezing around his tongue as it pressed in so deep inside of her. It might have started out suddenly but she was getting into it now that she was actually becoming aroused, her hands petting over his ears and down his neck as she moans from his lavished attention upon her sex, gasping when she feels him lick over her tail hole also.

He moaned just slightly after her, the feel of squeezing her walls on his tongue was something he had never felt before. He pushed his head into her paw, enjoying her claws running through his mane. He could taste her getting aroused. His hand in her pouch continued to play around with her perk nipples as his other, thumb still rubbing, moved so that his fingers could press into her sex. And that is what he did. He sank one of his thick horse digits into her cunny with his tongue, letting him dig his oral organ deeper into her yet. When her heard her gasp at his attention to her tail hole, he made sure to linger his tongue there when he lapped at her whole bottom, even having it enter somewhat.

Ami was practically a pile of mush now in his hands, willing for anything he would wish to do. Her sex was quickly moistening with more than just his saliva now, her sweet feminine juices greeting his tongue with her taste as it leaked out of her. She curls her toes and arches her hips up against his hand and gasping loudly when his thick digit slipped inside of her slick sex, giving a full body shudder when his tongue once again licked over her tail hole. "Gods.." she hissed out between clenched teeth, coughing softly at him as her fingers tangled into the hair of his mane, her tail coming up again this time and stroking up against his long thick shaft and even pressing against those heavy hanging orbs before thumping back to the ground again.

When her tail stroked at his large leathery sac he felt a jolt run through him. A few drips of precum dripped onto her tail as his shaft reached its full length. The action also had him thrust forward somewhat bumping the tip of his rod up against her tail hole. He wasn't ready for that though, he enjoyed pleasing his partners first, showing them what a horses tongue could do. His one hand pinched at her nipples now, loving the feel inside her pouch; his other slipped a second finger inside her sex. He moved forward, running his tongue up her entire body to her muzzle, and he began to kiss her. Gently at first, then it turned more savage, more feral.

She bit her bottom lip and looked down when she feels him bump against her tail hole only to have him draw back again. She groaned as the second thick finger was added into her slick heated sex, her walls clenching in around his fingers firmly as they pressed into her. When his fingers in her pouch squeezed at her nipples he would a feel a warm trickle of fluid run from the teat and wet his fingers even as his tongue licked up her body. She chittered and gripped his mane tighter and kissed him back, whiskers wiggling against his lips as she did, her long smooth thin tongue darting out to lick over his lips wetly and her head turning to the side to lock her lips with his and giving a deep moan into his maw.

He nickered and snorted his passion as she kissed him, her skilful tongue running over his wide one, his slick with her juices having been in both her holes. Now her wet saliva was added to the wonderful and exotic cocktail. He moaned into her as well as she clenched his fingers in her sex. He bucked forward somewhat, his tip bouncing again on her tail hole over and over, his sac rubbing down her tail, slicking it with the precum that had dripped there already. His surprise by the fluid from her teats did not deter him, he started to milk at them, preparing for a stop his muzzle would make when he would make his way back to her base. Although his maw was larger than her muzzle, the unfamiliarity excited him, and he all the more passionately danced his tongue across hers.

She murred into his mouth as she licked over the inside of his maw, her legs curling up and hips raising again and again in time with his bouncing member teasing against her tight pucker. She shudders and her heart rate picked up a notch as he milked her of her sweet roo milk from her pouch teats, tail thumping harder on the ground. Her hands trailed down his neck to his chest where her fingers started to lightly trace the hard lines of muscle in his chest.

He stopped kissing her, much to his own chagrin, only for a moment. He slowly moved his large head downwards as he continued to milk her, going from on tit to the other. As he moved away his large cock pulled away from her ass. This would only last a moment though; he had a plan to bring it back in a hurry. As his fingers continued to pump into her, a third one joining in fact, he licked his tongue into her pouch, to lap at the milk pooling inside. His wide tongue worked in and out, trying to taste it all, loving every minute, as it licked it made its way over her sensitive nipples inside.

She murred louder as she felt him go to lick up her sweet milk that had been milked from her nipples, her hands petting over the back of his head lightly and fingers scratching behind his ears. When she felt that third finger added she huffed heavily and grit her teeth in her pleasure as her tight hole was stretched around those thick digits. "Aaa...ah!" she coughed loudly to him and her inner walls squeezed in tightly around his fingers once again, tighter than before as her sex was worked into a slick and sloppy mess, soft squilching noises being heard as those fingers pumped in and out of her.

He snorted in lust, turned on by the way she moved, she chittered, she moaned, and the slurping sounds of his fingers pistoning in and out of her slit. He lapped up all the milk that had been there like a kitten at a saucer, before moving up to roughly kiss her again, another liquid added to the mix. He had originally planned on moving his paw of her nipples to play with her tail hole, but she loved the milking too much, so continued to draw it out of her. Instead, this time as his large black cock approached her rear; he let it slide over her slick sex to wet it, and slowly pushed the wide tip into her ass. Once he had it in somewhat, he started to slowly and gently thrust into her, only using about 3 inches, an 8th of its length to tease and please her third hole.

She continued her soft groaning at being milked, moaning into his mouth as she tastes the sweet fluid upon his tongue when it pushes into her mouth. Her tunnel clamped down hard around his fingers and her eyes go wide and a loud cry comes from her when she feels his member press just inside of her tight rectum, taking a sharp inhale of breath and arching herself up against him as he does, her eyes squinting closed and ears slammed back against her head and tail thumping up and down so much it bumped him on his ass with ever flick upwards.

His tail slapped at hers for fun as hers bumped his rear with every thrust he put into her. If it felt like anything, it was like one of those fun black S & M whips, short with many many tongues, stinging softly as it connected. He continued to milk her, waiting for her pouch to be filled again, so he could go drink at her, he had truly enjoyed his first taste. For now he contented himself with mashing his muzzle into hers, delving his tongue deep into her maw, licking its inside, and down her throat a little. His large cock worked itself in another inch during this time, without him ever noticing, as concentrated as he was on shoving his 3 fingers as deep into her and as fast as he could.

When his member slipped deeper into her with his fingers stretching and working into her sex and his other hand milking at her teats it was suddenly too much. She arched her narrow chest up against him and gives a long loud moan as her tunnel clamped down around his fingers and her ass around the tip of his member and started to spasm around them, a fresh wave of her feminine juices spilling out of her as the sudden intense orgasm slammed into her, dripping down around her tail hole and having his fingers pumping into her make wet sucking noises against her tightly clenching sex.

He shuddered at the clenching around his cock, and the spray of wetness on his fingers. He moaned into her mouth as well. He continues to work his fingers into her sex for a moment, allowing her to enjoy every minute of her orgasm, before he pulled them out. He brought the digits to his muzzle, and after taking a second to whiff in her scent, lapped at her fingers to taste her honey, finding it much to his delight. He kissed her again, sharing the flavour before rising to his knees again. His on hand still in her pouch, he used his other arm to wrap around bother her legs dragging her closer to him. As his shaft got wet from her cum, he started to slide it deeper and deeper in, stretching her anal ring as he pulled her on his 23 inch shaft.

This caused her togasp in her breath, and her legs curl up at his sides as he starts to press in further into her tight warm anus, murring into his mouth when she tasted her fresh orgasmic juices on his tongue. Her hands clutched themselves on his upper arms and digging her nails into him lightly, her tail wiggling and thumping around behind her still, the movement of the thick muscle making her anus seem to press in around him even tighter when her tail lifted up.

Oh gods was he enjoying this. For something with such a rocky start, it was turning out fantastic. He almost came the first time she raised her tail, causing her anus to tighten. He wasn't worried, even if he did, a couple minutes of eating her out would stiffen him up again, but still. Wow! He thought. He moaned into her mouth "Mmmm, you feel amazing Ami". As he said this he tried to emphasise the point by shoving fully half his member into her tight tailhole. One arm around her legs he pistoned into her.

"Aah!" She shudders and throws her head back, coughing her submission to him loudly as he shoves half of himself into her tight clenching ass. "Gods....fuck.." she groans out, her narrow chest heaving with her breathing and her nose pressing up against his neck and tongue licking out against his collar bone, tasting his fur and any sweat that had built up on his body.

He snorted his pleasure as she lapped at his neck, and coughed to his dominance. His hand milking her gathered its bounty only to lather the part of his cock not in her, and his balls with her milk. Using this as lube, he started thrusting more of his rod in. Figuring there would be no way he could hilt her, he strived to see how far he could get in. He leaned over her, putting a paw to the ground by her hear and pushing her own legs towards her face. With this angle he shoved into her with all his might, burying himself in her. The arm that was around her legs came back, and he used that hand instead to rub at her clit once again.

She snorted herself, hot breath huffing out of her nose, her hands pressing in against his chest as he loomed over and dominated her form, "Aah!" she groans out again as he thrusts hard into her, finding it incredibly hot that he would use her milk as lubricant upon his throbbing shaft to ease it into her tight back door, able to get all but the last few inches of that thick member up her rectum comfortably. She groans loudly as he starts to thrust into the hole so deeply, another gasp coming from her when her super-charged clit was stroked over once again, her pussy drooling wet above where he was fucking her tail hole now, her tail continuing its raising and falling to make her ass squeeze in around his member.

Rion felt her wetness seeping onto his rod, helping him to enter her easier and easier; he knew he could not last much longer, the tightening about his thick shaft whenever her sexy tail lifted drove him to wild. He wished he could return his hand to milking her, he had never been with a lactating fur before, but he found it oh so attractive. Still he needed his hand to hold him up. His arm muscles rippled from the exertion and sweat dripped from his furred abs onto her. He drove himself into her faster though, losing himself to a primal lust, staring lewdly at her with wild eyes. Right now all he could think of was claiming every inch of her, every hole as his own, and coating them with his hot, thick seed.

While he fucked her tail hole he would slowly be able to work in more and more as the last tight bit of her anus was opened up to his shaft from his mad driving into her body, eventually he would find himself able to touch his hips up against her ass cheeks as he rammed into her. "Fuck..." she grunted out, feeling every inch of herself be crammed full of his hard and throbbing shaft, her swaying tail making that tightness seeming to milk at his shaft like it was begging him to spill his load of thick equine seed inside of her. Her short finger claws raked down his sweat covered muscles on his chest, squeezing at them appreciatively even as she shuddered and groaned.

A minute or so after he felt his balls slapping on her ass letting him know he had indeed hilted her, her tail raised for a last time. The constant pressure changes around his long shaft drove him over the edge. He panted out, "I-I-I I'm gonna c..." and unfinished he started losing his seed deep into the depths of her body. His cock swelled as it traveled from his large sac to its destination inside her. It came out with forceful sprays as he bucked into her, grabbing both her hips and pulling himself in. He whinnied a loud sound, nipping at her shoulder as his muscles jerked his body.

"AAh! Oh god...." she gasps as she feels him start to empty himself into her tight and squeezing anal walls, painting her insides white with his fluids and filling her ass up to the brim as it even started to leak out around his cock base where her ass was stretched the widest. Her tail had curled up and was pressed up along his backside as he rode out his orgasm making herself squeeze tight in on him. "Yes... yes give me all of it..." she gasped, loving the feeling of being filled by his warm seed, her heart pounding in her chest the pulse visible at the hallow of her throat.

He continued to pump into her, spraying seed at a slower rate. He rode her as he started to deflate, only to pull back and out after a fair number of moments, his still semi-erect rod spurting out a few strands of cum over her lower body as he did. He loams over her sweating and kisses her firmly once again. Sweat dripped from his pecks, and abs, sliding down his arms. His cock twitched as it bumped her pussy as he kissed her, the hand playing with her nub slowing, and his fingers pulling out. He stopped kissing her, and looked down breathing hard, a bit of drool slipping off his muzzle and panting tongue onto her. "Hah... hah... heh," breathed heavily. "That was.... something. hah... mmmm. You good to go for another round cutie?"