Night of the Assassin, Day of the Hero

Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Crucifixion

The second tale of the Crucifixion series, well here it is.

Crucifixion: Night of the Assassin, Day of the Hero

The Assassin touched the walls of Kyrrin; it was just too easy these days, within minutes he was in Kyrrin and on the path of T'kras and more importantly A'kra. The Assassin strode down the empty streets of Kyrrin and he noticed something, something he hadn't seen for years and never expected to see again "Son of a bitch is alive" he murmured.

In the jackal's house T'kras lay limply by A'kra side, it took T'kras a few minutes to get his bearings "That was fun" he said then broke into a large grin.

"You bet" A'kra replied sitting up and kissing T'kras.

T'kras murred around this kiss and pulled A'kra closer to him "Ready for another go?" he asked slyly.

"Are you?" she replied and pushed T'kras onto his back and slid seductively down him.

T'kras moaned lightly as he felt A'kra warmth engulf his cock, he smiled as he saw the jackal descending the stairs perfectly silent and crept up behind A'kra.

A'kra gasped as she felt an extra pair of hands caress her back "Is he joining us?" she breathed.

"What do you think?" T'kras asked as A'kra moaned as she felt the jackal's cock rest against her tailhole.

The jackal grinned at T'kras and slowly pushed himself into A'kra until he was hilted in her, his furred balls resting against her ass.

"How I have missed this" the jackal moaned

T'kras thrust into A'kra as the jackal pulled out, both of them thrusting in as the other pulled out. A'kra moaned as a particularly powerful thrust from T'kras sent her bouncing into the air, the jackal took advantage of this thrusting all the harder into her scaled behind.

The two old friends double teamed the moaning snake, both powerfully thrusting into her depths filling her with cock as she had never been filled before.

"She's good isn't she" T'kras gasped as he fucked A'kra.

"Gotta agree with you" the jackal responded breathlessly.

"Tell me your fucking name" A'kra howled to the jackal.

The jackal leant forward and whispered in her ear "My name is Sirov"

A'kra rolled helplessly between the two males, it seemed that there was something she should know about that name but the pleasure was too intense and drove all other thoughts from her mind.

T'kras panted as he drove his dragon hood into A'kra her moaning and the clenching of her inner muscles was pushing him ever closer to the perfect oblivion of pleasure. A'kra thrashed in pleasure as an orgasm hit her forcing her muscles to clench down on the members of the dragon and jackal sending the dragon into a sympathetic orgasm splashing his seed into her womb.

Sirov kept pumping into A'kra's tight ass as T'kras roiled beneath her in orgasm filling her with dragon seed, Sirov clutched at A'kra as he emptied his jackal cum into her bowels setting her off on another orgasm.

The threesome lay on the floor almost comatose from their coupling until T'kras spoke "We have to do that more often" he said lightly.

"I gotta agree" Sirov laughed.

A'kra just lay there content in her pleasure sandwiched between the jackal and the dragon, A'kra smiled as she felt the warmth of cum spread through her from the veritable ocean of cum that was trapped in her bowels and pussy by the two cocks.

The threesome lay there content in each others presence until the peaceful oblivion of sleep claimed them.

The Assassin walked slowly down the empty streets of Kyrrin, the wind howled furiously but didn't touch him.

"Who the hell are you?" a guard demanded.

The Assassin turned and whipped free his cloak that had become tangled on his swords to show the standard of the Temple of Death making him look like a hero of old, silhouetted against the moon, the guard had about two second to make his peace before the Assassin's blades flashed out and ended his life.

"To easy" the Assassin laughed as he cleaned his blades and set off down the streets to search for his targets.

The Assassin swore as he saw the sun gleam of the illusive towers of Kyrrin which were normally cloaked in mist or storm, he would have to hide until dark before he continued on. No matter for one such as him as the city was mostly abandoned but an irritation nonetheless.

T'kras woke up with his body still entangled with his lovers of last night, he groaned and went into the kitchen he was used to cooking and he certainly didn't want Sirov to cook that was a danger to everyone.

T'kras was so intent on cooking he didn't her A'kra get up or walk into the kitchen following the irresistible scents drifting from it.

"You can cook?" A'kra asked

"Believe me what I make is a fair sight better than what Sirov back there can cook up" T'kras said.

"Is he that bad?" A'kra asked

"If you value your health don't ever eat anything he cooks" T'kras replied.

"I heard that" Sirov shouted from the next room.

"Well I am telling the truth aren't I?" T'kras challenged.

A'kra could hear Sirov grumbling foully but the reply never came "He does know but will never acknowledge it" T'kras murmured.

"It seems I know something about the name Sirov but I can't remember it" A'kra moaned.

"What the thing about him being Kirov's brother?" T'kras said bluntly.

"That's it" A'kra gasped her eyes widening.

"Well I can say what you heard is bullshit" T'kras continued "He is not volatile in any way"

"He redecorates a house in his sleep" A'kra said in a frank tone.

T'kras just raised his eyebrows "He is not definitely, mostly not dangerous" he replied as he moved the sizzling food around the pan.

"For the Gods sake the Assassin was sent to kill him" A'kra said exasperatedly.

"I know I was there" T'kras replied "Didn't you hear us earlier? I couldn't believe he was alive"

"So you thought the Assassin had killed him?" A'kra asked

"Oh yeah but Sirov put up one hell of a fight" T'kras said expansively "They still talk about it in Hyran'Tin. If you want to know more you should ask Sirov"

"Don't listen to him A'kra T'kras is bullshitting get him to tell you" Sirov shouted "He was trained to be a Taleteller from the moment he came here"

"He is a what?" A'kra asked

"Taleteller basically a historian but one who could tell the old tales with great ability" Sirov answered as he came into the kitchen "T'kras here could make the stone cry and the trees applaud if he wished it"

"Now that is obvious exaggeration" T'kras said.

"Don't listen he is lying" Sirov continued "T'kras here is considered the best Taleteller ever trained in the Charon cities"

"That's true but still..." T'kras tried but gave up.

"Last I heard you were running from an old friend of mine" Sirov said.

"Yes, the Assassin wants me and her" T'kras replied.

"But still, why go after the girl? Why send the Assassin after her?" Sirov asked "No offence intended" he amended.

"She is supposed to be his replacement" T'kras said quietly.

"No shit" Sirov said slowly looking strangely at A'kra.

"She isn't a psycho warrior if that's what you're thinking" T'kras said bluntly.

"Ah okay" Sirov said looking slightly disappointed.

"Thing is they are still coming after her" T'kras said mysteriously "They have apparently been after for years"

"That is interesting" Sirov noted "They aren't that persistent unless that bloody god of theirs demands it and makes his will felt"

"How does he do that?" A'kra asked

"Usually possesses the Assassin and massacres a town and writes the message in their blood" Sirov said grimly.

"How often is a new Assassin picked?" A'kra questioned.

"About every twenty or so years" Sirov replied "They have to or unpleasantness can occur"

"What kind of unpleasantness?" T'kras wondered.

"Usually something on the order of Reaper's power becoming so concentrated inside the body of the Assassin resulting in morphing and total possession" Sirov said.

"By the Gods bloody temples and halls, you've seen that?" T'kras asked

"No of course not it has only happened twice and one time was because the Assassin refused to continue killing so Reaper total possessed him" Sirov replied.

"Then how'd you find out?" A'kra asked.

"I broke into the Temple of Death's archives" Sirov laughed.

"No way, that is insane!" T'kras said in disbelief.

"No, just incredibly dangerous" Sirov said simply "But here is my question. What have you been doing T'kras? For all these years, what have you been doing?"

"Keeping my histories journal, stealing, practicing minor magics, nothing like what you did" T'kras said then amended "It just got interesting these last few weeks"

"I can imagine chased by the Assassin and Imperial Troopers for stealing the Governor of Droldemas' daughter" Sirov said "I know who you are A'kra but the question is why were you in Kesharak?"

"She said she ran from her father because he planned to marry her off to some prince but I doubt that" T'kras said wolfishly.

A'kra scowled at T'kras "Why I never, that is so rude" she hissed at him.

"Stop diverting the subject A'kra" Sirov said "I am sure you know I fought and just barely lost to the Assassin but he still failed to kill me"

"I already told you about my father there is nothing left to tell" A'kra said darkly.

"That's a lie" Sirov said quietly "He planned to give you to the Temple of Death didn't he?"

"Yes he did and I said not a fucking chance" A'kra said dangerously.

The room seemed to fill with tension from the opposing forces of A'kra and Sirov both trying to keep the upper hand.

"Okay fine I don't care" T'kras said "She isn't an Assassin, Sirov"

The tension continued to escalate until a strange bell began ringing coming from what looked like a black witches-hat.

"He is in Kyrrin" Sirov said sharply.

"Who's in Kyrrin?" T'kras demanded.

"Who the fuck do you think" Sirov snarled "The Assassin is in my town"

T'kras blanched "You aren't going to go out after him are you?" he asked

"What do you think?" Sirov growled pulling a rather serrated sword and a wicked axe from the wall.

"I think you aren't leaving without me" T'kras said sharply getting his sword and daggers.

"Can't leave her here by herself" Sirov said casually.

"Place not secure enough?" T'kras asked

"Nah this is nowhere near as secure as my place in the citadel" Sirov answered.

"Shit! Then how do you propose to get through an abandoned city with the Assassin lurking around?" T'kras demanded.

"He wouldn't be out in the day" Sirov said simply.

"True but that doesn't mean he wouldn't risk a long shot" T'kras warned.

"What would he take the shot with?" Sirov asked

"Oh I don't know maybe his longbow or a royal guardsman crossbow" T'kras said.

"He hates long range weapons" Sirov said confidently.

"Yeah when he has orders regarding the targets but you are a loose end to him" T'kras replied.

"I still doubt it" Sirov said firmly.

"What's the time any way?" T'kras asked

"Reckon just about before tierce by now" Sirov answered.

"Does anyone want my opinion in this?" A'kra said quietly.

Sirov gave A'kra another strange look "Fine what do you think we should do?" he asked

The Assassin lay crouched in a crumbled building silently watching the innocents on the street walking past unaware that the most powerful force of death on the entire planet laid hidden less than 50 paces from where they went about their morning business.

The Assassin grinned "If only Reaper could see this" he murmured.

"Oh but I can, my servant" came a horrifying voice in his head.

"No fuck no" the Assassin swore holding his head "I won't be possessed"

"You really can't beat me" Reaper's voice intoned.

"I won't lose to you" the Assassin groaned.

"You'll find that you will" Reaper's voice said darkly.

"I won't lose to a bloody god" the Assassin said more strongly.

"You still think you can beat me" Reaper said disappointedly.

"I don't think it" the Assassin replied "I know it!"

"You know what is going to happen, why stop it?" Reaper mocked.

"They were weak but you'll find I am a whole new breed of Assassin" the Assassin spoke with all his former confidence.

The Assassin slumped to the ground as a blast of mind-numbing pain shot through him.

"You mortals are so weak" Reaper laughed

"And you speak far to soon" the Assassin laughed grimly and pulled out a shining symbol

"What toy is that?" Reaper sneered

"Oh nothing just a piece of The One's true temple" the Assassin said breathlessly

The Assassin laughed as Reaper's voice withdrew "You really should learn a trick to stop that" he murmured

The Assassin flinched back as Reaper emerged from the shadows "Oh but I already dealt with that trick" he said

Reaper drew a wicked dagger and the Assassin laughed "Oh please, the dagger of death I learnt of it years ago and fixed myself a nice little guardian against it" he spoke then drew a small crystal and tossed it to the ground.

"Is that all?" Reaper asked and stepped forwards spinning the dagger but stopped as the dagger jerked in his hand

"Now for the fun bit" the Assassin laughed "You do remember that the dagger can kill gods don't you?"

Reaper grimaced and held the dagger far from himself as he pushed towards the Assassin "Oh and just to make things clear I am aware that this is an illusion" the Assassin spoke

"But that doesn't mean I can't kill you" Reaper said with an evil smile

"Only if I believe that you can kill me, could you kill me but you on the other hand know so well what the dagger of death can do to a god that you will believe your own illusion" the Assassin replied

"They trained too well" Reaper noted

"No I trained myself, your so-called priests are dreadful bores" the Assassin sneered

"I always thought that to" Reaper admitted "Maybe I've been looking at this the wrong way"

"Trying to bargain now?" the Assassin asked "You must be desperate"

"Not really it can't kill me only hurt me" Reaper replied "No I think you need to retire"

"To what?" the Assassin asked

"Exarch of the Temple of Death" Reaper said shortly

The Assassin looked deeply perplexed "So I get the girl, who trains her?" he asked

"You do and once she is ready you will kill the Temple Master and take his place" Reaper instructed

"I like this deal" the Assassin said "So I release you now"

Reaper felt the life fade from the dagger "You have to teach me that some time" he said then vanished.

The Assassin smiled "This is good" he laughed "I shall have to celebrate"

Now to most celebrating is an exception wonderful thing but in the case of the Assassin most would rather be slowly and horribly tortured than be in a two mile radius of the Assassin when he celebrates. This is not uncommon amongst the Assassins who by nature were dark and violent.

The Assassin crept down the building to the area where the rubble met the street and waited, he didn't have to wait for long, a rather buxom vixen wound her way through the market that had gathered outside the building and stepped into the shade behind the rubble and right into the hands of the Assassin.

The Assassin leapt forwards and clapped her on the temples knocking her unconscious and dragged her body into the darkness to celebrate.

"He wouldn't dare attack us if there were other people in the clear view so let's just use the markets for cover" A'kra suggested

"Now why didn't we think of that?" Sirov wondered

"Well you are too obsessed about revenge and T'kras wants to help you this time" A'kra answered

"Thanks" Sirov said dryly "There is one other thing about why he was gonna come but I'll leave it to you to figure it out"

"Shut it" T'kras said vehemently to Sirov then went out the door

"What do you mean?" A'kra asked staring after T'kras

"I can't tell you, you gotta figure it out on your own" Sirov answered then followed T'kras

A'kra shook her head wondering about T'kras violent reaction to what Sirov said, she shrugged and grabbed a crossbow from the wall and followed.

They emerged onto a bustling street and glaring sunshine "I thought you said not many people lived here" A'kra said

"Yeah that's true" Sirov replied "Only a few thousand nothing compared to the size of the city"

"How many used to live here?" A'kra asked

"Millions maybe even tens of millions" Sirov said in a far away voice "Get T'kras to tell you why the city was abandoned, it is a Great Tale"

"What is a Great Tale?" A'kra asked

"It is a Charon tradition to honour great deeds and great heroes with a tale, basically the story of why they are a hero" Sirov answered "But also to remember what has been lost through wars and other unpleasantness"

"So what did happen?" A'kra asked

"Get T'kras to tell you, only he can do such a great tragedy justice" Sirov replied

"Would you tell us the Tale, T'kras?" A'kra asked

"Why not it suits this city plenty and our situation" T'kras said

"Just tell her the tale" Sirov replied

"Alright once this city was the greatest on the entire planet from here the Charon could rule the world but they never chose to" T'kras started "The entire city was designed by a man known to the Charon as Shakois, he had the city built for the Charon and became their leader here but he had one fatal flaw. He was insufferably proud"

Both A'kra and Sirov were listening intently and T'kras smiled, it was good to see that he hadn't lost his gift.

"Now Shakois was proud of his city and rightly so, he boasted that this city could withstand a siege of a thousand years and it's citizens would not come to harm within its walls" T'kras spoke "Soon many nations grew aware of the great jewel that was Kyrrin but none knew of what Shakois could do with this city. Shakois hadn't just made an impregnable city; he had made a portal generator"

"What's a portal generator?" A'kra asked

"Let me continue and I will explain" T'kras replied "Though few know it there is another world that exist quite closely to this, those who know of it call it the home of the Charon because the Charon are not of this world. Shakois made this city to rip asunder the space that separated these worlds so that his people might gaze upon what once was their world"

T'kras paused to allow the full weight of what he had just said to sink in then continued "Now all the nations of the world had seen the great riches that Kyrrin had gathered through trade and mining and several of the larger onlookers decided that they would band together and take Kyrrin for themselves. They couldn't have been more wrong, when they finally arrived to besiege Kyrrin they found a city nay a fortress that could stand against any and all war machines. During the seven year siege it is thought that Shakois found the way between the worlds and opened a gateway to the homeland and he went in and brought back with him their greatest military leader"

People in the street had stopped to listen to tale that T'kras spun out, of course they knew it word for word but he had added something beyond the story, something intangible and untouchable.

"This military ruler was known as Tir'Gar and indeed he managed to break the siege of Kyrrin, something thought to be impossible. After the nations had been chased back to their borders Tir'Gar returned to Kyrrin, all expected him to return to the homeland but he refused and had Shakois imprisoned. This was his mistake because Shakois knew the dangers of the portal and had not given Tir'Gar the essential knowledge and when Tir'Gar attempted to open the portal to the homeland, it opened but not onto the homeland, somewhere in between a place of hell" T'kras said darkly

"When that portal was opened hundreds if not thousands of terrifying creatures escaped into the world and mostly into this city, Tir'Gar demanded the knowledge from Shakois who merely laughed and said the city was perfect and that he himself was not" T'kras said in a teller's voice and crowd hung on his every word "Tir'Gar was terrified of the creatures from the void and with good reason they had destroyed much of his military force and were attacking travellers in the city, Tir'Gar declared the city unliveable and had the populace evacuated except for those who had supported Shakois who he locked in the city to die"

The crowd exhaled deeply they all knew what would happen next but all needed to hear to "Tir'Gar watched the city for a day after the populace had left and just before he left he saw the portal open once more, it opened into the void, Tir'Gar watched in terrified fascination as he saw Shakois and his followers flee into the void where they might have a chance or none at all" T'kras continued "No-one to this day has managed to figure out the puzzle of the city and it's great hidden portal"

"Only two years ago was a purge of the city completed and declared safe for people to live in but ever since the fall of Kyrrin the Charon have never truly returned to their cities, it is said that they wait for Shakois and his followers to rip a hole in the void and return to guide them once more" T'kras finished

"Would that be possible?" shouted someone from the crowd

"Most certainly" T'kras replied "Shakois did it on his way back to Kyrrin"

"I can't believe I never heard that" A'kra said after the crowd had dispersed

"There is a whole lot that they never teach you" Sirov replied

"You know while we are on the subject of Shakois" T'kras mentioned "I heard that a portal was sighted off the Red Coast near the island of Kaldea"

"Well let's escape first then talk about continuing a tale" Sirov said quickly then led them through the vibrant market places towards the centre of the city and the last place to be purged of the void beasts.

The vixen groaned as she tried to sit up but gave a sharp gasp as she felt a blade prick into her neck "Don't move or you'll nick your jugular artery" the Assassin said smiling

"W-who are you?" the vixen stuttered

"Death incarnate" the Assassin said simply

The vixen whimpered "Are you going to kill me?" she asked desperately

"I don't think so" the Assassin said indulgently "But then that depends on how much I enjoy this"

The vixen looked strangely at the Assassin "Enjoy what?" she asked

"Oh, you" the Assassin replied

A flash of fear clashed across the vixen eyes but it was quickly hidden "What are hiding?" the Assassin asked

"What are you talking about?" the vixen said defensively

"There, that's it you are hiding something" the Assassin said "Fear entered you went I said my desire and know you try and hide it"

"You're lying" she growled

"You are most intriguing, I won't kill you" the Assassin promised

"I will not be dominated by some fool" the vixen growled again

"You just gave yourself away Ryia, whose body do you control now?" the Assassin laughed

"Ryia is my goddess, I am her archpriestess" the vixen said archly "You act as if you know her"

"Of course I know her, I serve Reaper and along his path I have met a few of her exarches but never an archpriestess" the Assassin replied "She and I know each other well"

"Is this true?" the vixen asked to seemingly thin air but the Assassin knew Ryia was there

"It is, I have known of this one for many years" Ryia spoke appearing in the ruined room "Though I am surprised he is alive"

"Why thank you" the Assassin said "I never knew you had an archpriestess"

"Well you would if you visited more often" Ryia replied archly

Now here was a sight that few ever see, the avatar of the God of Death known as Reaper chatting to the Goddess of the Night and Patron God of Thieves and Assassins known as Ryia.

"Well I would if your guards would stop trying to kill me" the Assassin replied

"They do? I'll have to talk to them about that" Ryia said concernedly "I'm sure you'll get along fine with my archpriestess"

Ryia vanished from the room leaving the Assassin and the archpriestess of Ryia standing there, the Assassin looked amused while the look of shock on the archpriestess face sent the Assassin in paroxysms of laughter.

"You never heard of me?" the Assassin asked after he got his laughter under control and had reassumed his mask

"The Goddess didn't see fit to grace me with that particular knowledge" the vixen said

"Oh Really, By the way what's your name?" the Assassin asked

"It is Harlequin if you must know" she said irkedly

"What are you pissed about me attacking you earlier?" the Assassin asked

"No of course not" Harlequin said sarcastically

"Oh good then you won't mind this" the Assassin replied laughingly and put his hand to her head

Visions flashed through Harlequin's mind so real that she felt could have touched them after a few moments the Assassin withdrew his hand "You saw" he said, it wasn't a question.

"Yes but what was that?" Harlequin asked

"A picture of the great dance" the Assassin answered

"What is that?" Harlequin asked again

"Ryia really needs to teach her followers more" the Assassin moaned "The great dance is the battle of the gods that rages behind what we see and what we know"

"So whose side are we on?" Harlequin questioned

"That is what we need to know but don't" the Assassin replied

"So Reaper won't tell you?" Harlequin asked

"No mortal can know what side they have picked they just obey their god" the Assassin said simply "Though I have been wishing I had found my replacement sooner it is harder to resist the calls of the gods"

"What are you saying?" Harlequin questioned

"That if I can't find my replacement then I will lose myself to Reaper" the Assassin said sadly

"Who is the one you are meant to find?" Harlequin asked fiercely

"She is in Kyrrin, somewhere, with Sirov and T'kras who is a Charonic Taleteller" the Assassin answered

"I thought Sirov was dead by your hand" Harlequin said

"So did I" the Assassin replied strangely

"And a Taleteller, I thought the last had died out years ago. I wonder what chapter he belongs to" Harlequin spoke

"Knowing the Charon it is probably the God's Sight chapter" the Assassin replied

"Or maybe he was taught by the Library" Harlequin added

"Anyway I am certain that Sirov knows I am here and will try and escape" the Assassin said

"What's the issue with that?" Harlequin asked

"T'kras was battle trained by Sirov, so he would have found him if he was here and is mostly near him and if he is so is the girl that I need for my replacement" the Assassin said glumly

The Assassin jerked as Reaper appeared in the corner of the room "What do want?" the Assassin demanded

"I came to give you some good news" Reaper replied "There is a boy named Aziel'n Kyrrin, he could be the next Assassin with training"

"What's the catch?" the Assassin asked

"There is none" Reaper said shockingly "He is a street lad so it won't be too hard for you"

The Assassin face lit up "Beautiful" he said smiling greatly

"What's the good news?" Harlequin asked

The Assassin was so happy he kissed her straight on the lips "There is another who could be the Assassin" he almost shouted

Harlequin blushed as she felt the Assassin lips brush against her and smiled at his enthusiasm "Where is this person?" she questioned

"He is a street lad that means he will be in Port Gate Plaza" the Assassin answered

"What now?" Harlequin asked

"Yes he would be there now and all we have to do is March in and take him" the Assassin said confidently

"This sounds far too easy" Harlequin muttered uneasily

"You bet but we can't find him standing here" the Assassin said cheerfully and walked out of the room

Sirov lead T'kras and A'kra on one hell of a trek through Kyrrin but finally they reached the citadel, impressive would be a sheer understatement for majesty of the citadel. It towered miles above Kyrrin though often shrouded in mists and fogs but this close the mists could not conceal the tower that stood in the centre of Kyrrin reaching up like a beseeching hand to the gods.

"Shakois certainly knew what he was doing didn't he" T'kras said looking at the great tower

"Remember this sight this will probably be the last time you see it" Sirov replied "I've only seen the tower five times and I've been living here about thirty years now"

"It's only been twenty since Kirov was killed though" A'kra said

"Yeah I am his older brother not his younger" Sirov replied

A'kra stopped "You have another brother?" she asked

"Yeah, he lives on the island continent of Faran" Sirov said

"Never heard of it" A'kra replied

"Not surprising, not much trade goes to there now that the Sea of Archon has dried up' T'kras said

"Though it is still a beautiful place" Sirov said after a few moments of silence "Still rains there but the river that filled the sea was blocked by a massive upsurge of rock that blocked most of the path to the Sea of Archon. Water still passes through it but it is nothing compares to what once flowed"

"How would you cross it now?" A'kra asked

"Well it would be almost impossible" Sirov replied "Most of what once was the sea is now burning desert"

"How far is it to this new place?" T'kras asked

"Not long only about two minutes, why?" Sirov answered

"Because I seriously doubt we have two minutes" T'kras said looking towards the back the street at a group bearing knives and clubs

"Are these friends of yours?" Sirov asked

"No I thought they were after you" T'kras said

"Stuff this" A'kra said "Run for it!"

T'kras and Sirov looked at the group of militia then ran for their lives with A'kra "Any idea why they are after us?" she asked

"No idea" both T'kras and Sirov said at the same time then burst out laughing

"What the hell is so funny?" she demanded

"This used to happen almost every day when I grew up here" T'kras laughed and turned a corner, pulling A'kra onto a rooftop as he did so and followed her up

Sirov dived up after them and they ran across the low roofs of the citadel which were mostly flat "Works every time" Sirov said as they jumped across a roof

An arrow whistled just above Sirov's head and he gave a foul curse "How the fucking hells did they track us?" he swore

"You got me there mate" T'kras replied pulling a dagger from his baldric

T'kras looked intently to where the arrow had come from and when they jumped the next roof sent the dagger spinning out as another arrow came in. There was a muffled thump and T'kras smiled "Where'd that arrow go" he asked

"Don't know" Sirov said

T'kras spun to ask A'kra and gave something akin to a howl as he saw the shaft sticking out from A'kra's side

"Shit!" Sirov swore as he saw the shaft of the arrow

T'kras drew his sword and mad ready to dive into the streets "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Sirov said

"Why the fuck shouldn't I?" T'kras shouted

"Because those are Huntsmen from the God's Sight chapter in the Black Woad Mountains" Sirov said gesturing towards the arrow "Simply put they want you dead because you are a Taleteller"

"Why the hell do they want me dead?" T'kras asked

"Because they used to train Taletellers until that Emperor conducted a great purge on the Telling Chapters that wouldn't tell the histories the way he wanted it told. He killed all the Taletellers and then blamed the purge on them, somehow, and ever since the purged Chapters have hunted Taletellers" Sirov explained

"Oh fucking joy" T'kras said darkly "How can we get to a safe place?"

"I'm guessing running across the roofs is out of the question now isn't it?" Sirov asked

T'kras just gave Sirov a baleful look before turning his attention back to A'kra "Besides running the roofs the only other way is the streets" Sirov said after a while

"Fucking hells" T'kras breathed out "We can't move her like that with an arrow in her"

"Then you're going to have to remove the arrow" Sirov said finally

"How do we know they are still there?" T'kras asked

Sirov stuck his head out and jerked back just in time as an arrow grazed across his scalp "Satisfied now?" he grumbled touching the tender area on his head

"Didn't you bring any of those...things you make in your sleep?" T'kras asked

"Might of" Sirov mumbled and began searching his rucksack

"Just find one and see what it does" T'kras moaned and thought back to the last time Sirov has used something he made in his sleep, the result was still visible as a crater in the old market square

T'kras took hold of the arrow "The rib stopped the arrow" he called out

"Found one" Sirov replied holding up a spherical device "This one looks like the last one"

"See what it does but this time throw it" T'kras said and snapped the arrow leaving only the head in A'kra

Sirov turned the device in his hands until he found a symbol marked upon the device "Here goes nothing" he said pushed the symbol and tossed the device over the edge

Needless to say this was pretty much the same device as the one used in the markets but more powerful. The resulting explosion had left a ten metre crater in the ground and the rest of the hunters who weren't dead had taken up running.

"Alright let's go" Sirov shouted partly deafened by the blast

"We can't run for it yet we need to get her to an apothecary to get this arrow out" T'kras yelled back

"Can't you do it?" Sirov asked

"No chance the arrow is barbed" T'kras said

"How badly barbed?" Sirov asked

"Check out the ridges underneath her skin at least eight, if not more" T'kras said worriedly "Is there a good apothecary nearby?"

"Best one in the entirety of Kyrrin is just around the corner" Sirov said

"Well at least there is some good here" T'kras breathed out

Sirov jumped over the edge and landed on his feet "Toss her down to me" he shouted

"Are you insane?" T'kras replied and carefully passed A'kra down then jumped down himself

"She thinks I am" Sirov replied

"Not the best time, Sirov, deal with it later" T'kras said holding A'kra

"Fine, follow me" Sirov grunted and ran down the street and turned the corner

"Shit! Slow down" T'kras shouted after him, T'kras followed after muttering a few choice swear words

"What the fuck was that about?" T'kras demanded angrily after he found Sirov waiting outside a building

"This is the apothecary" Sirov said and opened the door

T'kras scowled at Sirov then entered the building "Hello?" he shouted

"Yes, what do you need?" replied a tall wolf

"My friend is hurt" T'kras choked out "Chapter hunters got her with a barbed arrow"

"Only one?" the wolf asked

"Yes only one" T'kras replied

"Then they weren't serious or they knew she wasn't a Teller and harmed her to slow the Teller down" the wolf replied shortly "Show me the wound you'll need every second once they come back"

"Wait, how do you know they'll come back?" T'kras asked

"Well you aren't carrying a bloody sword nor any wound neither is your friend" the wolf answered "You are most likely the Teller they were after and they got her by mistake. Any where near close?"

"Perfect and you must be a seer as well as an apothecary" T'kras said

"No I just use common sense" the wolf replied archly "Now show me the wound"

T'kras laid A'kra down on the floor gently "Nasty arrow" the wolf murmured examining the wound "Though easily removed"

The wolf pulled a razor sharp scalpel from behind his counter "You may want to hold her" he warned then cut around the barbs and swiftly removed the arrow

"It is done" the wolf said after he sowed up the wound "Just keep her safe for a short while and when she stirs make her drink this"

The wolf handed T'kras a crystal vial "The arrow was poisoned but there is nothing I can do for her until she regains consciousness and I assume you won't want to wait here" the wolf said smiling

"We need to leave about two minutes ago" Sirov shouted through the door

"Good timing" the apothecary replied "You can move her now"

"Great! Do you have a back door?" Sirov asked

"Yes, it's over there" the wolf said pointing behind the counter

"Does it go into the catacombs or into the street?" Sirov questioned

"Into the catacombs but be careful there has been some unusual activity down there recently" the wolf warned

"Such as what? Doesn't matter anyway we've got to go, now!" Sirov shouted, picking up A'kra and dashing behind the counter with T'kras just behind him. They ripped open the trapdoor leading out of the apothecary's home and dived into the catacombs leaving the trapdoor to clang shut behind them.

By Smiling Wolf

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