Hidden Talent: Part 2

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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Written in the thought of wonderment. I felt a weird feeling after being banned from yet another site and still haven't figured it out. So I wrote this and once again, started drawing an emotional blank. So it might seem like I'm going a little rusty. Don't worries I'll improve.

Warning: May contain a hot bitch havin sex with a hot stud...Well atleast they are to me.

Random note alert: The other day I was havin a conversation on another site about people who were cows and someone said, "Transform and moo out." I laughed at it and wanted to sharez its with youz guyz. :3


I grabbed onto the chair next to me and heard my jacket rip open in the back. A large bone structure of a wing had pushed itself out. Then another. Dragon scales creeped over them and the pain subsided...For now. Looking at them, they were a light goldish yellow. They were reflective but like a vanilla color. I picked myself up and flapped them a fiew times getting used to them. I could feel myself getting hotter and finished ripping my jacket off. Not even a fiew seconds after that I felt my spine extend and replicate into more segments, pushing out of my pants and scales creeped over the bones. I turned around, a little embarrassed at this. But what caught my eye was the tip which had been made of a solid gold point. Though it look like it was buffered and didn't shine all too much.

"Well. You seem to be adapting to it a little to easily. Most people pass out."

I looked at her and felt my insides churn. Positioning themselves to fit a bigger body. My chest bones started to constrict my air space and I gsped for air as the grew, snapping into place once again. I breathed heavily until the next change which meant my head. I felt my skul shift and change. Pushing itself outwards. I didn't se after that. I completely passed out. Unable to withstand any more.


I watched as Alas changed. But as his head reshaped itself he fell to the floor with a loud thud. A soft blue veil surrounded him. I hadn't seen that in a while. It was pure plasma. It shimmered and I froze.

"He can't control it. Everyone get ready cause it will begin to get very hot in here."

Clark had reappeared next to me and was wearing a sort of lab suit, full body. The two holograms dissolved and the two electrical beings moved out of the computers.

"Good. Now we wait for-"

I didn't even get to finish as a loud bang interrupted me. I looked around and saw nothing but blue light all around me. But it was hot. Like fire, but only more intense. I looked down at my son. Alastrius had fully changed into a dragon. I gave a quick smile. This wasn't good though. This is pure plasma. Very hard to handle. I'm not sure if he will be able to return to school. I'll risk it. For once someone might be able to take down the president of Elementalists University. He has been a thorn in my side since he first came into my life. I picked up Alas and brought him into the next room. The plasma auras had subsided. Without haste I threw him onto the couch and walked back out.


I woke up with my head in a spinny daze. Trying to stand up I fell over and almost hit the table next to me.

"What happened?"

"Simple. You blacked out and scorched our hardrives then your mom brought you in here."

I slowly got up. It will take some getting used to. I turned towards the two energy beings and they turned away, their usual blue color turning a bright pink.


"Put some close on will ya?"

I realized I had no clothes on at all and jumped behind the couch.

"Where are the clothes that I'm supposed to where if I don't have any that fit?"

"Well you can put on the pair your mom left you."

"Coud you give em to me? I'm not coming out from behind here."

"Fair enough."

I heard the buzing of their usual energetic bodies shift places and a set of clothes were thrown over the couch. I caught them and quickly put on the pants. With something now covering my lower areas I got up and walked out of the room, putting the shirt on while walking. As I entered the room I recieved a left hook to the jaw and a kick in the gut.

"What the fuck?!"

"Why aren't you fighting back?"


"Because why the fuck not?"

I stayed silent and recived another hit in the face.

"Mom. Stop before you or I get hurt."

"Why worry about me?"

She goes to hit me again and I remember a move from my combat training. I grabbed her arm and threw her into the wall.

"That's why."

"Your genetic fighting hasn't set in yet."

"I don't need genetics. I just threw you against the wall."

"Yes, you do. Though I wonder how that college even has a beginners' course."

"Well how about you explain to me how you got me out of his office and I will tell you why they have a beginners' course."

"Deal. But first, you go to school. Change up your name to. Why don't you use an alias?"

"How about... ... ...Berando."

"Sounds hot. Ok time to go."

"With what?"

"Your school stuffs. I grabbed them while you were asleep."

"Ok. And what about the people that already know me?"

"Don't worry. All that will happen is you'll just be on the Warden's bad side for a while. You don't know enough so that's good. Now get on."

"I think I'll just fly there. What about using my abilities?"

"Well. They are from the advanced era of fire, so to say. So you could put up a blue plasma veil around yourself. It will make the air burn and look like blue fire. Just pull back on the fire breath though. It will look like an energy beam if you do. So tell them that you can't breathe fire. It's rare but possible."

"Ok. Then what about a human skin for me?"

"Already taken care of. I put it on you not too long ago."

I shivered. The thought of what these people could have done to me while I was asleep. I looked at y hand and thought for a second of how it was with scales all over it but It just looked like really tight skin. I concentrated as were the instructions for anyone who is discovering ways to use their abilities and engulfed myself in a thin film of blue plasma. The air around me flickered and came to life with blue flames.

"Good. Now you can fly however you wish. Return to class and show Mrs. I don't know shit, how it's done."

I smiled and floated outside. The air around me was breatheable despite the fact that it was a super heated gas. I floated twelve feet from the building and blasted into the air at an accelerated speed. Before I realized it my clothes and skin had burnt up and I was completely engulfed in an entire foot of plasma all around me. I must look like a blue energy missile flying through the skies.But thing is they are like a mortar projectile. So it would probably alert someone if they saw me. I focused on keeping my speed steady and lowered the veil around me to an inch of width from my body. It was pleasantly warm. Not even a few minutes later I landed in the school courtyard. I couldn't stop fast enough and made an impact crater. Knowing I'd get in trouble if anyone found out I hurried to class. It wasn't hard keeping the veil up. Being how My mom probably knew about how it would burn my clothes off. But luckily the dragon part of my body has some decency. Though if I see a hot girl or if anyone is in heat early then I'd have a problem. I walked through the halls and noticed a smoldering footrint everywhere I walked and decded to float there. I entered Mrs. Warra's classroom and took a seat. The chair unable to take heat at the temperatures I was generating, it started to melt with a slight sizzling sound.

"What is that noise?"

She looked around and saw me. I defused the plasma aura around me and took out my laptop.

"Uh...Who are...Is that you Alastrius?"

"Yes ma'am but I prefer you call me Berando. If I entered this class then I should finish this class."

"But. If you are easily able to mold into that form and hold out on the aura...There is no beginners' class that you can be in. And by the way that you melted that nickel encased chair you should be in the advanced class."

She was smiling as if though she had just witnessed her own child get married.

"Well...Then what do I do?"

"Well. First, you can go introduce yourself tto Mr. Ordein."

"Ok then Mrs. Warra. If you say so."

I put my laptop back in my bag and noticed the silver coating it had. My backpack is either a new one that was just made for pyros or mom must have put this coating on it. I smiled and reclothed myself with the plasma aura. It made blue flames on the outside but on the inside it was a lot hotter than a flame. Luckily it doesn't do that on the outside. A blue plasma would make anyone suspicious as of to how the person could control it. I looked around the school until I came upon a door to an underground area. It was the only place I hadn't checked. Even the janitor's closet and the bathrooms. I quickly flew down the stares for what was a full minute before coming to a massive open area. It was about ten stories high I made my way over to the large Bat on the other side of the room. He opened his bloodshot eyes and looked at me.

"May I help you?"

"Uhm. Yes. Mrs. Warra sent me."

"She gave me a call saying she was stunned by what one of her students had done. Though I thought she was over reacting. you are holding an aura up around you and flying. How much are you concentrating on keeping it up?"

"I'm not thinking about the aura at all. If anything, by what I have experienced earlier, this is nothing compared to when concentrating. And only the fire manipulants are able to withstand it because of the heat. Anyone else would be completely desintegrated. Not even an ash."

"Well then. Lets see what you can do."

I flared the aura around me and it grew to a foot thick layer.

"Hmm. Very stunning. You shall start tomorrow. How good are your fighting skills?"

"I prefer keeping them hidden for now."

His smile disappeared.

"Too bad."

He lashed at me with his right foot and almost scraped my face with very sharp claws. I growled him a warning and when he lashed again I lost it. What I remeber was grabbing his foot. The next thing I remember was getting knocked out by a girl. When I woke up I was in some kind of metal shackles. Not liking the feeling of them being there I melted them with ease.

"Ok. Someone mind telling me what I just did. I have no memory after gabbing his foot. Honestly."

"...What?", said a dragoness.

She had herself cloaked in a full body fire aura.

"Whoa. Calm down. First of all I remember you kicking me in the face. Now, I'm not kidding. What did I do?"

"Are you serious? That is not foling me. You know good and well what the hell you did."

"No...I do not recall anything after grabbing the teacher's foot..."

I stopped when I saw the teacher a tumbled mess next to the wall. His right foot looked broken and hiw left wing, crumpled.

"Oh I am so sorry sir. Are you alright?"

"I...I'm fine. Just help me onto my pole and all is forgiven."

I lifted him up with ease and held him upside down under his pole which he was hanging from only moments before. He fanned out his wings and wrapped himself. His right leg was help by a claw on his left. His wing didn't seem to be harmed.

"Now. You are not in trouble. I admit, that was unexpected."

"I'm really sorry though."

"t's all right. Just when sparring here some bones get shattered, fractured, broken, bruised...So we have a nurse."

"Ah. Well that's a relief."

"Well it is to me. For you...Not so much."

I readied myself.


"Because she is my wife and really hates when people hurt me. So your best chance is to run. Like, now."

I spread my wings and jumped into the air. Luckily that aloud me to dodge a painful tackle by a large pig woman. Though omentarily puzzled why she was his wife I still managed to dodge a few rocks. The floor of this place had been littered with them of all sizes. And for the first time I noticed grass and a hilly landscape with lots of trees. they all looked synthetic though.

"Get down here now!!!", Mrs. Ordein shouted.

"I'd prefer not to."


It was mom's voice.


I lowered myself down. She was in the form of a fire manipulant. Though her flames were very bright and engulfed about three feet of the air around her.

"Oh my god. Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes I am. Once I got a call from Anney here I literally blew a hole through a thirteen inch wall of concrete."


She pointed to a very large hole directly above her. It was about ten feet in diameter.

"I swear that this time I didn't even do it."

"Well I know that already but when you did it to my life long friend it pisses me off."

"...You have got to be kidding."

I looked around for the other classmates and they were all laughing at what was happening. I tossed a fire ball on the ground next to them and it erupted in a big explosion, scaring most of them. Only one laughed at that.

"How about you just leave me alone. I did well without you for my entire life I can do without you right now."

The students all went silent.

"Fine. But if Mrs. Juggernaut breaks a few bones, don't come cryin to me."

"Why would I? I can handle myself if i haven't needed your help or anyone elses' for the past five years. I can do well on my own thank you very much."

"Fine then. No longer will I help."

"Help? You never did. You left dad at the hospital with me. You didn't want to have anything to do with me."

"...That isn't true. But this discussion is over."

The fire around her dimmed and flickered until it was only a little bit more than an inch around her then she slowly floated away."

I turned to Mrs.Ordein who had a large frown on her face.

"isten. I'm sorry for hurting your husband."

Her face froze.

"Uh. What? Did I do something wrong?"

"No one has ever apologized to me. You are forgiven."

"Why thank Mrs. Ordein."

She smiled.

"Well atleast now the others might start thanking me."

"Well, if it was that bad then why didn't you ever talk to them?"

"Well I have a few issues with starting conversations."

"Ok then. Thank you for forgiving me. Mr. Ordein, what is my assignment for today?"

"Well. I don't exactly know what to do now. Why don't you go up against Minere?"


"To put it so you can understand better, the bitch who kicked your ass."

My eye twitched a little when he said that.

"Isn't there supposed to-"

I didn't even get to finish my question when another foot mad contact with my face. It was the same female who kicked me earlier. flared up my aura to protect myself even more, and to hide my own body. The girl in front of me was another dragoness. But her scales were a very dark green. She had a stance that resembled that of a balanced fighter. She can throw a few punches then follow up with a few elemental attacks which can really hurt if your not a fire elementalist. She lunge at me with a blue fire blade and I grabbed her arm. She came at me with her other arm but I grabbed it and twiste them behind her back. Using the remains of the shackles that were on the floor i glued them together with the metal.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Restraining you. It is not polite to interrupt two people when they are trying to talk."

I hooked my tail around her left leg and yanked her into the air. Holding her upside down. She tried to get out of the make shift metal restraint but had no chances at all.

"Well then. How do you do it Berand?", Mr. Ordein said.

"Well I took a hand to hand combat class with the army troops. Cost me three grand."

"Hmm. Maybe you could teach Minere some techniques."

"Mr.Getaro?!", Minere.

"Well if you wish to help me teach Minere then you must take m place. I would learn these techniques myself but I have no arms, as you can see."

"Nah. She doesn't have to. I could teach them to every one."

"Even better. Though I could use some help getting down. Uh, would you mind?"

"Not at all."

I helped Mr. Ordein down and he gave a sigh of relief as he was let down on his left leg.

"Thank you very much."

"Well it isn't anything, really."

"Well you better start wearing flame resistant clothing."

"Why is that?"

"Because now you got a bunch of females who want to get you in bed the first chance they get. I tell ya, if My wife weren't here I would be a total stud. Three of them have gone a little to far and had to be transferred to another college mid semester."

"Wow. She must have gotten pissed."

"Oh my wife was pissed so much she threatened them with a butcher knife."

"So why hasn't she been arrested?"

"She has, twice."

"Then how long was she in jail for?"

"About three days total from both. you see. She has a few licenses that allow her to do certain things and get away with it. She used to be a bodyguard."

"Ok. Remind me hat if me and you ever fight, never hurt you too much."

"Heheh. Well Because of that display you did with Minere you have about fifteen female admirers. Here's a warning. Lock your door at night."

"Hahahah! Will do Mr. Ordein. Why does Minere call you Mr.Getaro?"

"Oh, it's a long story."

"Well I don't know what to do now. So..."

I melted the metal glue that held Minere's hands together and released her. She immediately kicked away from me. I stepped back and flung the metal off of my fingers. It landed on the ground with a sizzling noise and I got out my laptop. I set it on the ground and turned on the hologram simulator.

"Mr. Ordein. While they are occupied, may I speak to you?"

I looked at Mrs. Ordein.

"In private."

"Sure. Honey, could you give us a second?"

Mrs. Ordein left us and went to tend with one of the injured students.

"That broken foot doesn't hurt?"

"I'm a hell bat. We can endure far greater amounts of pain. This is like breaking the skin to me. So what is it you would like to talk to me about?"

"Do you know who Mr. Red is?"


"No. I mean-"

"Berand, I am very aware of who he is. I have been told by your mother to keep an eye on him and help save his victims that he likes to burn. You almost suffered the same fate. Luckily I followed where the file download was from. Soon it lead me to your laptop."

"So you know about my abilities as well?"

"Yes. Plasma. Not fire."

"well then. You should also know that I need your help."

"Yes. Your mom told me to help ou when you ask for help. No one else knows of any of this. Not even my wife. You are in good hands. If you need any help then come to me. I can guarantee that the students will listen to me before they listen to Red."

"Thanks Mr. Ordein."

"It's no problem. Oh look. Here comes one of the females now. Well, I have to admit. For a shy girl she has acted awfully quick."

He flew off and landed next to Mrs. Ordein. The female was one of the Fire manipulant twins from earlier. She had lowered the fire around her for me to actually make out a few beautiful curves that her body had. She was a rabbit with her ears both pointing up. By the way her sister looks she must have her ears down. Remembering Mr. Ordein's warning I ignored her and flew past her without a word. Though I heard a feint, "Hmph!" come from behind me. I can tell she was showing off. As the hologram finishd I lowered my own aura to fit my body like clothes and hide certain areas.

"Ok. That is the beginner's video. I am to teach you these moves in less than an hour. Tomorrow I will be teaching you all the intermediate course..."


For the next few weeks I had three females come over to my house. And everyone showing off their bodies. But every one had the same answer.

"Go away."

I had my eyes set on Minere. She was maybe the only dragoness in that class. Though I think the only female close to that was a female anole. Though I'm not a lizard. I'm a dragon. In the next few months I found out that the females started waiting outside to walk with me. I had become a major stud. But I still ignored them and flew off. Then they started appearing in my home when I got home after school. Each one naked and willing to give themselves to me. Some had clothes on but they were erotic clothes or just a bra and panties. Having to call the cops on atleast two who wouldn't leave they finally stopped getting in my house. They still wait outside for me though.

I walked into the classroom. It was in the morning. So the lights weren't even on and the only source of light was the big gaping hole in the roof that was beeing filled in. They had put a thick glass panel under it so they could pour in cement. I lit up the entire room with a blue plasma flare. The light switch was on one of the lights above. I flew up and flicked it on. The light next to me flickered on but not completely. It needed to warm up first. I flew back down. And when I touched the ground something tackled me. It was rough and scaly. It must be Anna. But she got lucky. If I were in the plasma aura she would have had severe burns. I duickly got up and the light above me turned on. No others turned on for several minutes, which meant that this person must have tampered with them. In the shadows I saw someone running through the underbrush. I couldn't make out any form. I looked at a shadowy figure in the bushes and hid behind a rock to shield myself. It had green eyes. Anoles don't have green eyes and they don't glow like that. I felt something press against my back and I jumped. Whatever it was wouldn't let go. I flared the plasma around me and heard a loud screach. with a gasp I turned to see Minere. patches of her human skin flopping off. She was smoking a little too.

"Damn it. I messed up again."

She created an aura around her and it dropped immediately. She calmed down and it flare around her once again. The rest of her human flesh burnt up and her close dissipated.

"That human skin cost me about three hundred dollars. It is supposed to be heat resistant to high temperatures."

"Well. Being how noone else is here I think it's possible I tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"I have been trying to talk to you like this for who knows how long."

"You like me don't you? So that's why you kept never spoke to me during class."

"Yes. And it is kinda...What is that smell? It smells heavenly."

"It's my heat dumbass. It isn't exactlyfun to me. The bloating, the smell...The men."

"Well. It seems that you are in the hight of your season. Well then. Different subject. I am in need of some help. The females who keep appearing at my doorstep are getting annoying. Could you take care of 'em?"


"Well for one, they are annoying. Plus they keep trying to get into my house."

"Fine. I'll do it. But this is only because you are not trying to get me in your bed like the others do. They just show off to me and it gets a little irritating."

"Show off. Oh! Wow. That must be really gross to you sometimes."

"It is when some of them have a sack that hangs like an old man's. Even one of the deans is trying to get me in his bed."

"He knows not to get involved or he could get fired."

"Well that didn't stop him from showing me his crotch the other day."

"Well since you are doing it for me, don't go in my house. ok?"

"Ok. But that sounds like an invite."

"Trust me. By what you've told me I'll keep it slow."

"You better."

She squeazes my sack and I cringe from the pan. She still didn't let go.

"I will rip these off if you don't. Am I clear?"

"I...I hear you loud...and clear."

She let go and I fell forward, my face digging into the dirt. She opened a panel next to me and flicked a switch, turning on the rest of the lights. She cloed it and left. I struggled to get up as the pain remained for the next thirty minutes. I floated back down the hall and into the first class I had.


Later that day I quickly made it home. when I got there none of the girls were there yet. So I had a few seconds before they swarm me. I opened the door and slammed it shut as three girls came into sight, locking it behind me. The doorknob lock wasn't enough though. I lock the dead bolt too just incase one of them decides to melt it again. I quickly removed my clothes and dropped them on the table outside of my room. I lit the burner n the stove and unsealed the gumbo pot. I poured in the frozen mix and added about five cups of water to it. I went into my room and shut the door.


I landed not even ten feet from his door. Scaring one of the bunny twins away from the door. She had a small metal tool in one hand and a bobby pin in the other.

"Breaking and entering is against the law. You really want to do that?"

I conjured up a big fire ball and they all flew off.

"Now that I'm done I should probably tell Alas."

She tested the door and it was unlocked. Minere looked around one last time to make sure no one saw her and she entered the house. The smell of fresh food boiling in a pot which seamed to be gumbo was on the stove.

"I wonder if he'll share some."

I walked through the house and there wasn't even any sign of anyone living here except for the gumbo on the stove. I went from room to room and found nothing until in the last room I saw another door with a red light coming from around it through the cracks on the sides of the door. I walked over to it and felt heat radiating from it. I also smelled smoke. There was a fire in the other room. I grabbed the door knob and it burned my hand. I pulled back remembering what Mr. Getora had said about our abilities. I focused and calmed my head. Slowly fire crept up my body from my feet to my head and I grabbed the doorknob, opening it to a room that wasn't ablaze. But in the center was a person. It was Alastrius. He had filled every inch of the room with an aura of pure plasma. The air itself was burning which gave off the burning smell. I closed the door behind me and looked around. Nothing was burning. And due to the state he was holding this up he wasn't even trying to hold it up. It was like...His abilities were doing it themselves. I had read about this in a book once about the few people who can do this. I could barely keep my own abilities up and soon my clothes burned, revealing my dragoness skin and body. I cursed and tried to cover myself then moved behind a couch that had been in the room. How it wasn't ablaze, I could not tell. I sat there momentarily exhausted from my human skin painfully burning off. He was releasing a lot of energy for some reason. Remembering I had been holding my breath I had to get out or I would suffocate. I took a step towards the door and the plasma ceased to exist.

"Who are you?"

"Oh. I uh...Wanted to tell you that I got rid of the girls for you. It was..."

Noticing he was completely naked I turned away, blushing.

"Could you put on some clothes?"

"Well currently you're the one in MY house. So...Oh yeah. I remember what you did earlier. Just turn around already."

I turned and he was covered in a thick veil of plasma.

"So you are a plasma manipulant."

He froze completely.

"Y-you saw?"

"It was...beautiful."

"You aren't going to ask questions?"

"Well being how I've seen your mom shapeshift a few hundred times it doesn't surprise me. I've actually been to pitn zero before. I went there to inhale the god particles. I needed help bad with some things on the heat subject."


"Willpower. So I wouldn't sleep with a man unless I wanted to and not because of my instincts. I am the only one in the school who can resist having the feeling of a man inside me. But it still isn't exactly easy."

"Well, let's see. You are completely naked in front of me, I'm naked too, and you are in heat. Plus you aren't even making any attempt to cover yourself. Sounds like you either want it or don't know you want it."

"...Fine. I've had my eye's on you for as long as the first of those female whores tried to seduce you. The bunny twins are known as coming from a family of sluts."

"Well. I have been taught by my dad on how to resist a woman's charm."

"Lets test that then."

"Minere. Don't even try cause you know you are gonna lose."

I walk over to Alas without any attempt to hide my body.

"So. You wanna little kiss to help you change your mind?", Minere said in a seductive tone.

"N-not buying it."

"Oh. It seems like you can't resist me. How about you just cuddle up with me instead?"


I smiled and an idea flashed through my head. Checkmate.

"Why cuddle up with you? You seem to be tempting me."

"Well why don't you come a little closer and see you stud?"

"Well maybe I will."

We were now only inches away from each other.

"Just kiss me already."

I pull her into my arms and our lips are brought together. We kissed for a whole minute before she broke us apart. She looked at me with lust in her eyes and we locked lips again. This time she forced her tongue in my mouth. I twisted mine around it and brought my hands up to her thighs. She was rubbing her belly against mine. I could feel my cock start to grow and an aura of fire surrounded her. It twirled around with my plasma aura in a bright red and blue swirl. We were both suspended in the air the entire time. She pressed her chest against mine and her perfect E sized breasts felt soft. I broke the kiss and she layed her head on my chest.

"Are you sure about this?"


I filled the room with plasma and her flames streaked through it. The heat dissipated quickly and we were on solid ground. We started kissing again and I layed down on my bed. It was big enough for three people but only two people our size. I could smell her scent becoming more intense the further we got. I pulled us into the middle of the bed and she turned around putting her wet crotch in my face. I rubbed my fingers across the sensitive flesh. She moaned with delight and pleasure. I parted her lips and rubbed my tongue along her clit. She gasped and I brought it over it again, pushing it inside of her lips this time. I could feel my cock growing and she licked it a few times. A low moan escaped my lips as she took it into her mouth and began moving her head up and down. I stuck my tongue deeper into her depths and licked hungrily. I could feel her moans in my cock. Soon I was almost to my climax then I picked her up, turning her around on top of me. She lay with my member in between us. It twitched a few times and she picked herself up. Knowing hwat she wants I positioned her over my cock and slowly pushed down.


I knew how much all the other females say the first time always hurts at first. But I wanted this so bad. I have been fighting it for six years now. I couldn't take it any more.

He stopped when i winced from a small amount of pain. I nodded to him and he grabbed my ass, pushing my down as hard as he could. Though now I wish he hadn't. I screamed from the new pain. Both from him ripping my hymen and his large cock stretching me wide. I could feel the blood trickle down my leg. His cock was so big that it made my belly bulge slightly. I looked down in fear, shock, and love. The feeling was a mix of pain and pleasure. He moved me up and brought me back down slowly, repeating the process for a while. I layed down on him and he contiued lifting me up and pushing me down. The pain started to go away and the pleasure was wonderful. I started to moan with every twitch and movement of his cock inside me. My juices and his pre cum slickened my walls and made them easier for him to slide in and out He started to pick up the pace and I soon joined in, increasing the pleasure. I could feel something bumping against me each time he pushed me down and it seemed to get bigger and bigger. I soon started to feel like I was about to finish and he flipped us over so he was on top. He started thrusting faster and faster.

"Alas...I think...I'm...I'm..."

He pulled his cock out to where only the tip was still in it and thrust as hard as he could, forcing his knot into me. He shot hot jets of sticky seed into my womb and I screamed both as he stretched my walls painfully and as I climaxed. Mine and his juices mixed together and my belly bulged painfully. I panted as the ecstasy wore off and listened to Alas's heart beat.

"What is was that thing at the bottom of your penis?"

"It's called a knot. And no matter how hard me and you try I will not be able to pull out of you until it shrinks in the next few hours."

"Thank you for being my first. You didn't take it from natural instinct, you took it as an act of love. And I love you for that."

"Well, I'm really tired. The gumbo won't be ready for another five hours so there isn't anything to worry about."

I chuckled and closed my eyes.


I woke up to the morning sun that always shone through my window. Minere fell asleep on top of me. I shook her awake.

"Hey. It's morning."

"What time is it?", she asked without opening her eyes.

I look at my alarm clock and see mom standing in front of it, looking directly at me. A big smile on her face.


"Mmhmm. No wonder you two are late.", Qonura.

"Just tell me what time it is.", Alastrius.

"It is 7:18."


"Get up. Meet me in the gym when you're done."

I sat up and Minere clung to me.

"Mom. Can we please stay a little while longer?"

"Well skip the enitre day why don't ya? Fine. I'll tell Mr. Ordein you two aren't going to be there today."

Qonura walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. I pulled out of Minere and she rubbed her belly softly.

"You really stretched me out last night."

"Well you were really tight. You just needed someone to stretch you a little bit."


I sat up and my cum filled womb swirled. I got up and stretched. Some of the cum oozing out.

"You got a shower in this house?"

"Yeah. Down the hall."

"Oh right. Why don't you join me?"

"I don't see why not."

I smiled and he followed me into the bathroom. He turned the knobs and sat on the edge of the tub, letting the warm water fill around my feet. Once it warmed up he turned the shower on and it sprayed out steaming water. I steppped intothe shower and the feeling of warm water over my scales was heavenly. I felt the same feeling of fire between my legs that was my heat. When I move my womb didn't seem to swirl anymore indicating that it had othing in it. But I missed the feeling and I had to fill my sexual needs.

"Alas. You want to go another round?"


I turned around and pressed against him, grinding my body against his. I could feel his partially erect cock prod me and I bent down. I licked the exposed tip and it throbbed. I licked it until it was fully erect then I stood up and guided it to my opening. I pushed don on it and once again it stretched my walls to their limits. My belly bulging the same way it did the night before. I let out a loud moan and hepicked me up by my legs. I grabbed the shower bar and used it as a prop to hold myself up. He pulled out and thrust back in, and continuing faster than last night. I could feell his cock push my blly out each time he thrust it in. Soon he started to thrust faster and I could feel his knot growing as it hit me with each thrust. He sarted to violently thrust deep into my depths and almost shove his knot in each time. He was preparing my for when he did shove it in. I screamed with each thrust he made. Then he wrapped his arms around me and picked me. He started thrusting faster and faster. His knot bumping against my clit. I felt him pull back as far as he could and he thrust forward, one again pushing his knot inside of me. I screamed as I climaxed and my belly bulged painfully as it did last night and he sat down with me in his lap.

"It was even better the second time."

"Yes it was."

"I just love the feeling of you filling my womb with cum."

"Well, women usually get pregnant like this."

I looked up at him.

"I want to have a child."

" Well I figured that you might say that."

I chuckled and lay my head against his chest.


The next day we made it to school on time. On the way there we flew in a big hug. The red flames mixing with the blue plasma in a beautiful swirl. When we got there we were given our new schedules. Both mine and her first class was gym. We had Mr. Ordein as our first class teacher. We were both so excited that we planned to have sex in one of the farthest corners of the gym. Being how big it is, no one woul know we were even there.

"Which one?", Minere.

"The east corner.", Alas.

"How do we get there without being seen?"

"We could sneak over there while the others argue over who gets the lipstick."

"What lipstick?"

I hold up a blue colored lipstick and throw it into the small croud of females. They all scream and start fighting.

"Lets go."

I sneak into the nearest bush then we both take the next fifteen minutes traveling from bush to bush to get to the east corner. About an hour later we both return to the starting area of the gym and two of the girls are still fighting over the lipstick. I walk over to r. Ordein.

"They are still fighting over that?"

"Where have...You smell like you've been with one of the females."

I try to fight back the smile.

"Dang it. No one was upposed to find out."

"Well don't do t in the gym and you won't have that problem. So,if you don't mind me asking, who are you sleeping with?"

I think for a moment wether to tel him I'm with Minere or not. Then I remember why I am her first. Why she so easily ave herself up to me.

"Minere. It's not like I was trying to keep who I'm with a secret."

"Oh. Well then. Good to see she fianlly found someone. Out of curiosity, is she slutty? I've seen her being eyed by a lot of the other male students and even a fiew teachers. Some even have shown off to her."

Without warning I punch him in the side of the face.

"That is from Minere. And she has been by me the whole time. You can't see her or something?"

Mr. Ordein gets up off the ground and walks over to me.

"No. I didn't know she was there and I guess I deserved that one. Was she still a virgin when you had sex with her the first time?"

I hear a smacking noise and Mr. Ordein was on the ground a few feet away. He gets up and looks at me.

"Would you quit that?"

"That wasn't me that time. That was Minere."

"Well I just wanted to know if the rumor that she is a slut is fake."

"No. The rumor is NOT true. In fact she is tired of all the males showing off to her. Though we met on some weird conditions I didn't get her in bed because I showed off to her. I had sex because we both wanted it with the other. And yes. She was still a virgin. Now stop asking questions."

I noticed the bunny twins floating over to me and shot them both a look. When they got to me they both looked at Minere.

"Why don't you leave us alone for a few minutes?"

"How about you two fuck off?", Alas.

Both of them gasped.

"No one treats my girl like that."

Both of them gasped again and feinted. All the girls around me apparently heard the same thing because all but two of them feinted and gasped. But they were lesbians. They wouldn't care. I smiled and looked down at Minere.

"That was unexpected."

"Well coming from me they would probably say something like, 'Bitch pplease.' then ignore me."

Ok. Stoppin there. The next couple of parts will be sex filled and have a lot more action. But this was done from 11 O' clock P.M. to 4:30 A.M.