Seeker Origins: Chapter Nine

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#6 of Seeker Origins

Year: 2080, May 15th.

Time: 22:00pm.

Location: Club Nova, Room 27.

Contrary to the belief of most 'experts' on painting, it isn't all that difficult; all that had to be considered was where you had already painted and where you still had to paint. It barely took me a couple of hours to fully cover my room in a mixture of purple and blue, with the exception of the kitchen-area and the bottom two inches of each wall, which were framed out beforehand. I was now lying on top of my bed - which had been dragged into the rough centre of my room - waiting for the paint to dry...quite literally.

I even seemed to notice a difference in my behaviour. I was acting a lot more focused than before I had painted the room; my body had calmed itself down, enabling me to think straight again and continue from where I left off; deciding what to do the next day. I had to admit, the whole 'deciding' part was still difficult, though I was perfectly clear as to what decisions I could make.

I work as an assassin for the club to keep my bloodlust sated, although Elle would hardly approve and I would risk getting killed every day...not that the last part made much difference to my current situation. I could also hire myself out every night to keep my 'regular' lust sated, though that would also mean I'd have to shoot myself full of antibiotics all day and, frankly, I could do without the after-headaches and stomach cramps. My last option was to leave it all behind, but that was probably going to end up in the pile of other options I ruled out.

The Club wasn't all that fond of having people leave after so many years of working for them, especially people like me who were practically raised to be a Seeker. If I were to leave now, I'd most likely end up being hunted down for the rest of my life; and to be honest, I didn't like the idea of having to kill every person they'd throw at me for the rest of my life. No...I'd have to rule that option out for now; it's not like I could leave Elle behind or take her with me just so she could get into even more trouble.

So it was practically settled already; the best option for me to take was to become a killer, even if Elle wouldn't like it. There was part of me that objected to killing; families and friends to consider. Everyone had someone; but another part of me ignored that once they started shooting back at me. It was easy enough to kill someone who deserved it - murderers, thieves, blackmailers - but to kill someone I was simply pointed doubt my life would prove to be more difficult in the coming days.

My train of thought was interrupted as I heard a sudden knock at my front door; I wasn't really expecting someone, so my instincts - my 'natural' ones - had decided to kick themselves in. I quickly reached out for the single blade I had laid out on my bedside table and slowly approached the door, keeping my knife tucked around my left claw. No one drops by my room so unexpectedly apart from Viggo and Fawx; and Viggo had his sister to deal with, and Fawx had his work cut out for him today.

I slowly sidled up against the wall just to the side of my door, taking care not to touch my newly-painted walls as I reached out with my right claw and calmly twisted the doorknob, expecting someone to rush in with a gun or knife in their paw...or claw. I kept both eyes on the slowly widening gap between the door and the wall as I pulled the door back slowly, then suddenly stopping upon seeing a black figure just at the door. I hardly had any time to observe the figure before he forced the door open the rest of the way with one foot-talon, making me instinctively jump back to the rough centre of my room; I could now clearly see that it was a Crow standing just at my doorway, holding nothing but a knife in his right talon.

It's important to note that Crows are generally the most 'theatrical' kind of Assassins in the world, and therefore the worst. For one, Crows have black feathers, which not only tend to make a fair amount of noise when they are moving, but also give themselves away whenever any kind of light - even a flickering streetlight - lands on them. Second is their ability to 'glide' using their wings which, admittedly, gives them an advantage when entering via rooftops, but makes them an easy target once someone manages to see them trying to get from a tall office building to the small corner-shop down the street.

"Need I ask?" I muttered under my breath, whipping out my knife quickly just before the Crow lunged at me, intending to stab me straight through my heart. That was the one flaw with being a Bearded Dragon; the almost complete lack of ribcage. Even my biosuits had to be extra-layered on the front.

"A good price was put on your head this morning." The Crow grunted as I parried his knife with my own; his motions were just as fast as mine, so we just ended up parrying each other's blades for the first dozen strikes. "I'm here to collect."

"Let me guess..." I laughed, able to find some humour in the situation as I managed to create a few feet of distance between me and the Crow; we stayed motionless in the same position for a brief moment. "One Canine, two Felines - one with white fur - and a Fox with crimson fur; am I right in assuming they're the ones who put you up to the job?"

" do you know that?" The Crow asked, probably impressed by how I was able to guess the correct answer straight off the bat. I made a quick motion with my right claw, pressing it up against my head as though it were a gun to symbolise what I had done to the four I had killed just earlier today. " killed all four of them at once?"

"They weren't exactly the most organised guys in the city." I smiled behind my facemask, watching the Crow slowly back away a couple of feet. "Believe me, killing me here and now won't solve much; your employers are dead, the price on my head is off, so you just go on ahead and walk out of that door behind you."

"Not bloody likely." The Crow lashed out, dropping his knife and quickly whipping out a handgun with his right talon, ready to shoot me at any time. "The price on your head still isn't off yet; you think those four amateurs set this up?"

With that, the Crow suddenly let off a single shot in my direction, now intending to shoot me in the head, clean and simple; however, my body had a different plan than taking the shot. Almost everything was a blur when looking with my eyes, but I managed to see my blade positioned right in front of my face, barely two feet away as the bullet had just exited the barrel of the gun. I closed my eyes tightly, part of me expecting to die right there...but I couldn't feel anything at all

I slowly opened my eyes and found that not only was I alive, but the bullet hadn't even hit me; my body instinctively rotated around to see that the bullet had been deflected was now planted in the wall behind me, leaving a reasonably small hole behind. I turned back to face the Crow, who was now almost trembling with what I had just done. I wasn't sure how I managed to deflect a bullet either, but I wasn't going to waste the new opportunity I had created.

I elegantly flexed my tail around and took two strides towards the assailant, gripping his right leg with my tail and his throat with my right claw as my left was holding my blade up against his neck. With the Crow in my control, I managed to slowly 'guide' him towards my bed in the centre of the room, unravelling my tail so I could push him down onto the bed. I was almost going to drag my knife across his throat, but there was something stopping me from doing so; part of me didn't want to kill him...not yet, anyway. Maybe he could prove to be quite useful, I thought...

"Aren't you going to go ahead and kill me?" The Crow managed to let out as I kept my grip on his throat; I slowly let go and shook my head, watching a smile form on his beak just before I flipped my knife around and struck him unconscious with the hilt of it.

I wasn't going to kill him. I had different plans for him; and to be honest, I intended to make him pay properly for ruining my wall.


Most Seekers only experience an initiation once or twice in their lives; the first time being initiated, and the second time initiating someone else. For me, that 'second time' was right about now. There was no sense in killing someone so full of potential; besides, I needed a good amount of 'release' after what I had been through. This was one of the times that I let my Red-Scale instincts lead me; it was no use killing the Avian without having a bit of fun with him...that, and it was only fair play to give him the option of joining us.

The room I had brought the Avian to was the exact same room that had been used during my initiation; dark grey walls, one dim light hanging overhead, a wooden table in the middle - now occupied by the Avian - and all the whips, paddles and sex-toys anyone could ask for. I sat myself down right next to the unconscious Avian, constantly tapping one side of my knife against his exposed rear and checking the four chains that bound him to the hard, wooden surface.

"The room is almost completely sterile," Doctor Caro announced as he stepped into the room, closing and locking the door behind him as he took off his large lab coat, revealing a full leather outfit...well, as full as two leather bandoliers, a pair of leather boots and a pair of latex gloves ever gets. "So it's fine for you to take off your biosuit; you've taken some antibiotics, right?"

"Either that, or I'm starting to naturally gain stomach cramps." I replied, wasting no time in removing my suit completely. Whilst doing so, I kept an eye on the Doctor as he pulled a small syringe from his coat, injecting the bound Avian with some kind of serum...probably some Eq-5 to increase his sensitivity and make him that much easier to break.

"Well, at least this'll sort you out for a while." Caro said, removing the syringe and picking a small whip from the rack behind him; I leaned back on the wall right in front of the Crow's view, waiting for the Doctor to give him a little 'wake-up call'.

Caro quickly cracked his whip and struck the Avian once along his lower back, forcing him to yell out as he woke up to face me instantly. I quickly responded and pulled out a small ball-gag, locking it around his beak before he could close it again; the Doctor cracked his whip again, striking the Avian once more, but this time only muffled groans could come out. I slowly crouched down to face the Avian, stroking the underside of his beak with one claw, making him bow his head out of protectiveness.

"I'm going to ask you a few 'yes or no' questions." I whispered to him, still stroking as I ran my muzzle along the top part of his beak. "Depending on how you answer, you may or may not be punished. Do you understand?"

The Avian nodded slowly and ashamedly, making me smile slightly before I began my 'interrogation'.

"You a family man? Any friends in your line of work?"

The Avian shook his head slowly; I signalled for Caro to whip the Avian again, which he did almost instantly.

"Does anyone know you well enough to care about you?"

The Avian shook his head again; I signalled for Caro to whip him again.

"'re straight, aren't you?"

The Avian nodded his head; I signalled for Caro to whip him again.

"Don't worry about that. You'll learn to enjoy it.I certainly will."

The Avian shook his head quickly; I signalled for Caro to whip him one last time.

I got up and looked over the Avian's back; it wasn't bleeding, though the flesh underneath his feathers was definitely red from the abuse that we gave him. I nodded to Caro as I circled around to face the Avian's rear; the Doctor hung up the whip and picked out a sheet of latex - no larger than his hand - and tossed it to me. It was the same kind of latex used to chastise 'initiates', no matter how well-endowed they were. I slowly got up on the wooden table and leant over the Avian as he got up on his talons, reaching down with one claw - the one holding the sheet of latex - as I resumed stroking his beak with the other.

My body began to heat up as it began to beg for release; I was barely able to keep myself under control as I rubbed against the Avian, making his body respond as his spear-like member quickly came out. By the time his member was all the way out, I had already began humping against him, not yet entering but instead rubbing our bodies together even faster as my own member had grown to full length.

"Nice the pattern." I heard Caro remark, indicating that my scales had already begun to turn red, forming circular patterns along my entire body as I began to feel even hotter, increasing to the same irresistible heat that I had experienced before.

I quickly wrapped the sheet of latex around the Avian's member, chastising it as soon as I could so I was able to get to work on him; my senses felt so...refined, up to the point that I could smell the hormones coming from the Doctor as he stepped up to me, gripping my waist from behind and lifting me off from the wooden surface. I didn't bother to turn and face him, but instead pulled on the Avian's legs, making the bottom half of his body fall down and position itself right in front of my member. I let out one long moan as I felt a cold sensation touching my shaft; Caro slowly rubbed and lubed up my own member as I began running the tip along the Avian's hole.

By the first ten or so seconds, my body felt like it was going to set itself on fire before I'd even get the chance to fuck the captive Avian; however, the thought had left my mind as soon as Caro thrust into my own tailhole, sending a mixture of pain, pleasure and heat through my body, though the pain was mainly felt all over my back. Everything felt strange and uncomfortable for a moment, but as the Doctor thrust into me again, the only thing my body could feel was pure pleasure; the force of the Fox's thrusts even managed to force my own member into the Avian's hole, making all three of us moan from pleasure in unison.

"Shit! Your back hurts like hell!" The Doctor swore as he tried to lean in closer to me. We all suddenly stopped for a moment as I reached back with one claw and felt my back; not only was it scorching hot, but my hardened scales were standing out on their ends, preventing anyone from touching me from behind without first cutting themselves.

I let out a confused gasp and turned back to see if Caro had hurt himself on my scales; fortunately, he had only grazed himself a tiny bit. The Doctor suddenly forced my head back to face the Avian as his other paw gripped my left hip, as it was one of the only areas that he could brace himself without bleeding all over me first. Caro's right paw had gripped my right shoulder as I slowly curled my tail around his waist, encouraging him to resume his motions.

After a few attempts at Caro thrusting into me thrusting into the Avian, we eventually built up a small rhythm. Caro would slam into me, then I'd be forced into the Avian, then I would pull out only to have Caro slam into me again. Overall, I think that I was the one who took the most punishment, constantly having Caro slam into me - and occasionally slap me on the rear every couple of thrusts - though it didn't exactly put me off. This was exactly what I - or rather, the Red-Scale part of me - needed; a bit of rough treatment, followed by a well-needed release, then maybe a few more rounds depending on how fulfilled I felt.

I began to feel a knot forming at the base of Caro's shaft,; I could tell it was about twice as thick as the rest of his member as it constantly rubbed against the soft scales surrounding my tailhole, though I had my doubts as to if it would fit, no matter how bad I wanted it to be inside me. As soon as his knot was as large as it could get, Caro started to pick up the pace, brutally forcing himself into me without pushing his knot all the way in. Probably his was of 'preparing', but it didn't take long.

After a couple dozen repetitive motions, the Doctor finally forced his entire length - including his knot - into me, and me into the Crow we had chained to the table below us. My whole body started to go numb and my vision had almost completely gone, leaving nothing but the immense heat and pleasure to feel. I couldn't even remember making a noise as Caro and I climaxed at the same time; I opened my mouth to try and scream as my seed was released into the Avian and Caro's into me, but no sound came out.

The climax seemed to go on for a whole minute; my legs had already given out in the first ten seconds and would have caused me to fall down onto the Avian if Caro hadn't caught me in time, embracing me by wrapping both arms around my chest. At first I was afraid he would've hurt himself on the jagged scales covering my back, but I couldn't hear so much as a whine from him as he pressed against my body slowly. The heat covering my body slowly began to fade out, leaving only a warm and comfortable feeling as my sense of touch began to kick in again.

My tailhole was hurting like hell from how much Vance had 'loosened me up', the base of my tail was aching from how tightly I had it wrapped around Vance's waist, and the bottom half of my insides felt as if they were full to capacity. The pain in my lower back only increased as Caro began to pull his knot out of me, but my mind was still focused on the feeling I had experienced during my climax. I began to wonder if this is how Elle felt every time she mated with someone...

My tailhole was stretched farther than I had thought possible once Caro had finally pulled his member all the way out of me, sending one last jolt of pain through me. I let out a loud gasp as soon as the knot was out, trying to keep myself from trembling or crying from the pain. My sense of touch seemed to be even more sensitive once it came back, leaving me an almost broken mess tucked between an Avian and a Fox. My senses began to flare up again once I felt Caro remove one paw from my chest and slowly stroke the top of my head as a sign of comfort.

"Should we leave your little friend here?" Caro asked after a couple of minutes of stroking me; I looked down at the captive Avian as soon as I pulled my member out of him, making him gasp in pain as I looked over his defeated body.

"...leave him here for the night..." I said beyond my gasps for air; Caro's rough usage of my body had taken a lot of energy out of me...but some part of me still wanted to keep going. I obeyed that part. "Unchain him but keep him locked in this room. Give him time to think about what he did. I could still go for a few more rounds though."

Caro nodded quickly and leant over me, unlocking the four chains that kept the Avian in place and undoing the gag around the Avian's beak. With the Crow able to move, Caro quickly left the room, practically dragging me with him as he locked the door behind us. The Fox quickly forced me into a room much similar to the one I was in last time I visited; in fact, it was the_same_ room I had been in previously. The only noticeable difference was that the large lab-table in the centre had been turned into a makeshift bed, the surface masked by the thick covers laid out on the top.

Caro wasted no time and almost threw me onto the makeshift bed, leaving my legs to dangle off the edge as he circled around to meet the wall behind me. I wasn't sure what the fox was doing behind me, but I could hear the sound of chains banging together; however, by the time I had realised what he was about to do, my arms were already chained to the corners of the table, leaving only my tail and legs free to move.

I hardly put up any resistance at all as Caro gripped my legs tightly and lifted them up, giving him a clear view of my tailhole and giving me a clear view of his member. From what I could tell, Caro was already fully erect and measured about one full foot, minus the knot! It was hard to believe it had all fit inside me just a couple of minutes ago, but it didn't put me off at all. This was still what I wanted; I wanted to be used like this. I wanted to feel that same feeling that I experienced during my climax. Fortunately, it didn't take any persuasion for Caro to get to work.

I let out a quick gasp as Caro rammed his member into me, though it was more out of pleasure than pain; or maybe it was a bit of both. Somehow I was beginning to feel a kind of twisted pleasure from Caro's rough usage; a mixture of pain and pleasure that could only make me moan from the experience. The Fox obviously took this as a sign to keep going, and began gyrating his hips whilst pulling on my legs, keeping his entire length inside of me as he prodded and stretched my insides as much as he could.

"Mmm, faster..." I was able to say beyond my moans, almost forcing myself up against the Fox as he began to increase his pace, humping into me as fast as he could manage. I noticed that Caro was starting to lean forward, reaching out with his muzzle and taking in my own member, managing to fuck me and suck me at the same time.

I let my body relax and go limp as Caro continued to ravage my body, forming a small rhythm after only a couple of minutes. Every time he would pull his member out of me, he would take my member in as far as he could, lapping at the underside with his tongue whilst he softly dragged his teeth along the other side. It took the Fox barely any time at all before I had loosened up completely, allowing him to knot with me as I slowly began to lose consciousness.

Before I passed out from the sheer overload of pleasure, I had begun to feel the heat inside my body increase again. The red patterns on my body looked as if they were getting darker, though I wasn't sure if it was just my eyes playing tricks on me or not. The thought was immediately forced out of my head as soon as Caro shoved his knot inside me again, this time feeling thicker than before. I could only let out a confused sigh as he released another load of his seed inside of me, filling my insides up even more and setting the rest of my body on fire before I passed out from exhaustion.

But there was still that craving in my hadn't been sated yet. I still wanted Caro to fuck me senseless, whether I was conscious or not...In this case, not conscious.

The last thing I saw before passing out was Caro leaning over me, his fur damp from the sweat running off of his body...

Seeker Origins: Chapter Ten

Year: 2080, May 16th. Time: 09:10am. Location: Club Nova, Basement. As far as I could tell, this morning was probably the most normal morning I had experienced over the past few days. This was mainly because the previous morning was spent being...

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Eight

Year: 2080, May 15th. Time: 20:00pm. Location: Club Nova, Basement. I was immediately sent to the Doctors once we got back to the club, so I hardly had any idea as to what was going to happen with Viggo and his sister, Celeste; part of me thought...

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Seven

Year: 2080, May 15th. Time: 18:40pm Location: New Vega, The Sinkhole. If anyone _except_ for Viggo said the words 'Viggo has a younger sister who, incidentally, has been sold into slavery', I would have called utter bullshit on that statement;...

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