the bridge of self-realization; becoming2

Story by foxguardian on SoFurry

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#2 of the becoming

The bridge of self-realization

Continued: read with discretion.

It was late in the day, and the sun was about to plunge the world into darkness as it passed behind the ever nearing mountains.

"We should stop for the night" I said jogging up behind Arindam.

"We will blood thorn" he replied quietly, then he held up a paw and everyone froze. In the distance, the roar of a river could be heard around the rustling of the grass in the breeze. "I just hope it's still there... and we're off coarse too."

I didn't know what he was talking about but it seemed Lena did because she pointed through the mass of tree that seemed to grow thicker as we neared the river.

"You see how the trees split off there" she pointed to a group of trees that seemed like just a group of trees to me.

"Ya but that can't be it... I thought it was much larger." Arindam puzzled. While they discussed things with themselves I looked over Collin curiously. The smaller wolf appeared to be shifting from one foot to another. Then I saw the large scratches on his ankles he wasn't used to walking through the heavy brush like this, his pads were soft from being in the sandy den for so long.

"Let me help you I said looking into the wolf's orang eyes and placed a paw upon his grey furred shoulders. Sitting him down on a fallen tree I gathered more Artemisia and Worm worth roots. "Make a cloth bandage from your under shirt."

Doing as he was told he removed his sleeved leather tunic and cloth under shirt reveling a very slim wolf. He looked like he hadn't worked a day in his life, so little muscle. I thought. Maybe it could be from captivity? Crushing my herbs I watched him work, carefully shredding the cloth shirt to make long strips and enough for both of his feet I noticed. It must be hard going for him, but he hasn't complained.

"Is that ok" he asked showing me his bundle of cloth.

"Yes that'll do" I took the cloth for a moment in my paws and pondered.

"Will me your knife" I offered. He produced the knife from a spot hidden between the folds of his tunic the wolf smiled handing it to me handle first. I took it and cut two sections from the bottom of the oversized tunic I was wearing, and then another to wrap around my waist for my own comfort from the draping armor. Taking strips of bark from the large cottonwood that we sat on I tapped his knee and he held out a cut up foot paw with an awkward look on his face.

Fastening the padding and bark securely to his feet, I tied it to his shin and thick of his foot paw. "Walk on it and adjust it as you need"

Standing up I was startled to notice my efforts were being well supervised. Arindam stood with a big stupid grin on his face. I scoffed at him and sat on the log watching as Collin adjusted his new bark paw pads. Bending over to make and adjustment his tail went high in the air and i caught my self staring at the wolf's exposed rear looking away my tail wagged slightly then, and Arindam's laughter made me jump to a standing position sward half drawn. And he just died laughing in the grass at Lena's feet.

Lena and I exchanged glances of worry then Arindam got to his feet and gained his composure.

"You shouldn't smoke that stuff you know. At least you should share" it was hard not to blush thinking about my words hoping he wouldn't find any dirty meaning in them. Then my thoughts turned to that night in the den. Were they really lovers? Is Arindam gay? It wasn't uncommon or an oddity at all but me having had a wife to be I had never considered it. Then flashes of her bloody face swept through my mind and sorrow bested my heart.

"We should get to the first camp." Arindam's words shook me from the place of Dred and sorrow my mind had taken me. "There is a bridge upstream a ways, hopefully we are not too far off."

We walked through the waist high grass, well, I guess it was over my head but it got shorter as we neared the river and came under the shade of the trees. The river looked shallow here; tell the other side, were it became deep, fast running rapids. As we fallowed the river upstream it got deeper and wider, but it slowed only slightly.

"There I see it... Oh No!" she gasped "it has fallen!" walking up to the river bank I discovered there to be a fallen bridge. I reached for the rope still hanging from a near tree. Straining for the rope on the river's edge I reached, and something gave under me. Ripping at the grass I struggled to get ahold of something, and then Lena's paw came to grasp my own.

Arindam, thinking quickly grabbed the rope and pulled it down so it lay across my shoulder. Letting go of Lena she gasped as I fell grabbing the rope only just before the surface of the water

"That wasn't smart dog" Arindam reprimanded. "What if the rope had broken" clambering over the edge of the river bank I lay on my back huffing in exhaustion for a moment. Grabbing the rope that had saved me from the horrible swim, which may have been my death, i coiled it at my feet. Drawing my sward I cut it as close to the tree as I could then move to the next rope. Catching on, the others began gathering what rope that could be found and coiled them the same.

By now the sun had gone behind the mountain, and all that remained was a bright red sky shining through what little clouds had gathered at the mountains peak. We started a fire on the river's edge, were I had fallen; not worrying to cover the light of the fire for the grass at the edge of the trees was well high enough to catch any light that may give us away.

The distilled silence around the fire was masked by the sound of the near river. Collin sat beside Arindam, leaning against him.

"So you two are mates I presume?" I questioned in Arindam's direction, but Collin answered first.

"I was his slave and cook at first." Arindam smiled and looked knowingly into his lovers eyes, then blurted. "Until I caught him pawing in my bed." Laughter broke out around the fire at the young wolf's expense. "And with my laundry in his maw too"

"Shut up!" Collin pushed the wolf from his seat and laughed for a moment then explained.

"He tied me to his bed with his thong to keep me from tarring his den apart to get out, and when he came home from hunting; one day I really had to pee, and had a soft on" collin pawed playfully at the bigger wolf as he took his seat beside him once more.

Smiling the big wolf spoke again "I thought I'd have a little fun with the little pup and"-

"They don't need to hear the rest of this" Collin interrupted.

Lena who sat across from me, and adjacent to the wolf couple spoke now. "Were do you come from, blood thorn?"

"I hale from a village in the planes of Vallendure" my voice broke and I no longer wanted to remember those thoughts of the village, of all of those that were slain. Knowing I could never return was like death alone. My silence seemed to tell my mood for she changed the subject to her own heritage.

"I was a slave from the mountains we now trek to; the horde killed my family as well and I was taken as a slave by one"-

"Arindam flint" Arindam interrupted her with a firm voice and everyone went silent; even Lena.

"Your brother?" I questioned

"My uncle." he answered. "She was a gift to my coming of age. I was to take her to my den as a slave, and my first slave to produce cubs. After months of no cubs everyone assumed she was unable to be with child.

"you were so kind to me" Lena spoke up now "I was released after two years as his slave and became a trader in the hoard; despite Arindam's warnings that I could be taken again, but since then I lived on the outskirts of the hoard trading meat and pelts to survive."

After conversation had died we lay down to sleep. My sleep was deep and haunted at first with the bloody pictures of my mother and the horrors I witnessed of my mate, and then turned to the watchful gaze of Arindam's blue eyes that morning in the cabin. The way he looked at me, tall black furred wolf fully armor clad, with no evident emotion. Then his face became distorted with a huge snarl of teeth that made the skin pull away from his face and he lunged forward.

Morning came for me before anyone ells; I had awoken to the dyeing crackle of the fire. Sitting up I looked about the camp, then the tree line. When I was sure all was safe, my gaze fell upon the sleeping female across the pit of ash and coals. She slept in her tunic with her shield on her back and sward firmly in her grasp. The rise and fall of her chest was soft and hardly noticeable. She was a light colored brown wolf with eyes blue like Arindam's and had white fluffy fur at her breasts.

Standing I made for the wood pile in hopes of getting the fire going for breakfast but was stopped dead in my tracks. Not but a few feet behind the wood pile lay the two naked wolves, I admired them for a moment as they embraced each other. Arindam lay on his front, muzzle resting on his folded arms. While Collin lay with a leg over Arindam's right and a paw around his middle comfortably holding his mate while he slept.

It was evident what had taken place that night, the big black wolf had cum all over the base of his tail and ass with a trail leading straight to the still hard red shaft tip of Collin's that lay across Arindam's ass cheek.

Stifling a giggle I left the mated pair to their slumbers and made for the river bank. There I had spotted some herbs for the morning tea and berries. During my search I had managed to scare up a small flock of game hens not far from camp, taking my time to find a good log ,about the size of my for arm, I rubbed it clean of bark. It was important not to have anything that could catch on a passing tuft of grass or stick. Heading back to the spot I had spooked the hens, I stepped cautiously through the brush. The almost silent steps I made were easily masked by the moving water to my right and the rustle of the grass as it swayed in the breeze.

Quickly spotting one sitting on a low branch, and two more that were perched on the ground below it I made ready for my attack. I grabbed three rocks and my makeshift bat stepping slowly and carefully around the tree I hid behind. I crept closer and closer to the unaware hens. Gripping the bat I reached my hand back ready to throw steadying my aim. The two hens on the ground were so close together. I may be able to take them both with the bat, just then they both crouched and made ready to fly. I swung quickly releasing the bat with true aim striking the hens with a loud whack. Reacting as quick as my small arms would cycle I hurled a rock at the other hen just as it took flight. The first rock struck the big hen and knocked it to the ground next to the two fluttering on the ground.

Jumping into action I pounced on the hen I hit last and scrambled to get the rest. I had managed to get ahold of the hen, the bigger one and probably mother of the other two, around the neck and a smaller one by the leg but the other one took flight toward the camp. As I watched it fly I was startled to see Lena spring up and swing her sward in an upward arch slicing the hen in two pieces.

"Nice catch!" I yelled holding up my two prize hens and she held up hers, which was missing a wing. Suddenly, the two still slumbering wolves burst into action. Arindam standing naked baring his teeth and brandishing a still sheathed sward while Collin took up a log from the wood pile ready to act. Lena and I exchanged looks for a moment then burst out with laughter walking over to stand by the fire.

Tossing down my prize hens I looked to Lena. "So what made you go for the bird" I asked griping the hen by the bottom of its breast and tore the soft flesh easily separating breast from body.

"Well I heard the fluttering and wasn't sure what was going on but then I saw it coming at me and just acted" she replied while cleaning a gizzard. Looking to the other two I saw Arindam walking our way smiling brightly wearing only a loincloth that he must have worn under his tunic and leggings, all the while Collin was still putting on his padded tunic and wore nothing underneath.

"Boy im glad we weren't getting attacked you old dog, if it were up to you we would all have been slain" Lena joked.

"Ah at least I had fun last night" he replied and winked at me. I went back to cleaning the last of my hens. Walking to the river bank I used a small hollowed log to scoop water and clean my bloody paws.

Back at the fire now I took berries and herbs I had gathered and threw them onto my metal buckler setting it on the fire to cook the meal. Three large hen breasts with gizzards and hearts seasoned with roots, berries, and herbs.

"Mm smells good" Collin said sniffing at the meal.

"So you're some hunter collie blood thorn" Lena said admirably taking a seat next to me.

"Thanks I was the best in the village I replied smiling at the wolf. Our eyes caught for a moment and I could smell her, she had been rubbing flowers and Sitka burnet in her fur. My stomach fluttered a moment. Had she done this for lack of shower or was she trying to catch my attention I thought.

"Can you use a bow? She asked. I only nodded tending to the near finished meal cooking in front of me.

"There are some alder over next to the river bank that would make excellent bows... Not that your log didn't work well for you." She commented. Looking to catch her gaze again I noticed a flush on her cheeks and then it hit me, that smell, she was starting her heat.

After eating the delightful meal we walked quietly to the alders and I began inspecting them each by size and shape.

"I wanted to ask you" she stalled for a moment perhaps being careful with her words. You seem to know your herbs well... is there any way I can stop my heat?"

"No" I replied looking to her and reached for some plants near the base of the alder I was inspecting only moments ago. "A flower yellow like this one" I said handing her the flower "but smaller and with only four peddles. It will mask the scent and ward the effect your heat has on males" Bring me this, and flowers with the scent of you choosing, and I will make you a perfume. It will stand out to the others though." She took the flower and nodded. "I noticed you tried already" I smiled warmly at her suddenly abrasive look. "Smells nice" she blushed and drew her sward.

I watched her hack through the alder she chose with a single swing working carefully so as to not damager her new bow in the making.

"So are you unable to be with cubs?" I questioned. "No" she replied and I only nodded. "Arindam only takes males" I swallowed hard at the suddenness of what I heard.

"So you make the bow and I'll make the string eh?" I said walking toward the camp. "I never was too good at it."

"Sure, but, only if you get the herbs for me" she replied notching a needle baring tree for its sticky sap.

The morning was late now and I was wondering if we were ever going to get moving again, as I neared the ash pile that was our morning fire I found the wolf couple talking amongst themselves. A small chuckle came from Collin as I neared and the two grew quit.

"So" I said addressing Arindam. "How do you purpose we cross and when?"

He only smiled up at me and seamed to wait for me to figure something out on my own and replied "I was kinda hoping you had that answer for me collie" Collin giggled at the confused look I gave him. "You are the one with the rope" he said pointing with a half burnt stick to a large bundle of ropes we had all gathered the day before. "And uh... I think you're a little busy making a bow with someone, aren't you." Collin's face lit up and a blush shown on his cheeks. Letting loose a sigh I sat next to the two and began explaining my plan.

It was late afternoon now and I had gathered enough herbs and flowers to make a concoction that would hopefully last Lena for the full duration of her heat. As I walked the river bank I also scoped out the planned crossing of the river. In the mean while I had the wolf couple tying the ropes so as was planned.

"Perfect" I exclaimed under my breath collecting up a flat rock from the river's edge. The rock had a kind of bowl shape to it, perfect for grinding out the flowers I had collected. There came a rustling, and I froze in my tracks I had been stupid enough to leave my sward at camp. I hadn't strayed far but still I was now without arms and away from the others. Then the rustling came again this time accompanied with a grunt. Crouching low to the ground I set down the things I had gathered and took up a small stick, it wasn't much for protection and would probably break if it struck armor. Then the rustlings became louder. Peering carefully over the tufts of grass in front of me I was stricken motionless at the sight I saw. Not but a few yards up, kneeling before a large tree Lena strained at the base of a tree. All of her armor had been removed and she leaned against the tree claws sinking deep into the bark.

Her left paw was between her legs were her tail obstructed the view; then she moaned out and leaned forward. As she did so her tail flew up and I could see everything. The white tuft of fur that stuck out from her chest and breasts carried down to her flat stomach that rippled with muscles when she leaned forward. Her paw move quickly stroking in and out of her dripping sex, the powerful scent of her heat was tingling in my nose causing my stomach to flutter like it had only a few times in my child hood mischief.

I couldn't believe it, my erection pushed against the leggings I wore to protect my black and white furred body and I couldn't help but release it.

Setting the stick down carefully I untied the grass woven belt I had made and dropped my leggings to my knees. Kneeling behind the tufts of tall grass, I watched the wolf girl pleasure herself unbeknownst to my voyeurism. Stroking at my now fully hardened length, my paw gripped my shaft and slowly slid from tip to base as I watched ever so intently.

"Ohh collie" she moaned out and my stomach fluttered again "oh Arindam" she moaned again and I tilted my head. Throwing my questions aside for later and began to paw along with her pace.

As if to torture me and please me the same she released her grip on the tree and grabbed her tail pulling it up while rubbing over her clitoris just out of my view, then continued plunging her middle and ring finger in to her sex while moving the paw from her tail to its base rubbing at her anus.

My stomach fluttered again as I watched her insert a finger into her ass and then another. She seemed to fight with herself over which paw to concentrate on more, then froze and the paw that once fingered her anus moved back to grip the tree.

I thought I had been caught but a strong feeling rose in my stomach and I knew I was about to cum, pawing harder I risked being caught. But to my surprise she moaned again and the two fingers in her pussy moved like lightening. Crying out her body rippled and I knew she was having an orgasm. My stomach fluttered and my balls tightened as I shot ropes of cum on the grass in front of me. She cried out again as I watched as she expelled a large amount of clearish red fluid that made my nose twitch and my head swim.

The female wolf hardly held herself to the tree with one paw while the other braced her knee, she was panting and huffing out of breathe. I fought to keep my breathing calm and not to be heard as I pulled up my leggings, getting cum all over the front of them and all over my paws. Gathering up my things I scampered down the river bank as silently as I could to escape my discovery.

Gathering water and more flat stones I sat by the edge of the river washing my leggings

"Hey there collie" I jumped as Collin approached me from the way of the camp site. What happened?" he asked.

"Berries" I replied and grabbed at the hollowed log I had used to scoop water and rinsed my leggings quickly in attempts to hide the staining.

"Oh that's not going to come out that way you need to use hot water" Collin giggled at the look I gave him and took the leggings from me. "Tell you what" he said examining the stains. "I'll get them out and keep your secret if you show me how you got them?" he gave me an almost deadly grin.

I was shocked. I wasn't sure what to say. "But Arindam?" I sputtered and he kicked at some sticks that were on the ground in front of him.

"Oh... im sure he won't mind" he said moving in on me. He put his paws to my shoulders and pushed me to the ground in a kiss I would always remember as my first with a male. His tongue dove into my maw and I could taste his male musk as he ground his hips against my leg with a hard on already. Is it Lena's heat that was making every one so horny? I thought. I wanted to say no and push him away but I couldn't. I was getting hard fast. It must have been obvious to Collin because he broke the kiss and grabbed at my tunic pulling it over my head and off.

"Mm collie boy I've wanted you sense Arindam took you home for me" he giggled and thoughts of Lena earlier passed through my mind. Then my breath drew in my chest to stifle a moan as he wrapped his lips around my hardened shaft suckling noisily.

"Ugh... K-.. Collin" I groaned petting his head and ears. My mind was a whirlpool of blanks as he administered his delightful attentions.

"He he" he giggled stroking me as I held his ears. "Puppy like?" I thought it was odd he called me puppy but the thought didn't stay long. I looked to Collin questionably as he stood suddenly looking around quickly, and then motioned for me to turn over. I thought I knew what he wanted and wasn't sure about it, but my curiosity made my body move without my mind.

On my hands and knees in front of the wolf I felt like prey, shaking with need I felt him grasp my hips and felt his nose lifting my tail. Moaning out almost too loudly I gripped paw-fulls of grass and foliage beneath me as I felt the best and most odd feeling I had ever. The wolf's tongue lapped at my hole over and over, I thought I couldn't breathe, then his tongue dove into me and I moaned loudly not caring if I was heard. Something inside me tightened and I came hard painting my stomach, front paws and the forest floor below me. Panting and head swimming I still couldn't believe what was happening.

I gasped for breath and moaned again as he grasped ahold of my now over sensitive cock, pulling it backwards he caused me to lay my face and cummy chest to the ground not caring that my fur would mat from the sticky fluid. He wrapped his muzzle greedily sucking at the still leaking fluid and causing another burst of cum to flow into his muzzle. Sucking noisily he released me from his hold and got up shaking the leaves from his fur.

"Thanks pretty collie" he said leaving me to bask in my afterglow, hard on swinging under his tunic. He walked in front of me, as if waiting and I knew what he wanted, rising to my knees again I tried to brush the foliage from my fur and placed my paws at his hips unsure of myself. Looking up at him I whimpered lightly.

"It's ok collie only do what you want." He said and rested a paw on my cheek assuringly, his paws pet and stroked at my cheeks and head fur drawing me in closer. I had never imagined I would ever do something like this but as soon as I was near enough to smell the musk from his cock I knew I had to taste it, my paw moved from his hip to grasp ahold of the big wolf cock. I nuzzled at his cock rubbing it with my cheek and lips and buried my nose in to his crotch taking in his scent then guide it in to my waiting muzzle. First I breathed deeply the scent of his cock enjoying the euphoria it seemed to give off. There was a rustle of grass from behind me and I dismissed it for leaves falling from my thickly furred tail, which swung high wagging behind me. Taking his cock into my mouth I let my tongue drag across it gingerly sucking on the shaft. This sort of thing was so new to me I became shy and flushed at the cheeks.

I looked up at him for some sort of hint or direction but his eyes were closed and he had a toothy smile on his face. Taking this as hint enough I continued suckling, dragging my tongue down the bottom of his shaft taking as much of his cock into my maw as I could and dragging my tongue all the way to the tip. His moans rousted a flutter in my tummy again like it had earlier that day but not quite the magnitude as before.

Still sucking I tilted my head to the side and picked up the pace sucking noisily at the tasty wolfs cock. Images of Lena fingering her anus and pussy passed through my quickly racing mind and I opened my eyes. Moving my free paw I pet his hip and upper thy then groped at his hanging testicals. It was odd I thought. This was something I had never experienced, squeezing carefully at the hanging orbs I paused momentarily to swallow what was in my maw before I started to drool. Collins paws stroked passionately at my cheeks and head fur.

"Oh collie you are so good at this" his comments made me blush heavily and I dove onto his cock again causing him to moan lightly. Moaning along with him I moved my maw slowly from base to tip dragging my tongue like I had before, suddenly I felt Collin grip at my ears and I knew he was close. Letting go of his cock and balls I reached my paws, petting softly at his soft fur as I moved to his firm ass squeezing the cheeks, trailed a finger a crossed his anus and gripped the base of his tail. Suddenly he went tense and I felt him buck trying hard not to hurt my maw as bursts of his potently musky cum shot into my mouth. Dragging my tongue down the length of his cock one last time I gathered the cum on my tongue and liked the taste of his wolfy cum.

Swallowing hard I lapped at his cock, crotch and balls cleaning them thoroughly, then he sat in front of me and we hugged each other lovingly in his afterglow. I nuzzled at his neck and embraced him tenderly as I had never before another male. Then that rustling came again, looking up at collin he wore a smile on his face, his gaze led me to the trees behind me and there stood Arindam, his huge wolven cock pumping huge shots of cum all over his paw and I watched him lick the cum from his black furred claws smiling at me with a wolfish grin.

More shall come in the near future. Tell me what you think should happen.

Don't worry it won't change much of what is already planned.