The Alchemist's Study: Chapter Five

Story by akro on SoFurry

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The continuing series written and gifted to me by my loving kitten pet, Cyr.

Chapter Eight Chapter Seven Chapter Six Chapter Four Chapter Three Chapter Two Chapter One

Chapter Five: Time and Time Again

A small drop of drool was slipping from my muzzle as an arm began to shake me. I was bought out of my deep sleep. The wet string slid down onto the surface below me. Was it morning already?

"Wake up, sleepyhead," a familiar sounding voice called.

A bright light above blinded me when I opened my eyes. I tried blocking it out but couldn't. My arms where restrained, my legs as well. I was locked to a flat table in a room with nothing but white, blinding white lights and color. The table was chromatic and cold, the creeping feeling of its icy breathe followed my arching back, and grew even colder as I fell back down to it.

An array of adult toys and strange machines, all white themselves, filled the wall ahead of me. What seemed like an ER was now turning into something very different. Finally, a figure stepped out of the endless glow. It was him, the dragon. An immense feeling of dread swept over me, scared and confused about what was happening. I thrashed against the restraints and cried out, whatever I could do to try and run.

"No! Shit! No! How the hell did I end up back here!?" I screamed.

I struggled and struggled like a helpless feral, pulling against the bindings. They held tight through it all, teasing at my struggles with their cool touch. The dragon grabbed up my muzzle from underneath with his powerful paw and held it to mirror my face with his. He looked just as disturbed and fiendishly possessive as ever. There was nothing else to him like before though: no sympathy, no care.

"What's wrong kitten? Aren't you happy to be back at home with your Master?" He asked. "Aren't you happy to be back in your rightful place as my pet?"

His hold became tighter, pushing my head back further. His hair was disheveled, voice baring a heavy tone of disappointment. What a sick sense of emotion---after what he's done he tries to display disgust with me.

"I guess not, otherwise you wouldn't have tried to run away." He sighed, releasing me and running a claw against my cheek. "At first I didn't know what to do with you. I began to conjure up ideas of punishment for you." He stopped at my neck letting the point of his claw rest against my neck. "For being a bad boy, that is."

With the ending of his sentence a shocking pain surged through my balls. I yelped, thrusting my body against the restraints. The dragon moved his claw back up my cheek and to my head, scratching it softly with his claw.

"I was quite infuriated with your betrayal. There was no logical explanation as to how a wonderful pet could turn around and shame himself. How could a wonderful pet act as such a despicably bad boy?" He lectured.

A succeeding shock rattled my body. I could do nothing to protect myself or even roll over to subside some of the pain. I was kept in a vulnerable position and completely subject to the dragon's mercy as he continued.

"I mean sure, Instinct tells you to run, to survive, but nature dictates you as my prey. I've already sunk my teeth in so it's time to give up the fight already," He said, taking a step back.

He revealed a remote hiding in his other paw. The remote chirped as he hit a button on it. Strings which were practically invisible pulled up on the leg restraints, exposing my tailhole. The dragon brought over a machine to the front of the table. On the machine was a large dildo shaped to the dragon's own phallus on a piston rod.

"Wh-what the hell is that? Let me go you sick freak: for the thousandth time, I'm not your pet dammit!" I howled as the cool air licked my tunnel.

"There's no need to continue this misbehavior. Stop being a bad boy." He sent me into a dazed state from the constant abuse to my crotch. "Allow me to explain this machine I've set up: it's one of my favorites. The rubber sculpt of my perfect cock is thrust into the subject, sending small amounts of liquified latex into their body over time. Gradually it will become faster and faster until it simulates an orgasm, sending an incredible amount of the liquid latex through your insides. This is no ordinary substance. It's a special compound I've developed in my lab. The simulated latex begins starts off in liquid form and quickly infiltrates your bloodstream. Slowly, it will take over your nerves as it turns into a semi-solid state, outlining everything, "He said, pressed another button on the remote, another chirp emitted from it in response. The piston with the dragon toy moved forward, pressing its tip against my ring. "The liquid lies dormant inside your cute little body until it's signaled to become active. The rest well---you'll find out first hand soon enough." He smirked pressing another button.

The machine was attempting to push into my tunnel. I tried to resist it but the restraints kept me wide open. It began to make small synchronous thrusts, quietly humming as it worked. Though a clear tube connected to the toy a glowing blue liquid began to feed into it. It must have been the latex the dragon was talking about.

"I'm going to make you my perfectly obedient slave, kitten. Every cell in your body will jump at the sound of my voice, eagerly awaiting my command," he taunted. "Instead of just swaying over your mind with my elixir, this will completely engulf your body. You'll be a literal toy with that sharp tongue silenced for as long as I see fit."

With the dragon adjusting the remote the toy began to spread my tunnel open further. I felt a small injection of latex gel shoot out, spreading and cooling around my insides. He eagerly watched as I was beginning the process. Soon enough he was pawing himself next to my head at the back end of the table, getting off to my helplessness.

"Please. Just let me go, I'll never tell anyone. Please don't do this---I just want to go home, " I begged.

What the hell happened to Vince? I remember being at his home and now I suddenly wake up being greeted by the devil himself? Had I died and this was my punishment from life or had the dragon gotten to Vince too? The situation didn't make sense. I couldn't figure it out nor think with the machine slowly pushing further inside me with each thrust.

"I keep telling you my confused little pet, this is your home. You really need to pay more attention to what your Master says; you'd be much better off. Speaking of which, I need to cum; so it's time to open up and finalize your place as my bitch, "he demanded, letting his cock hang over the table beside me. He pulled my muzzle back towards him and pressed it against my tiger lips.

"Suck it, slut," he demanded. "Open that cute little muzzle up or I'll do it my way."

With each thrust my lips pushed into his tip, each time a little more latex seeped into me. The fluttering in my body granted him access to my maw, opening the door to my final moments. Last time I was able to escape his trance but this time I was prevented from repeating the process. He chuckled, praising me for finally being a good boy and slid his thick cock into my muzzle.

"This is it!" He announced with a thrust. "You're about to embark on your lifelong journey of being my loyal servant, my eternal pet!"

The machine sped up once again. My insides were beginning to feel full of the glowing gel as it was driven further and further inside me. Any further pleas I made were muffled by the invading cock humping my muzzle. As a drop of pre accumulated onto my tongue from the dragon, the gel began to actively move inside me.

It began to isolate its main mass near my prostate. As the dragon leaked more pre the latex began to send itself out through my bloodstream. I could feel the cool rush running up my muscles as they relaxed. It felt like gelatin was injected into my veins.

"Can you feel it my pet?" The dragon groaned in pleasure.

He moved over to the machine and scooped up some excess gel that seeping into the fur around my butt. With a growing blue paw he grabbed my cock and began to pump it slowly. It felt amazing, but my phallus was now glowing blue and it worried me what the gel might do. It was only a small worry though. The mix of my trance state and the dragon's paw kept me in the fog.

"The latex should be beginning to make its course through your body. It reacts to the sense of my cum within the subject. "Once I release my seed..." He moved back over to enjoy my muzzle. " powerful and abundant seed inside you for the third time, you won't just be taken hold of by the elixir. You'll be witness to the latex's fast acting mechanisms. Every cell in your body will be under my complete control. Your fur will be fused and molded into smooth, pleasing latex. You'll finally be my undeniably perfect pet to control for ages to come.

I didn't know when to feel full and when to feel empty. The machine grew faster, and the dragon, out of sync, did as well. Every time I felt like I was becoming full with the gel it moved itself out evenly around my insides. I'd since given up my struggles, but still fondly wondering where Vince was. I still tried to cry out for him or anyone else to save me but my body was gone. No one except the dragon was present within the confines of my dismay.

"Surprise kitten," he hissed.

He hit a button on the remote and the machine hummed louder. It made a few more quick thrusts then slowed into a deep plunge. A burst of gel flowed into me, filling me up until it was leaking out onto the floor. I sprawled against the restraints, terrified of what was happening. Making everything worse the dragon reached his fiery climax, injecting his own liquid potency down my throat. He kept his hips against the table, still emptying his powerful orbs inside me. His paw ran up my throat making sure I swallowed every drop of it while he enjoyed the show. I was slowly molded into a latex doll, feeling like an assembly line toy.

My skin, fur, everything was slowly becoming absolved by the latex starting from my feet and crawling up my legs. It slowly hardened into an encasement, leaving me to no longer feel the cold table or the chilling air around me. The dragon pulled out his dripping length from my muzzle once the latex had begun to swirl up along my arms and chest. He did however continue to rub his tip against the side of my muzzle to entice the latex to work faster with a dark laugh. The smell of latex became very noticeable and I could feel myself being absolved into the mesh.

"Any final words before you complete your transformation kitten?" He asked as the swirls met my neck.

I let out a shrill cry as the latex sped around my muzzle chasing the dragon's seed. I was soon silenced as it began pouring into my mouth. The taste, smell, and feel of rubber covered everything. Even my eyes were in a light blue tint, but still transparent to the world.

Experiencing what felt like a mallet hitting me in the chest, my eyes shot open. I threw myself up gasping. Surrounding me through a blurry peripheral were familiar furnishings of Vince's house. My heart was racing and I couldn't stop my arms from shaking.

"I remember him now...." I thought falling back down with a paw on my chest. It felt so real, for the duration of the dream I could recall everything but now I was swept back into the dark. However, I do remember the dragon now, and something about alchemy. I remember being tortured by the dragon, somehow I'd escaped?

I couldn't make sense of whether it was a dream or not, even though I was back in Vince's home. Everything felt so real. I had the taste of the dragons' cum on my tongue; the frosty temperatures left goose bumps on my back. My fur was stiff, the way it felt right before the latex had cocooned me. It had to have been a dream, I didn't dispute that, but it was still so vibrant and clear in my head. It sparked a memory in my head and the idea of just forgetting about it was starting to seem like it wasn't an option.

"Hey, are you alright Cyr?" Vince's head was poking out of the kitchen. "You look really flushed, bad dream?"

"Yeah... I guess, "I replied.

I stared at the spinning ceiling fan, still tired. I knew there was no way I'd get back to sleep though so I let out a yawn, pulling off the blanket Vince must've gave me last night. The morning sunlight gleamed though the half open blinds, throwing spots of light around the room. At least I'd woken up at the right time for breakfast. Jitters still grabbed at me but the smell of food cooking got me to my feet.

"I went to the store early this morning so I'd actually have something to make here," Vince said.

"Can't wait, the smells already making me hungry," I commented.

I sat down at kitchen table and grabbed the bundled up newspaper. The headlines were about something about food aid overseas. I could remember hearing about it about a week ago, lots of high profile people jumping on the bandwagon of donating. I tried skimming through the article but all I could think about was what the dream meant. I wanted to walk around town for a bit and see if anything could jog my memory. It didn't make a whole lot of sense since I probably wasn't anywhere near here prior to Vince picking me up, but if the book triggered something maybe other things around here would too. I wanted to head out into the town and look for anything related to dragons or something called alchemy since those were the things I distinctly remember thanks to the terrifying dream --- or rather, nightmare.

"Hey Vince, are there a lot of dragons around here?" I asked.

"Well, not really, no. There aren't a lot of them in this region," he said.

"Are there any at all that live near here?" I leaned in.

"Yes, but they're not very friendly. Why do you ask?" He started readying the food on plates.

"Just curious I guess." I wasn't sure how to explain it.

Vince joined me at the table with a tall stack of golden brown pancakes. I thanked him and filled my plate, digging in immediately. It was funny the way I portrayed Vince. His appearance did give off sort of a cold and calculated feel; he dressed very well and not a single hair was out of place on his head, or fur for that matter. He wasn't at all the way you might picture him passing by though, he seems so very warm and hospitable---not to mention cute. I really lucked out being picked up by him despite the circumstances.

"So do you have any idea what you'd like to do today Cyr?" He took a sip of orange juice. "I actually have to head out to my store soon. You can stay here if you'd like."

"Actually I think I'll spend the day in town. I'm sure I'll find something to do." I said.

Vince was worried about letting me walk all around town alone. I'd passed out yesterday and admittedly was stopping constantly to catch my breath or was feeling lightheaded. I assured him I'd be fine though. If anything happened there would probably be people about, even in a small place like this.

After being convinced I'd be alright we headed towards the town. It was cooler out today; the hot sun was hidden away in a blanket of clouds. The truck sped up as we drove down the empty country roads. The faster he went the blurrier the road seemed to get, the darker the clouds. We must have been going near 100 mph running through the stop sign, why the hell were we going so fast?

"Allen, slow the fuck down!" I yelled.

"Hell no they're right behind us! If those assholes catch us we're dead." The speedometer was reaching the dashboard at this point.

"I told you I didn't want to be part of your fucking drug addiction. And look where I'm at!" I slammed my paw against the car door looking at a pair of headlights following us.

"I told you just I'm selling it not using it. Now just shut up and hold on." The tires screeched as we barely made a turn onto the next road, heading towards the city.


"Are they gonna follow us into the city?" I reached back and grabbed my bag, ready to ditch the car as soon as we got somewhere busy.

"They'll follow us no matter what. In the city at least we have ways of evading them, it's too dam open out here." We sped through another stop sign. The headlights were close behind.


Huh? I blinked and saw a store in front of me. The sign read, "Time&Time". It was probably some play on the phrase, "time and time again," or something like that. I looked over to Vince, confused. He straightened out the collar on his shirt and returned the glance.

"Finally back are we?" I looked at him blankly. "You were really spaced out for a bit---wouldn't answer me. I didn't know where you wanted to go so I had to head to my shop."

I apologized. "I guess I was just daydreaming." I blinked a few more times rapidly.

"Well since we're here I could use some help bringing in those boxes if you don't mind." He was referring to the ones sliding around in the back.

"Yeah, I'd be happy to," I said.

He pulled down the gate and we unloaded the boxes. They were all either a shipment of clocks and watches or parts. Inside the shop there were clocks hanging or standing everywhere, glass cases were filled with watches and accessories. After we set the boxes in the backroom I took a quick look around.

"Tick, tick, tick"

The sound was already driving me crazy. There was everything from antique standing clocks covered in detail and art to the latest wristwatches. I walked up to the main counter and took a look in the case. Vince came out from the back room at the other side of the glass.

"Looking for a watch?" He smiled.

"Well, my brother used to have one before he went overseas. I'd always take it and pretend it was mine, showing off to everyone when I was little. I always had some weird attraction to it, got upset whenever he wouldn't give it to me," I said.

"So where is it now?" He asked.

"Well during one of the times I'd brought it to school someone stole it out of my locker. I always knew who it was but I never did anything about it. He was a Doberman and more than twice my size at the time, so I just said that I lost it. I was probably more upset about it than my brother. He wasn't too happy with me but he never said he was mad about it, I could tell he missed it though. "

"Hmm, what'd it look like?" He asked.

"It looked like," I ran through the rows of watches until a similar one caught my eye. "It looked almost exactly like that one." I pointed to 3rd row of watches, a silver faced watch with modern looking numbers and a solid black leather band. It had looked to be about the same size, even the hands were the same type.

He opened the case and set out on the glass for me to see. "Here, try it on."

I picked it up and examined it at every angle, carefully noting all the details. It really was just like my brother's, the only thing different was the maker. I wrapped the band around my arm and tightened it up. It fit me pretty well and I have to say I really liked how it looked; plus, it reminded me of being back in middle school --- a great piece of nostalgia.

"It's a really nice watch, fits perfectly too." I started to take it off but Vince stopped me.

"Well if you really like it, it's yours. Think of it as a welcome gift." He walked around counter and over to check if it was on the right time.

"Are you serious Vince? No, I couldn't just take this --- I mean how much does it even cost? It has to be pretty expensive..." I held the watch up to the light.

"Well you said someone stole your brother's watch which you loved so much. So go ahead and take it, don't worry about the cost. Now you won't have to worry about what happens to it since it's yours to begin with," he teased.

"Thanks Vince!" I beamed looking again at the watch and then hugging Vince, caught in the moment. He laid a paw on my shoulder in return for a moment. It was cut short from me pushing away soon after I started it, a little embarrassed. "Sorry, I got a little excited," we shared a laugh.

"It's not at all a problem, I'm happy to see someone as enthused about watches as I am. Time is a wonderful thing we hold. It's the keeper of past, present, and even the future; without it we're just drifting through, event after seemingly random event. We often overlook the importance of it. "

"Never really looked at it like that," I said.

It made me even more curious about my situation. I mean there were all these unclear events just floating around in my head. They had to be linked to something else, they all happened at some point in time during the last few days, right?

"Hey Vince, I'm really thankful for the watch, I love it," I said, "but if we're all done here I think I'm gonna head out to town and look around."

"Yeah I've got nothing else for you to do right now, go enjoy yourself. I'll be here till around 10:00 tonight so try to be here around that time alright?"

I checked the watch. It was only around 1:00 in the afternoon, plenty of time. Something around this town had to spark something inside me. Things were getting weirder and weirder but I couldn't ignore all of this.

I headed out into the cloudy day. A small town with more questions than people to answer awaited me.