For Better or For Worse chapter 2

Story by Takahiro Hamato on SoFurry

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#2 of For Better or For Worse Chapters

Red's POV -

When I came too, everything was blurry. I could barely make out anything as I slowly look around. I seen a couple of white blurs pass by, but everything else was silver looking. What the hell happened? Chris' plan was supposed to work, so why didn't it? They couldn't have known about it. His plan was crazy though, even though it didn't work, it drove me crazy thinking about it! Why the hell would he kiss me!? How was that a plan, was he thinking that if he made us look as if we were together, we would be off the hook!?

I had to admit it was a good plan, because the guards wouldn't want to mess with him if they attacked me I suppose. But still, the fact remains that he kissed me! I'm sure he could have thought of something way better than that, which made me question his actions. Were they really to fool or did he make that plan up to accomplish something of his own desire. I wasn't sure. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that when I focused on looking around, everything was clear. Two people in lab coats stood in front of me, having a conversation about me and Chris. As they mentioned his name I looked around for him, and spotted him across the room, held tight to the wall by metal links, keeping his arms and legs secure, but he was still unconscious. I looked down, noticing I was in the same situation. A man in the same white coat as the others stepped in front of me, it was the same man that I seen when I first woke up in this place!

"Hello. It's nice to see you again my little failure."

I growled, making him smile.

"Your in no condition to act all big and bad. Your bound by a strong metal. I was surprised when I heard of your's and the black anthro act when my soldiers came to obtain you and kill you. Oh but I already knew your plan, you see, we have cameras, with audio capabilities. I watched your every move from the moment you entered the room. I knew that you two had a plan, I knew that you were planning on giving my soldiers the slip. So I informed them before they went out. I'm sorry that your attempt failed, I assure you. After this, you won't be doing anything like that ever again."

My eyes narrowed dangerously. I growled deeply, he only chuckled and stepped closer, bringing his face to mine, he must have been standing on his tip toes.

"This time, you will die..."

I tried to break through the bonds, but they were to strong. He laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

"Don't strain yourself too much. You will want to be awake when we end you."

I panted heavily, already tired from that simple attempt, I needed food, that much I knew.The man walked away, talking to one of the other people before everybody exited the room, leaving me and Chris all alone, bound to the wall. I looked over to Chris, his head hung down, he still hadn't woken up.

"Chris, wake up! Chris!"

I seen his head lift slightly, then slump back down. I shouted again, this time he slowly lifted his head, looking around with a confused look. He struggled a little, then sighed and looked around, then as he spotted me, he opened his eyes fully. We stared at each other for a long time, not saying a word, until he suddenly broke the silence.

"I'm plan didn't work. And now were definitely not getting out out of here...forgive me."

He bowed his head again. I struggled against the bonds as much as I could, but they wouldn't budge. I gave up for the time being and looked at him.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You didn't know they would do this...the people here have cameras and mics in the rooms. They knew we would try to escape, so they stopped us. We had no idea of knowing. It's not your fault."

He looked up at me, his eyes sympathetic.

"It's alright. I'm sorry I put you through this. If only I had known about the cameras, we would have been ok. I'm so sorry..."

I looked away, trying to find something that would help me out of these bonds. There were tools laying on a metal table, and a set of keys for something. Wait.....keys. I quickly looked at my bonds, they each had a keyhole! I looked back over at the keys, they were only a short distance away! I couldnt use my arms, or my legs....My tail! I forced my tail to move, it swishing back and forth against the wall but moving slowly toward the table. It only took a few minutes to reach the table. I had to use all my willpower to keep my tail from moving and used it to circle around the keys and pick them up. Chris was looking at me with wide eyes. I moved my tail back, and curled it up to around in front of my torso. Then forced the key into the locks. My hands came free! I quickly grabbed the keys and unlocked my feet. I ran over to Chris, trying to frantically unlock his arms. He stared at me, then as I undid one arm, his hand came to rest on my shoulder.

"Thank you..." He said quietly while staring at me.

I smiled and nodded.

"Don't mention it, we have to get out of here, do you know how?"

His hand slid from my shoulder to his other arm and he quickly freed himself.

"Not exactly but if were sneaky, I'm sure we can ambush a guard or scientist and make them lead us out."

I liked the plan. Nodding in agreement we rushed through the nearest door and into a long white hallway. We ran through quickly, turning left and right, looking for a single guard or something. As we made a final left, I noticed a couple of guards sitting on the ground, drinking coffee, they were probably on there break. Chris rushed forward, growling slightly, but I pulled him back quickly and shook my head. He gave a a questioning stare but I only answered by casually walking over to behind them and poking one on the shoulder.

"Hey, care to give me some?" I said, trying to disguise my voice the best I could.

One turned slightly and looked up to me, in the middle of saying sure here but froze in terror as I smirked. As the other guard turned, I grabbed both of them by the collars, lifting them high into the air.

"Where is the way out?!"

They stared at me in shock, there hands trying to reach for there pistols but Chris stepped beside me, grabbing there hands roughly, his eyes menacingly deadly.

"Show us the way out, and we will let you go. If we get any funny business out of either of you, don't think I wont hesitate to rip your heads off with my teeth!"

He grinned widely, showing all of his teeth. They nodded several times before I dropped them to the ground. Both took a few steps back, then tried there best to calm down. The one on the left began walking down the left turn rather quickly.

"Follow me..."

We followed, the other guard quick to catch up with his friend. I could hear them talking, trying to think of a plan to escape us, but there voices shook, they were afraid,. These two had probably never even seen anything like me or Chris before. We were lead through a few more hallways, the guards made sure that we wouldn't run into anymore people along the way. We walked for a few minutes before coming to a small white door that blended well with the white walls of the hallway.

The guards turned to us, then opened the door. Sunlight poured in as the door opened fully. I looked to Chris, who nodded slowly. We both advanced, walking through the door and as the sunlight hit our eyes, Chris smiled widely. Our feet touched grass, the soft green blades sliding against and under our feet like feathers. I looked around, a slight smile on my face, but my smile fell and I growled as I seen a group of soldiers staring right at us, all of them in pure shock. My eyes widened as the guards began to run toward us, guns pulled. I looked to Chris, who was just as surprised as I was. When the guards reached us, we were circled. I backed up behind Chris, who growled threateningly and grabbed my arm. We heard footsteps from behind us and turned, seeing the two guards break the circle and stand in front of two other officers.

"Alright you two, do what you wanted to do and hurry up. This is against the rules you know. But I'm being generous and letting you have your fun, so make it quick." The one on the left said sternly with a wink.

I was confused, but my eyes widened as Chris grabbed me, and forced my mouth open, then kissed me deeply, moaning softly as he kissed me. I was shocked, but then I realized that if I resisted, and didn't act as if I was with Chris, then we would surely die. I kissed back, moaning into his mouth, his tongue sliding eagerly along mine. This time the kiss was different, it was very different. Chris' hands roamed over my body, over my chest, and my stomach, down to between my legs.

This felt wrong, so very wrong, but my body was telling me another feeling. It was lust, passion, fire. I felt it in my groin, the fire as he kissed me. I was utterly disgusted by the way my body was reacting, but I had to make it out of this damned place, even if I had to go against what my mind was screaming. His hands grabbed gently between my legs, causing a loud growl of pleasure to escape my mouth. He quickly broke the kiss and pressed his body to mine, rubbing himself against me, but whispering in my ear. Well technically I didn't have know what I mean!

"Just play along....we have to make it out of here, hopefully they are all buying this...I really hope so. But if you don't mind my saying, even though your another male like me, your body is quite....mesmerizing...I think that's a good word."

As he finished, his tongue slowly ran down my jaw to my neck, licking gently at my pulse line. I gasped loudly, a undeniable wave of pleasure running through my body, causing a familiar tightness to form between my legs. I recognized the feeling, even with this Dragon-like body of mine. He bit gently at my neck, his hand running up and down at a steady pace between my legs. Around us, shock and surprise were on every guards face. The two were wide eyed, but they were probably happy for not being caught in escorting us in our escape plan. I heard murmurs and whispers, questioning why we were doing what we were doing. And in a way, it was funny that they were so dumbfounded and absolutely shocked, it actually made me want to make there eyes widen even more.

The temptation took me over and I grabbed him roughly, kissing him deeply, actually enjoying the wet, warm feel of his mouth. He moaned in surprise but wrapped his arms around my neck and deepened the kiss, now grinding himself against my groin. The sensation it gave made me shudder with excitement, which drove me further. I broke the kiss and breathed heavily, opening my eyes for the first time to stare into his. His bright blue eyes so soft, so...caring, it was so...touching. The feeling that came over me made me want to hug him. But instead, I pressed against him and bite his neck roughly, a loud growl of pleasure coming from him. I bite again, and again, then licked his skin.

The scales were soft and smooth, my tongue gliding gently across them as I moved to his collar bone, then to the rim of his tank top. He was dressed in a white tank top and baggy blue jean pants. As my tongue touched his top, he quickly yanked it off with lightning speed, exposing his bare, ripped torso to me. God he was....amazing. His body was lined beautifully with muscle, the sun in the sky shining off his scales slightly, making his body even more gorgeous. I was shocked at myself for thinking such a thought, but pushed it aside as my tongue ran down his chest, over his abs, down to the belt that held his pants. I was on my knees now, my hands held firmly to his thighs. He looked down at me, a grin spread across his face as his hands slowly reached down in front of my face and undid his pants, letting them fall to the ground around his clawed feet.

As I focused on his waist, I could tell instantly he was erect, my eyes widening as I saw maybe an inch or two of his erection sticking out above the rim of his boxers. Which instantly told me he was quite large indeed. I swallowed hard and shook the warning exploding in my head of how completely WRONG this was, but I needed to survive. I brought my mouth to his waist, my tongue running along his length through the tight blue boxers he wore, all the way up to the exposed part of his cock. As my tongue ran along his exposed part, a loud gasp escaped his mouth and his reaction was instant.

In a flash he had his boxers completely off his waist, exposing all of his erection, and he grabbed my face, placing my mouth at the head, and pushing in, instantly filling me halfway with his cock. My eyes widened at the sudden action, at the feel of having another mans erection in my mouth! I gripped his thighs, my claws scratching him, causing him to push in further, then pull out almost completely, starting a slow in and out motion. Every cell in my body told me to push him away and beat him to death, but apparently this show we were putting on, in front of these guards, was working. Some were horrified, but most were wide eyed, watching intently, not tearing there eyes from the erotic scene.

A loud moan escaped Chris' lips as he pushed in even further, choking me from his length being shoved down my throat. But he instantly pulled back. After a short few minutes the odd taste became normal, so it didnt taste bad anymore. I decided to keep playing along and stop thinking, my head moving back and forth taking in as much as I could, then moving almost completely off of him, then repeated. All the while soft and loud moans coming from him, indicating that he liked this a LOT. His hand moved from the side of my face to the back of my head, rubbing softly as I took him in my mouth. Son he was thrusting in and out of my mouth completely, I wasn't gagged anymore, so I allowed him too, running my tongue over his erect, throbbing cock again and again as he shoved every inch down my throat.

He thrusted in one final time, grunting twice and suppressing a loud growl before I felt warm, creamy fluid spill into my mouth. As he continued, it became a bit too much and I began to gag, so I swallowed, the taste was foreign, but even as I swallowed as much as I could, there was still more. It leaked out of my mouth, pouring down the corners of my mouth and dripping to the grassy ground below. Chris panted heavily, slowly pulling himself out of my mouth with a soft moan. He looked down at me, eyes misted, but I could tell he was spent. He knelt down, moving him thumb over the warm, white fluid and bringing it to my still slightly open mouth. I licked his thumb as he did, so caught up in all of the passion, the sensations, that I was no longer feeling disgusted with myself.

He smiled and quickly pulled his pants up and clothes himself. I stood, slowly looking around at the wide eyed faces of every guard. One guard, a stalky man with a pretty face, looked to the two guards who had helped us. The two guards instantly looked at him as he approached.

"Soldiers...this IS against the rules of the facility, letting the experiments out of the facility is strictly forbidden. But I'm willing to overlook this....just make sure....make sure they get back to there room, understood?"

The soldiers nodded and saluted him, then he turned on his heel and gave a quick glance at us, then looking at the circle around us.

"Alright soldiers! Shows over, back to your posts! double time!"

The soldiers were slow to react, but in under a minute they were all gone, leaving us alone with the two guards. We were silent, as were the guards, but after a minute Chris broke the nervous silence.

"Well, that went well...."

The guards laughed, the one on the left speaking weakly.

"We werent expecting THAT to happen, but at least it worked for you two....well if your going to escape, you better do it before we change our minds and decide to call the others back here...oh....And the only reason were helping you and NOT calling for backup is because we'd be fired or killed if they knew we cooperated with helping you two.....So dont think were your friends. "

Chris nodded and spun around, facing me. He grabbed my arm and we started running toward the dense forest. As we broke into the trees, we didn't stop until probably 30 minutes later. I bent over, my hands resting on my knees as I breathed heavily. I looked up for a moment, seeing Chris holding onto a tree, breathing heavily as well. Then the reality of everything came rushing back to me like a ton of bricks. My eyes widened and I looked at my hands, at my body. I had pleasured this other anthro, and he had pleasured me...and I liked it....even though it was wrong, and gross....I couldnt deny that it felt good. The disgusting feeling that first came, had went away soon after, it felt natural, I wanted it, no matter how much my mind screamed for me to stop, for me to push him away and scream what is wrong with you. I couldnt help it, though I refused to believe it. As I realized this, I caught my breathing and stood straight staring at Chris with wide eyes. He stared back, but his gaze questioning. I was the first to speak.

"Is it me, or have I gone completely insane!? Did I just do that, have SEX, with another MALE, in front of about twenty or so guards! Ohmigod!"

Chris laughed and leaned against the tree casually.

"I know, it was REALLY awkward, I felt really uncomfortable with those guards watching. It was a bit freaky they didnt just turn and walk away quickly."

I was looking at the tree, but as he spoke, my eyes darted to his.

"You mean if we were alone, and that happened, you would have been fine with it!? With doing THAT with another MALE!?"

He didn't answer, only looked away and started walking deeper into the forest.

"Come on, were lucky to be here. So if you don't want to get caught, then we need to move."

I nodded, quickly dismissing my sudden panic. We walked deep into the forest, soon getting a bit tired as the sun began to set. I laid myself on the ground, smiling as I was happy to finally rest.

"Finally! We can rest! Yes!"

Chris sat down beside me, chuckling at my words.

"Well I see your happy. I don't know if it was from the earlier event or getting out of theat place."

My eyes widened, I wanted to say that it could only be that I was out of that horrid facility, but for some reason I couldnt bring myself to say it. Instead, I rolled on my side, grumbling to him.

"Well at least you got off."

I heard a shuffle then a hand on my thigh, which made my eyes widen, but my body wouldn't move. He slid down to lay behind me, his hand moving over my thigh, to between my legs. I felt his breath on my neck and cheek, then heard him whisper in my ear.

"You weren't satisfied? Do you need release?"

I wanted badly to pull away and punch him in the face, but some force held me there as his hand grabbed and moved gently between my legs. I gasped as I felt his tongue slid along my pulse line, sending a shudder through my body. I tried to move away, to break free of the iron grasp his actions were holding on me, but held me close, his hot breath falling on my neck in steady gusts.

"Stop...this is...wrong! We should only...act like this in order to fool our pursuers! And were not being pursued anymore! We don't have"

He chuckled and rubbed me harder, a moan escaping my mouth despite my efforts to hold it back.

"But....I cant just leave you like can I? You helped me, you made me feel pleasure beyond imagining, I want to give that back to you. You need release, so let yourself go."

I struggled but he held tight, his hand rubbing my cock in a fast manner, my breath became quick and heavy. I began to sweat, my teeth clenched to keep quiet.

"But, this so...wrong.....we shouldn't be doing this....were both....guys.....we cant...we shouldn't...."

I lost my words as his tongue trailed down my neck, he moved up onto his elbow to get further reach as he licked down to my collar bone, his teeth biting gently at my muscle shirt. I pushed against him, trying weakly to get away, but my strength was gone, so much was happening, this feeling, this bliss. God it felt so fucking good! But it was wrong, but again, I couldn't deny it felt amazing, nor could I stop myself as I slowly turned around to face him before pressing my mouth to his, my hands running over his massive chest and rock hard muscles. He kissed me back, his hand grabbed the rim of my shorts and pulled them down slowly, revealing me. We continued to kiss, our tongued playing forcefully as his hand wrapped around my erection, stroking it slowly. I broke the kiss and gasped, a strong wave of bliss passed through my body.


He growled low and licked my neck teasingly.

"Don't deny what your body is telling you. You enjoy this and you want more. Don't be ashamed to take opportunities, in any situation."

He licked my pulse line and moved his hand steadily over my erection, pleasure running through every inch of my body as I involuntarily thrusted into his hand, causing his speed to increase. He kissed me again, I continued to protest, to try and make him stop, but that only made his actions more forceful, more pleasurable. His stroking quickened, he bite my neck hard, his other hand running up and down my clothed chest. I panted heavily, my mouth barely touching his, his claws racked across my shirt, then he grabbed a handful and yanked hard, the fabric ripping instantly. He had tore the shirt off my body, now his mouth ran down my neck to my chest, licking eagerly at my nipples. I gasped at the cold sensation, but he held me perfectly on the ground as his hand moved up and down my cock faster.

I moaned loudly, no longer able to hold my emotions back, this felt too good, even though it was wrong and vile, I couldnt help but....enjoy it, crave it, need it...The way his hands and tongue moved over me, it put me in a trance of pleasure, it was so intoxicating, I couldnt help but want more, to want him. I grabbed him roughly, bringing him back up to level with me as I crushed my mouth into his, my tongue rolling with his. He growled loudly and stroked me faster, causing my breath to catch as I exclaimed loudly in pleasure. This was wrong, this was sick, but....I couldnt control myself, couldnt control my actions. I rolled over quickly, pinning him to the ground as my mouth hungrily nipped and licked at his neck, then his chest as I ripped off his shirt. He laid his head back, releasing my erection as he relaxed, letting me have him.

My tongue slid smoothly along his rock hard body, all the way down to his belt, which he eagerly undid and pulled his pants off, along with his boxers, exposing himself completely. I stared at him with wide eyes, both of us completely exposed, no clothing on whatsoever. His hand gently rubbed the top of my head, a low pleasurable growl rumbling in his throat. I lowered myself, my hand guiding his cock into my mouth as I forced myself, despite the gag reflex, to take every inch he had. A loud moan rumbled in his chest, his hand pushing my head down, pressing the edges of my nose and mouth into his waist. I backed up, then went down slowly, earning soft moans and whispers from him, although to quiet for me to hear, I could tell he was loving this. I suddenly stopped, the feeling that drove me insane with pleasure now gone, I moved off of him, sitting back a little as I stared at him with wide eyes. He gave me a questioning look but I continued to stare.

"....what the....hell is wrong with"

He rose to a sitting position quickly, taking my face in his hands. My eyes widened even more as he leaned in, his blue eyes staring deeply into mine.

"Shhh....just calm down. It's ok. Just relax, your alright. Nothing is wrong with you....nothing at all..."

He kissed me softly, his right hand falling to between my legs, grabbing me firmly before stroking. I broke the kiss and fell backwards as he pushed me to the ground, his body loomed over mine, his hand sliding over my hard erection. I tried to get away, but his body pressed into mine, his hand leaving my erection as his own rubbed against it. A low moan escaped his lips, his tongue sliding out and licking my own lips. I broke the kiss instantly and looked away, my eyes wide with shock of the situation and at him.

"Please stop.....please....."

He licked my neck, then my jaw, whispering into my ear as his hands grabbed hold of my thighs, rubbing gently.

"But how can I can I just agree with you...when I cant control myself anymore....when there was more to that act back at the facility then just fooling can I turn away from you now...after what I felt.....was it only me who felt this way.....did you not feel the same?"

I struggled a bit, but giving up after a moment, my body not responding.

"Of course it was only you!" I growled, suppressin a loud moan as his body lifted and his hand returned to my cock. I felt his entire body freeze as I finished my sentence, he stared at me with wide eyes, then gently moved away, standing and gathering his belongings and dressing himself in what clothing he had left that wasn't torn.

"I see. So it was only me who felt that way. Well....I wont question your act of non resistance a moment ago then....please forgive me for forcing you to do something you didn't want too.....I'll leave you alone now. I'll be back before morning, you should rest...."

I sat up, panting heavily as I watched him walk away quickly, I could tell he was tense. I watched for awhie until he stopped and looked over his shoulder, even though he was a bit away, my new vision allowed me to see further, and I saw a tear run down the side of his face. I blinked in confusion as he looked ahead and ran off, disappearing into the dense forest. I was puzzled, but laid back down, the fire in my body, the warmth, that feeling, that sensation, now gone. I felt empty, alone, scared. I closed my eyes, allowing the darkness it brought to give me some unknown comfort. But images of Chris appeared in my head, him leaning against the wall in the facility room, him above me, his eyes, so different, so calm, so lustful.

Why would he shed tears over something such as this? Over rejection? Why would he be so upset over someone he had just met? I never understood it, but my thoughts were twisted and faded away as sleep took me, my body relaxing entirely as the questions rushed through my mind.

*Well everybody, I hope you all like this so far, chapter three is already written so I'll post it later. But Please do comment, it lets me know people actually like my work, and makes me want to post more. I will continue this chapter. It may seen like just a bunch of sex, ubt actually, the sex plays a key role. You'll see later on in the story. *