For Better or For Worse chapter 3

Story by Takahiro Hamato on SoFurry

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#3 of For Better or For Worse Chapters

Chapter 3 - These Odd Feelings

Chris -

I walked quickly through the forest, tears running down my face. I felt so terrible, I hated myself. I hated myself for forcing myself on him, for putting him in those situations where he questions himself. He shouldn't have to go through that, ever. I'm such a terrible person. I like him, but he doesn't return my feelings. I guess that's the natural order sometimes. Not every time the other will like you back, I guess this is just bad luck......But he didn't resist in the middle, he kissed me back, did things to me of his own free will. He even sucked my....nevermind. The main fact was that he didn't resist, even though he protested verbally, his body screamed to me that he liked it. I didn't understand him. I thought I would by now. He was gorgeous. That body, those hands, those eyes, he was beautiful....though I doubt he feels the same way for me. I shook my head, trying to concentrate on walking, and not thinking. I stepped out of the thick trees, walking up to a large stream. I dunked my head in, drinking greedily, this water was fuckin' great!

My head stayed under for what felt like hours until I could no longer hold my breath. I jerked my head up, throwing water everywhere as I shook my head. When I wiped my eyes, I looked down at the ground, at my feet. My clawed toes dug into the soft terrain, the grass was soft, I was half tempted to lie down and sleep. I looked at my legs, the blue jeans were dirty, and so I'd have to find new clothes. Just then, I felt a throb, a throb between my legs, and looked to see a large bulge underneath the light blue fabric. My right hand ran over my thigh to the hardness of the bulge, a slight shock of pleasure shot through me. I sighed and closed my eyes, then turned and scanned the area, looking for a surface to sit down and relax on.

I saw a large rock sitting right in front of a much larger slanted rock that would be perfect to spread out on. I walked over to it quickly sitting down and leaning back, spreading my legs wide as I quickly stripped naked. When I was completely exposed, my clothes thrown to the side, I looked between my legs, my stiff erection lying peacefully against my stomach. I reached down quickly, grabbing hold of it, and began stroking at a slightly fast pace, squeezing lightly, making myself growl. I closed my eyes. Images flooded my black vision, images of him, of my new traveling companion, his skin, his legs, his tail. His body, the way it moved, the way he reacted to my touch. How he protested, but his body craving even more. His eyes.....those eyes, a bright gold, so beautiful, so alive, they were so filled with joy and passion when our bodies pressed together.

His eyes though filled with such passion I have never seen before, also held confusion, and self loathing. I understood him, he was confused, although he very much enjoyed what I did, he would not admit to himself that he liked it, and wanted to return my actions. I knew him, even though he did not realize this, but I understood him greatly, even after such a short time. His eyes told so much, as if they were an open book, telling me his every secret, his every desire, all of his passions. I stroked faster, moaning rather loudly as I began to thrust upwards, my mind racing over all of my thoughts, all over his body. I felt my breath quicken, and a large wave of pleasure roll over my body as I stroked as fast as I could, arching my back as much as I could as I came violently. I came back down from my high several moments later, my breath deep and quick. When I looked down, I smiled slightly at the white substance that covered parts of my stomach and chest. I washed my body off quickly, not caring if I was wet as I quickly dressed. I needed to get back to him, he would probably just ignore me if I tried to talk to him, or comfort him about his uncertainties.

I wanted to comfort him, to make him feel happy, wanted, needed. I wanted him to be by my side, something at the edge of my memory telling me to keep him with me, and when I thought about it, I got the strangest feeling as if I let him leave, I would feel utter emptiness. And I probably would, I liked him a lot, his body was utterly irresistible! Those thighs, that ass, that cock. God I probably sounded like a slut, but there was a bit more to it then just looks and sexual attraction. I could talk to him, even though we haven't had the chance, I felt that if I tried, he would listen. And if I was ever in danger, he would help me. I didn't understand what made me think these things so strongly, but I didn't want to argue with myself.

I made my way through the trees, following my tracks back to the camp. When I came into the clearing, there he was. Lying on the ground, in the same spot I had left him, sound asleep. His features so peaceful, his body so relaxed. It took all my willpower not to wake him up and take him, by force if I had too. For some reason he had a massive effect on me in that way. Was it because we were of the same species, or that we were both males? I wasn't sure. I stepped over to him silently, lying down in front of him quietly before closing my eyes. I could hear his breathing. He seemed so warm, so I moved closer to him, our chests almost touching. I could feel his deep, steady breath fall on my face, I heard him mumble, and opened my eyes.

He was still relaxed, but he was making odd noises, mumbling sounds, then groans. He was probably having a nightmare. I closed my eyes again but they flew open in surprise as he moaned softly, a name I could barely make out escaping his beautiful crimson lips. I listened closer, moving my face closer until our mouths almost touched as he moaned out the name again. This time I heard it, and as he spoke it, a smile creeped onto my face. He had moaned my name in his sleep, that's when I looked down at his body, to between his legs. I was right. He was hard, but asleep, having a good dream. I held back the urge to chuckle and despite my wanting to leave him be, I just couldn't look at him when he was like this, completely naked and moaning my name. I moved closer, our bodies now in full contact. I could feel the massive heat from his erection against my leg. I stared at him for a moment before I pressed my mouth to his, my eyes sliding closed slowly. He kissed back, even though he was asleep, I was still cautious. His mouth opened, our tongues touched, I gently wrapped my arms around him, enjoying the feel of his body against mine.

We kissed for several long moments until it seemed like minutes before I broke the kiss softly, sighing with content as I rubbed my snout with his. A soft moan came from him, and then a loud one, his dream was apparently getting good. His body absently wrapped around mine, seeking the warmth as he grinded against me, making it extremely difficult to maintain my control over my desires. His grinding increased, his moaning grew louder. The sounds he made were not suppressed due to embarrassment. They were loud and fantastic, each noise making my body on fire. He moved against me even harder, his body tensing up tremendously before he cummed. I smiled as I watched him, his body relaxed after a moment, then he was laying peacefully, not making a sound with his body wrapped around me like I was some sort of Teddy bear.

I wasn't tired, so I lay there, just admiring his features. I noticed that he was a bit 'dirty' from his dream and quickly cleaned him off, then gently putting him back in his shorts. Even in the body he was in, he was so young, probably 20 or 19, I couldn't tell. But he filled out the new body extremely well. Especially between the legs, I looked down and examined him. His cock was red, like the rest of his body. The scales there were much softer then on the other parts of his body. He measured about 3 inches or 4 when soft, and about maybe 9 or 10 when hard. I was bigger, sad to say. But he was quite gifted. I watched over him for several hours as he slept, getting up only once or twice to build a fire and re stock it with wood as the night came. It was very creepy in these parts when night fell, it was always good to have a bright fire. I heard him moan softly and sit up, completely confused as he looked around. I was sitting beside the fire, just staring into the bright flames, wondering what we were going to do. I looked over my shoulder, he was looking at me now, not saying a word as he stood and sat at the opposite end of the fire. He was mad, I didn't blame him, but at least he could have the courage to admit the way he feels.

I smiled and looked at him but he just stared.

"Are you still sleepy?"

He nodded, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. But he didn't say a word. I sighed, looking deeper into the fire. He was probably angry with me for my actions. I didn't blame him, but...I couldn't help myself. I looked up, my stare intense.

"I'm sorry....for what I did. I know you're probably furious with me, and I understand. I just couldn't control myself....something I couldn't understand and still can't comes over me...and I can't....resist....But again, I am sorry."

He looked down, then stood and walked away. I sighed and hung my head, feeling incredibly stupid. Way to go Chris, make him run off, that's the way to do it.

Red -

He was sorry! He couldn't control himself! We had only met yesterday! But....even felt....for some if I've known him tugged at the edge of my mind...How could I think like that.....behave like that!? It was just......wrong! And simply nasty! Doing that with another man.....

I hated it, hated him for making me confused, for making my world turn completely upside down. Even though part of me couldn't deny what felt good, it still wasn't right. It was disgusting. It made me sick with myself to even think of that, those moments....I stormed through the forest, wanting to be far away from him, far away from that feeling, that disgusting, completely wrong feeling. When I came to a small little river, I dropped to the ground, so angry with myself and him....mostly myself for even having such feelings. My hand curled into a fist, and I struck the ground as hard as I could, my fist burying into the hard soil deeply. I had immense strength, and if I were in a normal mood this would have surprised me, but I didn't care. I punched the ground again, and again, letting out my confusion, my anger at myself.

I breathed heavily, my knuckles and fingers hurting from hitting the hard ground. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to overflow. I didn't understand any of this, this feeling, why I was turned into something like this. I didn't understand him, his ways. What was his motivation? Why did he pursue me in that way? I sighed heavily and stood, feeling my body ache in every place. I needed to clean myself, need time to sit alone and think about what's happened, and how I feel. I walked slowly through the trees, hearing a loud sound of rushing water. I made my way towards it. The water was bright and clean, no signs of dirt in any part of it. It looked to be a large pool caused by the large waterfall that was at the beginning of the large drop high above. At the end of the pool, was a small opening for the water to escape, and continue to fall, which was why the water didn't overflow. I walked toward the water, but dropping to the ground hard as I felt my pain stab through my head.


Bright light....

Somebody waiting....

Bus stop...

A guy eyes...

I didn't understand it, what those thoughts were what those images were. My head pounded painfully, the water would help me. I slowly rose to my feet, taking off the remaining clothes I had before quickly going into the water, feeling its coldness stabbing through my body. The water only came up to my chest, but it didn't matter. I slowly lowered myself completely into the water, holding my breath as my head went under. I looked around. Everything was crystal clear, not a spec of dirt anywhere. I let the water flow over me before rising above water level again, but quickly turning as I noticed somebody standing where I was before I came in the water. I looked, my eyes narrowing as I seen in was him. His face was blank, his eyes staring into mine. He didn't say a word for a long time, we just stared. Finally he spoke up, moving a bit closer to the waters edge.

"Um, you mind if I join you?"

I looked away and was about to say no, but something in my mind told me to just say yes to him, to say yes to everything he said or offered. What the fuck is going on with me? I heard a sound and looked, seeing him taking off his clothes. I wanted to look away, the sight making me sick, but I couldn't. My eyes followed his hands, the jeans sliding down his legs, exposing him fully to me. He stepped into the water, making his way toward me. I backed up as he came close, wanting to keep my distance.

He stood in front of me, his eyes burning into mine. I looked away, not wanting to look at him, for fear of those memories coming back. I felt him move a bit closer. I moved away and turned around, not wanting to face him. I felt a hand on my back, rubbing as the water flowed past us. The hand moved to my shoulder, down to my arm. He was trying to make me relax, to help me bathe? His hand traveled down to the small of my back, rubbing gently before moving back up to my other shoulder. I didn't like his actions, but they helped. I was starting to feel relief in my muscles. I felt another hand on my shoulder, gently massaging, pushing into the tense muscle. I sighed and without thinking, moved closer to him. His hands rubbed harder, making me sigh with contentment. His hands trailed from my shoulders, reaching over and down to my chest, rubbing slowly. I felt the water shift, feeling his presence closer now. His hands trailed to my arms, then to my sides, to my stomach. His hands ran up and down my stomach to my chest, feeling my muscles gently. I felt him move even closer until his body touched mine. His breath fell on the back of my neck, quick and shaky.

I knew he was controlling himself, I knew he was only trying to comfort me, but he also had to hold back his urge. His breathe moved to fall on the side of my neck. Suddenly I felt a warm tongue slide along the back of my neck to the side, licking slowly and gently at my pulse line. My eyes slid closed and a long sigh escaped me. One hand trailed from my stomach to between my legs, rubbing gently. I opened my eyes and looked back at him, my emotions a lot more stable and under control now than they were before. My eyes met his, and I spoke softly, not wanting him to think I was mad at him.


He stopped his actions for a second and moved to in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine. He stepped closer, his mouth mere inches from mine. His hands came to rest on the sides of my face, his eyes gentle and intense.

"But I told you before...I can't....please understand...I know you're a gentle person, I can read it in your eyes...There's something about you that...draws me to you...I'm begging you...please understand...and...Just allow"

His voice was only a whisper, but at the end it trailed off as he leaned forward slowly his eyes sliding closed as he pressed his lips to mine. The kiss wasn't forced, it was gentle, and I had every chance to back away and punch him. I let him kiss me. Let his lips across mine again and again. I closed my eyes and thought. I didn't understand his words, he was drawn to me? How? The kiss deepened, his tongue sliding into my mouth. I decided to just once, not to let my mind get the best of me, to let my body tell me what to do, to silence my mind for a few minutes. I kissed back, my hands gently running up his muscled torso to the sides of his face as well. Feeling my reaction, the kiss deepened, his body pressed against mine, his left leg wrapped around mine.

I felt his excitement pressing against my waist, knew he wanted more, but I wouldn't allow my mind to stay silenced about that much. I didn't completely understand what I was doing at the moment. A soft moan escaped his mouth as his hands traveled slowly down my body to between my legs, grabbing hold of me gently. His hand moving up and down in a gentle manner, I couldn't help but moan softly at the feeling, but gently broke the kiss and moved away from him. He gave me a confused look, but he instantly understood and moved closer, pulling me into a friendly hug.

"I understand how you feel. All good things in time I always say. And I'll gladly wait for you...I know you must find me irritating by my advances...because of the fact we have only known each other for such a short time...but you must understand...when I see you, I feel as if I have known you for a long time, and those emotions appear as well, and I just can't help but...I hope you understand where I'm coming from...the confusion your feeling...your mind is still new to the whole change thing, but your mind will become clearer with time, as will what you want, and what you don't want."

I let him hug me, and oddly, I found myself hugging back, his words made sense. He did understand how I felt, and I understood how he felt. He was probably right. All I needed was time to understand myself that was all. I hugged back tightly, my claws digging into his skin.

"Thank you for understanding..."

He let go and gave me a sweet smile.

"Of course I understand. If were going to be stuck together, then we might as well get along."

I nodded and smiled back, finally happy he understood how I felt, and wouldn't make any moves on me again, because he understood that if he did, it would make me all the more confused.

Again this is not mindless sex!!!!! The sex plays a huge roll!!!!! Please leave comments on what you think. Thank you!