When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 2: True Love Meets the Unexpected...

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#2 of When dreams become reality

DISCLAIMER: Again, if you are under 18, do not read this, and again, if you value your childhood, also do not read this. Hope you enjoy part 2 of what I hope to be many parts of this series, and also check out Ryan Masterpaladin Lewis's stories. If you feel like these paragraphs are still too long, let me know and I'll cut them down even further for the future chapters. Enjoy! :D


The clock struck 11:30 A.M., and both Tony and Mike were in each other's arms. Mike was the first to wake up, and he was still wrapped around Tony's strong arms, still savoring the moment. I didn't want to get up, but then Tony started to wake up as well. "Good morning hun" I said to Tony, and He quickly took his hand and started stroking my hair and said "Morning Mike" and we kissed each other once again. After the most amazing night of my life on Tony's bed, we finally got up and stretched. "Wow, look at the mess we made last night" I said with a chuckle, because there was still seed everywhere on the bed. "Yeah, I guess we better clean this up" Tony said back to me with a chuckle of his own, and we both took the covers off the bed to get them washed.

Tony took all of the covers himself, and brought them downstairs, and I assumed he brought them down to the basement after, since that's where the washer and dryer were next to his workout equipment. He was still naked as he was bringing them down, leaving the room with his ass and his tail in perfect sight as he turned right out of his doorway. "Such a hot sight" I thought. As he brought everything down, I was still naked myself and had to put some clothes of my own on. Since I still had no change of clothes, I had to wear what I had yesterday, but I figured I should at least take a shower first. I didn't want to use Tony's shower without his permission though, cause after all, it was HIS house, and regardless of us being together, there were still several things I didn't know about this house. I took my boxers from the bed, which was still covered in seed, and I put them back on, blushing again. "That was such a hot night last night" I was thinking to myself, "I'm probably the happiest person in the whole state right now."

Before I could put my pants on though to go downstairs to ask Tony if I could use his shower connected to his room, he was already back in his room before I knew it. "Did I forget any sheets?" Tony said, still fully naked in front of me. I blushed again and said "N..ooo I don't think there are any that we forgot, do you know if I could use your shower though? I...still don't have a change of clothes" and with that, I put my head down a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed. Tony smiled though and said "Sure Mike, why don't I join you in there? hehe" and again, my heart skipped a beat. "...Al..righty...Ton.yyy" I don't know why I was slurring again, I guess it was just a bad habit since I was not used to being in very hot situations like this one. With that being said, we both proceeded into Tony's bathroom connected to his room, and we both got in and turned the hot water on.

"...This..feels so nice..." I said, with the hot water running down my hair and my body, and with the shower feeling at least twice as hot as the shower I had in my apartment, especially with a sexy tiger right in front of me. " Yes it does, want to help me out Mike?" Tony said and then let out a very naughty grin, and he handed me the soap. With that, my heart was beating much faster, and my cock was starting to harden again. I took the soap and first put it on Tony's broad chest, stroking it little by little with the soap, his pecs just felt so solid that it was making me melt inside. Before you knew it, his cock was nearly fully erect with mine, and our cocks were eventually touching each other. I put my left hand on Tony's chest while I took the soap with my right hand and preceeded to lather up his rock hard abs. I was just as red as a tomato at this point, and I looked up at Tony, with him still grinning at me slightly, and I put my head towards his as he did so towards me and we kissed once again, with the hot water running and our cocks fully erect touching each other. "...Do you.... want me to help you down there?" I asked, and sure enough, Tony smiled again and said "Whatever you wanna do hun," and with that I began to stroke his penis with the soap in my hand, though I lathered up my hand with soap and then put the soap down, just to stroke Tony's member clean and almost as a sort of lubricant. "I have something better than that Mike" and Tony handed me a bottle of hair conditioner, which was much better to use compared to soap. I poured some on my hand and began to stroke Tony's member back and forth, and as I was doing so, Tony started to purr and also close his eyes tight, as if he was really enjoying the moment.

I then let the water run over his member to clean it off, and then I kneeled down in the shower with Tony's MASSIVE Tiger cock right in front of me, and I murmured "Can...I suck you off Tony?" Tony opened his eyes again and let out a heavy breath, as if he didn't want it to stop. "Yes Mike, have as much as you want" he exclaimed with a wide grin. My heart skipped a beat again, and with that I started to suck off his giant Tiger Cock. I bobbed my head back and forth, enjoying the taste of his cock inside my mouth, though I kinda regretted putting conditioner and soap on there before, as it still had that sorta taste to it. To me it didn't matter though, it was still such a pleasurable moment. Tony started to purr louder with his eyes closed again, and his strong arms were pushing harder and harder against the shower door and wall as I kept sucking him off. "Just...a little more....FUUUCCKKKKKKK!!!!" Tony roared out very fiercely, and with that, he cummed all inside my mouth, so much that I actually had to take my mouth off of his cock since he shot so much in me. He kept cumming all over my face after that as well, he must have shot at least 14-15 times, even right after a night of sex between the two of us. My face was covered with tiger seed, though the hot water was washing it mostly off of my face. I swallowed the rest, which tasted so good, that I really wanted more. Unfortunately, Tony looked as if he was done for the day, as he let out another heavy breath and stopped pressing the walls. I think he actually almost cracked one of the shower tiles on his wall, that's how hard he pressed against it.

"That...felt so good Mike" Tony said, and then he grabbed me and picked me up off the shower floor, as if I was a feather. His arms were so strong and dominant, I never wanted the feeling to end. "Anything for you hun" I said, and we locked our lips again. Tony then broke the kiss and said "Should I help clean you up now? He said, and I just looked up at him, blushing, and I closed my eyes and nodded. Tony took his massive hand and lathered it up with soap, washing my chest and stomach area, which obviously were not well built, but again he did not seem to care. My cock was still full erect, while Tony's had calmed down after letting out all that tiger seed. After Tony washed my stomach area, he went down further and started stroking my member with soap. I whimpered a little bit, and before you knew it, he himself got on his knees and he was sucking me off as well. I started moaning more and more, and I also put both my arms against the shower door/wall and was whimpering louder than ever. Around 10 seconds later, I yelled "I'm...cumming...OHhHHHH" and I shot my load of seed into Tony's mouth. It clearly was nowhere near as much as he shot out, but as I opened my eyes, I noticed him licking his lips as if he really enjoyed the taste of my cum in him. "I'm...so tired...Tony" I barely spurted out, and I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment from all the seed I had shot out in the shower, as well as all of the steam that was enveloping the shower itself. I nearly fell into Tony's arms after I had said that, and Tony grabbed me with his strong arms, and said "I've got you hun" and then kissed me again, and we then hugged. We finished getting ourselves cleaned up, and finally turned off the hot water. As we got out of that shower, Tony was still holding me, cause I still felt like I was going to fall down at any moment. As most of the steam quickly exited the shower, I finally was able to stand on my own strength again. I guess I wasn't used to showers being that hot, literally.

We both finally left the bathroom, and proceeded to grab our clothes in Tony's room. I wasn't really thinking about what I would do for the day, since I already had a good article planned after interviewing Tony the night before, but I still had to get it typed up, which I had planned on doing Thursday. I grabbed my clothes and started putting them on, while I was watching Tony grab some clothes out of his drawer, still naked. I actually started stiffening up again, but I figured we had enough fun already. We both put on our clothes, with me putting on the same stuff I had worn yesterday, and Tony wearing a blue shirt with jeans and a Detroit tigers cap. "Wow, you really like the Tigers, don't ya" I exclaimed, and Tony said "Yep, they're actually playing here in New York City this weekend for the home opener, I hope they give the Yankees a GREEAAATTTTTT beatdown!" and we both laughed and agreed. I was neutral on the Detroit Tigers, since I was a Red Sox fan, but if my love has them as his favorite team, then I put them as my 2nd favorite. "Say Mike, I have 3 extra tickets to the game this weekend and was planning on inviting Ord and James to the game, do you wanna join us as well?" Tony asked me, and I quickly responded saying "Of course I'd love to join you guys, I have only been to 1 MLB game in my whole life and I definitely have wanted to see what Yankee Stadium was like. "Sounds like a plan then hun!" Tony replied back with a big grin on his face, and we both gave each other one more kiss on the lips before heading downstairs to head out.

We both got into Tony's car, with one of the nearby neighbor's shouting "Afternoon Tony!" Tony looked over to see a large black male Dragon working on his car next door to Tony's house, and Tony replied "Hey Franco! Working on that Ferrari I'm assuming?" "Yep! Just putting on the finishing touches!" and with that being said, Tony nodded back, and then got into the car. As we proceeded to drive away from his house, I said "Since we're going to live together Tony, I guess I should grab all my stuff out of my apartment hehe" and Tony said "Sure thing hun, where is it at?" and I input the location of it into his GPS system. "NOW CALCULATING ROUTE...127 PRIMROSE AVENUE....TIME TO DESTINATION....25 MINUTES" and with that we were off to head back to my apartment. "Luckily I have only been in that apartment for a couple of days, I guess I don't have to worry about packing everything up" I said with a laugh, and Tony laughed as well. We turned on the radio to see if there was any news going on in the city, but the local news station was just talking about how they thought the Yankees would do this year in terms of trying to make another playoff run. We both looked at each other, and with that, we both nearly hit the radio station changer at the same time. I put the radio on seek to 95.3, which said on the display "RICK FM...PLAYING THE HOTTEST TUNES FROM THE 60's THROUGH THE 90's" and before I could say read anymore, Survivor came on with the song "Eye of the Tiger". I looked at Tony, and he immediately took his hand and turned the volume WAY up, as if this was his favorite song. I liked the song a lot too, but he knew pretty much EVERY WORD to it.

We both sang along to it as we were driving on the freeway getting closer to the main city. This was by far my new favorite radio station, as my favorite songs came on RIGHT AFTER that, with "Everybody Wants to rule the World" by Tears for Fears playing, and then "Ride like the Wind" by Christopher Cross playing right after that. Tony seemed to like those songs as well, but this time, I knew all the words to both songs. "I can't stand the newer music today, it's all about the money and not the talent" I said, as Tom Sawyer by RUSH came on right after I said that, and Tony exclaimed "Yeah, I agree, I'm just glad we still have this GREEAATTT music" and we both laughed.

After dealing with some traffic and a couple more songs playing, we were finally back to my apartment. "YOU HAVE ARRIVED AT...127 PRIMROSE AVENUE" the GPS system said, and we both got out of the car and went up to my room. As we got up to my room, which was room # 305 on the 3rd floor, I noticed that there were a few cracks in the walls near my room, almost as if someone had vandalized the area around it. I started to worry a bit, and as I opened up my room with my key, my jaw dropped. My apartment had been ransacked!! Luckily I did not leave too much behind in the apartment, since I had my phone and Ipod with me, as well as my wallet with all my credit cards and ID, but I did have my laptop stolen from me, which had all of my work documents stored on it. "FUCK! Who the fuck could've done this?!?!" I shouted with a huge roar, yet when I looked behind me, Tony looked as if he would kill someone if they had admitted to taking my belongings. I had never seen him so mad in my whole life, but then again, I had only known him personally for only a day.

We both looked around the area to see that my bed had been completely flipped over and my lightbulbs smashed in my kitchen and bathroom. I got lucky and noticed that they did not take my clothes out of my drawers, but they sure as hell looked through all of them. "I have no laptop now, how am I going to work?!" I said, nearly having a panic attack. Tony quickly came over to me and said "Don't worry Mike, I have a computer you can use at my house" and after he said that, he put his arm on my shoulder, and I actually shed a tear before wrapping my arms around him again. "...thank you so much Tony, I am so happy to be with you..." and then I said after that "You're also the best friend I've ever had as well..." and I started crying a bit. Tony just kept hugging me, and nothing on Earth could break us apart in those few minutes that we were hugging each other.

As we broke our hug, I was still crying a bit, since all of my personal information was stored on there as well as my work documents. "I just...hope we can find..the people that did this..." I said, and Tony said "They WILL pay" and we both started to clean up my apartment, and gather what was left of it to pack up. My suitcases were also still intact, though like my drawers they were looked through very carefully. I grabbed all my clothes and packed them, still thinking about what I would do without my laptop. However, a thought quickly popped into my mind as I was packing my stuff. I quickly grabbed my G2 phone out of my pocket and looked up my laptop model. I knew mine was a Dell Nuvi 3350, and I looked up the specs on it. As I scrolled down, I yelled "SCORE! I think I know how to find my laptop!" Tony quickly came over to me and said "How Mike?" I said back "My laptop has a built in GPS locator, but I wonder how I could find it..." "Maybe you could see if LoJack or Dell could help you out?" Tony said, and RIGHT after he said that, I looked at him and then immediately called Dell.

After dealing with 30 minutes of waiting on the line, I was finally able to get a hold of someone, who actually spoke perfect English unlike the other times that I've dealt with Indian people 99% of the time that I can barely understand. After explaining what happened to the Dell representative named Brett, he said "Ok mike, you are in luck, because we have a GPS tracker that tells us exactly where the laptop has been, we just need to find your model number now." Again, I was even more lucky that my phone had internet on it, as I quickly popped my email up and searched for my warranty invoice with Dell. I found it, and then quickly said my model number over the phone. "#13434427 is what it said on my phone for the model number, thank god I have my phone still" and with that, Brett was searching for the computer and where it was located.

After waiting a few minutes, he finally responded saying "Ok mike, as of 10:45 it was still located at your apartment yesterday, by 12:30 A.M. it was at 73 Primrose Street, by 7:30 it was at 95 Bartley Street, and as of right now it is currently...as of 1:45 P.M. right now, it is currently at 450 Chimrey Avenue. I quickly switched to the internet and looked up where that was, and low and behold, it was a pawn shop about 4 miles away. I quickly switched back to the phone and said "Thank you Brett so much, hopefully I'll get my laptop in one piece still, I just hope the hard drive is still intact that has everything on it. Brett then said "Mike, did you take off any of the Dell smartware on the computer?" I thought for a minute and said "No, I don't think I did." Brett then said "Good, I'll set it up right now so that the computer can send data through the GPS system, backing up all your files and also locking the computer from further use. If you get the computer back, call me at this reference #: 4534. If you cannot retrieve the laptop, then here is the code you will need to access your files on the Dell backup system: 78545." With that being said, I again said "Thank you SOOO much Brett." And Brett said "Thank you mike for choosing Dell. Hope everything turns out ok." And with that I ended the call on my phone, and Tony and I looked at each other, and then Tony said "Let's get your stuff back!" with a look of rage in his eyes, so fierce that he was ready to start pounding heads into the ground. "Damn right Tony, let's go!" and with that being said, we grabbed my suitcases and left the building.