Pleasing The Kitty AND The Puppy

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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This should read through okay, it's an RP that I have transformed into a story. Please do not read if you are not of the correct age within your respective country, do not read if you dislike non-anthro sex, nor sex between a feral and an anthro.

Ranix is (c) to himself.

WaterSinger is (c) to me.


Consider yourself warned!

Ranix was lying on his belly, as a feral African Golden Cat. Short sleek fur, golden in color and slightly spotted in darker red rosettes, clung to his body in a sleek curtain, while piercing blue eyes were looking down from the top of the couch he was laying on, he always did prefer the softer cushions. It was only a partial roll away, but in typical feline fashion, Ran didn't want to move at all. His ears flicked up as he heard a noise near him and he sniffed the air, then turned his face to look directly at the wolf who he'd met a few days prior... which, he didn't do much more than look yet since to get away from being lazy would require more reason than just staring.

The wolf flicked her ears, looking up at the feline she recognized from a few days ago and wagging her tail slowly. She stretched out her slender body on the ground, almost at the point of being too slim for her body size - which even for a dainty wolf such as she could be seen as too small. She yawned briefly, before rolling onto her back and wriggling, attempting to catch an itch on her back before rolling back over. Golden and blue eyes observed the cat briefly before she disappeared out of side, her tail the last thing to go. It was almost amazing just how the little female was able to slide almost into shadows with her shiny black and white pelt. She was stalking the feline, and hopefully his tail also - cat's tails moved and it fascinated the little she-wolf.

The feline could have become grumpy, watching the wolf as it seemed he would soon be forced out of his lazy state by her. Why didn't he? Maybe it was because felines could never be out-stalked, or out-pounced, especially not by a mere wolf. For now his eyes followed her as much as they could, and after that his ears and his nose, tail twitching ever so often to at least give her a little lure in. He needed to wait, time his move, so he didn't end up pounced on top of himself. After all, he was a hunter, a cat! The mightiest of all predators in his eyes at least - though others may have objected to such immodest thoughts.

She waited, golden and blue eyes fixed on that slightly moving tail. She was patient, had to be - she was a lone hunter usually anyway, she had no pack to back her up when she wanted to hunt. With every movement of that oh so taunting tail, she crouched lower, her muscles tensing just a little more with each sway and she lowered her body to the ground even lower...before springing at the cat without a sound, unsure whether or not she'd knock him over or not. It didn't actually matter to her whether she would knock him from his perch or not, she was just clearly enjoying the 'game'.

Even though he couldn't hear, he could still see, and sense her. Whether it was by feline intuition, or some cheat that the sort-of quadruped feline knew, he was ready. As soon as she pounced, as soon as she launched from the ground he rolled, down to the cushion so he could bounce, twist around to his paws, and land on the ground facing the canine unless she'd moved again during his own movements. He was now purring a little, tail flicking once as he prowled around the couch in a half-circle... she wanted to pounce, did she? He was going to be more of a challenge than that!

She barked at the cat before uttering soft yelps of excitement and shock as she rolled on the ground, her ears splaying a second. She soon shook, and bounced up, snapping playfully in the direction of the feline. She was quite clearly cheerful and gentle as she watched him, her tail flickering about before she crouched down, yawning then sitting as she though she changed her mind, instead waiting for him, appearing unconcerned at the thought of being pounced by a cat with claws that could slice her skin.

The feline was more than prepared now to go after the pup... but honestly, there was no way this was a fair fight. A cat? Versus a canine? Felines were superior in this arena... but at least he could make it a fair match... somehow. And so, he decided he'd do the most obvious thing and launch himself fast towards the canine, trying to sideswipe her to knock her into a roll off balance. Even as he flicked his paw at her, he made sure not to slide her with the viciously hooked claws sliding back into their sheaths - they were playing, not fighting.

The she-wolf flicked her ears again, waiting for the feline to almost near her and then dropping down flat onto her concave stomach, seeking to avoid being rolled into the vulnerable position by the feline. She'd sit back up almost sphinx-like as the feline went past her, her head tilting in his direction, her tail flickering about as she growls in soft, clearly canine, laughter.

Just as his pounce was lazy, so was his landing, and it took him a moment to twist around and crouch again towards her, wiggling his hips, then launching his feline self at her once again. This time he gave less warning, and was a touch cleaner in execution, but he wasn't really trying yet, and that was obvious. He was still being lazy, not believing the wolf to be good enough to move out the way.

The wolf batted her paw at the cat, unsure whether it would hit him or not - and only seeking to move him away from her so he was unable to hurt her- she knew from experience that even a glancing blow from cat claws would hurt her as well as hurt more than any other type of claws, mainly due to the sharpness and hooked barbarity of them.

Luckily for her, Ran's claws weren't out, however, as he was very good on his feet without them. Besides that, he didn't like to claw unless otherwise wanted... not that she would know that. But, she might find out in a second! This time, Ran started to actually try! And this time as he twisted around and pounced, he seemed to be going towards her... but his aim was only just slightly off, just enough that he instead hit the side of the couch they'd just rolled off and pin-balling straight into the wolf from a secondary angle. His claws were still in, but his full weight basically hurtled into her, low enough that she wouldn't be able to duck underneath it or escape his clutches this time.

She yipped quietly, rolling over as the cat rolled beneath her, her ears flattening slightly to the side. She ended up back on her paws, though she was cringing slightly, growling and whining in the feline's direction. How the cat managed to knock her down in such a manner, she didn't know, but it was definitely a shock to her system, she was so small that she rarely ended up on her side or back.

The cat in question now actually wagged his tail as his pounce ended with him sideways always facing her, which would put him in a good position to keep going once he managed to get himself reset. He shot towards her now instead of a flying-tackle, then skidded to a stop right near the end of what looked like could become a majorly painful collision, and just sat there staring at her. Here was this pup who'd basically just tried to knock him off a couch, and when he simply wanted to pounce her onto the ground she couldn't take it? Curiouser and curiouser he thought, as he tilted his head, then slowly leaned forward to stare into her eyes, obviously just a tad confused.

She reacted to the dominant stare with a lick to his nose when he approached her, her tail wagging slowly back and forth as she nuzzled herself against the male feline, her ears flickering back and forth before she settled down and uttered light happy growls. She was almost instantly calm with the way in which the feline seemed more of an Alpha than she herself was, her tail wagging lightly.

And of course, he should have realized that meant he was nuzzleable material. Not that he minded all too much of course, as now that they'd both settled down, he could claim a quick victory and be done with it. His body leaned against and on top of hers and he nuzzled her cheeks, purring a little too loud, almost still at a playful growl trying to get her to fall over. His paws reached up to her shoulder, claws retracted so he simply pushed against her to get her to lay flat instead of accidentally giving her another scratch that she truly did not need, nor as far as he was concerned wanted.

She sprawled down, uttering a quiet sigh before rolling onto her back and stretching out. Her tail continued to wag slowly as she nuzzled up at his cheeks, allowing the feline to be in both the dominant position and in the warmer place so she could cuddle with him properly. If he was to sprawl on her, she would be clearly rather happy, though at the moment she was just slightly...aggravated by the slightly odd mood that had suddenly overrun her slender body, that made her almost tetchy.

The feline's eyes closed as he felt the wet nose on his cheeks. His purrs quieted down as she showed herself to be submissive, which in his mind was yet one more sign of oddness that right now he was too busy enjoying to worry about. He climbed on top of her and set his rump on her belly, pressing a paw against her shoulder and burying his muzzle into her neck. Now that he'd gotten her in such a compromising position, curiosity led him to try to figure out just how far a push he could push her to, for the cat had plans with her...

She couldn't help but shiver a little, her nose lifting as she revealed the length of her throat and jaw to the feline, the paw only making her settle further as she sprawls herself right down underneath him. Her tail was wagging as she uttered soft, quiet growls with her eyes closing and eventually becoming soft, constant crooning noises, rumbling from her throat. The cat was definitely skilled at making her relax and making her feel just about the most submissive she had with a male in a long time.

Things were looking even better for the cat... it looked like she was ready and willing to let him have it... her... whatever. He was too busy trying to get past the fur to her flesh to care right now more than that tiny bit of the 'Mine' instinct that was starting in the back of his mind. From the side of her neck he started to nuzzle underneath, mouth slowly hinging open so his teeth would drag into the fur and lock themselves gingerly around her white throat. His paws brushed downward and his purrs grew again, eyes flicking up with wild mischief set in the blue orbs, and just a tad of self-control left to stop if she fought too hard now.

She uttered only a single soft yip only at the teeth clamped around her throat, her mismatched eyes closing slightly as she uttered a quiet and slightly husky growl of enjoyment. She couldn't help but shiver a little, her fur bristling along her shoulders - though with being on her back it would be unnoticed. The paws scraping her body would even drag a slight growl of enjoyment, her eyes closing as she whimpered in her throat - though neither fear nor pain showed, for some reason she trusted the feline she had only met once before.

His fur, usually nice and neat, was now getting ruffled by the feral's ever-present claws... not that he minded at this point, not with the dainty wolf sprawled at his mercy between his paws and underneath him. Indeed, with the way that she was acting, he was very close to getting a lot messier than he already was. His teeth dug in a tiny bit more, feeling a lot sharper than normal feline teeth, though he handled them with a lot more grace and control than a feral, he had to otherwise this would quickly become disastrous. His hips pressed in against her stomach and started to wiggle, hind-paws tucking in tight to keep himself from slipping, his hips from sliding down to meet hers as they so eagerly wished to do at the moment.

She visibly shuddered at the teeth digging into the sensitive flesh of her throat, her paws curling over slightly as she uttered quiet croons with her nose pressed into the ear of the cat. She could feel his hips on her stomach, her tail flickering slightly as her eyes closed to appreciate the sensations the cat was inflicting on her willing body. Even as she purred hoarsely, the sound extremely odd coming from a wolf, she stirred, though remaining in this submissive posture. She nipped lightly at his ear, testing his reactions to the feeling of teeth, to see if he reacted in the same way as she did.

The teeth were certainly unexpected, but the feline wasn't to be surprised more than to slightly tense and flick his ear away. His ears weren't as sensitive as his neck, and as she was far away from capturing that one he was more than content to allow her to nibble on him. His jaws twisted around from her neck and dug into her collarbone, teeth now more than able to bear in a bit harder without worry of breaking anything. His hips finally started to sneak backwards and down, until finally he felt his legs hit hers and stepped behind them, tucking his hind-legs underneath her rump and pressing his hips against hers starting to rock gently back and forth, already in preparation for what he wanted with the delicate wolf.

Singer uttered quiet growls of enjoyment at the feeling of his jaws locked anywhere around her sensitive, scarred throat, her chest heaving slightly as she uttered a single, soft croon at the sensation of the feline rocking against her body - something she was unsure of in one way, but which she definitely wasn't arguing against, not when it felt just so good against her body in the way it did. Whatever her doubt was, or dislikes of his actions, she'd better speak up now and he wasn't looking to stop unless she told him now.

The kitty's rocking against her hips was already starting to make parts of him stir and gradually swell, now hips now twisting and grinding now just enough to find the set of lips between her legs as one paw went up to almost cutely and randomly bat at her lips, then went down to her shoulder and pressed down, enough to keep her body from possibly getting rocked back too far if he managed to get a little overly rough. He certainly wasn't of a mind to lose her once he had her where he wanted.

She uttered light growls from her throat at the feeling of him rocking against her, making her entire body clench around him. Small shudders began to run along her body as she uttered quiet, canine groans of enjoyment. She murmured softly, the paw almost locking her in place, into this submissive and welcome position that had her forgetting just about everything in the enjoyment of feeling at least wanted for once. Even the fact that they were in a room with plenty of others around, able to watch the acts that were occurring didn't seem to bother the pair.

Ran's ears perked now, as this was more than just showing her a new level of want or of dominance, but... an observation. Even here, he would see her reactions, however human, or feral they were... not that he would help it much be all too feral, as now that his swelling was pressed and grinding against the soft lips between her legs, he was quite unwilling to get into a more feral-worthy position. He unhinged his jaws from her neck for a moment to give her a gentle, loving nuzzle on her cheek, then went down to her neck and bit down once more, claws extending from his hind legs to bury in the ground and get himself a little bit of leverage as he rocked against her, gradually moving faster and rougher as excitement and anticipation grew on his end, knowing just where he'd end up as soon as they were both ready.

She began to utter quiet barks and growls of sound with the feeling of him swelling against her, the teeth being removed from her throat managing to drive a soft whine from between her lips as she shuddered - though the nuzzle was welcome, was reciprocated with a soft lick against his muzzle. The teeth made her arch just a little underneath him, soft growls sliding from her lips, slightly strangled by the bite but again...ever so welcome. She growled urgently at him, almost as though daring him to carry on, to be rougher and to make her feel as though she was something special, something other than the token feral in this place, someone to be ignored most the time.

Growling was something he understood on more than an urging level, but to him, it was nearly a fight for dominance. And as much as his intelligence knew her poor, frail body couldn't handle much more, the growling called and he answered. Suddenly, WS would feel his claws dig into her shoulder and rather hands push her downwards as he stepped forward, more or less tightening her into a partially curled position underneath him. His head started to shake a little, tugging at her throat as he let out a rather deep, bass growl which shook his body, muffled as he twisted his muzzle enough to try to force her airway a little more closed than it was already. His length now pushed free from its outer covering, and she'd feel the possibly odd friction from the barbs that covered it, at the moment soft and somewhat rubbery but still very much a presence.

She uttered a quiet yip at the sensation of being dominated so utterly that she fell into being a very welcome partner who was definitely willing to sprawl under the male. The claws made her utter a soft yip, pleasure clear in the sound even as her cheeks flushed with color. The way he stepped forward made her back arch a little, and her paws twitched slightly as the growl and tighter bite dragged a harsh moan from her throat. The added sensations of his length against her made her gasp quietly; though the barbs made her tail flicker briefly in even more pleasure - she was definitely one who enjoyed slight pain; her reactions to the dominating feline would show that. She wasn't a stranger as such to the barbs which would rake her insides, but it was rare for her to be with a barbed partner these days.

And now, Ran would have to start to wonder just if she'd brought the injuries and scars she'd gained on herself! But of course, it could have also been vice versa- she enjoyed pain as it was something she was used to. It was another question Ran stored in the back of his mind as he held her tight, grinding against her until he felt his length push fully free. Eagerness and anticipation would prove to cut teasing short, which Ran would remedy later - for now, he resigned himself to angle his hips downwards and drop them into a hard, forward arch that pushed his length inside of the canine and drove him to take another half a step forward, growling in pleasure as he started to rock himself against his wolf, claws in her shoulder grazing back and forth ever so slightly with each movement of his hips.

She yipped happily, barking in a muffled tone as the feline shoved his way inside her in a manner that only served to push her even higher. She uttered quiet whines and moans of happiness at the feeling of the claws scraping her skin and those barbs scraping against her insides. She stirred briefly before clenching down around him, her head tipping back against the ground as she definitely and clearly enjoyed the way he was taking her slim body, occasionally uttering a hoarse moan when he moved in a certain way, or hilted in her hard. She was possible one of the more submissive canines out there, despite being an Alpha in her own right - but it would merely serve to make her more willing to be the partner in whatever the golden feline had planned for her.

Every noise, movement, even the race of her pulse was something he knew he would remember later. He would enjoy this, taking his canine so roughly, feeling her squeezing around him, begging him for more. His hips moved in an almost fluid, graceful fashion that offset the rough drop of his weight to force his hips against hers, or the sharpness that dug into either side of her neck keeping her steady. With every new push, Ran could almost see and imagine just how it looked, but how it felt was so much better! He growled deep as his other paw came almost hugged possessively around her, causing his other paw on her shoulder to drag down until the paw touched the ground, still burying itself in her shoulder.

She was his for as long as he wanted her, for as long as she was willing to be played with and used by him to gain mutual pleasure for the pair. She couldn't help herself but utter quiet moans at every touch of the feline both inside her and on top of her all-too willing body. The feline was just as dominant as she wanted and needed this afternoon, her tongue lolling from her muzzle as she utters quiet yips from certain thrusts. She was blind to anything now, only really comprehending the sounds and sensations of claws against her shoulders, teeth buried in her throat and more importantly...that barbed length raking and dragging against her needy insides, pushing the heat roiling inside her body even higher.

Her warmth and need were definitely doing their trick on the feline. Even now his hips bucked, but only slightly as he felt control of himself getting lost. It was a feeling he knew he should be used to, but every time he managed to forget that all good things would eventually come to an apex, and he was quickly reaching his. His customary feline grace was lost and replaced with an almost doggishly rough need, tail wagging as the slightest of whimpers escaped his jaws, only to be drowned out by his possessive rumbles. He forced his eyes to open and managed to barely brush his nose against her without removing his teeth from her, letting her know just how close he was... not that the information was really all too necessary.

She was barely able to even think, her mind far too fogged by the possessive, dominating male, by the pleasure rapidly flooding her body completely. Her entire body lost to his as her insides clenched down again around him, harder than before and her ears flattened slightly. She herself was just so close, just about tipping over the edge of being, her mind set to run and fly free with just a little more from the cat, to have pleasure burst deep within her wanton body.

That 'little more' came quickly, as his hips finally stuttered and shoved down as hard as they could, pushing his length deeper inside of her to send his seed in spurts as far inside of her as it could get. If he'd have had the will he would have pulled out at that moment, but he did not, and suddenly his barbs flared and scratched at her insides, which led the feline to whimper once again, releasing her neck and burying his entire face against her, trying his damnedest not to grind the barbs against her until they softened again.

She uttered pained, but oddly pleasured yelps at the barbs scraping her insides roughly; her head tilting back as she uttered even more harsh barks, her insides spasming around the cat. She couldn't fight the climax which flooded her insides, her fur all standing on end as she clenched down around his length, trying to encourage him to grind in more, enjoying the feelings of slight pain and the pleasure of being filled, and still wanting even more.

Ran wasn't going to 'argue' with her, especially since holding back was one of his least favorite things to do. As she clenched around him, he forced his hips forward again, sending a little more of his fluids inside of her as his barbs started to soften, but not enough to not yet still graze inside of her in a somewhat painful way. Almost instantly, out of instinct, Ran began to force himself into a quick regenerative state, which made what should have been him cooling down into him heating back up again, growling quietly as he bumped his head against hers, giving her a bit of time to appreciate and enjoy the feeling of being full of him. He listened to her growling in enjoyment, her body twisting a little underneath his at the sensation of the barbs scraping her tightened, milking insides.

Her chest constantly heaved against his as she squirmed underneath him, growling gentle happy sounds in his ear as she slowly relaxed onto her back underneath him, her tail wagging slowly. She was unable to even think, locked into a base state of approaching heat.

And now, for the kicker! Ran's arms were what first snapped almost like they were breaking, to go from holding her tight to wrapping around her shoulders. His chest leaned down against hers and his hind-legs snapped and turned to legs with his knees now set on the ground. Effectively, he was turning anthro, as quickly as he could with apparently no regard for his body if those snaps were truly bones breaking and refitting into place! "Don't think I'm done with you yet," said the feline, who rolled around to put her momentarily on top of him, then picked her up, holding her tight and carrying her to a couch. "Ready for round two?"

She uttered a soft yip of sound as the feral cat became an anthro, a blush showing on her cheeks as she wriggled in against him. She whined softly, her nose running against his neck as she uttered quiet growls and yips - a little unsure what the now anthro cat meant by round two...after all, she was used to being mostly ignored, so anything more was, for her startling. She ran her eyes lightly against him, his lighter colored pelt showing against her own, them no longer joined in the way they had been, something she would have complained about had she been able to think. He was taller, longer in the tail and it would appear - still eager for her body.

Ran knew that their juices both had coated his length, which would make his next course of action quite possible. He settled her facing him on his lap, and pressed her rear against his length, tucking her forelegs and hind-legs around him as far as she could get them. Once she was securely on his lap, he pushed his length up until he felt the tip push against her tailhole, and one hand curled around her waist as he eased himself up about half an inch to start testing just how tight it was. "Sweetie...gonna have to ask you to relax for me, mmkay? Else... it won't fit at all." he said with a tiny grin, squeezing her side and digging his nails in to hold her steady.

She could help but utter a shy yip, shuddering a little at the sensation of him trying to fill her tailhole in the manner he did. She whined softly, blushing as she buries her nose into his neck, her ears flattening slightly at the sensation that wasn't entirely unwelcome, nor was it completely foreign - she had never really been too fussed about her rump being filled by one she was able to trust completely, as she did the pleasure-giving feline.

"Just relax..." he murmured again, and closed his eyes growling quietly as he rocked against her. He had enough gentleness in him to stay in that position for ages if he so wished, but being stuck barely inside of her wasn't really a priority for him, he wanted more than that. And so, his hand squeezed tighter as his hips lurched up and shoved his length deeper inside her, biting his lip and growling in pleasure as he eased his length deeper and deeper into her. "Rrr... like... that..." he murmured, although it wasn't totally obvious who or what he was specifically talking to.

She uttered a quiet yelping moan, the feeling of his length again splitting her, this time in an even naughtier place making her back arch as she growled quietly. She was enjoying the pain that the cat was wreaking on her pleasured body; definitely enjoying the dominant manner in which he was now filling her insides. She whined softly, tipping her head back and uttering a soft whimper of need at the cat, begging him for more, to be rougher with her, to rake those barbs inside her body as hard as he was able to.

"Shh." was what he murmured quietly, almost sensing her want now in his anthro form. He still had to get himself used to the even tighter feeling of her hind end! He leaned himself at an angle and both arms wrapped firmly around her slim waist to hold her in place as his hips rocked down, then shoved up as hard as they could, resulting in a loud, hungry purr erupting from the feline as he impaled her deep, then quietly hissing, "Fff...Puppy... is tight... gonna make kitty cum fast in her..."

She barked out her pleasure, clenching down around him as her back arched and her ears flicker. She couldn't help herself, the pain of being filled by the barbed length making her insides bubble and burn again with heat and lust. The cat was clearly an expert to her busy mind, able to incite sensations she so scarcely managed to indulge in these days.

The feline's hips started a slow, hard rhythm inside of her, shoving his length deep into her tightness. His head quickly shot forward around the fourth thrust and bit down on her neck again, this time to feel the weight of every thrust inside of her. Both hands went from around her waist to her rear, claws squeezing into her hips and pushing at her thighs to tighten her that much further around him as he buried himself, forcing himself to stick to loud purrs, as much as he wanted so badly to tease her openly, wanting to drag this out - he wasn't able to.

She growled longingly, the teeth around her throat sending a howling moan into the air as she lifted her muzzle further, the claws on her hips seeking to send her even tighter around him anyway, her eyes almost rolling in the pleasure the cat forced upon her body, the pain something she was clearly enjoying. She was on the verge of becoming addicted to the feline, to being a willing puppy for the cat to tease and torment and stuff full.

The noise she cried out with was like music to his ears. All it did was encourage him to use more of his strength and his will to push her further, to push himself deeper. His length flexed, although flexing was near impossible with how tight she was, and he hissed as he felt a random spike sending pre-cum leaking inside her ass, which made him slow down for a moment but he regained his stride, and unhinged his jaws from her neck long enough to whisper to the canine, "Beg kitty for his cum...Be a good girl for me."

She whined softly at his words, squirming against him before whimpering, clearly asking and pleading for him to stuff her full again - quite obviously an insatiable little wolf when she was allowed the chance to be, and with a willing partner. She whimpered quietly, trying to hump her hips against the feline buried deep into her tailhole, growling only occasionally and trying to get him to stuff her even fuller.

"A-ah," he managed to gasp out, though didn't get much more as the sounds and the physicalfeel of her need sent him over. His eyes slipped shut tight and his hips shoved harder but lost their speed as stream after stream of his seed filled her tiny body, more than it had as when he had been feral, and even more than what should have been physically possible for a feline of his size! His length twitched with each thrust, and even twitched after he'd felt himself emptied inside of her once again, mouth halfway open and breathing starting to get just slightly heavy.

She groaned quietly, shuddering in a silent and small climax of her own, every twitching pulse of the feline's length making her own insides spasm, making her writhe on his lap as she is filled for the second time by the cat, the dominant feline who was so close to having her in his thrall - after all, she couldn't help but enjoy being made to feel as though she were desirable, and special to someone.

The feline's body finally started to relax and go a little limp, even as that instinct to regenerate started back up once again. His eyes slipped shut and he purred, once more allowing her some time to enjoy the feeling of being stuffed... especially as he got the interesting view of seeing the feral leaking from both her holes, or would as soon as he decided it'd be worth unplugging her. "Mmrh... you're... absolutely wonderful, dear..." he murmured, hips going into a slow, teasing grind to brush his now once again flared barbs into her tailhole. He couldn't seem to stop when he was still lodged within her, couldn't help but enjoy the willing female against him.

A blush slid over her cheeks as she tilted her head back, the grind causing her to clench and writhe, her teeth snapping at the air as she whimpered with pleasure, almost at the point of begging him for more again, her tail slightly wagging and varying the tightness of her tailhole around that barbed length.

"Nnh..." the kitty clenched his teeth, closed his eyes, and started to grin as he feels her squeezing him for more. His tail starts to curl around her leg and he licks his lips, murmuring, "You're an insatiable little bitch, aren'tcha?" with a sly grin as his tail started to grind against her cunny. What should have felt like a furry, ticklish appendage however, felt more stiff and solid than anything, slightly rough but definitely not fuzzy! "Puppy really wants more? I betcha she could really beg for it if she wanted..." he said, licking his lips as he watched her. "C'mon, hun... lemme hear you speak..."

She shuddered a little at his words, a muffled moan sliding from her lips as his tail stroked her slightly dripping sex, her entire body tensing a little as she utters a hoarse bark, blushing at him and whimpering. "P-please...m-more!" She was unable to help herself, his demands for her to speak making her insides clamp down around his length, the tail still sliding against her body.

"Aww, there we go, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" he said quietly, and slowly twisted until she was flat on her back on the couch and he was on his knees on top of her. He kept just enough distance for his tail to jam itself in her cunny, but other than that was basically flat against her, pressing his cheek against hers as he held her. "You're gonna make me insatiable too... could go for days with you like this, puppy..." he said quietly, pushing his hips to start rocking against hers once again."Mmrrr... Love... this tight ass..."

She yipped as she was stuffed double-full, her entire body shuddering against the cats at the way he was making her feel. Her chest couldn't help from heaving as she panted and moaned quietly in his ear, her hips rocking lightly against his tail and his length, loving the way both split her insides and stuffed her so full that she almost hurt.

The tail and length took turns in shoving themselves deep inside her, moving at different paces so he'd ever so often meet up in his thrusts, tail rubbing against length. His tail soon started to buzz like a vibrator- another little thing he'd done for fun- and as it pressed against her inner wall and the buzzing gradually got stronger, he felt it starting to buzz against his length as well, increasing the pleasure for the pair of them.

She was only able to utter a quiet moan and spasm, her ears splaying as she writhed underneath him, clenching around his tail and length before whining in a clearly begging manner, her entire body curling about as she panted heavily, almost urgent for him to continue in the rough movements of his body in against her, her back beginning to arch as she whimpered for him.

Eventually his thrusts started to smack her head against the arm of the couch when he pushed her up hard enough, forcing her back against the arm, setting her at an angle underneath him. The entirety of his weight went over her as he squeezed her ass, the feeling of his length buried inside of her making him shiver and spark once again, the rise this time much slower and more gradual.

She panted heavily, every painful movement of being double-stuffed making her snap her jaws in the air, making her beg him for more with occasional movements and clenches as her body neared yet another climax, her mismatched eyes already hidden from view by delicate eyelids. She was stirring underneath him every single time he went still, every time he paused in his movements.

This time, he knew she'd go over before him; he was willing it, for the precious wolf to feel him fill her body up again completely, and overflowing, but only once she'd felt her own pleasure. He brushed his cheek against hers as he squeezed her sides, hips driving down into her as hard as he could as he spoke in an almost panting voice, saying in her ear, "Cum for me, puppy..." His voice was as commanding as able to in the middle of the act they were indulging in; in the way he was making her feel as though she were special.

She yipped, before shuddering almost obediently into a climax that had her squirming about underneath him, her eyes widening as she snapped her teeth against his throat, almost marking the felines skin with her own teeth as her insides tighten up almost unbearably, until the tail and length inside her feel as though he will split her wide open, until she couldn't believe just how much the pleasure roaming her body.

Ran wasn't expecting that at all! As soon as she bit, his eyes went wide, then clenched, and suddenly he was soaring over that earthly edge with her. He didn't need to move, her body squeezing against his was enough to shoot the ropes of seed deep inside of her, as he let out loud mewls of pleasure, almost sounding odd in comparison to his normally warm voice. "Mrrow...s-shit..." He hadn't been expecting to go so easily, with the ease in which he did.

She spasmed again and again, letting go of his throat to sprawl, panting and whimpering with enjoyment against the couch, her entire body wrung out, feeling about as boneless as she was able to with her double stuffed body, her tailhole now leaking cat-seed constantly, the tail still lodged within her body at least as deeply as his length was.

Now that she was feeling so spent, his instincts died down, enough that he knew not to regenerate this time. So much in quick succession... not many people could handle it often, but she'd done rather well! The kitty lay down against her, now breathing a little deeper, but having a quick enough recovery that it seemed not much different from normal to him as he nuzzled her and kissed her, letting her keep feeling that complete fullness for so long as she wished. "Mrrr... all this... and I've not gotten your name, sweetie..."

She murmured softly, her tail wagging as she shook a little, far too drained and sore-throated from the pleasure to speak. Her collar, instead jingles, a pair of tags spilling against her throat just under where he had really bitten. One proclaimed that she was a member of the K9 Unit, the other bearing the legend of 'Singer' on a bone-shaped silver tag.

Ran looked down at her dog-tags, not having to nor wanting to move to read them thankfully. "Singer..." he purred, wiggling his hips as his length gave an involuntary flex inside of her. "Well, Singer... I'm Ranix... and you are absolutely delicious," he said, looking down at her still with a fiery hunger in his eyes... there was no truly sating the kitty, but she'd done at least a good job of calming him down for the time being, or at least until the next time or soon as she recovered from the roughness of the feline over her.

She murmured softly at the feeling of him moving against and inside her, a blush spreading along her cheeks at the look of the kitty. If she'd been able to move without being unsteady, she'd of shown him her favorite trick other than being a submissive, willing pup - the fact of which being that she enjoyed having her muzzle filled, and humped into until she was basically left incapable of tasting anything else.

Eventually, Ranix would have dozed into a catnap state with the puppy in his arms. Whereas he enjoyed being on top during playtime, when it came to napping he liked to have the warmth of another on top of him as a blanket. He never removed himself from being inside of her, but eventually his length would have had to return to normal, whereas his tail would still be shoved in as deep as it could have gone inside her cunny, a constant reminder of the fun they'd just had complete with ever so random vibrations when his tail simply felt like a buzzing was needed.

The end...for now