Changes-Chapter 1, The Biggest Change.

Story by FaidenAhvatari on SoFurry

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You know the usual...

You know the usual thing, you shouldn't be reading this if it's illegal for you to. This story contains homosexual activity and sex between two males. If that's not your cup of tea then please don't read this story.

Sorry if the spacing of my story is a little weird or if the story is a bit long.

The characters belong to me.



I was not looking forward to starting a new life at a new school and meeting new people. It's not that I didn't like society or anything like that I'm just nervous around people. Society isn't exactly very kind when it comes to homosexuals which I am. On top of that I heard from my parents that I'll be going to a school that has furs and humans in it. I felt comfortable at my old school since it was for all furs.

We already finished moving into our new house Thank God. Moving had been a horrible pain in the ass and I'm just glad it's over with now. Even though I would've been happier if I didn't have to move at all. I had to move because my Father got a job as a doctor here in this new city called "Running Springs." My mother also got a job with some magazine as their editor or something like that.

I was really interested in what my parents did for a career. Both of my parents were Red Foxes even though their fur wasn't exactly red. My father had complete white fur and radiant green eyes. While my mother on the other end was completely black furred with luminous eyes of blue and long hair that covered her forehead that was dark red.This left me as a mix with completely black fur except for my paws and hindpaws which were white along with the tip of my tail. My eyes were a grey color of sorts and I had average sized black hair that covered my left eye.

As my Dad's SUV roamed through the city I saw our new house and what would eventually become my new home. It was a nicely sized house located in what's supposed to be one of the city's safest neighborhoods. I guess I'd find out soon enough what this neighborhood is really like though. We pulled into our new driveway and I instantly got out of the car and looked at the sky.

"Alister, you really need to try to cheer up about this whole move you know." I heard my mom call as I was lost in my thoughts.

I gave her an annoyed sigh before replying. "Sorry if I'm not exactly cheerful after I was forced to move to a new and strange city and have to leave all of my friends."

She didn't have to reply for me to know I was irritating her. I wasn't trying to upset her but I wanted to speak what was on my mind rather than putting on some forced facade.

My father meanwhile had already entered our new house and was busy taking in the atmosphere as we joined him. Well I didn't really join him in taking in the atmosphere of the house. I just went up to my room and locked the door before laying on my bed and cursing my life. It didn't take long before I took in the smell of my parents getting dinner ready. School would start tomorrow and I wasn't looking forward to it at all.

I kept staring at the wall wishing to find someone or something here that would make living in this city bearable. I was lost in my thougts again imagining the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. A quiet but firm knock on my bedroom door woke me up from my daydreaming.

"Al your mom made some Chicken Alfredo for dinner, if you don't want to eat I can't really blame you. It's tough with the move and everything." I got along with my dad more than I did with my mom surprisingly enough. Both of my parents knew I was gay and they were both accepting of it. That was something I was extremely thankful for.

"Alright Dad I'll be down in a few minutes." I wasn't really in the mood to eat but I didn't want to be alone either. I slowly walked myself downstairs and joined my parents downstairs at the dinner table.

Even though I barely touched my plate the little food I did eat had been delicious. Like I said though I just wasn't feeling very hungry. I cleaned off an rinsed my plate before saying goodnight to my parents and going to bed. I was going to need a clear and rested head for my first day of school tomorrow. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was fast asleep.

I awoke to the sound of my annoying alarm clock and dread and anxiety instantly filled my body. I shut the alarm off and went through the daily morning rituals of reading myself for the day. I put on a simple white V neck and a pair of tight fitting black jeans after I finished showering. My closet was filled with a decent ammount of shoes but it didn't very long for me to decide on a pair. I finished straightening my hair before grabbing a black and blue checkered scarf and putting it on.

I grabbed my messenger bag before I went downstairs. "Al I'll drive you to school for now since we don't really have your bus stop figured out." I weakly smiled at my Dad.

"Thanks." I said to him as we dragged ourselves to his car. I sat in the passenger seat as we drove off to my new school or prison as I liked to called it. It didn't take us very long to get there as I said bye to my dad before stepping on the ground of this horrible place.

All around me were furs and humans coming too and from classes, there was the idle chatter between passing classmates outside as I looked for the wing of my first class. "Grade 12 English." I quietly muttered to myself before finding the North Wing of the school and walking to my class. I arrived a few minutes late as I hesitantly opened the door to the class. I got looks from all over the classroom as I stood there looking for the teacher.

A young Raccoon who looked like she was in her Early twenties smiled at me. "You must be Alister Rezenchovik." I nodded at her as she showed me an empty seat. I quietly walked to my seat before sitting down and laying my head down on my arms as I listened to the teacher talk. She didn't bother introducing herself but her name was written on the board. "Ms. Coral."

I zoned out a bit before receiving a light tap on my shoulder. I looked next to me to see a Husky smiling at me.

"Hey there." He kindly smiled. I found myself blushing a bit before I found the nerve to reply.

"Um...hi." I slowly said blushing more.

"My name's Matthais but most people call me Matt." I smiled at him. "That's a unique name." I smiled at him still blushing through my black fur.

"I'm Al or Alister." He smiled at me back. "That's also a very unique name." He chuckled to himself. "Hey what period do you have lunch?" He asked me.

I quickly looked at my list of classes until I replied. "It's period 4." I quickly replied. I received another smile from Remy. "Awesome that's the same time I have lunch." I could see that he had some beautiful eyes. They were a strong yet gentle amber color. His right eye was covered by blond and black hair though.

I didn't think any of us were really listening to the teacher rant on about her plans for us for the year. In fact time seemed to fly by once I met Matt. It didn't take very long before the bell rang. Matt and me said bye to eachother before we went to our next classes. Next I had Math, followed by Biology and then Lunch. I zoned out in most of my other classes after meeting the respective teachers.

I found myself mesmerized by the face of the husky I met. He had pretty eyes, he was cute in general. I could honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with him. I just wished that the day would skip to lunch so I could spend more time with him. I got my wish because before I knew it I found myself standing in the West Wing looking at the cafeteria. I looked around before I found a table that was vacant of anyone there.

I sighed to myself before sitting down alone looking for Matt. To my utter dissapointment though I couldn't find him anywhere. I put my head down and closed my eyes just wishing for the day to be over now. I was tapped on my back.

"Al are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Matt standing next to my table with a concerned look on his face. "Come on I"ll take you to my table." I nodded at him before following him to his table. He sat down next to a white bunny with long black hair and purple highlights. She smiled at me sweetly and offered her name. "I'm Matt's best friend you can call me Celia or Ceil." I smiled back at her. "I'm Alister."

Matt offered for me to take a seat next to him. I smiled and took the seat. This school wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. The Humans here were all pretty nice too. "Al, do you want to come over to my place after school today?" I blushed furiously before happily replying. "That'd be nice." He smiled at me and wagged his tail. I could see Ceil grinning at us.

The table was filled with more of Matt and Ceil's friends who all introduced themselves. There was a black panter named Nick. A white bat named Hayden and a very quiet German Shepherd who called himself Travis. The rest of the school day went by really quickly. Music, Government, French and Writing before I got to go home.

I left the south wing at the end of the day and found myself looking for a ride home before my cellphone started to ring. "Al it's me your dad, I'll be there in a few minutes to pick you up." I smiled before replying. "Actually I was invited to go over to a new friend's." My tail was wagging and my ears were perky too. "Wow, I'm glad you're fitting in there son have a good day." I smiled happily as I hung up.

"Alister, come on we got to get going." Matt was standing behind me and I followed him to his car. Well actually it was a motorcycle. It was a black one too. He got on and patted the space behind him for me to sit. I blushed furiously again.

"What am I supposed to hold onto?" I nervously asked. He grinned and laughed. "My waist silly." My eyes were wide. "I hope you're okay with that." He grinned at me. I nodded before taking a seat behind him and I nervously wrapped my arms around his waist. Before he looked back at me and smiled before speeding off with me back to his house.

It didn't take long for us to reach his house, it looked like he lived in the same neighborhood as me to be honest. He pulled up in his driveway and lead me to his front door. As soon as I stepped in I felt coldness from the air conditioner envelope me. "Where are your parents?" I asked.

Matt was grinning again. "They're gone for the week on a business trip so I have the house to myself." His house was so nice. It looked like they were rich from the look of things. "Wow." I uttered out loud. "Yeah, both of my parents are lawyers so we defnitely have our perks, come on I'll take you to my room."

His room was also very elaborate. He had a king sized bed with black blankets made of silk along with sheets of the same material. He sat on his bed and notioned for me to sit with him. I sat next to him and he did something that shocked me. He took my paw in both of his hands and kissed me on the cheek.

"Alister I was wondering all day if you would like to be my mate." My muzzle was hanging agape as I just slowly looked at him. "I' to be your mate Matt." He smiled at me before wrapping his arms around my back and kissing me on the lips. It didn't take long for us to start making out. I moaned into his muzzle as his tongue wrestled with mine.

I think that turned him on because I found his paws on my zipper pulling it down and undoing the button before completely stripping me of the clothing on my lower half. Next he slipped me out of my tight shirt before staring at my body and gasping in awe. My cock was erect and I was longing for him to bury himself inside of me.

He quickly started undressing himself as well before he looked me in the eye. "Alister, if you get nervous anywhere along the line we don't have to do this okay hun?" He was smiling at me lovingly and kindly. I grinned at him and nuzzled his neck fur. "To be honest Matt, I want you to fuck me as hard as you can." He grinned hornily at me before making out with me again as he pushed his cock against my tailhole.

I was sitting in his lap happily moaning into his muzzle as he drove his cock into my ass with eagerness and pent up lust. His cock was 8 inches I was guessing my own cock was 6 inches and was erect and resting along his abs as he continued to hump me with all of his strenth and energy it seemed. I wanted him to knot me so badly and fill me with his cum. I would whisper words of encouragement and need to him. "Come on baby knot me and fill me with your spunk."

He happily answered my request when I felt his knot enter my tight tailhole. "Fuck baby you're so tight." He moaned to me. I was lost in a strange mix of pleasure and pain. It took me so much effort to say to him. "GOD TAKE ME MATT MAKE ME YOURS!!!" I heard him moan his reply as he howled out loud as he filled my tailhole with his sticky load of cum.

I found myself lost in complete pleasure and euphoria as I lost it and cummed all over his stomach and chest. He was still tied to me as he laid me gently on his bed and laid on top of me. "It's pretty late hun so I think we should get to bed." Even though tonight was Friday I still agreed with him. I nodded tiredly and happily to him.

He held me close to himself as he moved his body around so that I was laying on top of him with my head on his chest. He wrapped his tail around my waist before kissing my neck and whispering something.

I smiled happily with my eyes closed thinking about what he said. Before I snuggled into his fur and found myself falling into a happy and content slumber.