Arcturus Chapter III: A narrow escape

Story by Beowulf1990 on SoFurry

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#5 of Arcturus

Arcturus Chapter III: A narrow escape

The group ran down the narrow corridors towards the bridge, flashing red lights and blearing siren alarms accompanied them on the way. Lisa pushed aside running crewmembers as she raced through ship. Gray, Sam and Steel followed her closely. Rod and Rod had gone to get the security force organised, should it be necessary.

They burst through the door into the large room, control panels and displays lined the walls, the centre of the room was dominated by a large holographic display table. Rising up from it was a swarm of bright red indicators. Lisa turned to her second-in-command, Baxter, his arm was enclosed in a cast and rested in a sling.

"Situation Baxter!"

The tall horse looked at her, his good arm indicating the display. "There's an entire Imperial fleet out there! It won't be long until they send someone over to deal with us."

Lisa turned to the ship's navigation officer, a blue feathered avian. "How's the Hawking drive?"

The bird fluttered about between displays as he replied, "It's not ready! If we jump at this point there's no telling where we'll end up...and a good chance we we'll end up scattered over a large area!"

As he spoke, small red dots detached themselves from the main bulk, moving very fast indeed. Baxter swore loudly, "God-fucking-dammit! Three Imperial frigates on the way!"

Sam and Gray clutched themselves to each other, powerless to do anything else. Steel stepped forward, "The way I see it we'll be dead anyway in about a minute or two, just fire the damn drive!"

As he finished, a resounding crash reverberated through the ship. The shock sent them reeling. Baxter flailed, almost falling down. Lisa slipped, Steel grabbed her arms and held her up. He said to her in a clear, urgent voice: "Elisabeth, you need to fire the drive now."

Lisa recovered herself and turned to the avian officer. She breathed deeply and said, decisively: "Fire the drive."

The avian hesitated a second, but typed in the command. As another crash shook the ship, it opened an unstable wormhole and shot through. The Imperial ships returned to the fleet as it geared itself up for the new war.

The wormhole was unstable, but it carried the Survivor through. In the bridge, Lisa was discussing the situation with her officers. The others sat in a corner, quietly immersed in their own thoughts.

Lisa walked up, put her arms across her chest and spoke softly. "So we made it this far...the wormhole isn't perfect but we should arrive near a star, a massive stroke of luck." (considering the vast emptiness of space, that isn't exactly likely on an almost random jump)

"Bad news is that the ship took a couple good hits, some people dead, more wounded. The sub-light engines are damaged, but they should get us pointing in the right direction at a decent speed. We'll head for orbit around Nu Draconis and repair as best we can. Should take about a week."

Steel raised his head, "Nu Draconis huh? At least that's far enough removed from the front, little chance of Imperial ships dropping by...Bloody cocksuckers!" He slammed his fist against the wall. "Just when people are getting their lives back on track they barge in, trying to spread that dictator's law."

Gray seemed lost in thought, Sam placed her head on his chest. "You ok, Gray?"

He blinked and shook his head, "What?....oh....just bad memories...". He stroked Sam's head softly. "Not the first time I met those guys." Lisa sat beside him and put her arm around his neck. "I know, son." Her other arm reached for Steel, holding his paw.

After a few minutes, Lisa got up. "Ok guys, we have a few hours until we come out of the wormhole. In the meantime you should go help out around the ship. Sam, Doc's going to want to see you I bet." Sam stood up and nodded, plenty of wounded to take care of.

"As for Gray, you can help out the maintenance guys on deck six, it's a mess down there. Steel, join me in my office to talk things over." They got up and went to their respective assignments.

Steel followed Lisa into her office. He looked around the small, warm room. Wood panelled the walls, which is unusual on a ship. The space was dominated by a large antique mahogany desk, made from real Earth mahogany. The rich wood shone dimly in the warm lighting. A comfortable room to be sure.

Lisa set up two chairs on either side of the desk, sat down and took two glasses and a bottle of single-malt from a drawer. "I think we can both use a stiff drink."

Steel grunted appreciatively, sitting down. Lisa poured the glasses full to the rim and took a good sip. She pressed her fingers on her eyes. When she looked back up she said: "A fine mess we've gotten ourselves in this time, friend."

Steel replied softly, "Just like old times, when your dad was still around." Lisa smiled at the thought of that strong fox captain called Grant, he died just before she'd found Gray. "The old bastard would have loved this, I'm sure." They chuckled. They drank and talked about the good old days for a while.

Lisa eventually leant back and sighed deeply. "So what's up Steel? Trouble's never gotten you down this bad."

The wolf looked up at her, they locked gazes for a few moments before he dropped his head again. He breathed in deep, letting the air escape in a soft sigh. "Sam and Gray." He said, simply.

Lisa nodded in understanding, "I figured as were always a lot less grumpy around her." She smiled. "You win some and you lose some, friend, like dad always said."

Steel nodded, "Yep, doesn't mean I have to like it though. Guess I'm getting a little old for all that stuff.", he looked up a Lisa laughed loudly, surprised.

"Ha!....oh, man're kidding right? You're the strongest male I've ever known, how could a female not be attracted..", she stopped as she realised what she'd said, blood rushed to her face. Steel raised his eyebrows, "You feel that way about me?"

Lisa covered her eyes as she replied, "Drink always did have a way to loosen the tongue.", she looked up into the wolf's eyes, "Yes , I do."

Steel fidgeted uncomfortable, "ehm...since when..."

"Since dad died, that time you stayed up with me all night."

He looked surprised again, "That long?! Well why didn't say anything?"

"Fear of rejection, the thought of you being father's best friend, all of that....well, it's out now." She leaned forward in her chair, "So? What the verdict?"

Steel looked in her eyes, he was completely taken of guard. He'd never really seen her as anything but a sort of godchild...but she was a very attractive vixen. Emboldened by drink, he leant forward and kissed her. They remained locked for a few moments, until Steel backed off.

He stood up and walked around the desk, pulled her up from her seat and embraced her as they kissed again. Steel broke off and looked her in the eye, "I don't want to take advantage of you I'm not sure I should stay here."

She put her finger on his lips, "Don't worry Steel, I'm a big girl now....please stay."

She started undoing his combat vest, it quickly fell to the ground. His weapons belt was the next to go, followed by his jacket. He pulled of his shirt himself as the vixen undid his pants. A few seconds later, he was naked. Lisa rubbed his huge, muscled frame with her paws. A shiver went down her spine.

"So strong...a real male." She looked up at her partner as he took hold of her shirt. He tore it apart in one smooth motion. He let the tattered remains fall to the ground. Lisa felt a jolt of excitement as he displayed his brute strength. Her jaw dropped and she stared at his eyes.

Steel gave her bra the same treatment, causing her breasts to be exposed. He leant forward and licked them, circling around the nipples, flicking them occasionally. The vixen gasped at the feeling. Her paws wandered over his body, lower and lower.

As she reached his sheath, she started softly stroking it. His member quickly emerged, preparing for action. Steel stopped licking her breasts and lifted her up by the rump. He placed her on the desk and ripped her pants off her. The sheer violence made Lisa quiver in excitement.

"So powerful! You're like an animal, Steel."

After he ripped off her panties, he leant forward and down to her face. As he pushed his tongue inside her muzzle, he pushed against her body. A paw wandered up and found her folds, he began rubbing them forcefully, but slowly. He felt the young, soft vixen under him shiver. His other paw reached up and grabbed one of her tits, squeezing it. His cock reached its full, impressive size and brushed against her leg.

Lisa quivered in anticipation and broke the kiss, "Ugh!...Please Steel...I want you to fuck me. I can't wait anymore."

Steel looked at het intently, the paw at her pussy moved and grabbed his large cock. He lined up his length and began pushing forward. Her moist lips spread apart as the wolf cock sought its way inside. The soft, velvet warmth welcomed him. He growled at the feeling.

Lisa wrapped her arms around his neck, gasping. She groaned as the massive rod split her open. "You're so big! UGH!.....AH!"

Steel grunted and gave one more powerful thrust, his knot hit her entrance. As Lisa yipped at the feeling, he stood up straight. The vixen lay down flat on the desk, looking up at the wolf. "FUCK me Steel! Show me how strong you are!"

Steel grabbed her legs and pulled them apart, he began thrusting his hard cock. He quickly adopted strong, fast strokes. His balls slapped against the vixen, his knot hit her tight entrance with every thrust. Her tits bounced back and forth with the impacts. She reached up and grabbed the side of the desk, lifting her chest up high.

"Fuck yes! Just like that, fuck me hard! AH! rough with me Steel!"

He panted as he fucked the vixen, her cries encouraged him. If she wanted it rough, she'd get it rough. He leant forward over her and grabbed both her tits, squeezing them hard. He growled as he hammered his bitch into the desk.

Lisa let go of the desk and grabbed one of his paws, she guided it up to her throat. He followed the guidance and squeezed her throat softly.

Lisa felt wave of pleasure running through her. The primitive mating pushed all of her buttons. The hard knot slamming into her pussy, his cock waiting to fill her with the strong male's seed drove her mad. She whined under the assault, her orgasm knocking on her door.

Steel felt his mate squirm and heard her whine. He judged the situation correctly and redoubled his efforts. He used all his impressive power to try and knot the vixen under him. He growled as her choked her, closing off her air supply as the whining stopped. He felt his knot stretch the tight muscle.

Suddenly, the knot broke though. The vixen came hard and gasped as her airways were opened again. Steel planted his arms on her shoulders as he gave his last, shuddering thrusts. He pumped his bitch full of cum, his cock throbbed inside the tight velvet tunnel.

The pair came down from their bliss and Steel ripped out his swollen knot, extracting a yip from the vixen. Lisa lay spent on the desk, breathing heavily. As she slowly caught her breath, she looked up and the wolf, "Now that....was fun." She grinned and let herself be lifted up.

Steel put her in her chair and poured her a drink, "You look like you could use this." They both laughed. Lisa wiped a tear from her eye and took a good gulp. "You sure know how to treat a vixen, should have gotten drunk together ages ago."

Steel leant over and kissed her, their tongues danced. Steel backed off and stroked her face. "My fault for not seeing what was right under my nose...lets get you to bed now, you look tired as hell." He helped her get dressed in a fresh set from the closet in the corner and put on his own clothes. He walked her to her room, where Lisa dragged him with her and closed the door.

Samantha made it to medical and was immediately taken aside by Doc, the white and red avian. "Sam! Where have you been?...never mind, not important! Just go over there and help me tend to the wounded.

The medbay was a large, gleaming room. It could normally hold about a dozen beds. A large examination area was found on the opposite side of the room. Bright white light illuminated every nook. Various machines, computers and trolleys stood strewn throughout, between the beds. They had managed to accommodate all 26 wounded crewmembers.

Sam rushed off and started administering to the ones that looked worst off. Wounds were stitched, lacerations disinfected, shrapnel removed, bones set, burns tended to and much more. While she worked, she turned to Doc, "What happened to these people?"

The avian was just finishing off a bandage and looked up, "The first shot that hit basically just threw some people about, a few broken bones and a concussion or two....the second blast damaged an electrical circuit on deck 6, it blew up for some reason. Most of the folks here were there, along with several that got killed....pass that syringe please."

The pair kept working at it, several of the patients were hooked up to monitors, with possible deeper trauma, but most of them were, thankfully, in decent shape, if you ignored the gaping flesh wounds and broken limbs, obviously.

Gray arrived on deck 6 and couldn't believe what he was seeing. Normally, the deck was used for cargo transport between docking bays. It was basically a long, wide corridor running the length of the ship that was lined by elevators, which led to the various bays and storages.

The corridor he was looking at was a mess. Most of the right wall had simply ceased to exist. The panels lay all over the place, mangled pieces of metal. Cables and wiring were pouring out of the wall, many severed and some of those sparking. Small fires burned in the electrical equipment. About two dozen crewmembers were running back and forth, putting out fires and trying to get the more important circuits fixed.

Ratchet, the mechanic fox, waved at him, "Over here Gray!" The wolf ran over.

"Glad you're here buddy, there's a lot of work to be done. Grab that end of this panel would you?" They lifted it up and brought it to a working elevator, being loaded up with rubble.

Gray put his paw on the fox's shoulder, "What the hell happened Ratchet?"

"In English, there was a backup generator and a power distribution node behind that wall. Whatever hit us back there sent a surge through the system, it couldn't handle it and something had to give. A lot of the safeties blew like they were supposed to, but the surge was strong enough to just fry the generator anyway, never seen anything like it. The result is obvious I should think."

They got back to work, clearing the rubble. After a couple hours, Ratchet grabbed his shoulder. "You can get some sleep buddy, the next shift is coming in."

Gray protested, but Ratchet was firm. "No way wolf, you're obviously spent. Go sleep, there'll be plenty of work left to do tomorrow."

Gray nodded and walked back to his quarters. As he walked through the corridors, he passed Lisa's room. He couldn't help but notice the sounds coming from inside. His face flushed and he kept walking. He got that she needed some distraction and he wasn't gonna eavesdrop.

He opened his door and wearily entered his room. Samantha was lying on his bed and looked up. "Hey ok?"

He closed the door and sat down next to her, grabbing her paw. "Long day, Sam..."

She got up behind his back and hugged him from behind, "Same here look like you were working harder though."

Gray glanced over himself. His fur was black with dirt, clumped together in lumps. "Yeah, I better take a right back."

He headed into his private bathroom, a luxury courtesy of being the ship captain's adopted son. He threw his clothes in a corner and let the water run a while to get warm. Stepping in, he enjoyed the hot liquid pouring over him. He relaxed a bit, feeling his shoulders loosen. He ran his paws through his fur, undoing some of the knots and scrubbing out the dirt.

As he was working his fur, he felt two paws placed on his shoulder. Sam leant her head against his back, "Mind if I join you?"

He turned around and kissed her. They helped each other wash, taking turns to scrub out their back fur. After they were clean, they kissed and they held each other quietly. They enjoyed the hot water pattering on top of them.

Gently, Gray ran his paw over her side and down to her pussy. She responded by taking his sheath and rubbed it gently. His member sprang up eagerly. She looked up into his flaming red eyes, "Let's go lie on the bed." She walked out of the shower, headed to the bed and lay down on her back.

Gray followed, water dripped from his naked body onto the ground. He dropped down on top of her, they kissed as he let his paws roam her body, softly stroking her sides and her breasts, brushing over her rump.

He took hold of his cock and guided it inside her. The tigress gasped and embraced him. He started moving, pushing in deeper. He wasn't breeding her, they were comforting each other. He worked his member back and forth and licked her face. She licked him back and put her paws on his rump. She encouraged him, pushing and squeezing.

Gray licked her nipples and nipped on her neck. Sam purred under his attentions, her hips coming up to meet his. Soft slaps of fur on fur were heard. They kissed and they caressed each other.

They panted as they rocked back and forth, face to face. Gray sped up slightly as he began to cum...he lifted his hips up further and pushed his knot into her. The hard organ inside her, Sam bit down on her lip and moaned. As Gray spurted his seed into her womb, he felt Sam squirm under him in her own orgasm. A slight groan escaped her lips.

Gray dropped down beside her as she rolled onto her side, still locked together. They held each other as they fell asleep.