Dog Tired in the Zeta Quadrant

Story by Rex Kanin on SoFurry

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Dog-tired in the Zeta Quadrant

Exhaustion overwhelms me as I hurry into the hotel lobby. I pass someone in the doorway carrying a suitcase with one hand and holding what appeared to be a ticket in the other. How odd, I thought to myself. I am so far away from my home world yet most things still work the same. The biggest difference seems to be the great variety of intelligent species roaming the city. Hotels are completely booked all across town for a galaxy renown opera singer from Vendelous Prime and I am growing increasingly frightened that I will end up having to sleep in an alley hidden under discarded packaging. I hurry up to the counter and show the desk clerk my room request, a written card in the dead language of Lamid, which has become a second language for many social species in this region. I sleepily ponder whether I would have been able to relay my request without the card even if the clerk spoke perfect English considering how tired I had become. The clerk makes strange unfamiliar gestures to me then enters my card into the register, which indicates a fee of 400 plunks. Very expensive for what looked like a 2 star hotel but I had anticipated that it would be even higher considering the concert was in town. But for once I am not very concerned with the price and feel very fortunate that I was able to get a room at all. I hand over my debit card and as I take the key from the clerk another employee comes from the back and speaks abruptly to the first clerk and points first to the register screen and then to me. I pretend not to notice him as I turn away and rush upstairs to begin looking for my room. I wonder what the problem could have been. Was I given too low of a rate? Did the other employee want to hold the room for a friend? Oh well, it didn't matter; I find the room with a number corresponding to the one on the key. I place the key in the slot and feel very relieved by the sound of the locking mechanism giving way. I walk through a small kitchen area where I toss a few loose items on the counter and proceed directly to the bedroom. I crash on the bed, which had not even been made up. I guess that's what the commotion at the front desk was about. I couldn't care less at this point, I'm just glad I didn't wait for them to straighten the place because I don't think I could have stayed awake that much longer. I rest my head on the pillow and close my eyes. Suddenly I hear a voice from the other room pierce the silence.

"Who's in my room?" a feminine voice rings out.

My fatigue transforms into anger in the frustration of the situation.

"What do you mean YOUR room? I just paid 400 plunks for it! And besides, I got here first!" I replied.

"What do you mean you got here first, I was here before you!" the voice emanates from the other room.

The voice gets closer as I get up out of bed and feel my body tense up in anticipation of the heated encounter. I have never been very socially adept and people tend to tread on my patience.

"I don't know how you got in here but you had better get out before I call security up here." she warns as she walks through the door and past the bed I am standing beside then turns and focuses on me.

I am shocked at what I see. She is only 2 feet tall and has 4 on the floor. She has medium golden hair and the build of a border collie. She looks just like a dog! I had thought the rumors were fabricated but here she is right here before me. Apparently a descendant of the dogs owned by that so-called mad scientist who had been arrested for the outlawed practice of genetic engineering and enhancement. The rumors have it that one of his super intelligent animal subjects reported him to the authorities and that otherwise there is no telling how long it would have gone on because he was such a recluse and didn't let anyone else go near his place. He was said to have sent many others away to safety before his arrest in hopes they would be able to escape from a waiting science research team. Until now I had thought the story was no more than tabloid fiction. What was that guy thinking anyway?? Dogs have such wonderful personalities and there he was making them more human-like instead. With that thought I refocus my frustration.

"Look, here is the key the clerk gave me, the room is mine!" I argue back as the bed seems to scream out MY name.

"That's it! I'm calling security right now." she says as she turns away.

Despite how angry I am I can't help but watch her tail sway back and forth over her furry butt as she marches toward the door.

" god." I mumble to myself as I ogle her sexy posterior.

"What did you say?" she challenges.

"I said that is one fine looking ass you have there." I speak aloud to myself still hypnotized by the image of her behind lingering in my mind.

I can't believe I just blurted that out loud. Oh well, lets just see how miss get-the-hell-out replies to that one. She looks at me strangely seemingly trying to interpret my expression and then slowly turns and heads back toward the door while watching over her shoulder. I involuntarily turn my attention back to her butt when she stops and turns back toward me. The angry expression on her face turns quizzical. Wow, I thought to myself. She looks cute when she's not snarling at me

"You weren't kidding about what you just said, you are one of 'those' aren't you?" she questions me.

"Look," I replied, "I'm sorry for yelling earlier, its just that I'm so tired I can hardly remember who I am and I NEED this room so I can get some rest and recuperate. I am usually much more kind and courteous, please forgive me."

"Well, I guess I know how that is." she answers.

My exhaustion begins catching back up with me.

"I know we really started out on the wrong foot ...errr .......paw," I stumbled to find the right words, "but what do you say we just share this room. You know whoever ends up getting booted out will be on the street for the night and I wouldn't want that to happen to either one of us." I sympathize.

She appears to be thinking it over.

"Really," I rush to persuade her, "I didn't mean to snap at you earlier. It's nothing personal, in fact I love dogs." I reasoned.

"Let me guess. You think you're going to take the bed while I curl up over in the corner."

"No, not at all. The bed is huge. I could sleep under the covers on this side and you can sleep on top over on the other side. You won't even know I'm there. Please! I've been awake for 3 days straight." I beg as my eyelids struggle to stay open and I begin to wobble.

"Oh ok! Go ahead and get some sleep before you fall over. But you had better be a lot nicer to me after some rest."


I start to reach down and pat her head then realize how demeaning that might be for her and quickly reposition my hand for a handshake. Oh great, that could be taken wrong too I think to myself. She just chuckles at my clumsy but friendly gesture and struts over to the bed where she lays down on her side. I collapse on the other side and immediately drift off to blissful sleep.

My eyes open in the faint light to find a sleeping beauty facing me with eyes closed. Her soft body is draped across the bed close to mine. I must have awoken when her front paw came in contact with my shoulder. What a gorgeous creature, I think to myself. I lay quietly with eyes caressing her every curve. I can't believe I was so harsh with her earlier, I can only smile at her now. Her paws begin twitching and I hear soft whimpering sounds muffled by her closed muzzle. It sounds like she is having a bad dream. I take her paw into my hands and rub it gently.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." I speak softly to her.

Her eyes slowly open.

"You were having a bad dream, I had to wake you." I explain.

She looks up at me sleepily and thanks me with a lick on my face.

"I've been through an awful lot lately too," she speaks softly, "It's nice to have someone looking out for me for once. "

I gaze into her sleepy eyes and melt in her forgiving smile. I just can't contain myself any longer so I kiss her square on the mouth and pause with our lips pressed against one another's. A look of surprise settles into a mischievous grin and she licks me once again, but this time much slower and on the lips. Overwhelmed with desire, I wrap my arms around her and kiss her open mouthed. Our tongues intertwine for quite some time. One of my hands eventually gets brave and begins straying from her shoulders down to her hips where I rub them near the base of her tail and then move around to her inner thigh.

"Do you give all dogs this kind of attention?" she jokes.

"No, only the special ones."

I feel encouraged and slide down to kiss her sexy stomach. She giggles. I venture even lower and slowly press my tongue against her warm wet pussy and feel it starting to sink in. Once again I look up to her sweet face and find no look of objection. She lets out a soft moan as her eyes close. My heart races in anticipation of what could follow and I quickly shed the rest of my cloths and move back up to meet her face to face. My member rests against her warm vulva as my hands caress her soft ears and my tongue finds its way past her lips once again. I feel her throb against my cock and begin to slowly rub it against her moist vulva until I can no longer stand the anticipation. I put the tip of my dribbling rod against the plump lips of her moist vulva and press slowly. She continues to throb as the head slips slowly in. I press cautiously as a little progress can be felt with each stroke. I feel her tense up as her tight pussy momentarily holds me back then with a deep moan my member slips a little further in. I pick up the pace as her pleasureful moans call out for more. Adrenalin surges through my body as I look down and see her pussy parted by my cock as it dives deeper and deeper. I thrust frantically as I feel our pleasure building. I sigh as I feel my member slip the rest of the way in and our stomachs are resting flat against one another's. I feel under her sexy tail with my hand as I take a couple of long strokes. My cock dives in two more times before I cry out as it erupts deep inside of her.

"OHHHH!!!!!!" I cry out as I feel her throbbing under me as my seed fills her.

Still breathing heavily I collapse beside her and hold her tight. The adrenalin wanes and I give her one more kiss on the lips before drifting back off to a still much-needed sleep.

I slowly emerge from a deep slumber as the haze of my weary mind begins to clear. I keep my eyes closed as I blissfully recall the passionate visions of the encounter that had seemed so real. What wild tricks sleep deprivation can play on the mind, I think to myself. I hold on to the fantasy for as long as I can and it seems as if I can still smell her scent and feel her body against mine. Just then I feel something cold and wet across my neck. I open my eyes and to my amazement find a bitch lying next to me identical to the one I had imagined. Her head is lying across my neck and her paws are over my shoulders. I'm not sure how much was hallucinated other than the part where she was talking to me, I think to myself, but it couldn't have all been a fabrication of the mind because her body still envelopes my limp member. I put my hand out to touch her and half expect her to vanish before it makes contact. But instead her warm fur flows through my welcoming fingers. As I reposition myself so that I can see her sweet face she lifts her head and looks back at me with a mischievous expression.

"Hey! Weren't you going to sleep UNDER the covers?" She asks jokingly.

I grin wildly and reply, "I don't care where I sleep from now on, just as long as it is with you".