Illian: The Final Chapter: Absolution

Story by Markus Snow on SoFurry

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#22 of Illian: A world born anew it is, the final chapter of the Illian Series. Markus has become the Final Sinan, Oz has completed his transformation into dragonhood, Eon sadly lost his sanity and Kia has shouldered the responsibility of being the mate to the savior of Illian. This has been a long, bumpy ride, but I thank each and every viewer, one time reader or full-fledged member, for experiencing this with me.

The sun cast away its virgin light in the peak on the sky as Oz, the rest of the dragons and everyone left of the army marched their way out of Bilamarsh with confusion and anticipation clear on their faces. They were about to head back home, backing into the realm of Sanctuary to see their loved ones, children or family. Yet, they were all doing so without the guidance of their leader, Markus or his mate Kia. The two had taken on the greatest task ever to be recorded in the history of Illian or Ill; they were about to kill Uru, son to Izilan and known as the god of Deceit and Darkness. With respect thick in the ranks, the army began to compose a song for their leader that would become known in the annals of Illian for ages to come. Leading in front, Oz kept his head high in the air and his large draconic body at least 10 feet away from the front lines as he said cheerfully "Alright people, MOOOVVVEEE OOOUUTTT!!" With that, every man and woman cheered as they began to charge out of the gates of the BloodCity and onwards to the dark mountains of Rea.

Watching the people he had lived with, and almost died with on more than one occasion, fade away into the afternoon glare, Markus looked out of the city with no expression cast on his body but deep inside a pang of sorrow rang through him. So much had happened in these past few months, it felt impossible to him that it was all coming to an end. In fact, the entire journey he had started almost six years ago with his transformation into the Greater Race known as the Evizil was finally coming full circle. After this, there would be no more slaying of demons and saving of towns, just the sweet rush of country air flowing through his white coat as he and Kia relaxed until their time to go to the Rift Beyond was at hand. Keeping that in his head, Markus was filled with so much joy that he almost broke the physical bonds of his new body and smiled. Yet, a hollow, genderless voice rang through his head saying 'Markus remember you still have to kill Uru and save Illian. If you don't, you will never be able to join Kia in the country side. You will be forced to spend every minute of every hour of every day fighting the Races of Darkness until your body grows old and dies. Now, I'm positive you or your mate wouldn't appreciate that, so I suggest you get moving.' Yes, there was only one thing standing in Markus's way of his perfect life, his father. The master manipulator in the scheme he had sown six years ago, the betrayer and the corruptor of his own son. The man once known as Turin Fireheart and the one who had bedded the Wolf Goddess Izilan in order to create his two perfect sons. This was the task bestowed to Markus, and he was more than happy to fulfill it.

Letting an exhale of breath escape his muzzle, Markus thought back to the voice 'I know Gree, but have you forgotten what day it is today? Tonight, the Blood Moon shines brightly once more in the black night sky and I will finally be 22 years of age.'

'As well as become empowered by the wrath of my daughter, very well thought out Markus Snow. I knew from the day you were born you would be the perfect strategist.'

'Yeah and the fact that I was just going to end up a puppet for your and my wretched mother, which would have been just great to know before I ended up joining in mateship and having a kid.'

With what Markus thought was a laugh the monotonous voice replied 'Ahh Markus, so your hatred of the Augment still runs deep? Besides, if I had really come to you and told you that your whole life was going to amount to nothing because you were going to become a mere weapon, would you have really come this far?'

Grunting, Markus simply thought back 'Good point.' Looking up at the bright sky, Markus could already sense the sun's slow crawl back towards the horizon to sleep another day as the red moon of his mother glared madly upon the world. Hearing footsteps behind him, Markus turned around to see Kia advancing towards him with the look of curiosity and something else Markus couldn't pick up she had been wearing since the battle in Bilamarsh had ended. Sensing the Ecstasy Link worm into his mind, Markus remembered that it was the best way he and Kia could speak to each other, with Markus's loss of speech. When he felt the Link intensify to its full potential, he transferred a picture of the sun shining brightly in the afternoon sky and through that the words 'Good afternoon my dear' appeared.

Smiling, Kia replied vocally "Good afternoon Final Sinan, I take it you're not out here to find a way to save your father, are you?"

Replying with an image of a fire roaring hotly against the skin of some unknown being, Kia felt the image say to her 'Of course not. My father lost his chance at redemption ages ago. The best he will get from me is a laugh as Velar makes a sheath out of his stomach.'

Raising an eyebrow, Kia replied "Markus, you're starting to sound like your brother when you say that. Kin slaying is not something to be embraced or to be pleasurable in any way or fashion. While I will not lie and say Uru does not have this coming, I will tell you that doing this will not bring back your brother or anyone who has died through his plans, so don't find excuses to want this. Now, you leave tonight, correct?"

Through the picture of the Blood Moon, Markus said 'Yes, I will begin climbing the Tower of Bone and Skin at dusk. I probably will not be out of there when the Blood Moon makes its ascent into the sky.'

A sly smile spreading across her face, Kia replied "Good, then we have the whole day to ourselves. Markus, I will not hex our chances by saying this is our last time together, but incase that is the truth, should we not make it the best time of our lives?"

Letting a question mark float from his mind to hers, Markus let the words 'You want to have one last bout of crazy sex with a nine foot demigod with wings until dusk arrives' follow it.

Advancing towards him, Kia waited before her body was against his pale white stomach hair to say "Sounds kinky, don't you think?" With that, Markus lifted her up, put her over his left shoulder and walked towards one of the barracks. Letting his hormones rush throughout his body, Markus simply kicked in the door to the abandoned living quarters and heard a cute giggle from Kia in response. Not even bothering to try and look at his face, Kia said "My you get horny quick; at least I know my Final Sinan still has the sex drive of an Evizil." Not even bothering to send an image to reply, Markus ducked down and fit his way into the barracks. All around him, bed upon bed was found in a single file order, one of which was about to be brutally treated by a sex crazed demigod and his feline mate. Putting Kia down, Markus simply used his left hand to push row after row of beds against the wall of the barracks until one final bed in the center was all that was left. Turning back, Markus could already see his mate removing her robe and everything underneath. Looking down at himself, Markus silently praised Evizil tailors for the availability of expanding clothing as he began to remove the large white vest he now wore. When the leather vest found its way to the floor, it was soon accompanied by matching leggings and a pair of black underwear as Markus sat on the bed and waited. Almost fully nude, Kia shrugged off the last boot she had been wearing, letting her large orange breasts bounce as she jumped up and down to regain her balance as she tried to take off the large shoe. Eyes widening, Markus began to notice things about Kia he had never been able to tell before he had turned into the nine foot Sinan. The smell of himself as well as dust and oddly stimulating pheromones assaulted his nose as they floated blissfully from the direction of his mate. He began to sense a slight thumping noise resonate through his body, one that sounded like his own heartbeat but slower and he finally realized he was sensing Kia's heart rate, which was now speeding up dramatically. Markus began to notice certain parts about Kia's stance and position he had never noticed before, such as the way her breasts seemed to react with every moment the beautiful feline made. Also, the Sinan could almost feel his mate's body shiver and goose bump in anticipation and excitement. As he felt all of these things process through his brain, Markus came to the conclusion that his Sinan sense of awareness took hold not only in battle, but in every part of his life. Smiling, Markus motioned for her to sit on his large white coated lap and when she did so, he began to let his fingers crawl up and down her body, reacquainting his hands to her slender, seductive body. While his left index and middle finger slid up and down the tight valley between Kia's magnificently rounded breasts, his right hand found itself petting her inner thighs and tracing a circle around her sex, but not touching it just yet. With his gentle touch so near to her pleasure zone, Kia began to giggle lightly and say "So, how long do you think it is? Your manhood I mean."

Now letting his left hand float across her breasts and around her nipples, Markus replied with a picture of two fingers spaced apart and the words 'At least a foot. You have to remember that everything has to grow to fit the proportion of this new body.' When he let the thought drift from his mind to hers, Markus forced the concentration of his left hand on Kia's large round nipples and as he began to twist them gently and play with them in between his fingers, he began to feel the Ecstasy Link take effect on his own body. His senses were bombarded with pleasure as he began to feel exactly what Kia was feeling as her nipples responded to the attention and her sex began to moisten. Hooked on the feeling, the Sinan suddenly stopped what he was doing, unfurled his large god-like wings and pulled a single feather from his left wing. The large, soft tipped feather was almost twice as soft and gentle as a normal avian feather, and he was about to use that to his, as well as his mate's, advantage. Seeing the feather, Kia's eyes widened and her sliver pupils narrowed as she figured out what he was planning on doing. Taking the feather in his left hand, Markus began to gently sweep his way down her neck and onto her left breast. When the tip of the soft feather was on her breast, Markus began to gently move the entire feather in a circular motion, causing his own skin to prickle as Kia's body responded to the avian-like caress. With each full circle, Markus moved the feather down a tiny bit until he finally reached the border of her already hardened nipple. Using a small sweeping motion to break the boundary, the Sinan heard a small gasp as Kia tilted her head up with her eyes closed. Never before had either of them felt a touch this gentle in such a place so responsive, so it was no surprise to the demigod when his manhood finally erected fully. Even though he could have penetrated her here and now, Markus knew an experience like this would never come again and he was going to drain every last ounce of pleasure this small feather could provide. Encircling her nipple in the same way he did with her breast, Markus felt Kia begin to squirm and her legs cross and buckle and found himself lightly coating his own manhood with a thin trace of pre. Finally making it to the small mountain that was Kia's nipple, Markus simply lifted the feather, placed its soft tip on the peak of her mountain and pressed down. With enough force to do so and a touch more soothing than an infant's skin, the feather's push caused Kia to loudly purr and almost release her juices right there and then. With the Ecstasy Link causing him to share the same experience Kia was, Markus's muzzle let out a small sigh as his pleasure began to ascend to his brain. With the two of them reveling in the experience, Markus continued to use the feather and push down on the peak of her nipple, each push causing more and more pleasure to fill the both of them. Knowing they were both about to hit climax, the Sinan simply removed the feather from her nipple and let its soft touch sweep her clit once, and once was all it took. Her most sensitive spot affected by the oddly arousing feather, Kia's ascent to climax caused her legs to cross as best as they could and her emotions and her pleasure to fill her mate. This causing Markus to reach his limit as well, the Sinan freely let loose a long string of seed onto her ass, her inner thighs as well as on the bed they were sitting on.

Looking outside through one of the bone windows, Markus judged that not even an hour had passed and already the two of them had spent themselves once. Tossing the feather to the side, Markus turned Kia around, stared into her eyes and let an image with the words 'What next?' pass from himself to her. Not even bothering to reply, Kia pushed Markus down so that his lower back was on the bed, moved herself forward a bit and let his now slick manhood slide its way into her ass. As the foot long manhood pushed its way inside her backside, Kia let out a single cry of pain as it made its tight fit before the pleasure began. Just like that eventful night in Brimble that seemed lifetimes ago, Markus and Kia were both assaulted with the intoxicating feeling of filling, as well as being filled, entirely; except now with the Sinan's manhood almost twice as long as it was then, the experience was intensified by that same amount. Freely growling in ecstasy, Kia pulled herself up a bit and let herself fall back onto the throbbing manhood, filling her and the Sinan with the same experience once again. Absolutely loving what they were doing, Markus grabbed Kia by the waist and began to slide her up and down his manhood, bringing her up before each throb and letting it pulsate throughout her entire ass as he brought her back down. With the Ecstasy Link, Markus was feeling his manhood fill Kia's ass, as well as Kia's ass being filled by his manhood as if he were in her body experiencing it for himself. And as he noticed Kia's growls turn to cries of delight, he safely assumed she was feeling the exact same thing except in the opposite order. Even when the two climaxed once, twice and even a third time, the large, white coated Sinan continued to bring his mate up and slowly slide her back down onto his entire manhood; not that she minded the vast bounty of pleasure the Ecstasy Link was giving her. Hazily tilting his head back to see through the window again, Markus was almost sad to see the sun halfway to the horizon, and so he knew how to finish this love bout the right way.

Grabbing Kia like he was about to slide her back down onto his manhood, Markus quickly pulled her all the way off of his manhood and brought her forward so that he could slip his now thickly coated manhood deep into her sex. The moment he knew he was safely inside her, Markus surprised his mate by standing up to his full height, unfurling his wings and covering her in a dome of feathers. Screaming in a concoction of pain and pleasure, Kia felt the first wall of skin inside of her sex tear and bleed as the thick manhood found itself slightly cramped inside her; yet despite this, Kia still released hints of juices as she was literally filled wholly. Feeling sorry for his mate, Markus transferred as much pleasure as he could from the Ecstasy Link from his mind to hers. Suddenly growing much perkier, Kia let out a seductive growl and began to force herself up and down the foot long manhood, letting juices and small hints of blood flow from her sex. Keeping her trapped in his sphere of feathers, Markus kept his hands gently around Kia's waist as he began sliding her up and down his manhood, each time getting faster and faster. The Ecstasy Link brought pleasure by the barrel to the Sinan as he felt exactly how Kia felt with 12 inches of throbbing manhood raging inside her. Feeling exactly what Markus was feeling right now, Kia's growls turned into unintelligible sayings and terms of endearment as the cramped, pulsating manhood shook her to her very core. Forcing to rock his body in the same motion as Kia's, Markus found more and more of his manhood leaving her sex each time he was forced bend down slightly as he prepared to refill her. Instead of complaining, Markus found that the orange feline was enjoying this fact with each pump of his manhood. Letting out a single snort, the Sinan's body began reacting extremely odd to the Ecstasy Link. While he was still feeling himself fill Kia and Kia being filled by his manhood all within his body, Markus saw his pure white hair glow slightly as a sudden spike in the pleasure rose. A bit concerned, Kia managed to say in between her mews of pain and pleasure "Ma...Markus...You're...You're...Oohhh ddeeearrr....yyooouurrr amplifying...thhhee...Liinnnkkk." Not quite understanding her at first, it didn't take the Sinan too long to figure out what she said as an alien feeling filled his mind. Along with the sensation of experiencing what Kia felt as her sex was filled by his manhood as well as his own natural pleasure, Markus began feeling as if a ghostly hand was stroking his manhood while it was inside his mate. His body letting out a staggered gasp, the Weapon simply accepted the mounting pleasure and continued to let the phantom lover continue its soft, seductive strokes of his entire manhood. Feeling his ecstasy almost peak, Markus held onto Kia's hips as he increased his speed until every second he was entering and pulling back from his mate's sex, causing the ghost hand to stroke him even faster Soon, through the powers of the Ecstasy Link and the odd amplifications of Markus's Sinan body, the two climaxed again at the exact same time, except this time the two could safely say climax couldn't possibly describe the rush of emotions and the burst of energy and exhilaration the two felt as they released their inner fluids.

Pulling herself off of Markus, a thick coating of seed mixed with blood came between the two of them like webbing as she stood up hazily. Furling his wings behind his back, Markus stared into her eyes and inserted an image of a tear drop as the words 'I'm sorry Kia, I should have realized I was just too big for your body now' followed.

Wincing as she tried to sit down, Kia said in reply "Markus, this was easily the best sex I have ever experienced. I chose to have you enter me Markus, and I believe I made the right choice. Besides, wounds heal whereas memories last a lifetime. Now, it's almost dusk, let's get cleaned up and get you ready to go. After all, you have a world to save."


Fully dressed in a blue vest, matching underwear and leggings the color of tree bark, Markus stood directly outside of the Tower of Bone and Skin and prepared to summon his Gree Armor given to him by the Arch-God himself. At first, the Sinan hesitated to bring it out because of his doubts on whether or not it could expand to match his body. After a few seconds of thinking about it, Markus realized that Gree wouldn't have given him the armor if it couldn't fit to match Markus's multiple forms, including the Thrall. Looking down at himself, the Weapon visualized his nine foot Sinan body covered in a full garment of grey armor made from the actual flesh of the Ultimate Force. Feeling the trail of blood red mist flow out of his body, Markus continued to picture the shoulder part of his chest piece being covered in two shoulder pads in the shape of white wolf heads with their muzzles bared in an attack position. With this, the red mist began to pour from his chest even faster and by now was starting to encircle his entire body below his neck with its crimson touch. When he had the entire garment in his mind, Markus looked back down at himself to find a larger form of the Gree Armor fit comfortably on his body. The dusk sunlight casting an orange glow on his back, the Weapon stared at the giant pulsating tower made literally of flesh and body parts with a single thought racing through his mind 'Its finally time.' Slowly moving towards the residence of his father, Markus suddenly stopped when a pure black shield as dark and corrupted as Uru's soul covered the entire tower. Wishing he could laugh to himself, Markus simply placed one of his glyphed hands on the giant egg shaped barrier covering the tower and watched as the barrier fell before him. The moment his hand touched the dark shield, a pale white glyph in the shape of The Guard, the same symbol on both of his hands, appeared in the center of the giant, malignant force. Shining once, the glyph spread and turned into a thin white layer over the barrier and moments afterwards, the entire thing shattered into thousands of magical shards of Dark Magic. Unfurling his wings and placing them across his body as if they were a large cloak, Markus took one last look at the tower and walked through the open doorway that seemed to have been missing a door for ages.

While the outside was just a hideous abomination to all things breathing, the inside of the Tower of Bone and Skin, the inside was the most amazing thing Markus had seen in his entire life in a sick, sadistic and inhumane way. The floor of the tower was made from a blood red marble that seemed to reflect its own reflection back at itself, making staring at the floor an almost impossible thing to do if one wanted to keep their sanity. The walls of the tower were made from the same type of bone, flesh and other mortal limbs as the outside, but these differed in the fact that they were beating in rhythm with each other. In the first pulse, all of the arms would twitch, followed by a second pulse that caused any eyes that were fused to the walls to blink. By the third pulse, the bones sank into the wall but came back quickly to jut out from its fleshy prison. The fourth and final pulse caused the flesh, which made up almost 80% of the walls, to move in the same motion as the pulses, almost giving it an appearance of life. To his right, a winding set of stairs made from pearly white bones slowly crawled its way up towards the ceiling of this room, which was about three stories above him. Pulling out Velar with his left hand, Markus walked towards the bone staircase and slowly made the climb towards the first room. When he finally made it to the final step, a large double door made entirely from obsidian waited a moment before unlocking and opening into the room all by itself. Stepping into the first room, Markus found himself standing in a room tiled with green marble, surrounded by a single circular wall made of meat and roofed by a barrier similar to the one that originally protected the tower. Directly in front of him, Markus saw a door of the exact design and composition as the door he just entered and just as he was about to advance towards him, a dark, aging voice entered the entire room and said " you've finally arrived have you, Markus Ealar."

Looking towards the ceiling, Markus foolishly thought to himself 'Uru you bastard, come down here and let me finish you off now.' And as the Sinan began to scold himself for thinking he was stupid for believing his father could hear his thoughts, the voice replied.

Laughing, the aged voice said into the room "If you want to kill me so badly, climb the tower. But be warned, one might say I've hidden many secrets in these walls. In fact, the room you're in was always know for allowing people to have the time of their lives." With that, the voice of the Millar god began to fade away as he heard the door behind him close and lock. Turning around, the Sinan had just enough time to use his Sinan senses to detect that something was coming straight at him. Quickly barrel rolling to his right, Markus readied his azure longsword as he managed to get a good look at the figure that had just tried to attack him. Kneeling on the floor, the decomposing body of an Ender with its left ear completely missing and a skin tone as pale as the moon began was found staring back at the Sinan with nonexistent eyes. Standing up, the once dead Ender pulled forth a giant blue longsword that reminded Markus of his own weapon from a sheath at least 11 feet long. Immediately letting the blade of the longsword land on the marble floor with a loud thud, the undead was forced to pull at the sword twice with all of its strength before lifting the blade once again. Looking at the blade, Markus now began to notice its fatal flaws. As he saw before, this weapon was way too big and too slow to be effective and usable as a normal longsword. He also noticed that the undead Ender was slightly crouched down as the face of the blade now rest upon its back. Perking his ears, Markus realized then how to take care of the large abomination of life safely and with plenty of time to spare. As he gripped his own longsword and began to advance, Markus saw the giant breathing corpse quickly raise the longsword over its head and slam the blade straight into the ground where the Sinan was standing. Knowing this giant brute was no threat to him unless he made a fatal mistake, the Weapon quickly hopped to the side of the blade as it came down and almost smiled in satisfaction as the blade was caught in the green marble floor. Using a speed that surpassed even his Thrall form, Markus ran up towards the undead Ender and stabbed Velar straight through its stomach. Pulling the blade out, Markus was almost stunned to find that a strike that would have ended a mortal barely even phased the giant corpse. Leaving himself open, Markus felt his side crack as the back of the Ender's arm knocked him into the left side of the fleshy wall. Letting the searing pain flare from his side to his brain, Markus began thinking of a way to kill this undead pile of flesh. Suddenly the answer stood right in front of him. 'Of course...he's still flesh, and flesh has a tendency to combust under extreme heat' the Sinan began to think to himself as his plan reached finalization.

Standing up slowly, Markus gripped Velar tightly and charged towards the hulking Ender. When its arm came down as it swung its giant blue sword, Markus quickly sidestepped it and as it sank its blade into the marble floor the Weapon jumped sideways onto its arm. Now running up its arm, Markus smiled as the Ender quickly let go of its blade and flung him upwards towards the ceiling, where most of the open air was found. Unfurling his wings, Markus placed his right glyphed hand onto the inner side of his left wing and watched as a red square shaped glyph shined brightly on the wing. Titling his body slightly, Markus called out to himself 'Kiss of the Dragon Fang' and watched his newly adapted spell take place. Immediately, Markus's wing was bathed in a crimson light until soon it glowed brighter than the roaring flames of a funeral pyre. Flapping the wing as hard as he could, Markus floated in the air with a thought of pride as a scarlet stream of air carried a wave of intense heat down towards the Ender. Too slow to react, the moving corpse managed to release a guttural noise as it's insides began to boil and its flesh began to ignite under the assault of the burning air. Collapsing onto its knees, the Ender slumped over so its head was on the floor as the spell turned him into a lifeless corpse once more. Tilting upright, Markus slowly glided down to the ground and turned his head as he heard the door to his left clank as it unlocked. Not even bothering to hear something from his father, Markus became a blur as he ran towards the door and knocked it down with his leg. When the path was open, Markus found himself in a tight hallway with another set of winding bone stairs leading him to his next destination. Following the hallway until it wound its way up another three stories, Markus thought to himself 'Almost there. Please Blood Moon, don't let me down.'

Letting the door that met him open on its own, Markus found himself in a room almost identical to the room he was in just moments before except with a blue marble color instead of a green. In the center of the room a simple throne made of Ebonwood was found facing against him; one that was currently occupied by an unknown figure. Inside his mind Markus heard the omnipresence Uru say to him 'Ahh Markus, don't you just LOVE family reunions.' As if on cue, the figure in the throne stood up, moved to the side of the throne and what Markus saw caused him to nearly cry. The figure in front of him wore a battered suit of blood red armor, had half of his face missing, a single red iris that bore straight into Markus's skull, half of a large fang and wore a tattered cape made of scarlet thread. Tilting its head to its side, the figure opened its mouth and with half a tongue wisped the words "Bro...ther..." Knowing full well who was standing in front of him, Markus sank to his knees and stared down at the ground. His brother had been slain by Markus's hand and through the power of "Oblivion Gate", the Evizil spell of the Forbidden Three. Yet here he stood alive, confused and full of hatred as his soul was not brought peace.

Looking towards the ceiling, Markus screamed in his mind 'DAMN YOU FATHER!! Felix has gone through enough, why would you torment his soul like this by bringing him back. Why would you force us to fight each other again, I will not kill my brother twice.'

'Then let him end you quickly.' Throughout the entire room the dark voice cried out "Felix, you promised me your soul when you choose to become the Malar King. Do MY bidding and slay the man who sought to end your reign. Do this for your father, as well as your god." As the voice rang out, Felix's head shot straight up and his red eye seemed to glow in the magnitude of its owner's burning hatred. Sluggishly preparing a fighting stance, Felix reached behind himself and pulled forth the tuning-fork shaped blade Snowfall. Ringing in the air as it was released from its musty sheath, the two bladed sword appeared to radiate a black malignant light as its needs as well as the needs of its master were united. Both now had a single purpose: kill the one who ended them in the first place; Markus Snow. Unfurling his right bat-like wing, the only wing he had left, Felix smiled with the left side of his face as best as he could before he vanished into a dark cloud. Before, this trick would have sent Markus into a paranoia, not knowing where his brother would strike or what move he would use. But now the Sinan was prepared; his ultra senses were kicking in and time seemed to move only when he willed it to. To his right, Markus saw a thin streak of red slow down and bit by bit turn into his undead brother, Felix Lightbane. Gripping his longsword tightly, Markus quickly turned to his right and watched as Snowfall and Velar released sparks onto the marble floored room. A bit surprised, Felix kept his eye focused on Markus as his tuning fork shaped sword sang its deathly music into the air. Using the gridlock to his advantage, Markus pushed his brother back and ended the struggle between the two swords before unleashing a torrent of strikes. Starting with a horizontal slice coming from the right, Markus's arms shook slightly as the blue longsword was met by Felix's silver Snowfall. Not even taking the time to let the vibration ring fully throughout his body, the Sinan found himself pulling back Velar and quickly making another horizontal swing coming from the opposite direction. Once again blocked by his brother, the Weapon increased his speed and began unleashing spinning strikes, vertical swings, diagonal swipes, another set of horizontal attacks and finished it all off with an uppercut that sent his brother's blade flying into the air and sheathing itself in Felix's throne. Looking over to where his sword landed and then back to Markus, the undead Malar used what was left of his mouth to form his iconic wicked smile as his body began to glow a bright yellow color and his black bat wing grew at least an inch longer. Once the curiously malignant runes fully shone across his body, Felix managed to draw an octagon within a fraction of a second. Placing his hand on Markus's blue longsword, Felix wisped "Cha...oosss...Shhatt...eerr." The moment those words were spoken, a bright black flash erupted from Felix's hand and for the first time since his death, Markus was shaken to his entire being. Looking down, Markus could see, feel and hear Velar, a weapon made entirely out of the only substance born of Illian that could not be destroyed, crack. The sword he had received in the mountains of Rea after being forced to sacrifice Vice and Blaze was now being broken. His entire body began to pulsate as the sword seemed to cry out and the runes etched across its fine blade began to destabilize. Almost filled with more fear than the time Valecruiz had nearly forced him to kill his own friends, Markus simply put all of his force into his left leg and kicked his brother square in the chest. Hearing thousands of tiny cracks in response, Markus almost winced as his brother's now frail body flew into the opposing wall. Slumped onto the floor, Felix had entirely stopped moving and right now the Weapon was more concerned with his own weapon. Still pulsating, Velar began to speed up its hollow cries as its runes fluttered up and down its blade in an attempt to save itself. Suddenly, a rush of thoughts began to flood his mind and bit by bit, Markus was given a single image. The image showed the blue longsword shattering into thousands of tiny blue fragments and piercing everything near it. From there his mind was filled with two words.

Looking down at his sword, his companion for over a year, Markus tried to send the words 'Do you really want me to use this? Velar, I can have you fixed...'

Immediately, a small female voice chimed in 'Markus, it's alright. Using this spell will end this battle, and if I can do that without costing you your life, I will do so gladly. Markus Valecruiz Ealar, you have proven yourself to me as the rightful owner of The Ender. But now it is time for The Ender to meet its end. Goodbye Markus Ealar, it has been a pleasure.' Looking up again, Markus saw that his brother was starting to get back up and he realized then Velar was right; this battle had to end. Raising his longsword above his head, Markus screamed into his mind 'ENDER'S ABSOLUTION!!' With that, the runes broke apart and dissolved in the air as if they had been chains restraining some ultimate force within the weapon. A final pulse resonating from the weapon, Velar shattered like stain glass when opposed by a giant rock. What was so special was that just moments after it shattered, every piece of the weapon froze in midair as if gravity had to sway over the mighty weapon. Directing themselves towards the rising Malar, the remnants of the blade flew at him faster than even Markus could tell and impaled the undead brother's body. Entirely overcome by the pain, Felix never even managed to say a single word before each piece of Velar broke apart into thousands of even smaller pieces and literally ripped him apart from the inside out. Soon, nothing but tiny unnoticeable fragments of skin or meat was left of the undead and with a sigh; Markus shouldered the responsibility of being his brother's slayer. Despite this, Markus advanced towards the door and waited for it to unlock and open inwards toward the room. Looking back, Markus saw the silver two bladed sword stuck in the wooden throne and thought to himself 'I'm so sorry Snowfall, you are a blade without a companion, and that is the way it must be.' With that, Markus entered the next hallway and heard the door shut and lock behind him.

His heart beating faster and faster as he ran up the five stories worth of winding bone stairs, Markus realized he wasn't getting tired, he was getting nervous. The end was here, he was so close to his goal. At the end of these stairs his father would be waiting, and the final battle would begin. Leaping up the stairs now, the Sinan found it took only a few seconds before he was at the large obsidian double doors that soon unlocked and opened on their own. Walking in, the room he now found himself in was by far the most spectacular, as well as the largest, room he had been in so far. Laid down on black marble, the walls beat faster and faster with every passing second and soon the room was filled with a low hum of flesh, bones and body parts moving at nearly the same time. In the center of the room stood a nine foot throne made of pure obsidian in the shape of a giant bat. The eyes of the bat seemed to shine with a red bloodlust, but taking another look at it the Sinan found it was just light casting off of its ruby eyeballs. On the throne sat a white haired, red eyed man who was at least 6'5'' and donned in a full garment of pure black Crystal Tyrs. A small stubble of white growing from his chin, the aging man that stood before Markus had the visage of his father more than a decade older than when Markus had seen him last. Standing up, the seemingly old man began to clap slowly and as he did he said "Ahh Markus, it's been too long. Just look at you, you're all grown up and the tool of your mother. I'm disappointed my boy, I would have surely thought you better than to listen to the bitch who deceived you your entire life."

Knowing his father could read his thoughts, Markus thought back 'Not like I had a choice father, I was dead and I couldn't let my friends die because of my mistake. And the reason it's been so long is because you went and left us when we were only 12. You missed out on a decade of family togetherness, so yes, it's been a while. Now if you're ready to die, I'd be happy to get it done and over with so at least one of us can live in happiness.'

Arching his eyebrow, Uru chuckled and replied "Kill me, with what? You have no weapon my boy and surely you're not foolish enough to think you can kill be with your bare hands?"

Forced to keep an emotionless face, Markus reached behind his back, grabbed the base of his right wing and thought to himself 'If Valecruiz can do this, so can I.' With that, the Weapon began to pull his wing out of his back and found that it began to actually slide out like a sword in a sheath. Facing to his right, Markus's pupil's widened as he saw that his wing had in fact changed into a longsword. With a grip made entirely out of the gentle white feathers that had made his wings, a hilt made from two pieces of thin bone that had helped make the inner structure of the wing and a wide, white arching blade seemed to be made out of something stronger than even Velar, this new longsword would have easily sent Markus's jaw to the floor. Turning his gaze to his father again, Markus gained a tone as cold as ice in his inner voice as he thought 'Roar Kelaviona (Kel-ave-e-own-ah), Wing of the Final Hope.' As he said this in his mind, Markus swung the blade once and found it sliced the air with a tune that seemed light yet deadly at the same time. Readying his blade, Markus said to his father 'Uru, your days on Illian are over!'

Laughing in response, Uru pulled a large black bladed scythe from behind the massive bat throne and said "Ahh Markus Ealar, or Markus Snow as you now wish to be called, do you really think that because you have the powers of a forgotten race that you can kill me, the GOD of darkness and deceit? I MADE you boy, and I WILL END YOU!!" Swinging the scythe once, Uru sent forth a giant arched burst of Shadow Magic that utterly devoured the part of the tower behind Markus just as the Sinan sidestepped the attack. Not even daring to see the damage, Markus kept his gaze on his father and more importantly the large scythe he was now wielding as he began to think of a plan. Markus now knew that staying at a distance would do him no good, for he couldn't keep on dodging such incredibly powerful blasts like that and expect to defeat the god. The Weapon also wasn't ready to try using magic on Uru, for he had no idea just how well adept they were in these arts. Scanning everything in front of him entirely, Markus decided only one move would work right now, he would have to rush in. Positioning Kelaviona diagonally in front of his chest, Markus used his increased speed and his ultra senses to reach his father in less than a second as well as start predicting his moves. Starting with a diagonal strike that would have cut Uru in half, Markus almost gasped as the god's scythe parried the blow faster than even Markus could tell. Pushing his son's blade back, Uru quickly followed through with a horizontal swing that cut through Markus's Gree Armor and bit slightly into his chest. Jumping back, Markus allowed his wounds and his armor to recover as his mind raced. His father had been able to go faster than even his Sinan senses could tell, and that frightened him now more than anything. The Weapon now began to realize that going against Uru was going to be the most difficult thing he had ever done in his life. With no other choice, Markus charged at his father once more and prepared a barrage of attacks. Keeping his ultra senses active, the Sinan saw time moving as slow as he saw fit, but no matter how much he increased the potency of his senses, Uru was always there to meet his blows. What started out as a couple horizontal blows going left and right soon turned into a maddened fury of vertical, diagonal, uppercut and even stabbing blows. Finally cutting into his father's armor with his final stab, Markus's eyes shined in delight as he took this single moment to his advantage. Jumping up, the Sinan held Kelaviona slightly in front of him as he curled his body into a ball and began rolling in a vertical motion, his blade cutting the air in a circular motion in the same direction of his body. Letting gravity take its effect, Markus felt his body head back towards the ground with his now spinning longsword heading straight towards Uru. Just moments before the Weapon was going to be given the satisfaction of feeling his blade cut through flesh, his body began to ring as the demigod longsword made contact with the scythe of the god of deceit. Quickly unrolling his body before Kelaviona came back at him and cut him in half, Markus pushed himself away from the large scythe and back onto the marble floor just feet away from the large throne. Laughing, Uru stood his scythe next to himself and said to the white coated Sinan "So Markus, this is what years of training and the infusion of the Sinan race all amount to? If this is really the best you have to offer, then lay down that weapon and allow me to end this."

Keeping his gaze on his father's crimson glare, Markus replied through his thoughts 'My best? No father, this is simply the beginning. I defeated my brother, my mother and now I will defeat you.' With that, Markus quickly knelt down and slammed his right palm on the black marble floor. Immediately a square glyph flashed a bright light blue color as Markus aimed his left arm at his father with his hand straight up. Immediately after the glyph finished glowing, thousands upon thousands of tiny ice shards flooded from his hand and charged straight towards the Millar god with the full intention of killing their target. Pulling up a black barrier just before the shards touched him, Uru began to laugh to himself before he realized the spell was not yet near its completion. As the final shard left his hand, Markus slammed his now unused palm onto the floor and watched as giant icy stalagmites rose from the ground in rows, each moment getting closer and closer to the now protected god. When the row of ice spikes began to rise beneath him, Uru still thought he was safe inside his barrier of darkness; until it began to crack underneath him. As strong as their master's will, the icy stalagmites shattered Uru's barrier and impaled him through the section underneath his inner thighs and cut him straight in half. With their purpose complete, the spikes sank into the ground once more and never rose again. Releasing a silent exhale, Markus freely thought to himself 'Over already...and here he was bragging about his godliness.'

Just as he was about to slide Kelaviona back into his upper back, Markus noticed the now bleeding halves of his father began to shake violently and slowly come back together. When the final parts of his body joined together again, Uru laughs hoarsely and said "Markus...that hurt. Now its time to show you what the god of deceit can really DO!!" As soon as he said that, Uru's body began to grow and expand and the faint noise of bones snapping and refitting themselves was heard. His skin began to change from its pink human like form to a grey that resembled the color of storming clouds. From his back, two large bat-like wings, each with a wingspan of at least 30 feet, found their way to the surface. Growing until he was at least 25 feet tall, Uru's ears changed into large pointed ears that seemed to cup in the center for better hearing. Kneeling down, large fangs began to protrude from the god's mouth as he said in a dark, booming voice "Here I am Markus Snow...your father in his true form. Since you so kindly showed me your magic, allow me to return the favor." Before Markus could even react, Uru held up one of his hands and in front of it a glyph in the shape of a star surrounded by a waving loop formed and shined a bright red. When the glyph was formed, Uru bellowed with his stunning voice "Malar curse of the Forbidden Three, unleash your might upon my foe. COAGULATE!!" With that, a large red sphere of magic shot out of the glyph towards Markus at a speed no mortal could even consider following.

Embraced by a sudden shock of pain, the Sinan found himself surprisingly uninjured. His body not even allowing him to wince from the pain, Markus simply thought to Uru 'That is all your spell does? Come on, this is a joke father...' Suddenly trying to move, Markus found his left wing hanging limply on his back and newfound pain roaring throughout his body. The Sinan body no longer able to withstand the threshold of pain now coursing through his body, Markus let out a cry of both shock and misery. Staring up at his father with confusion riddled across his soul, the Weapon now thought 'What...was is this? My won't move!!'

Laughing, the now giant Millar looked at his son with his blood colored eyes and replied "That's because all of the blood within your wing has coagulated and therefore stopped moving. As soon all of the blood within your wing clots, the rest of your body will be next and I'd be careful, the heart is such a dangerous weapon." Roaring in laughter, Uru swiped at his defenseless child and sent him flying into the wall to his left.

Agony burning within his wing and now his chest, the Weapon was running out of ideas and soon the blood to his heart would clot, leading to his second demise. Shaking his head defiantly, Markus got up on both of his hands so that he was kneeling and thought of the ultimate plan. Thanks to his parents, his body was an almost limitless well of magic and now it would be time to see just how much he had in him. Coughing up a splotch of blood that was already coagulating, the Sinan hazily stood up and thought to his father ' have been nothing but a dark void that keeps sucking everything I love in and tearing it to pieces. You've also hurt Illian by tainting its soils and mutilating its inhabitants and now it is time to pay the price.' Knowing that was he was about to pull had to be done by speaking to the planet with actual words, Markus pleaded inside his head 'Please Gree...let me have a voice for just one moment. With it your Weapon will complete its goal.' Feeling an imaginary coil wrapped around his vocal chords dissipate, Markus silently thanked the Ultimate Force before continuing what he was saying. Now speaking with a voice as clear as ice yet as powerful as a torrent of unbridled rage, Markus said not to his father but to everything around him "Illian...please hear my call. I am the one who will finally cast away the darkness that now plagues you, but I need your help to do so. I require every magic you have to offer that has ever been born on your surface and I need them to work for me now. Please Illian, even if my body does not hold the amounts of magic to channel them, let them pass." Slamming both of his hands together and then pushing them out into the open space in front of himself as far as they would go, glyphs began to pour from each of his hands. At first, a simple line representing a class one seal flowed out from his left hand and hovered above him. After that, two lines that came together at their centers, one vertical and the other horizontal, came out from his right hand and found its place next to the class one seal. Soon after, the seal from every spell class cascaded from his palms and floated above him, including the seals for each Forbidden Three. When they were all above him, the seals formed a massive circle and slowly began to spin, each rotation getting closer and closer until they converged into a single glyph. This glyph was nothing more than a giant ring bathed in every color in a rainbow and every missing color. When this glyph was formed, it floated down in front of his left arm and suddenly Markus felt his magic being tapped from his body in amounts he had never experienced before. Illian heard his cries, and it was going to help him kill his father. Holding his left arm with his right hand, Markus aimed the center of the ring straight at his father and yelled with fury "BURN IN HELL FATHER, WRATH OF EALAR!!" Immediately after that was said, the large ring covered in myriads of color expanded and from its center, every spell known to Man, Dwarf, Dragon, Millar, Malar, Evizil, Vicen, Wood Nymph, Ender, Ifrit, Nexus Stalker and every other race that touched the surface of the glorious world came bursting through. Ice spears covered in lightning came shooting towards his father. Fists of earth appeared from the ground and assaulted the giant bat with a fury of a planet. The gates of Oblivion opened widely once more and from it the cries of all of the souls Uru had harmed came pouring out in a rage that nearly shattered the walls. Finally, too many spells came out at once and so they formed a massive ball of electric-like energy the exact same color of the ring it was held in and soon that too was launched at the god of deceit.

Not even sure any of this was really happening; Uru could do nothing but stare in horror as his own son unleashed his demise. Everything happened to his body at once that no piece of flesh was burned, no bone was crushed and no brain was burst, everything in his world just fell into darkness as his body turned itself inside out over and over and over again until he was nothing more than a fairy tale to tell scared children. All of the world's magic unleashed and the vessel's supply of magical energies completely drained, the ring glyph slowly faded into the air and Markus's body fell to the floor with a large crash. His body was exhausted and he knew that if he lost consciousness now, he would never return to Illian. Laughing hard, Markus said with the Ultimate Force's gift of speech "The worst that could happen now is if the building starts to fall apart." And as he heard things start to collapse beneath him, Markus replied to himself "Ah fuck me." The floors below were crumbling into nothingness and the top floor was almost next in line. There was no way his body would be able to put out more magic and his body wouldn't move, so in the end there was no escape. Feeling the floor he was now laying on start to rumble and fall, Markus began to say "Alive just to die again, what was the point..." There was nothing more he could say before his entire world turned white and he soon found himself standing up in the most indescribable place he had ever been in. The area he was now in was an enclosed space bathed in colors mortal eyes could only possibly relate to as gold and silver. The floor he was standing on was not even a floor or even ground, everything underneath him was a void of white nothingness. In front of him, a throne of epic proportions stood in the design of a normal seat a king would sit in, which actually surprised Markus as it paled in comparison to everything else. To his left, the Sinan found his gorgeous orange furred mate standing there with a dumbstruck look wide across her face. Laughing happily, Markus went to her, picked her up and said "Oh thank the gods you're here. I almost thought I'd never see you again."

Taken out of her shock, Kia looked down at her nine foot mate and replied "I don't even know how I got here. One moment I was outside preparing to leave and the next moment...wait, you can talk!!"

Behind the two of them, a familiarly reptilian voice snorted and said "Forgetting about your teacher already, Markus Snow? Just because I'm no longer related to your race gives you no right to cast me aside."

Turning around while still holding Kia, Markus joyfully laughed again and said "Oz...but weren't you with the army? And where exactly are we anyway."

Before the dragon, who actually looked small in the giant "room" they were in, could reply, a regrettably recognizable monotone voice answered "You're in the Hall of One, for this exact spot is the place where all of the dimensions and realities of both life and death converge. Welcome you three, to MY home." Now sitting in the oddly average throne sat a tall figure donned in a crimson hooded robe. Looking over to the voice, Markus saw that the figure was now accompanied by Izilan, who stood to his right, and a dragon that was at least eight times the size of Oz to the figure's left.

Almost speechless, Markus mumbled "But you were...and that you are..."

Pulling down the hood, the figure revealed peach colored skin, flashing white irises and a long stubble of white hair and said "I am merely the Creator of Life and Death, the Ultimate Force, the Arch-God Greevous (Grr-eve-us) Belamathews (Bell-ah-math-ewws). To my right, your mother Izilan Evizilous and to my left you see Rezamacha (Rez-ah-mack-ah) Ros."

Immediately dumbfounded, Oz began to say "Did...did you just say...Rez!?! Lord of the Dragonflights, I don't deserve the pleasure..."

Using a single stroke of his wings, the giant dragon next to Gree flew right in front of Oz, looked down at him and said "Now now Izil Dienar, if anything I should be the one in your place right now. I've heard about everything you've done for Cyn and all of the dragonkin, and I can see that you've given up your humanity to become one of us. None of that is a small feat, Oz of the Green Dragonflight, and you should be proud to say you've done all that." Before any of them could even blink, Rezamacha was suddenly right next to Gree, almost as if he had never left his side.

Looking towards Gree, Markus asked seriously "So does this mean we're all dead? Or did you bring us here to say your 'thank yous' and then drop us off again?"

Smiling and shaking her head, Izilan simply said "Markus, this is something no mortal being has ever been able to do besides myself, you're speaking to the master behind all things in the entire universe..."

Snorting, Markus interrupted her by saying "Mother, I rightfully don't give a Vicen's ass about any of it. You two as well as my father have all been keeping me from my perfect life, a life out in the country side where I can simply spend the rest of my days with my mate. So to me, you two are just as bad as the man I just killed. And I hate to sound so rude to the being who tried to strip away my humanity for powers I didn't ask for; but would you mind NOT interfering with the rest of my life and let me live it for myself? I've done all you wanted Izilan now please just leave me alone. No matter how hard you try to make me forgive you, I will not. You stole my life away from me before I was even born and then you taunted me with a false life that was destined to be shattered anyway. Furthermore..."

Raising a hand in silence, Gree simply laughed and changed his voice from its monotonous tone to one filled with happiness and said "Markus, that's quite enough. My daughter and I made mistakes, but that is because you are so much different from anyone else in the entire universe. Markus Snow, I cannot control your destiny and I have not since you were born."


"Because I am the one who directs the flow of life and death across every planet, I have control over every being that follows those rules, except for you. You, Markus Frostbane, are a being no one can control, and the two of us foolishly learned that lesson through the Augment. Your father tried to corrupt you into being a Malar, but yet you became an Evizil. Your mother tried to make you into a weapon that served her needs, but yet you became a weapon for all. And I tried to make you more like me by turning you into an emotionless being who judges all fairly, but yet here you stand full of emotion and life. The only thing that can control you is the thing that control the Arch-God himself; time. Time is the only thing that has forced you to make decisions and actions when it felt they were needed. And so here I am letting you stand where no mortal foot as tread with a favor."

Shocked, Izilan turned to him and said "Father...what are you saying? You've never...ASKED anything of anyone before..."

Not even looking at the Wolf Goddess, Gree said "That is because I have never had anyone I trusted enough to ask a favor to. And before you say a word daughter dearest, remember that you ducked your tail and ran when I asked YOU to become the Weapon so long ago." When Izilan quickly shut her mouth, the Arch-God continued by saying "Now, can I ask you a favor, Markus Frostbane?"

Looking seriously into the god's brilliant white eyes, Markus said "Ask, but I do not know if I can do it."

"Nor am I saying you should. I want you to help me make a decision. Illian has become unbalanced now that the God of Darkness is dead and the ultimate symbol of hope and Light still lives. While the Races of Light are a group of races I have learned to respect...Illian cannot stay like this. There must always be a shadow to the light, for if there is none the light shines too brightly. And right now...I a loss." Everyone in the entire room was left speechless as the Arch-God finished. The almighty Creator, the Inventor of Life and Death was at unsure what to do.

Thinking hard, Markus said quickly "I may be able to help..." Now every eye was on him, Gree's especially burrowing holes into the Sinan's skull. A bit nervous at such a request, Markus continued to say "What if there were to be an ultimate figure of the Light and of the Darkness...and each one took their turn to sit in power for at least 500 years. What I mean is for half a millennium, have Illian be judged by the power that reigns. While Illian is under the symbol of Light, peace could be found across the spanning world for ages, and with no war, the world can grow and prosper. But because you bring up the point of unbalance, when 500 years have passed, the symbol of Light would be hidden away in this realm while the symbol of Darkness had control. And before you question it, if there is enough darkness opposing the light, new heroes will rise to the challenge of stopping the evils that face them. That way Illian can move past the age I live in, and advance into an age of true and complete freedom."

Silent for what seemed like forever, Gree finally replied "But who would be these 'symbols' you speak of?"

Looking straight into Gree's eyes, Markus said sternly "I would take the place as the symbol of Light and Felix will become the symbol of Darkness." Now even the Arch-God showed the smallest hint of surprise, clearly showing his inability to control Markus all across his face. Not letting anyone interrupt, Markus continued to say "Felix has no love for the one who killed him twice over and I'm sure with Uru as the symbol of Darkness, we would end up in the same situation as we were just in. Please, I can fight Felix and I can rise to the challenge of being the flicker of hope for everyone on Illian, just please trust me."

Not even giving a second thought, Gree smiled and said "Alright Markus Snow...from now on I declare you the Holy Spirit Markus Frostbane, Symbol of Light and Protector of Sanctuary. Your brother will now be known as the Dark Vengeance Felix Lightbane, Symbol of Darkness and Overlord of Forgotten Sorrows. Please, protect my world Markus and do not make me regret this. Now...because you are the only Symbol still alive, you will have the task of standing guard over Illian first. As such, I am allowing you and Kia to live out your 500 year sentence together. Oz, because you are now dragonkin and have broken your mortality, you need not such gift of years. Instead, I will give you the gift of offspring. You and Cyn have not been able to produce hatchlings and so I will help you by promising you that when the time is right, you will produce the largest clutch of dragon eggs known to Illian. Before any of you says anything, there are two portals behind you; each will take you to where you want to be. And before you ask Markus, I cannot give Eon the gift of years I have given you and Kia for he is not who is was and therefore cannot make that decision for Eonarchanus Silverstrike."

Hearing all he needed to hear, Markus grabbed Kia's hand and charged straight through an orange, shimmering portal that appeared behind him just as Gree said. After being blinded for what seemed like minutes, Markus let his jaw drop as the new sight unfolded in front of him. Kia and him were now standing in the middle of a large wheat field with auburn blades of grass beneath them and open land as far as the eye could see. Smiling widely, Markus said to his mate "Is this what you always wanted Kia?"

Breathless, Kia said "Yes...yes oh by the gods yes..." Suddenly hearing a door slam behind them and the sound of tiny feet leaping in the air, Markus and Kia turned around to see Kane on all fours running towards them with a small brown house behind him. When he reached his mother and his father, Kane simply went in between them and snuggled deeply into them with the left part of his face buried in his father's white coat and the right half in his mother's orange fur. Laughing, Markus smiled deeply and thought to himself 'So this is life...'


As the years passed, Markus and Kia explained to Kane about the deal Markus made with Gree and how the two of them would life longer than Kane, his children, their children and even the children of their children. Having no choice but to accept that fate, Kane let the years go on and later found his mate in a Evizil woman oddly named Ixus. Their daughter, a bold fighter by the name of Niala (Nee-ah-la), had a brilliant coat of white hair and through her life she created an Evizil clan known as The Descendants of the White Wolf. But later, she too passed on, but not before giving birth to two boys and three girls, and life moved ever forward. As he promised, Markus aided Illian whenever times called and just as the Sinan predicted, Sanctuary basked in days of peace for 500 years. Eon was never heard from after the battle in Bilamarsh, but many years later, rumors of a large group of people under the guidance of a man by the name of Silverstrike appeared and became allies with Markus and The Descendants. Oz and Cyn found life just as they always wanted; secluded and annoyance free, however they gladly replied to any call Markus made to them, though they were few and only in the most dire of situations.

Life continued like this for Markus and Kia for 500 years and when the time finally came for them to depart from Illian and let Felix take charge as the Symbol of Darkness, it is rumored the two went deep into the city of Scycrain and with a final howl on the night of the Crying Moon, gave Illian the most important gift in life. The gift of hope.