Star Pupil - Chapter 1

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Star Pupil is a story about a tiger and young wolf pup exploring their sexuality. The story does contain Alcohol and Cub content so if this is not your bag then so shouldn't read it.

This is my first story so please be kind.


This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,events, or locations is entirely coincidental. The sexuality of all characters is entirely a figment of the author's imagination. For those of you that are NOT of legal age, please find other material to read. If you are offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving at this time.

This story may contain scenes of a graphic nature between a Tiger and a wolf pup, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By continuing to read on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, neither you nor any family members are employees of any type of government, law enforcement, or investigative entity. Moreover, you are either not performing any type of research in preparation for any forms of legal action, directly or indirectly, affecting the contents of this site. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story.

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As long as I can remember I have always known I was gay. Even as a little pup I have been drawn to nice furry sheathes, As I set on the front porch watching the day pass by, I can even remember my first time. It was summer the year before i was to start school.

First let me tell you this story doesn't take place in this day in time, But the setting is set back very long ago, before computers, video games, and before the church was not being called "A haven for boy rapist". It was a simpler time. everyone trusted everyone else, people left their doors unlocked, and the only threat was nuclear war. Yes it was the day of "Duck'n Cover"

Chapter 1 - Lessens To Learn

I was playing with my toys outside in the yard when I looked up and seen Mr. Kelly drive up. Getting up I ran over to his driveway waiting for him to get out of his car. As he got out, he smiled at me. "Hay sport! You ready for today's question?" Walking around to the side of the car as he acted like he was deep in thought, then. "Got One! If you have seven apples, then give me three how many apples would you have left?"

Leaning against his car he waited for me to figure the problem out. After thinking about it for a only a short time I looked up and smiled "four?" I asked holding up my paw. Mr. Kelly started clapping and smiled "You keep this up and you will be my top student next year when you start school." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a piece of butterscotch and handed it to me. I quickly unwrapped it and popped it into my muzzle and ran back over to my toys wagging my tail happily.

When dad got home he told me it was time for me to put my toys away and get ready for supper. I did as my father told me to do, first putting my toys in my room then running off to the bathroom to wash up. "Honey don't use the good towels, they're for guest. Use one from under the sink" I looked over my shoulder as if I could see through the wall. "I know mom." adding an eye roll at her constant reminders. I finished washing my face and paws before joining my folks for supper.

Afterward I asked to be excused and went to my room to play, where I climbed into a big box and acted like I was in a race car. I was happily playing when I heard the phone ring, it was rare that anyone call that late. So, I being a curious pup, tip-toed to the stairs and listen. "Is he going to be alright?" I heard my dad ask. There was more talking but I only made out bits and pieces. after a minute of talking I heard dad hang up the phone then pick it back up. I went halfway down the stairs so I could hear better. "... would you mind watching little Jeffery tonight. Leona's dad is in the hospital and we are going to drive up to the city to see him and little Jeffery would just get into the way, you understand. You can? Great. I'll bring him right over." and I heard dad hang up the phone.

After waiting a few seconds my dad then walked into the kitchen where I heard mom start crying before dad started back towards the stairs. "Oh, I was just coming to get you." dad said spotting me on the steps. "Your mom and I have to go the the city and Mr. Kelly next door is going to watch you tonight. I want you to get ready, Okay?" I went back to my room and got my shoes back on and was going to get some toys to play with when dad appeared in the doorway. "Come on son, we need to get going. You don't need to pack your whole room, your only going to be there one night." I stopped what I was doing and walked with my father down the stairs and next door to Mr. Kelly's house.

The door opened and Mr. Kelly stepped out to greet us. "Thank you Sam you're a real lifesaver." The big cat smiled "It is no trouble, I do not have class tomorrow. I am happy to help out, besides Jeffery is a great kid with a open mind ready to learn. don't worry about him he will be just fine." With that dad placed a paw on my back and guided me to the door. "Good night son, your mom and I will be back tomorrow, okay?" I nodded and stepped next to Mr. Kelly. "don't worry we will have loads of fun, right Jeffery?" placing a paw on my head Mr. Kelly rubbed playfully. "Yeah," I chimed. "If you want to watch the television go ahead, I think there's a western on." That's all I needed to hear. I darted into the house to Mr. Kelly's color television. It was rare I got to watch television let alone one of those new 'color' ones. Mr. Kelly walked my dad out to our car where Mom and Dad drove off.

I walked into the living room turned on his television set and seated myself on the floor. I played with my tail waiting for the picture tube to warm up. Mr. Kelly went into the other room and made himself a drink. Afterward he walked into the room with two glasses. "Here Jeffery, I thought you might want some juice." And handed me a small cup of punch. "Thank-you" and taking it from him. He set down on the sofa. "You can set up here if you want Jeffery." Mr. Kelly said patting the sofa next to him. I climbed onto the sofa and set on the edge beside him. "Drink up, there is more were that came from." I took a big drink from the cup and noticed that it tasted a little different then usual. I looked in the cup trying to guess the flavor, It was not one I had had before. "What's wrong, Does it taste bad?" he asked watching me look into the cup. "No, It's good, what kind is it?" I asked not able to figure out the flavor. "It's a special kind I make for good little pups. So drink up sport."

I didn't need much coaxing It was good and I loved punch, so I had emptied the cup in a matter of seconds. "You want more?" Getting up he took my cup and walked into the other room and after a minute he reappeared with a pitcher refilling my cup. After which he set the pitcher down on the end table and took his place on the sofa next to me. "Looks like I have you all night." and placing a paw on my leg ask. "You like that punch?" I took another big drink and licking my muzzle I nodded. "Good you can have as much as you want." he said and patted my leg. Mr Kelly watched me the whole time, always rubbing my back or patting me on the leg as I watch the western and happily drank the juice.

The punch got better and better with every drink. After finishing the second cup I noticed I felt a little funny. like it felt when I spin around in a circle chasing my tail for a long time, then trying to walk strait. After pouring more into the cup Mr Kelly placed his paw on my leg again this time a little higher up on my thigh. "I got to pee" I said trying to get up. As I did I got real dizzy and fell down on the floor and peed my pants. "Oh sport! Are you alright." Mr Kelly asked reaching down pulling me back up. Once I realized I had peed my pants I started crying. "Sport it is alright, you just had a little accident no need for tears. We all have had accidents before. Here lets get you cleaned up." taking me by the paw he guided me to the bathroom, my legs wobbling the whole way.

Once in the bathroom Mr. Kelly removed my shoes and socks and pulling my shirt over my head. I heard a light purr as he lifted the shirt. alright now for your pants, we will throw them into the washer and by morning they will be dry again." and with that he started to unbutton my pants. "But I'll be nakie." stopping his paws from unbuttoning. "it's alright I'll give you one of my shirts to wear tonight. It well be big enough to cover you. and after your clothes dry they will be as good as new.

Finding no problem in his reasoning I agreed and allowed him to continue to unbutton my shorts before slowly pulling them down. I liked having Mr. Kelly undressing me. His paws were soft and warm on my cold fur. I closed my eyes while I was stepping out of the pants. When I did the room started spinning and I lost my balance and started to fall over. "Woe!" Mr Kelly gasped. catching me before I fell. I opened my eyes and found one paw on my shoulder and the other between my legs holding me. "Careful sport." He said removing his paws. I noticed a look in his face that he sometimes got after rubbing my back. he was looking at me, but instead of looking at me it seemed as though he was looking through me.

"Alright I will turn on the water, Hold on to my paw for balance."He took me by the paw as he started the water. "alright time for these to come off." Taking ahold of each side of my briefs he started to pull them down. "WAIT!" I yelped. Mr Kelly jump jerking away. "What is wrong?" I felt my face get hot. "It's... umm, I'll be..." Mr Kelly smile. "What?" I blushed even more. "Your see my sheath" I whispered. "Is that all." he chuckled. "You do not have anything I do not have or have have not already seen."

I looked down at the ground too embarrassed to reveal the truth. "It's just that... I'm a... Your laugh." I continued to whisper. "Laugh? why would I laugh?" he said placing his paw gently on my shoulder. "It's.... umm..." I stumbled. "It's what?" he asked rubbing my neck. "umm.. promise not to laugh?" I asked looking up at him. "his smile disappeared and was replaced by a look of kindness and love. "I would never laugh at you sport." pulling me into a hug. I pulled back and looked at him and whispered "It's... it's too small." Mr Kelly looked into my eyes lovingly. "your not too small." He said placing his muzzle to my forehead he gave a little kiss.

"No, It's small I seem my dad's once when he was getting out of the shower. I'm really small". He looked at me with these loving eyes "I know sport, It's suppose to be at your age. When you get older it will get bigger. At your age I was small too, but as I got older I got bigger." he said rubbing his paw on the back of my neck. "Really?" I asked shocked all this time I was hiding it from everyone, not allowing mom and dad to bath me anymore or changing clothes where someone could see just how small I was.

Mr. Kelly stood up patted me on the head "But if it will make you happy I well turn around as you remove them and get into the tub." With that he turned around his tail lightly brushing my face. His musk filled my muzzle. "Hmmm" I cooed. The smell reminded me of my dad when him and I would romp around together. "Umm.. Okay" And not taking my eyes off him I removed my briefs and quickly got into the tub covering my puphood with my paws, "Okay I'm in" with that Mr. Kelly turned and smiled. He turned off the water and pointed to a bottle of soap. "You can use that and when your finished there is a towel on the rack just for you." gesturing to the towel with his other paw. "Wash your self good, Alright? I'll be in the other room if you need me." He winked at me picking up my dirty clothes, turned and left the room shutting the door behind him.

I washed my fur real good as I was told, Mr Kelly didn't have any bath toys, so I didn't waste time washing and getting dried off. As I was drying off I heard the door open and I quickly moved the towel down covering myself. Mr. Kelly walked in holding a big t-shirt to wear. "ha ha, here sport, there is no need to be embarrassed you don't have anything I don't." and tossed me the shirt.

Catching the shirt I dropped the towel exposing my puphood to him. "Hmm nice body." He purred with a grin. I blushed and quickly pulled the shirt down over my head to cover myself. "See, I can not see anything." He added nodding at me. "I will just throw these into the washer" and picking up my dirty clothes he walked out of the room. I looked down to find that the shirt did indeed cover me all the way down past my knees.

Returning to the living room, I climbed back onto the sofa and continued to watch the television while drinking more of the great juice. It wasn't long before my head was spinning and I felt real neat, so it didn't take me very long at all to get over my little accident.

Mr Kelly was so nice he didn't make fun of me or get mad, he just smiled making me feel better. "Alright, that's that" Mr Kelly said walking back into the room. He walked over looked down at me and smiled. "You alright sport?" I nodded continued watching the television, "I am going to make some popcorn you want some?" I love popcorn and would never pass it up. "Yeah!" I chimed. He grinned at me again and went into the kitchen where I heard him banging pots and things around.

I got so wrapped up into the western on the television I didn't even notice when Mr. Kelly came back into the room with the popcorn. I set watching the program until I felt a paw on my back. I looked over and found Mr. Kelly was again setting beside me with the bowl of popcorn. "Here Sport I only have one big bowl so we have to share." It made me no matter I reached deep into the bowl and pulled out a fist full of popcorn and slowly munched on it until it was gone. Then I would get another pawful. It wasn't long before I started getting real thirsty and started looking for my cup of juice. "Here you go sport" handing me my cup. I continued watching the western while eating popcorn and drinking the wonderful new juice that seem to always be full.

My mind became cloudier and cloudier as I set there until Mr Kelly pulled me onto his lap. "Time for the next lesson my little pupil." I, feeling funny snuggled up against him as he began rubbing my back. His paw felt so big and comfortable against my fur I didn't even notice my little sheath lightly being fondled through the shirt by his other paw. Closing my eyes I enjoyed the feeling of my back being rubbed. After a couple of minutes I realized what his other paw was doing. " Opening my eyes I looked down at his paw rubbing my sheath through the shirt I was wearing. I looked up at him, he grinned and began purring softly and continued. Not sure what to do I placed my paw on his and pushed it away. "What's wrong sport? don't you like it?" He whispered. I looked up at him and nodded, "But, but..." Cutting me off he said "It is alright. I'll make you feel real good." and placed his paw under the shirt and began playing with me again.

Mr Kelly was right it started feeling really good and I closed my eyes again lying my head upon his chest. listening to his deep purr, and feeling the rumble of it in his chest. It felt better and better the more he played with me so I spread my legs giving him more access. he continued rubbing my sheath up and down my prick. As my prick started poking out of the sheath I got scared. Stopping his paw, I looked up at him. "It's broken!" he smiled "sport, it is not broken. it is just doing what it's suppose to do." and lightly placed his muzzle to mine, slipping his tongue into my mouth. this made all my worries fall away. His tongue seem to search out mine, where it danced and wrapped around it. I released his paws and spread my legs wider, allowing him to continue my education.

he played with my prick and balls for a little while then I felt his paw slip down further and further. I slid down allowing his fingers to explore where no one had ever touched me. This evening was full of exciting and wondrous new sensations. Each one better and more exotic then the last. Then picking me up he carried me into his bedroom where he gently laid me down and removed the T-shirt I had been wearing. I was no longer embarrassed about my nudity. In fact I watched as he undressed himself. His sheath was as big as my daddy's and I found myself strongly drawn to it.

I must have had a goofy look on my face as I laid hypnotized by his magnificent tigerhood, because I heard him chuckle. "You want to touch it?" I didn't 'want' to touch it I 'needed' to. I reached out and wrapped my paw around It. As I did he jerked and his purr became even deeper. His sheath was so perfect. It was covered by soft white fur. At the end I could see the tip of the bright purple head of his prick barely sticking out. I moved my hand up and down as he did to me. "Hmmm, That is it. you are a quick study." He purred heavily.

The head of his prick looked as shiny and sweet as a grape lollipop. I began wondering what it tasted like. Moving my muzzle closer I stuck out my tongue and licked it. It tasted a little musky and salty but oddly sweet, all at the same time. "Oh, Jeffery... That's it I knew you would be easy to teach." As I licked, it poked more and more out of the sheath. "Try putting it into your mouth" He whispered softly.

I looked up at him then back down to the prick inches away from my muzzle. Opening my mouth I engulfed the entire head and part of the shaft. As I did he jumped, "Watch those K-9s sport." I realized my teeth were scraping his prick and I moved so that they didn't. This tasted better and better the more I licked. something was oozing out the tip that tasted nice and salty, but as I licked at it only a little would replace itself. Wanting to really taste it I closed my muzzle around it, watching my teeth. and began softly sucking the tasty goodness from the tip.

I laid there sucking and licking on his magnificent prick only a few minutes before he stopped me by pulling away from my sucking muzzle. "Woe there sport, I have more to teach you. But at this rate I am going to shoot way to soon. I looked up into his eyes "But it's good, I want to do it some more" getting into the bed beside me he said, "There are better things then just this" He leaned in placing his muzzle to mine and again his tongue slipped into my mouth this time I knew what to do and I kissed him back. "Yes, indeed you are a very fast learner. You will be the youngest, but brightest pupil I have ever taught." And he started licking kissing and sucking on my muzzle and neck. before moving down to my nipples where he sucked and lightly nibbled. making then each hard as my prick. "Now It is time for me to return the favor." He purred as he ran his tongue down to where his hand was working my sheath making my prick stick out more and more.

He licked the entire length of my prick before moving down to my tight little balls. where he gently sucked them into his muzzle and using his tongue, he rolled them around in his warm wet muzzle like little marbles. I cooed softly as the new sensation rattled my body. as my cooing became moans of delight, he stopped and looked up at me. I open my eyes and look to see why he stopped. "You like that?" I could not say a word, I could only nod my head. "Then you are going to love this." With that he shifted his body and I could feel his warm, moist breath on my tail hole. Just when I knew what he was about to do he confirmed it. It was as though a lightening of pleasure struck me as I felt his tongue lightly brush against my tail hole. "Ahhhh" I yelped in pleasure as he continued to licked the tiny pucker. When I thought I couldn't take anymore I felt him press his tongue deep into me. I jumped as he began wiggling his tongue around inside. he worked on my tail hole for a long time each minute pushed me deeper and deeper into a lust filled state of being.

My moans and yelps turned into instructions. "More, Deeper, Deeper...Yes!" He began chuckling "See. So many new things to teach you." he purred, giving my tail hole one last lick before returning to my puphood. Where he licked and sucked for a while. His purring sending little jolts of ecstasy throughout my little body. After a while I felt the need to pee. "Mister... Mr. Kelly... I need to... bathroom." He just chuckled and started sucking even harder as he pushed a claw into my tail hole as deep as he could. "I... I rea... really... need to... PEE!" With that last word I felt a wave of pleasure wash through my young body, as every muscle in my body locked up. Making me arch off my back picking myself off the bed and my tail thrashed back and forth. I began writhing as wave after wave pushed me into a new unknown exciting sexual high.


Well that chapter one. I hope you like. If so Chapter 2 is coming tomorrow :3 If you did like then you don't care >..>


Star Pupil - Chapter 2

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,events, or locations is entirely coincidental....

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It Must be Santa Paws

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental....

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