Star Pupil - Chapter 2

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Star Pupil is a story about a tiger and young wolf pup exploring their sexuality. The story does contain Cub content so if this is not your bag then so shouldn't read it.

This is my first story so please be kind.


This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,events, or locations is entirely coincidental. The sexuality of all characters is entirely a figment of the author's imagination. For those of you that are NOT of legal age, please find other material to read. If you are offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving at this time.

This story may contain scenes of a graphic nature between a Tiger and a wolf pup, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By continuing to read on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, neither you nor any family members are employees of any type of government, law enforcement, or investigative entity. Moreover, you are either not performing any type of research in preparation for any forms of legal action, directly or indirectly, affecting the contents of this site. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story.

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My moans and yelps turned into instructions. "More, Deeper, Deeper...Yes!" He began chuckling "See. So many new things to teach you." he purred, giving my tail hole one last lick before returning to my puphood. Where he licked and sucked for a while. His purring sending little jolts of ecstasy throughout my little body. After a while I felt the need to pee. "Mister... Mr. Kelly... I need to... bathroom." He just chuckled and started sucking even harder as he pushed a claw into my tail hole as deep as he could. "I... I rea... really... need to... PEE!" With that last word I felt a wave of pleasure wash through my young body, as every muscle in my body locked up. Making me arch off my back picking myself off the bed and my tail thrashed back and forth. I began writhing as wave after wave pushed me into a new unknown exciting sexual high.

Chapter 2 - Further Education

As the waves subsided he moved back up to my muzzle and began kissing me. I just plopped down onto the bed drained. He looked into my eyes as I stared off into space. "Sport? You alright?" He ask lovingly. After a second I looked back into his eyes."WOW!" was the only word I could thank of. "ha ha ha, Yes wow indeed." He laughed. "Am I to take that you quite enjoyed your little lesson?" I wrapped my arms around him and began kissing him. after a few minutes he pulled back and chuckled. "Is that a yes." he asked propping himself up over me. I just smiled and nodded. "Can we do it again?" I gasped, still trying to catch my breath. "We are not finished yet. there is still more to learn. You just need a minute to catch your breath." He said rubbing my chest.

"What... What was that anyways. I thought I had to go to the bathroom then wham." I asked trying to figure it out. He gently smiled at me and kissed me lightly on the muzzle. "Sport, that's called an orgasm. When you get older a liquid called sperm will shoot out the end of your penis. It is from that sperm where cute little pups like you come from." I looked at him confused. "What about Mr. Stork?" I asked innocently "Hah huh hah" he laughed. "My beautiful little pup. That what little ones are told." Then he when on to tell me about the birds and the bees.

"I want to has sex." I exclaimed. by now his hand was working my sheath and I was feeling wonderful again. "You are too small, I don't want to hurt you. I youngest cub I have ever had sex with was nine years old." He explained to my dismay. "Pretty please, I'll be a good little puppy." I pleaded. he sighed heavily. "Well your tail hole did seem to open up pretty easily, maybe with some help from a few my toys it may work." he mumbled. "Yeah, I like it when you played with my tail hold it felt really, really good." I bubbled hoping to help sway him. He looked at the clock. "eight o'clock. It is still early enough to work his tail hole properly. I suppose it is possible, and I do have tail medicine to help close him..." he mumbled to himself."

"Alright, But there are rules." he stated moving his paw from my puphood to my face. "First and foremost no one can know anything that we do, Not even your parents." He said looking into my eyes. "No, I won't tell anyone. It's our secret game." I proudly chirped.

"Rule number two, It you don't want to do anything you don't have to do anything. If you say stop then we will stop. It will be you deciding what we do and how far we go. do you understand?" He spoke softly. "Yeah, What I want to do we'll do and if I don't want then we won't." I beamed back at him. "And if you say stop at anytime we will stop." He explained. "Got it. If I say stop then it stops." I repeated. he smiled at me and lightly kissed me again.

"Rule three. you may never force someone to do anything that they do not want to do." I looked at him confused. "It is like rule number two but reversed." He explained "So if you say stop we stop?" I asked. "Not just me anyone you may be with. These rules are rules for life. not just for tonight. Understand?" he asked brushing a tuft of hair out of my face. "Now I understand." I nodded "Yes, I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a thousand needles in my eye." I stated crossing my heart with a claw. he chuckled "Alright we need some help I will be right back." and with that he disappeared out of the room.

Moments later he reappeared with a small box and returned to the bed "These will help open that tail hole wide enough for me to make love to my star pupil." I said setting to box down between us. He then continued to show me what everything was and what it was going to be used for. "And after you get use to this one you should be able to handle my penis." He said handing me a big dildo. "Do you still want to do this it's probably going to hurt" He stated in a matter-of-fact voice. I put the dildo down in the box and grabbed the smallest one in the box it was a little bigger then my own prick. "Yap, I loved the way it felt with your finger in there. I want to feel you inside me." He took the small dildo. "First let me lick your tail hole and get you ready again.

With that he moved down between my legs and began licking and sucking on my tail hole, while his hand worked my sheath back and fourth. It didn't take long before I felt him pushing his long tiger tongue deep into me. I loved the feeling more and more, Soon I felt him remove his tongue and replace it with the small dildo. when he first started pushing it in it did hurt a little. but the pain was far less then the pleasure that I felt. After a few minutes the pain was totally gone and only pleasure was to be found. He worked the dildo in and out of me until I begged for more. He then reached into the box and found the next size. After removing the old one he slowly started pushing the slightly bigger one in. and Again it did hurt a little but the pleasure was outweighing the pain. He continued to work the dildo until I begged for more, then he moved to the next size, then the next size, then the next size. until I had the last one inside me. unlike the rest this one had a bulge at the bottom. Which I learned later was a knot. he worked it in and out of me until I had the whole thing in me up to the bulge with no pain.

"Well Sport I think your ready, but I need you to suck me again to get me ready." Keeping the dildo in me I moved so that his sheath was in front of me. I worked his sheath till I seen the tip of his prick sticking out. I started licking it and in no time his prick was out and begging to be sucked. I began sucking and licking twirling my little tongue around and around, while I fondled his balls with my paw. Which Mr. Kelly seemed to love. He began thrusting his prick in and out hard and fast. then all of the sudden he stopped and pulled out. "Woe There, Not so fast. You learn faster then I thought you would. I almost shot in your mouth." He said panting. "That would of been okay." I pouted. "No, If I would have shot then we would have to wait for me to reload, and unlike you It takes me longer. then you would have to wait for me to make love to you. "No, I want you inside me." I repeated. "Are you sure? I seem bigger then the dildo you have inside of you now. It will hurt." He reminded me. "No it won't. Please..." alright if that's what the little pupil wants."

With that he turned me so I was facing away from him and on my belly. He then moved a pillow under my hips and started working the dildo, to make sure I was ready. He soon removed it and I felt him lean over me and I felt the head of his prick starting to push into me. He was right he was bigger then that last one. a lot bigger. It burned bad as he started to slide inside of me. "Ouch, Ouch." I whimpered. He started pulling back out of me. "I'm sorry Sport, Your just to little." I hate being called little. I have always hated that. the fire in my mind burned out of control and I rammed back skewering myself on his long fat prick. The pain was intents, worse then I even thought possible. I froze unable to move or say anything. "Jeffery!" Mr. Kelly yelped. He started to pull out of me which hurt a whole lot more. "STOP!" I cry out. "Please Don't Move." I whimpered. "Oh, Jeffery. I didn't want to you to get hurt." he said and started pulling out again. "Stop... please." I began crying "It hurts when you move. please stay still so it won't hurt." I sobbed. "Oh, sport, I'm am so very sorry." he said stopping.

We laid like that for what seemed like hours, ever so often he would try to slide out. But would stop when I started whimpering. After a while it stopped hurting so bad. "The pains going away, but please don't move yet." I pleaded. After a few more minutes I started feeling his prick throbbing inside me. The burning feeling seemed to subside with every throb of his prick. "Oh, that feels a whole lot better." I said wiping the tears from my eyes. "Should I try to pull out yet?" He asked softly. "The pain is going away it's starting to feel good." I said glad I didn't badly hurt myself. "I thought it might, If we stay like this a little longer, we may just be able to make love after all. But if you want to stop that is fine as well." He calmly explained. "You really thank we can still finish" I asked hoping. "Lets try." He said kissing the back of my neck.

After a long time the pain was gone. "Okay it don't hurt anymore." I announced. He slowly started pulling out again. "Oh, that feels so good." I cooed. He didn't stop pulling out until he was all the way out. "Hay... I thought you wanted me?" I protested. "I do sport, but not if it is going to hurt you." he proclaimed. "Please, it don't hurt anymore I swear." I pleaded. I slowly felt him slide back into me. "Hmmm" I cooed as a jolt ran through my body. "Oh, Sport you are so tight." he purred as he pushed back deep inside me. "Deeper" I moaned. Mr. Kelly did as instructed, pushing deep, deep into my bowels. "I'm all the way in Sport." he said began rocking back and forth with every thrust he hit something that sent my mind racing. the harder and fast he went the more powerful the sensation was. I began rocking back and forth myself meeting his every thrust. driving him deeper and deeper in me. I was lost to lust I had to have him deep inside me, deep and as hard as possible. "Harder, Harder" I commanded. He began slamming into me. and I felt a large bulge slamming into my sphincter, stretching it with each blow.

His breathing turned into hard heavy grunts and I began hearing myself grunting right along side him, both lost completely to lust. I could feel him deep inside me growing, throbbing making me hotter and hotter. the wave a pleasure bringing me closer and closer the the cusp of complete sexual ecstasy. then with one last thrust I felt that bulge stretch me enough to pop inside me. it was all both of us needed to push us over the edge. Once again every muscle in my body locked up and I felt my own prick twitch and throb, at the same time I felt his prick throb with every shot as he released his hot heavy load deep, deep within my bowels. both letting out a loud yelp of pleasure before crashing back down to the bed, where my world once again went black.

We both laid there breathing deep and heavy, both completely spent. After a few minutes Mr. Kelly slid off me turning us both on our sides. I felt a slight pulling on my sphincter. The bulge what was it I began wondering. "Woe sport, That was the best I have ever had, you are a natural. you did things I have not even seen a full grown wolf do. Plus it seems that you even took my knot, which really surprises me you being that young and little." With that I elbowed him. "I ain't little!" I protested. "Woe there. Alright, Alright. You proved that tonight. you will always be my big pup, sport" he said pulling me into a tight hug. "What's that big bulge. It won't come out" I complained pulling against it. "That's my knot Sport, don't worry it will go away after a while." He said with a yawn. I love you Mr. Kelly" I yawned myself. I have never been so tired in my life. "I love you too Sport." he whispered into my ear wrapping his arms tightly around me. We both laid there and fell asleep with him imbedded deep inside me. I have never felt so safe before or since.

This was not the only time we were together, We had more fun later that night. Mr. Kelly and I continued our relationship for a very long time. Even as a full grown wolf we made love to each other. I always felt complete wrapped in his powerful embrace, protected from the outside world. Mr Kelly is no longer walking among us, but he lives forever in my heart.


Thanks for reading my story. I hoped you enjoyed it. if not then I doubt you've read these far. but :3 if you did and you don't like it... I don't care XP


Star Pupil - Chapter 1

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,events, or locations is entirely coincidental....

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It Must be Santa Paws

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental....

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