A Shepherd in Sheep's Clothing- Chapter 3: The Call of the Wild

Story by Tigerlily1327 on SoFurry

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#3 of A Shepherd In Sheep's Clothing

Once again... this story contains content not suitable for all audiences. Do not proceed if you are not over the age of 18 or if any of the "tagged" keywords are not ok with you. You have been warned and anything you read from this point on is by your own choice. Once again, sorry this one took so long and I hope you all enjoy :)

Chapter 3: The Call of the Wild

I stood there motionless, only observable function was my chest slowly rising and falling as I continued to breathe. The same vacant expression across my face from when Eric told me his true form. It had only been 10 minutes since he opened up to me, but it felt like a lifetime. I finally blinked letting him know I wasn't dead, and I could hear him sigh from my right side. Up until then, he had sat there just as still as I had, but when I blinked, he read it as a sign that I would be ok. He was wrong.

"Silas?" His voice still sounded like heaven to me, but I couldn't look into his eyes or his dog shaped cock for that matter. Instead, I chose a spot on the ground and glared at it till I thought the intensity would cause it to burst into flames. "Silas, are you ok?" He sat in front of me so I couldn't look away. I could feel his cum still dripping out of me and it made me whimper.

"I-I need time," I finally managed to mutter, mainly so he'd stop asking if I was ok. I looked into his face and saw genuine concern staring back at me. It made my heart skip a beat and caused me to quietly gasp for air. Eric kissed my cheek and put an arm around me.

"Don't worry, you won't turn into a wolf." I glared at him. He completely misinterpreted my fear. I wouldn't mind being a wolf. The idea sounded fun. It was something else that was bothering me, tugging at my core.

"E-Eric," his name was still sweet on my lips, "I need to ask you something, and I want the honest truth." He looks up and smiles, but I can tell he's afraid. So many questions started going through my mind. How did you become a werewolf? What's it like having a tail? What do werewolves eat? Why did you kidnap me? All these question were running through my mind, but all I could manage was "What am I to you?" I felt selfish for asking, but it was the most important question I could think of. I mean was I just some poor soul that he fucked to get his rocks off, or was I something more? Was I going to be his next meal? I had no idea and I needed to know.

Eric smiled for a minute and my heart skipped another beat. He slowly brushed the hair over my ears before whispering one word into my ear. "Everything." I felt myself let out a slight whimper as I heard what he said and dug myself closer into his chest as he held me in the middle of the woods. I lay my head on his shoulder as I closed my eyes and tried to picture what our life together could have been like. Romantic, sappy, joyful, normal. The last word that came to my mind seemed to bring me back to the reality of my situation. I was falling in love, at a very dangerous pace if I might add, with a werewolf who kidnapped me and took my virginity. The thought should bring tears to my eyes, but all it led to was a smile slowly growing across my face as I thought of our sexual encounter from earlier. I could feel my cock slowly rise again and I knew Eric had sensed it.

I stared intently as I saw Eric's plump sheath begin to fill and his pointed tip is showing, dripping copious amounts of pre-cum. I couldn't help but imagine how it would feel to have that inside of me, and it cause me to moan out loudly, bringing another smile to his face. I looked up at him and saw his smile fade as he looked down and covered his dog-hood suddenly before turning away. "Silas. There's something you need to understand about werewolves." Slowly I pulled back from his embrace and waited for him to continue.I watched him swallow and close his eyes. "Look, the more we arouse each other, the more I will become like a wolf." I saw the fear in his eyes. There was something he wasn't telling me, but I didn't care. I was hungry for the beast he had inside and I was ready to see it come out.

Brushing the dirt and leaves off my skirt, I slowly rose to my feet and straddled his lap as I felt his furry sheath rubbing against my exposed hole. "Whoops, looks like I forgot to but my underwear back on..." I wink as I gently kiss his lips. I hear him give a canine-like whimper as my tongue caresses his and his hands groped my hips tenderly. I could still sense his hesitation though so I got off his lap and stroked his cheek. "Look, I don't care if you're a werewolf, I wouldn't care if you became a feral four-legged wolf while we are fucking. I DON'T CARE." I kissed his lips again and smiled, "you're the one I want. I..." I paused for a moment as he looked up at me, "I l-love you." With that he smiled larger than I have ever seen thus far and kissed my lips tenderly.

"I love you too Silas." I felt his tongue on my cheek as he slowly licked up the side of my face. I laughed before rubbing his doggy-slobber off me. "Sorry, canine thing." I watched as his tongue lolled out of his mouth now much longer and wider, resembling that of a real dog. I let out a sudden moan as I slowly saw my lover turn into a wolf. His nose was smaller as his ears more pointed. "L-let me apologize ahead of time for all of this." He pointed to his face and frowned.

"Hun, I don't care." He whimpered again as he detected something in my voice. I'm guessing he took it as dishonesty, but in reality it was arousal. "I-I think its cute actually... Like a real puppy." He flashed a smile again as I bent over and revealed myself to my new mate, boyfriend, lover, WHATEVER. Suddenly I sent a bit of a shriek as I felt his long canine tongue slide across the crack between my ass before slowly dragging it over my sensitive hole again. "OH GOD ERIC." I managed to moan out before he lapped at my hole like a bowl of water (no joke intended). Just before I thought I was in pure bliss, he slid his wide tongue into my hole. I let out another shriek as I felt his long appendage sliding deeper and deeper into me.

My moans became louder and louder as I felt my cock grow in arousal and pre-cum leaking out of the tip in copious amounts. I felt his tongue pull out suddenly causing me to whimper due to the feeling of emptiness. I turned around expecting to see my lover with a few more animalistic qualities, but instead I turned around to be face to face with a feral, complete wolf. From his pointed ears, to his wild looking fur covered tail, my mate was now a wolf and it scared me deep inside. "E-Eric, are you still in there." For a minute I felt like the man I fell in love with was gone, replaced by this animal. It caused a tear to form in the corner of my eye. But then I saw it. The hint of humanity in his golden eyes as his canine head nodded and he whimpered. There was a sudden feeling of taboo about what I was preparing myself to do, but at the same time I was excited. I didn't care that my lover was now a wolf, or that his sheath was doing a poor job at concealing his crimson red cock. I instinctually licked my lips at the sight.

I hugged the wolf in front of me and kissed his muzzle while stroking his dark brown fur. "I'm ready when you are hun." With that I got on my hands and knees and waited. The first thing I felt was his cold nose sniffing my tight hole before his front paws grasp around my waist and I felt his slick hot cock jab a couple times around its intended target. "Oh, l-lower darling. Up just a little more, oh almost there, to the left a bit." My ass is now dripping wet with his canine lubricant as his cock finally sink into my hole. "OH MY GOD." I feel him hilt my recently virgin ass before he began to hump away and let his instincts take over.

I moaned uncontrollably as I felt his prick go deeper into me, stimulating my prostate causing my cock to pulse with stimulation and I felt myself come closer and closer to climax. "I-I'm almost there dear." I can now feel his large knot swelling just behind my abused hole as I felt myself begin to clench trying to stop it from entering. "Wait, don't let that thing in me. I can't take it. You'll hurt me." I heard him whimper as his knot pressed harder and harder against my ass. "I..." I felt it begin to enter. "I..." Suddenly my ass clenched, not trying to block it, but suck it in further. "I... I'm running out of excuses." My teeth clench as I feel him shove his cock as hard as possible into me. Finally, his cock pulses as I am filled to the brim with his cum. I feel him panting (and drooling) over my arched back as his canine shaft continues to cum more and more in short spurts.

As his cock began to stop filling me he let out a long and symphonic howl. It was music to my ears as my lover finally collapsed on my back and I soon followed. I began to close my eyes as I started to drift to sleep. Its funny, it seemed like I could almost hear echoes of my darling's triumphant call far off in the distance. These howls became my lullaby as I lay there and reveled in my sexual euphoria. Just before I fell asleep I felt the fur that was on my back shift back to human skin as I assumed my lover returned to his human form. I turned lovingly to kiss him but was shocked as I saw an expression I was not expecting after the wonderful encounter we just had. It was the look of fear and terror that was across his face. He closed his eyes suddenly as a tear rolled down his cheek and he began to shake.

"What is it Eric?" The distant howls finally ended as he looked at me, puffy red eyes that still have the hint of gold from his lupine identity. More tears streamed down his face as his kissed my cheek and held me close. I was frightened but felt safe as he held me close. Soon though that sense of security vanished, leaving me only with the fear afterwards. I pulled away, now crying just as intensely as Eric finally took a breath and spoke in a hoarse whisper.

"W-we are not safe here anymore," he wipes away the tear from his eye, "I have done a terrible thing."