A strange meeting

Story by Demon on SoFurry

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Thanks to Swamp Rat for his ever extensive imagination.

Note, this involves sex ( My gods, SEX! *gasp of feigned horror* = 3 )

Do not be reading this here story if thee be under age, please.

If you get turned on by this story, leave a comment and an address. XD

Everything within this fictional story is copyrighted by moi, yet is available to others if asked nicely.


A strange meeting.

The sick being watched as it's saviour fought for his life. She had appeared suddenly in the darkness, moving swiftly between the warriors that laughed at his slight frame. As another of the males moved closer to take advantage of him, she had appeared. He watched with tired eyes as she moved fluidly around the elite guards. Small furred hands slid along invisible currents within the night air as she quickly dispatched another male. Of the twenty that had been tracking him, only three remained standing. Thick voices growled their lust and what they would do to her when they caught her, yet each time one of them seemed close to overpowering her, she moved and struck them down. The sick one watched as the last male fought with her. She had been here for awhile now, sometimes he had closed his eyes, only to open them to see less males standing. Even now, as the last male circled her, he felt the poison working through it's last stages. Glittering green eyes held his from behind a thin silk veil wrapped around the female's face. The sick one drowned within those eyes, barely registering the howl of the last male as a small furred hand burried itself in, then through his ample stomach muscles. The male fell to the same damp ground as his comrades, yet the sick one didn't notice, bespelled as he was by those glittering eyes. Closing his eyes, he felt more than heard the wolf woman approach him. His breath burbled through almost liquid lungs as she gently wiped his scorching brow, and the sweat upon it.

He awoke. The male's eyes widened immensely as he turned and threw up. A foul liquid spewed from his mouth, black and vile. Through teary eyes, the male watched in stunned horror as some type of creature crawled out of the gunk he had just removed from his stomach.

"So you're finally awake." The male turned his gaze up from the sand papered stone floor to those same glittering green eyes from many nights ago. Still hidden behind her silk veil, the wolf woman grinned at him. A faint hint of teeth was all that could be seen behind the veil, then a swift movement as a tongue licked teeth and lips. Nodding slowly, the no longer deliriously sick male viewed his new surroundings. The bed he lay upon was a stone ledge that was flat, but with the many furs laying upon it, it was incredibly soft. The crackle of a fire to his right allowed him knowledge that the warmth he felt wasn't his fever. Air moved through the place he was in and he frowned as the wind blew the female's scent into his face. Even though he didn't have the nose of an animal, he still felt there was something not exactly ..... right with her scent. Rolling over in the furs, preparing to get up, he stopped as the female growled when the top furs fell, revealing his almost hairless butt to her view. His eyes raised to hers, slightly unnerved by how they glittered so. Moving a soft hand down his back and over his ass, he gripped the furs and pulled them back up himself. Watching her warily, he shrank against the warm stone wall behind him as she moved to the bed. His chest heaved with a touch of fear as those deadly hands reached for him. "Lay down upon your back." The male blinked, looking up into those strange green eyes, a question upon his face. A small furred hand raised itself to the veil, and a polite cough followed. "You've been sleeping for the past four days and nights since I found you. As you were poisoned with Gennil sperm, I just want to make sure you're healthy enough to move. If not, you'll be staying here awhile longer where I can keep an eye on you, and care for you untill you can leave."

The male snorted, partly in exasperation to be babied by a female, and partly in fear as the extremely powerful poison was named. Lying back down upon the furs he fought weakly with the female as she pulled the furrs back, before being slapped for his childishness. "Stop acting like a cub. I stripped you, so you don't have anything I haven't seen before." Even so, the male winced as small soft hands moved along his smooth flesh, always rubbing around that special area that he'd been told should never be touched. Raising his hands to stop her, they were slapped away. "Healers such as myself can touch and view your parts as they see fit. To ones such as we, this is concerning your health, not a dirty act or something sinful as your village elders may believe." Sighing the male didn't move, except to curl his toes and raise his legs slightly as she took interrest in his maleness. Soft paws moved around his length, gently squeezing and rubbing, turning his soft dick into a raging hard cock. Nimble fingers touched feather light around his groin before lightly squeezing at his ballsac. The male watched in fascination as the female leaned closer and closer to his cock. He was about to voice a concern when fanged wetness engulfed him. He gave a silent scream as he instinctively thrust into the wetness, causing the female to snort. Gripping his base, she pulled back off of him, licking at his tip and causing him to squirm in never before known pleasure. A soft chuckle came from behind her veil. "This the first time you've had anything like this happen to you young human?" She licked again at his tip as he nodded earnestly. Cool air washed his groin as she sighed through her nose. "Do you want me to continue, or would you prefer to rest?" The male human blinked. Continue with that feeling, or roll over and go to sleep? Was she mad? He looked at her with an earnest gaze. Reaching down, he tried to get her back where she had just been, but the female let him go and moved away, much to his extreme dissapointment.

Closing his eyes, he understood. He had always been too young, never allowed to play as an adult. Then when he'd been found to have an ability, he'd been chased out of the town. Then the warriors had come for him. The male blinked as he heard the whispering of cloth as it fell to the stony ground. He opened his eyes rather suddenly as a warm weight lay upon him, forcing his legs apart. Blinking down his form, he had to close, then open his eyes again. He felt slightly uncomfortable at being able to view her naked form, even if she was covered in fur and all he could see was the tops of her breasts, her furry back, and her luscious tail that wagged as she moved closer to lick his... He gasped softly, right leg bending at the knee as that wonderfull feeling returned as she grasped him by his base and licked him again. Closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling, he opened them as her hot, fanged mouth encompassed his cock again. He stared down into her green eyes as the tip of his cock ran along the top of her mouth, hitting the ridges there before pushing lightly at her tonsils. She growled around him, causing vibrations and a funny feeling within his ballsac. One small furred hand moved from the base of his straining cock, to cup his sac and gently squeeze what was inside. The male gasped, and the female's eyes widened as he humped upwards into her muzzle, the end of his young cock spraying his first seed deep into the hungry female's muzzle. Laying back into the furs, the male panted and writhed as she slurped, licked, and bit gently at his cock, dragging everything that remained out if his slowly softening meat.

Raising her head from his shaft, he watched her no longer hidden face smile, teeth glinting. "Never before have I ever had such a tasty first offering. Would I be wrong in saying that you were a virgin?" A blush tinged the male's cheeks at that question, which only caused the female to chuckle softly. "No wonder, you haven't been tainted yet." She sighed, her shaggy head moving to rest upon his thigh, bare inches from his cock, her breath teasing him. A long canine tongue slipped out from her muzzle, wrapped around his saliva slickened shaft, then withdrew back into her muzzle. The female blinked, then raised her head to stare at him. "If you're up to the challange, would you like to try something different human?" Different? He nodded again, eager to repeat those wonderful feelings again. The female's grin as he nodded gave him pause, then when she told him to close his eyes. He became slightly worried at that. He felt her get up, place her feet either side of him, then her tail brushed his stomach and chest. A soft paw grabbed his base and placed his head against something that gave slightly. Suddenly his entire cock was enveloped in a tight heat that squeezed him all around. He sat up quickly, eyes open and wide. His arms snaked under the female's, to clutch at fuzzy breasts, making the female moan and the tight orifice his cock was in to tighten around him. A deep growl came from directly infront of him, and then the female moved. She leaned forwards onto all fours, the young human's cock sliding out of her tight ass. As she leaned forwards, and placed her butt up in the air, the human watched as her tailhole opened wide, then closed, then opened slightly again, an invitation if ever there was one. He paused as he saw what was between her legs. Being female, he expected her parts to be different, but hers were extremely similar to his. A small sac with two smaller objects sat below her very small fuzzy dick.

The 'female' looked behind her to see what the hold up was. Seeing what the human was intrigued about she opened her mouth to explain, when he reached out a soft hand to fondle her ballsac. She hurriedly stuffed a paw into her muzzle as he squeezed just a bit too hard upon her sac, but he quickly eased up when she dropped her tail. She sighed as her aching sac moved, wanting to be squeezed again. It wasn't so bad. She looked back at the male that was blinking at her fuzzy tailhole. Deciding something else needed to be done, she gave him some incentive. "Isn't my studly young human going to bred his willing bitch? I'm waiting for you to breed me nice and hard young human." She gritted her teeth as the human got up upon his knees and quickly sheathed his nice hard cock deep into her ass. He burried it right to the hairs, causing her to moan and wiggle her ass, making the thick cock move within her ass and her guts. She moved her butt forwards untill that thick untouched head was the only thing left in her tailhole, before shoving backwards and impaling herself again. She growled low, and the human got the Idea. Gripping the fur at her hips, the human pulled out, then thrust back in, causing both of them to moan at the sensations. She only had to help him a few more times before he got a steady rythum going that allowed him to pull back, then impale her ass upon eight inches of thick human cock. Her own cock jutted from it's sheath, but as she reached down to help herself along, the human beat her to it! A single soft hand gripped her dripping shaft, rubbing up and down it before squeezing low at the base, near her swelling knot. The thick human cock in her ass didn't take long. She holed as the inexperienced male spurted his second load deep into her bowels, as his hand gripped her knot, causing her to cum upon the furs of the bed. The muscles inside of her tailhole squeezed, milked, and tortured the thick cock burried within her. The young human slumped over her back, left hand staying where it was around her shaft as the right one snaked between her breasts and lightly gripped her left shoulder. The young human rested his head next to his right hand as he sprayed his sed deep into her ass again, twitching as she clenched her cheeks against him. The male panted above her, his eyes closing again.

The 'female' panted under her new charge and potential mate. Her quick mind wondered if maybe this time she'd found someone that would take her and use her as much as he could. Granted he was weak now, but she was damned if she was going to let him stay weak. Carefully, the female rolled to her side, the human still stuck deep within her, his thick cock still twitching randomly within her guts. She pulled one of the furs up over the both of them, snuggling into the chest of the young human with a wolfish grin. Tomorrow was going to be a very fun day..
