
Story by Drake Beowulf on SoFurry

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-Based on a dream I had. Please enjoy, and take the time to rate this story. Also, please leave a comment on the story. I would love to know what you think of it!

Leaving the Humane Society parking lot, my mom took a left turn, heading for the nearest interstate highway. Somehow, they had found out about my "relationship" with my black lab. They decided to get rid of him, and then take a long vacation. Why, I have no idea. My dad, nursing a black eye, fat lower lip and a bleeding upper one, turns around in the seat and looks at me.

"It's for the best."

"Screw you!" I mumble. I had fought the whole time my parents were trying to put Ryuu into the van, until my father had slammed me against the wall, knocking me out.

"Hun, that's no way to talk to your father, and you fucking know it!" My mom said, losing her cool mid-sentence.

"It's ok. He has a right to be angry." My father said, looking sympathetic. He wasn't though. He loves pissing me off. "You do realize that what you were doing with him was not acceptable?"

"We weren't DOING ANYTHING!"

I mean, so what if I was a zoophile? It's not like Ryuu and I were screwing each other or anything.

Thinking this, I had a sudden urge to attack them again. However, I couldn't due to the fact that while I was knocked out, they had made a makeshift straightjacket out of duct-tape. Evidently, I was not the only one in the family who knew about its restrictive properties. I had to admit that I found it strangely arousing, and I would have been sporting a raging erection if my member had room to expand. Considering the circumstances, I was forced to deal with a rather annoying pain in my groin

Settling on chewing their asses off the whole trip, I began to do so. Until, of course, my dad got my mp3 player out and set it on my favorite song. This particular always caused me to shiver in delight every time the female singer hit a high note. So, basically, I was reduced to a tape-covered yelling machine that was suffering from mini-seizures of euphoria.

We traveled for about three weeks, going nowhere in particular. They had ripped the tape off of me, none too gently, about the fifth day into the trip, so I was free to do as I pleased. After, of course, they showed me they had stocked up on tape.

One day, my father spotted a sigh for someplace called "Sanctuary". Supposedly, it was a place "Where all your troubles are forgotten!" Before I could stop myself, I stated that the place sounded like a giant tourist trap, so we just had to find the place, according to my mother.

The sigh failed to mention, however, that it was in the middle of a valley between four mountains, about one hundred miles away from the nearest town. The buildings (there were four or five) were in good condition, though. They all had fresh paint on them, and each had a mural of a different animal on the side.

Pulling up beside the smallest building, which had a sigh stating that it was the office, mom shut the van off and hopped out, followed closely by dad. I refused to budge, so they simply drug me through the door.

I had to admit I was glad they did. The office was considerably cooler than the van, considering the fact that the damn AC quit working several days ago. The smell of vanilla air fresheners was quite strong, also. I did not realize this. I was too busy drooling over the person sitting at the desk in front of us.

To say he was hot would be a cruel understatement. He was about my age, sixteen; had blonde hair that was about five inches long, and had light blue eyes. He had no shirt on, and was clearly not expecting any customers.

"Oh! Hullo. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you pull in, or I would have made myself more decent." He said in a voice that sent chills down my spine. I was glad I was behind my parents, because there was no hiding that I was highly attracted to this kid.

Quickly grabbing a shirt, he slid it over his head and onto his body, much to my dismay.

"Now, My name is Atuf. Sorry about the smell, there's a dog that wondered in here a couple months ago and kind of became our mascot. How may I help you?" He asked, holding out his hand. Dad introduced me and mom to him, and he shook each of our hands. If it weren't for my dad prying Atuf's hand away, I wouldn't have let it go.

Dad then got down to telling Atuf why we were here. Unfortunately, he told the kid everything, including the fact that I was gay. Atuf looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and I could have sworn I saw him flash a smile before quickly getting his face under control.

"I see. Well, as you probably noticed, no one else is here, so you basically have the whole place to yourselves. Here is a pamphlet explaining everything there is to do, along with a map of the entire property. You will be staying here," he said, pointing to a spot about a mile off, "which is close to my personal building, where I will be available if you have any questions. You can stay as long as you like. "

You don't have to pay ahead of time or anything, and everything around here is extremely cheap. I live here quite comfortably with a sub-minimum wage salary. I'll take care of tidying up your building during the day with moving as little of your personal belongings as possible, along with fixing the meals. The only thing you guys really need to do is enjoy yourselves."

Saying thank you, my dad and mom then drug me out of the building and into the van. The short trip to where my family and I would have been pleasant, had I had any idea we were taking it. I was still trying to get the bulge in my pants to go away, which I found quite hard.

The building was small, but was built in a way that I seem bigger than it was. The inside was arranged so that space was maximized. As far as furniture went, there were three king-size beds, all in different rooms, bathrooms and closets branching off of each. There was a couch that sitted three people, one that two could sit in, and a recliner, all arranged around a big-screen TV. There was a small refrigerator in the corner, which was packed with drinks and snacks. My dad wondered aloud if all the buildings were like this.

After unpacking the van, which took over an hour, mom and dad sat down and began looking at the map and pamphlet, attempting to figure out what to do first. I glanced at the map, saw a place called "Thinker's Hill", and decided to go there. No way in hell was I going to stay near these people.

The view was actually quite nice. It was hard to find something that didn't put my mind at ease. Deciding to enjoy it, I sat down.

I was extremely surprised to feel something cold on my bare arm. Jumping up and spinning around, I realized it was a dog.

Its fur was a cacophony of colors, every thing from black to white. Its eyes were a dark brown, and seemed to take everything in at a glance.

Realizing it had scared me, it sat down on its haunches and lowered its head, as if to beg forgiveness. Looking, I could see it was a male.

Looking up, the dog held out his paw. Bending down and grabbing it, I realized there was something tied around it. Untying the string, I read the paper quickly.


My name is Charlie. I welcome you to Sanctuary.

Incase Atuf had not told you, I am the camp's

mascot, and wander around aimlessly, making

sure everything is ok. Please do not be alarmed if

you hear me barking in the middle of the night,

because I'm probably just chasing away a pesky

_ rabbit!_

_ Sincerely,_

_ Charlie_

"Well, hello." I said. Sitting back down, I looked at Charlie, who came over and sat beside me, looking out at one of the mountains. For some reason, looking at Charlie made me remember the kid in the office.

Several weeks later, during which my family and I did everything there was to do, I was looking for the dog again. My dad had told me we were going to leave tomorrow morning, and he had already went to the office and paid our bill, a meager fifty dollars. I had also seen Atuf several times, but never seen him and Charlie at the same time.

Walking past the office, I happened to glance inside to see Atuf bent over the desk, crying. Stopping, I wondered if I should see what was wrong. I almost decided against it, until Atuf looked up and seen me standing there. He smiled, and his smile lured me in.

"Sorry, but I seen you crying and was concerned. Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Well, it depends on your definition of "ok". By most peoples', no, I'm not. Have you ever loved some one so much that you felt a pain in your heart every time they were not in your sight?" Thinking of Ryuu, I nodded.

"Keeping that feeling in mind, would you consider joining bodies with that person, even if it meant that both of your lives would be shortened considerably because of it?" Wishing it were possible, I nodded again.

"Well, I had that opportunity, and took it. I joined bodies with my dog, named Atuf."

"So both your dog's and your name is Atuf?"

"No, my name was Charlie. One of the things required for two bodies to join is to switch names. Now, we can take on two forms, the human you see before you, and a dog." Atuf's blue eyes became brown, his blond hair becoming multiple colors, and hair of the same type was sprouting from every inch of visible skin. I was positive that the same was happening all over his body.

After showing me this form, he then turned back into his human form to continue speaking.

"You see, I too was a zoophile. I loved Atuf more than anything else in the world, even my own life. Sitting beside you on that hill, I was reminded that of the sacrifices I had made to be with my love for the rest of my life. One was that I forgot that Humans could love each other, as I have grown to love you in the short time I have known you. I am sad because you are leaving to morrow, and I will probably never see you again."

Listening to this, I also began to cry, realizing that I had fallen in love with both forms of the creature before me. Wordlessly, I pulled my shirt of and walked to the back of the building where I saw a bed in a different room. Atuf followed me.

Closing the door, I continued to strip, watching Atuf do the same. We then slid onto the bed, and began to kiss passionately. One thing led to another, and we were soon at climax and beyond.

I went back to the building my family stayed in, helping them pack. I then got in the van, never saying a word.

As we went by the office, I noticed a dog sitting in front of the door.

"Stop the van! I said STOP THE DAMN VAN!" I yelled savagely. My dad slammed on the brakes, causing my mom to hit the dashboard. As I got out, the dog ran into the office, barking. I ran in after it.

"Atuf!" I yelled.

Atuf came out from behind the desk, brushing away dog hair.

Smiling, he said, "I'm still trying to work out how to stop shedding."

"Well, I can help you with that."

At that moment, my parents entered the office.

"Mom, Dad, I'm staying here." Walking over to Atuf, I kissed him square on the lips. He slowly closed his eyes, and I could have sworn I heard a growl of content.

Wordlessly, my parents came over, hugged me, then left.

And so I now live with my loves at a place where all troubles are forgotten.