The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 3 The Betrayal

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Edited on 19.8.2011

The House of Raisii was having a small party to celebrate their victory.

Rocky, Donido and Tyrant were all filling their stomachs with all their favorute meals.

The Gardevoirs were serving drinks and food to all of the Gladiators that were there.

The younger nongladiator pokemon were outside training.

Marcus came in the room of celebration, everyone stopped and wondered what he wanted.

''Thanks to you three we have a new sponsor!''

The entire room started cheering their victors.

Marcus walked up to one of his other Gladiators, a Vespiquen called Regina.

Regina was a 'shiny' pokemon so her yellow parts were orange.

Regina noticed her master walking towards her s she sent the Gardevoir she was speaking to away.

''Regina, I want you and Trigon to fight the next fight.''

Regina nodded.

''Go see where he is and get him to the training square where the kids are, I'll meet you there.''

Then Marcus walked away from the room.

Regina flew to were Trigon was located, to a corner were there was his favorute fruit juice.

Trigon is an Flygon that Marcus found on his travels and evolved.

Unlike Regina who is loyal and obedience Trigon is lazy and tends to have more fun rather than being serious.

Regina had flew behind him.


He swallowed the juice wrong and was coughing a little.

''Geez do you have to do that?'' Then he kept on coughing.

''Our Master want to meet us in the training square.''

Trigon was a little confused.

''But the kids are training there right now.''

Regina started to get irriated of his personality.

''Do you question our Masters orders?!''

''No, Im just curious thats all.''

Trigon did not want to get Regina on her bad side.

Then they went out of the room and through the hall outside to the training sqaure, there were number of different pokemon that werent fully evolved.

Marcus was in the middle waiting for them.

They walked up to him and Marcus started speaking.

''You two are the next figthers, the enemy is the Pidgeot twins so it'll be an easy figth.''

He then walked throught them and was heading inside as he said:

''Oh and you two need to teach these youngsters a few tricks.''

After Marcus had left Trigon immideatly started his protes.

''Aw come on! I already was playing teacher last week!''

Regina did not like Trigons attitude.

''Would you keep it quiet! We are Gladiators and as Gladiators our duty is to do anything our Master tells us to!''


''Stop whining and lets teach these children how to figth.''

The next day at the arena....

''Ladies and gentleman, we have something special for you! An aerial battle!''

The crowd was excited because this is an rare event that happens only once in a while since flying type pokemon tend to be rather weak.

''Today you'll see two veterans from the House of Raisii and the independed Pidgey Twins!''

The crowd was needless to say, outof control of their shouts and cheers.

''Now shall we begin? Opeeeeeen the gates!''

Immideatly when the gates opened the Twins flew out, and so did Regina and Trigon.

Regina wanted to give a piece of advice.

''Remember you are stronger but slower than them and so am I, I'll stay back and attack them from a distance and you'll get them up close and personal.''

''Who made you in charge?'' Then he fired an Dragon Rage.

The Twins dodged it and came in with Aerial Aces.

Regina used Protect to shield them both while Trigon started to charge his Draco Meteor.

The Pidgeots stayed back and were wondering that is he crazy.

Just before Trigon launched his attack Regina released her shield and launched an Thunder Bolt at the enemys, hitting and paralyzing them.

The Draco Meteor came down and finished the fight.

The birds fell down to the ground and then Regina stardel scolding Trigon

''Well I have to say that that worked nicely, but you disobeyed my orders!''

''Oh I'm sorry for a moment I thought that you were only an Galdiator just like me.

The two continued to argue but were interrupted by an explosion like noise.

Trigon was very confused.

''What was th- Regina? You okay?''

Regina was taken by fear, she knew what this ment.

''They declared an deathmatch.''

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