First Morning

Story by mutateclaw on SoFurry

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Mornings are brutal, especially for felines; and this tiger was no different. The morning sun crept over forgotten textbooks and the tiger's stripes into his eyes. He groans and rolls over, sliding out of the covers and exposing his tight, swimmer's build. The night prior was long forgotten, lost in the haze of loud music, lights, and alcohol. He couldn't honestly remember what happened between the time he left the party and the time he staggered into the shower, but it didn't matter any longer. He was home. The sun continued it's cheery shining, finally forcing the tiger awake. A stretch and a yawn follows and a slow roll bring the feline to a seat on the edge of the bed, maleness standing at its throbbing morning attention. He stroked himself idly. Some things were just a shame to waste.

He stood briefly, just to get himself from the bed to his desk chair before he let his eyes close again, though this time far from thoughts of sleep. His computer remains silent as his imagination spurred on. He wasn't a small fur, not nearly. His tiger heritage made him tall and broad, giving him a body tone that most others would have to work for. His shaft was no embarrassment either, being a respectable eight inches from the base of his sheath that nestled between two plum sized balls. Despite that, he always fantasized of being larger, and with the issue at hand, his mind drifts to his maleness. He would see it at times, a foot long or more. His purr roughens as he imagines it bigger, thicker, heavier, twice what he usually sported. He grins to himself as he feels his slick fluids start to flow, trickling out over his fingers. The cat let himself slip into the feelings of pleasure, halfway losing himself to the moment before a dim realization dawned on him, eyes blinking open in faint confusion.

He was bigger. He felt his shaft fill his paw more than he was used to, as if it were not only thicker, but longer also. His eyes gaze downwards, staring. Not only was he indeed larger, but he was growing as well. His eyes widened at the red, swelling flesh as it inches larger, throbbing and pulsing but remaining as hard as ever. His breathing deepens, panting softly as his grin returns, spreading wider as he grips his meat with both paws. As if on command, it surges in size, past the foot marker it was once approaching to a thick sixteen inches, doubling his endowment as his mind's eye had seen. He couldn't help but moan, his balls having grown equally with his length and now hanging heavily from the edge of the chair, pulling at his groin. A growl escapes and he leans forward, the weight of his hefty maleness pulling more insistently.

His mind races, thoughts of lust rearing up. Vaguely he was aware of the impossibility of it all, but all he could think of was the building need, driven by his swollen organ that now began to spurt pre in streams. The more he focused on his arousal, the harder and more desperate he grew until he let a stray thought slip.

"Bigger," he murmured inaudibly. "Bigger... Bigger," lips repeating it like a chant as his carnal desires slipped out.

Almost immediately his manhood responds, expanding again, growing and spreading his paws as his thickness once again began to swell. He gasps, pausing a moment in his jerking to gape at the new growth of his already over sized maleness. It surges to triple size, topping over two feet in length yet still not stopping. Beneath that his balls also swell, the chair creaking as the tiger's rump drags over the seat to the very edge, pulled by the increasing weight between his legs.

He struggles to stand, splatters of pre slapping the floor messily. He waddles and groans, wrapping his arms around the tremendous flesh that reached up past his collar now, tip nudging up to his muzzle where it is tickled by his own whiskers. The tickling only served to heighten his arousal, making the turgid flesh swell in a return surge, pushing it past his ears and closer to the ceiling where it spurted musk down his back. With a grunt of effort, the tiger staggered his way out of his bedroom and down the short hall. His paws squitch as they find the trails of slickness how streaming and splattering in his path. Even in his lust he realized that there was only one place he could safely relieve himself. Yet, with his hands gripping his shaft as if in worship, he staggers past his goal, pulled off balance by the growing mass jutting and hanging from his loins. He braced himself against the door, bumping it open with his arm, revealing the ceramic tiles behind. He felt his knees buckle, moaning as the faltering makes his manhood bob deeply. With his paws still on his throbbing shaft, he manages a slow shuffle, backing with quivering knees into the bathroom.

The tiger's breath comes heavily before a deep rumble of pleasure and surprise rolls out of his throat as the tip of his towering meat bumps the top of the door frame as he backs through the door. He drops to his knees and leans back panting as the sensation tingles through him. A sudden gasp follows as he feels a squeeze on his balls. His eyes shoot down, staring. They were stuck. The massive sac resting on the floor had swollen too wide to allow both of his testicles through at the same time and they squeezed against each other as they tried to press through the frame. He gasps and tries to lurch forward to free himself only to have his enormous pole drop down atop him, not only pushing its increasingly unmanageable weight atop the tiger but also adding a powerful tug on his already squeezed balls. He growls loudly, catching his shaft in his arms as he tries to push it back. But it's futile as the pressure on his sac sends a tingling rush through him, causing another swell, this one the most massive yet.

His growling turns to mewling as the twins on the other side of the door expand, gurgling as they bloat up filling until they are no longer able to squeeze through even one at a time. They drag his rump back towards the door as they pull back with their growth. He whimpers as he felt himself slide across the floor and as his arms spread wider as the growing shaft forces his fingers apart. Desperate now, he tries to pleasure his growing monster even as it continues to grow.

"Stop..." he gasps, feeling his spitting head press into the shower wall.

"Stop," he gasps again as his shaft buckles, tip angling into the tub and base wedging into the door, already too large to fit back through now. He cried out in need, shaft bending painfully as he rubbed himself frantically with his arms and knees.

"Stop!" He screams as the arch of his shaft pushes near the top of the bathroom. Yet it did not , growing more and more massive as his subconscious only wanted it more. Gasping raggedly, he latches onto his base, arms and legs clinging as a sudden, intense tightness in his groin signals the inevitable approach of release. He holds his breath as the flesh presses into the ceiling, muscles locking as the sputtering head wedges into the tub.

The release comes like a train, the tiger roaring loudly as his balls give a great clench and release in a torrent. A wave of white blasts crests out of the tub as the first blast is angled into the curves of the tub, drenching everything in sticky musk. The potent seed splatters off the ceiling and walls in a rain of thick virility. The second blast follows the first with scarcely a pause, then the third, and then the fourth. The pressure flowing through the giant shaft tries to force it straight, increasing the pressure to an even more desperate peak.

The waves start to lessen as the bubbling, gushing semen fills the tiny room sealed in by the tiger's very own sheath base wedged in the door. The feline gasps and growls, painted white yet unable to loosen his grip as his ejaculation rages on. Higher the level of semen rises, the submerged tip making the flood vibrate in a low roar as the gushing continues, creating giant bubbles that rise up from under the surface. The steaming seed washes and swirls deeper, rising up to the tiger's chest then his shoulders before his balls seem to finally relax, reaching their limit. The blasts weaken, but the level still rises as the fertile balls release the last of their entire load. The fluid laps around the tiger's neck before the flood finally seems to steady then lower. The last bit of cum squeezes from his tip and the tiger, trembling, lets out a shuddering breath.

The hot spunk drains down through the tub and toilet letting the threat of drowning abate and finally the tiger releases his grip on his shaft for the first time that morning and drops back, sloshing into the heavy waves. His thick essence easily keeps him afloat, cradling him in warmth as the bliss of an indescribable afterglow sets in. His eyes drift shut and the tiger drifts back to sleep.