Interquel and Interlude

Story by Werewolfantipaladin on SoFurry

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#5 of Flametail

My name is Donovan Blaine, but I am sure you already know that. I am also seventeen and one of the country's youngest ordained ministers but you know that too. My face has been on every television network, all the cable news stations, even the 700 Club did a story on me. They were the only one who seemed to understand my motivations.

I sit here now at home writing in my diary, a monitoring device strapped to my leg. I can't go more than 10 feet from my front door. My attorney (God bless him and his family) has told me that due to my age, the most time I will spend in jail is a few months until I turn eighteen. A law certain to change due to my actions he says.

Most of the charges were dropped due to my age and the only one that I will have to contend with now is attempted murder. It is God's will after all and it doesn't matter if my lawyer is right or not on the charges, I answer to a higher authority and I know that authority is pleased with me. I will face my accusers with silence and Scripture if need be.

I sip from my glass of ice water. I can hear my brothers, Eric and Steven, in their room. They refuse to speak to me even now. They are young and do not understand the work I have started. Mother just looks at me with hope tinged sadness. Father, I am having trouble reading, I am sure he wishes to compliment me yet there is a hesitation in his demeanor. Doesn't matter, once they have all matured in the Savior they will understand. Scripture says once their eyes are opened they will believe.

Before I speak of the events in the shopping mall I must relate past events so that the words of others do not paint an inaccurate picture of me.

As I said before my name is Donovan Blaine, eldest son of Reverend Crawford and Marquesta Blaine. I was exposed to the Word almost from birth. Mother would read from the Scriptures as I lay in my crib, Father I can remember preaching from his pulpit. Even then I knew one day I wanted to be like him, a powerful Bear, strong in the Scriptures, saving hundreds of souls, fighting the devil in every thought, action and deed of my flock.

At the age of four I went to Father with a crudely written sermon I wanted him to read, his eyes had tears in them. He hugged me tightly and said that he would allow me to speak before the assembled congregation come the Sabbath. I was so nervous before speaking but I knew that was a trick of the adversary to make me stumble. I chased that evil presence away and my young voice rang out with the power of the Baptist himself.

Mother told me later it was the most beautiful sermon she ever heard, Father was justifiably proud of me and my walk. I felt so pleased, so happy that I had served so well. It wasn't long before I was old enough to attend Sunday school and be instructed in the Scriptures. I progressed quickly and by my eighth birthday I was ordained a minister of the faith.

I would give sermons on the evils of television, of public schools, of those in politics who did not adhere to the Word and the condemnation and hellfire that awaited them and those who followed and believed their lies. Of course the world hates truth and those who speak it. I was used to jeers and took comfort in the Savior who too was mocked.

Not long after I turned nine, Mother announced she was pregnant and to our joy God blessed her with twins. It was considered a powerful blessing. Father said I would be allowed to name one of the cubs and I went with "Steven" that being the name of the first believer martyred in the name of the Son of God. The cubs were strong and enjoyed the love of my parents who did not shirk their responsibilities with me even though there were new cubs in the house. It fell to me to ensure they were instructed in Scripture, a job I relished.

I was home schooled and brought up properly, unlike many of the other cubs and adolescents who lived in my neighborhood. After much prayer and reflection I announced to my parents I wanted to attend public school. I figured it was my duty to bring the Scriptures to the hungry. Both Mother and Father had a long talk with me about the dangers but I have to admit I was stubborn and unyielding. This was my calling I was sure of it. Mother and Father agreed with me but stated that if they did not feel what I was being taught was in line with the Word then they would remove me from the school. I could easily proselytize on the playgrounds or on the street corners nearby.

That September I arrived for my first day. I started speaking to several students in the playground behind the school when I had what would be my first encounter with the sodomites who would plague my life like the devils they were and remain. At the time I did not know they were having sex with one another or I would have acted sooner. I am sure you know them as their names became household ones like my own. One of them was a fire red Fox named Jacob (Jake) Fennick, the other a large grey Wolf called Maximillian (Max)Kierrn.

This is where I must pause to gather my thoughts and write down events as they happened leading up to the events in the mall. I will refrain from using crude slang and expose their sins for what they are. As school continued through the year, I noticed that Jake and Max were unusually close. I had heard they had been friends as pups and I figured it was just brotherly love. I was wrong.

Jake had a habit of tugging on Max's tail in public, it wasn't in jest, more like that of a mate. Of course the Wolf acted embarrassed but it didn't stop him from doing it back to the Fox from time to time. I began speaking to them about the Scriptures, Jake just shook his head and said he wasn't interested, but Max, Max seemed to deliberately try and trip me up on the Word, badgering me with questions

His words were "I am trying to make you THINK (emphasis his) about what you are saying"

I admit I did lose my temper at times, patience with the ignorant is not a virtue of mine. I countered with other Scriptures and asked him of his beliefs. He stated he was raised Lutheran but was now atheist.

Shocked, I tried to encourage him back to the Truth but he would have none of it. Back then I was so worried about their souls I didn't realize the devil already had them and that confrontation was inevitable.

Classes themselves went well and when the time came for the student body to vote for a president I decided to run. Posters were made, speeches written and for a week I was unopposed. But when school resumed on Monday I realized I had an opponent. Jake Fennick had spent the previous weekend making posters and fliers of his own. He had even set up a table with snacks, sodas and devil music pouring from the speakers of his radio.

Max stood nearby, a campaign button on his shirt, speaking with students and encouraging them to vote for the Fox. I was aghast that such behavior was tolerated and complained to the principal. He stated simply that a candidate was permitted to campaign as he saw fit before and after school hours, it was no different from the dinners adult politicians would have to gain votes. I did counter with a table of my own and did have a small group of supporters. During the debates I discovered how eloquent a speaker Jake was, how he told the students everything they wanted to hear. He kept me on the defensive and all I could think of was the adversary challenging God.

How could the students believe the lies, the hypocrisy but it was a moot point. I lost the election. I sip now from my ice water, remembering the humiliation I felt, the anger. I felt abandoned, forsaken, what was God's plan? Was this to teach me a lesson? I did my best to stay away from Jake, to not bother with Max unless I absolutely had to.

I continued to preach the Scriptures at the school and did succeed in converting many. Over the next two years Jake was elected again and again as student president. One thing he enjoyed would organizing dances and student concerts. I wasn't surprised. Young furries and scalies were cavorting with each other in sinful ways. Both Jake and Max could play instruments and had their own band performing at these orgies. Hearing secular music played at a public school, I was deeply offended and organized a protest group to picket. At first the principal wouldn't allow it, but then a voice spoke out in favor. It was Max, he stated that it was my right to protest and since the school was supposed to be teaching about real life, then I would have to be permitted to speak my views. Again, glory was taken from me and placed on a sinner.

I almost didn't attend the protest but my father convinced me otherwise. I would just be giving evil a victory if I didn't go. We were laughed at, jeered, and by the end of the dance I was the only one left in the pouring rain, a damp sign in my hand. I could feel righteous rage and anger in my belly at the devils trying to stop me.

Things soon got worse. I arrived at school and found a note tucked into my locker with a photograph. It was Jake and Max in a passionate embrace. I felt nauseous. I had suspected as much through the past couple years but was never able to confirm it. I knew then I had to confront them with their sin. They might not care about their souls but I would not allow them to contaminate any others. Classes kept me from seeking either of them out but before last period I saw Jake at his locker.

Trying to keep my temper in check I walked over to him. Upon seeing him muzzle to muzzle I was astonished to see he had a new symbol of the devil around his neck and I could smell Wolf on his fur. "Jake I must speak with you" I said

"Out of my way" he sneered and tried to push past me.

I grabbed for his arm, I only wanted to talk but he let out a yelp and backed up against the lockers. I knew it was only for show as I am such a large Bear, in my mind I knew he was playing for sympathy and trying to be clever. As I stepped back to prove I wasn't going to be violent that is when the Wolf attacked me.

We spun and I tried to get away, he backhanded my muzzle and then kicked me between the legs. As I fell to the floor in pain, he said something I never thought I'd ever hear. He called me a "Honeylicker" and then walked off with his Fox who just grinned. Dazed I got to my feet and stumbled into the male's room, washed my face and just stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had a gash next to my nose and my eye was going to be swollen. No matter, my Savior suffered worse and I would bear my injuries with pride.

That night as I slept demons cavorted within my dreams. I must warn you my vision is very graphic but I must purge myself of the poison. I was walking along the lake, the same lake where my congregation would gather for baptism. Jake and Max were sitting on boulders nearby. I stopped and told them they were on holy ground but they jumped off and approached me.

I could see both were naked and aroused, I turned to flee but the Fox slammed into my legs and brought me down to the ground.

Max gripped my muzzle with his paw and hissed "Going to make you one of us Honeylicker" and pressed on my jaw forcing it open and placing his penis inside my mouth.

I tried to resist but he was too strong, I felt my pants slide down.

"Oh he is a big one isn't he" said Jake.

I felt something press against my rear, then a hot spike tore into me.

"Tight too" he added and there was laughter.

Tears ran down my face, Max thrust hard, I tried to bite, tried to get away, I could feel the hot breath of the Fox on my neck.

"Easy Honeylicker, easy, just enjoy it" they both murmur.

It seemed to go on for hours. Max howled and I nearly choked, he had ejaculated so much, I found myself praying that I would die, Jake dug his claws into my shoulders and cried out, fire filled my insides.

He pulled away from me and I lay there in the sand. Both of them were laughing, I looked up at them both. "I want more" croaked my voice.

Throughout the dream they would have their way with me and I wanted more and more and more. I woke up, a scream barely suppressed. I was soaked with perspiration and well, the dream had excited me that I had ejaculated in my sleep, my undershorts were soaked.

Ashamed I snuck into the bathroom and cleaned myself. I prayed and prayed wondering why these things were happening to me. What was the purpose? I just needed understanding. But my prayers went unanswered. More tests I thought. As school went on, I knew I had to do something not only for the glory of the Savior but for my own peace of mind. The sodomites had publicly announced their relationship during one of Jake's speeches and had set up an organization of gay and straight students to promote understanding and tolerance.

I was horrified and sickened by this blatant act of evil. Setting up my own group of Scripture believing individuals I met with some resistance but that damned Wolf, that sodomite Max Kierrn once more had to interfere and demand on equal rights my flock be allowed to organize. Damn him. Damn the Fox too. Damn them all.

My dreams were becoming more and more nightmarish, I was constantly raped and fondled by the Fox and the Wolf, what was worse is that I was beginning to enjoy it, and looked forward to it.

Jake was in my gym class and I would watch him shower, seeing the water splash off his body. He knew full well I was there and that devil taunted me. I was finding it harder and harder to pray, to concentrate. I would give sermons in Church but they sounded empty, hollow, no meaning behind them. I needed peace in my life and in my mind and there was only one way to accomplish this.

The prior summer I had gone to Russia to do missionary work. All the members of my group had been given guns for protection due to the areas we would be going into. At the end we were to turn them in, I kept mine. I had recently taken to carrying it around with me. It was small enough to tuck into the waistband of my trousers. I felt safe and comforted with it there.

Well, there isn't much more of my story to tell. I had taken over leadership of a youth group in my Church and we went to nursing homes, hospitals and the like to sing hymns and pray. I thought that the local mall would be a wonderful place to spread the Word. Permission was obtained and we took the Church van over. On the way I thought I saw the Fox at a gas station but thought it was a trick of my mind, a temptation from the devil.

We parked and headed upstairs to the food court where my brothers started preaching and handing out tracts. I was speaking with a family of Leopards when I saw my brothers, the innocent angels they are in front of those...those devils.

I will admit the rest is a blur after that, Max made a nasty comment, people around us were laughing, I had to slay the evil. I grabbed my gun and managed to fire twice before the others pulled me down.

I don't remember being led away in a police car or being interrogated. My father eventually showed up. The police wanted to hold me but again because of my age I had to be set free. A monitoring device was strapped to my leg. An attorney was contacted. Latest news report states Max has been discharged from the hospital and is home. I smile to myself, dear Reader my tale is nearly complete. Even if I am jailed, it will be for a few months until my eighteenth birthday. I can endure lifetime probation. Father has stated we are going to move. That is fine with me. It is clear this city has fallen to the devil and my work will be needed elsewhere. I did what was right.