Chapter Seven: Together Forever

Story by emovampirewolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Series 1

Chapter Seven: Together Forever

Amy opens the door as we approach her house, "I'm so gald your both alright", she hugs us and smiles. Backdraft follows her in, still carrying me in his arms and sits on the couch. I look around as Amy sits beside us, "Seth is in bed, resting. I treated his wounds as best I could.", she lays her head on my shoulder. I nod and kiss her ear, making her blush and giggle. Backdraft gets up and stretches, "I'm going to check on Seth and take a shower". Amy and I nod and start petting each other's fur. Amy lays down on the couch with her head in my lap, "I was so worried about you." she looks up at me. I lean down and gently kiss her, "Nothing will ever take me away from you. Where ever I go I promise that you will come with me, if that is your choice." I smile at her and stroke her hair. She smiles and murrs happily, "I love you, Jen. I always want to be with you." She yawns and cuddles up to me, slowly falling asleep. I pull her jacket off the back of the couch and wrap it around her legs. Backdraft walks in and kisses my cheek, "Seth is going to be ok. Amy gave him something for the pain and he's sleeping." I look up at Backdraft, "That's good. If his wounds don't heal tomorrow we should take him to the hospital." He nods and sits in the floor at my feet, gently rubbing my foot paw and trying not to tickle me. My ears lay against my head as I slowly relax, "That feels so good Backdraft." He keeps rubbing as I slowly fall asleep.

I awaken hours later, laying in a soft bed with someone curled up to me. I look at the clock on the nightstand beside the bed, It's 2:30 in the afternoon. I didn't mean to sleep all day, I lay back and close my eyes. I feel a soft tongue gently licking at my muzzle. "It's time to wake up my lovely wolfess", a lick to my ear follows the voice. I open my eyes and smile at Amy, her head laying on my breast as she looks into my eyes. I sit up and gently push her back on the bed, my muzzle inches away from her's. She closes her eyes and reaches up to kiss me, I passionatly kiss her back and holds her paws down. She softly whines and opens her gorgeous blue eyes, "How can I touch you if you hold my paws?" I just smile and lick her muzzle, "Maybe I want to tease you" She giggles and kisses me, "Please let me go. You know I like to hold you." I slowly release her paws and lick her neck. She smiles and rubs my treasure, making me moan as I kiss my way down to her breast. I slowly lick her nipple as my paws move down her sides. She softly moans and trembles slightly as my paws grip her ass, "Oh, Jen." I kiss her passionatly and teasingly rubs a finger over her tailhole. She kisses my back and softly moans, wrapping her arms around me. "I love you, Amy. I don't ever want to lose you.", I lovingly nip her shoulder as she closes her eyes. "Make me a vampire. I want to be by your side forever.", she opens her eyes as tears fall. I wipe away her tears and kiss her, "Are you sure? I will do anything to make you happy." She nods and looks in my eyes, "I'm positive." I lick her neck and kiss down to her treasure. I begin slowly licking her clit and rubbing a finger over my tailhole. She moans and grips the sheets as I extend my fangs and bite above her clit. I begin drinking her sweet blood, letting my tongue tease her clit. After a few minutes of drinking her blood I hear her heartbeat slow down. After letting go and licking the bite marks, I move up her body and bite my wrist. A few drops of my blood drip into her mouth before she grabs my wrist and starts licking and sucking at my wrist. "Easy honey.", I watch her and kiss her forehead. She lets go a few moments later and looks at me, "I feel dizzy." "You will for awhile. You need to rest, go to sleep. I will stay right here till you wake up", I brush her hair away from her face and smile at her. She lays her arm arcoss my waist and falls asleep.

I grab my phone and call Backdraft, after a few rings he picks up. "Hey, Jenny." I smile, "Hi. On your way home stop and pick up some clothes and something to eat please. I turned Amy." I hear him laugh a little, "So you wont be going out for while? I'll bring pizza home and Seth said he would stop by my house to get you some clothes since he's off." I giggle, "Ok. I'll see you tonight then. I love you, bye." "I love you to. Bye.", he hangs up. I close my phone and lay it beside me as I gently rub Amy's arm. She softly moans in her sleep and holds me closer. I kiss her cheek and go back to sleep. I awaken soon, hearing someone knock on the door, It must be Seth, I get up and walk to the front door. "Jenny? It's Seth. Backdraft told me to go get you and him some clothes and bring them by." I open the door and motion for him to come in, "Amy had a rough night, she's still alseep. Thank you for bringing us some clothes." He walks in and sits down, "No problem." I take the clothes to the bedroom and put them up, walking back to the living room I notice Seth staring at his paws. "Is something wrong, Seth", I sit beside him and rub his arm. He sighs and hugs me, "After last night I just feel like I'm not a man. The bear nearly killed me and I couldn't do anything to protect Amy or myself. If I find a mate how could I protect her? I should be able to defend myself at least." I hug him tightly and rub his back, "Don't be hard on yourself. Backdraft needed my help last night, without each other he could have killed us." He looks at me and kisses my cheek, "Thank you, Jenny. I needed that." I smile and wag my tail, "No problem." He gets up and yawns, "Could I sleep here for a few hours? I'm still tired from last night." "Of course. Amy and I will be in bed if you need us.", I get up and walk back to the bedroom. As I lay down beside Amy I sense something is wrong. I gently lay my head on Amy's chest and hear her steady heartbeat, She's fine, Backdraft's at work so what could be wrong?, I shrug and snuggle up to her. I stare at her beautiful body for a few minutes and fall asleep, my arm across her waist and my head on her shoulder.

A few hours later I awaken and find Amy gone. I get up and look in the bathroom, "Amy?" I walk to the kitchen and smile as I see her making dinner, "Oh, hi. I didn't think you would be awake so soon.", she turns and smiles. I walk up to her and hug her tightly, "How do you feel?" She blushes and hugs me back, "I feel amazing. Like I just came home from vacation or something." I slap her ass and sit at the table. She giggles and pretends to be mad, I giggle at her and wag my tail. She finishes cooking and puts my food on a plate, "Here you go. Eggs, sausage, and toast. I know it's not dinner food but I wanted it. I hope you like it." She puts some on a plate for her and we start eating. I take a bite of eggs and wag my tail, "Amy these are so yummi. You are the best cook in the world." She blushes and giggles, "Aw, thanks." We finish eating and I help her wash the dishes. As we finish with the dishes I put some bubbles on her nose, making her yip and giggle. She splashes me with water and runs into the bedroom, I playfully growl and chase her. As I get into the bedroom I shut and lock the door behind me, "Amy? Where did you go?" She softly giggles, "If you can find me I will give you a special suprise,", her voice sounds so close and far away. I walk to the closet and open the door, I look through the clothes and hear her giggle again. Getting on my knees, I playfully growl and look under the bed. Amy giggles again, "Wrong again. Tell me if you give up. I'm very very good at hiding.", I hear something move in the corner behind me and I stand up. My ears twitch at the noise and I slowly turn around. Amy pounces on me, pushing me onto the bed and falling on top of me, "I win.", she giggles and kisses me. "Do I still get a special suprise?", I kiss her back and rub her tailbase. She smiles and nods, "Of course, but later." I pout and pretend to be sad. She giggles and licks my nose, "Silly wolfie." I blush and wag my tail. Amy gets up and grabs her pink and black pajamas, "I'm going to take a warm bath. Want to join me?", she walks to the bathroom and starts the bath. I get up and get my red and purple pajama dress and follow her.

For all my faithful and patient readers: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to upload this chapter. I've been busy moving and one of my cats died last month. It's a cat and some people/furs may think its stupid to mourn and cry over a cat but he was my baby and I miss him dearly. I got a little kitten from the local animal shelter, a beautiful little calico I named Jasmine. She's been a pawful and I've had some writers block. I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. I hope you all like it, I'm very pleased with it and I will start chapter eight soon. Thank you all for reading, voting and loving my series. This will be a long series, full of happiness, sadness, sex, and anything I think it needs. ^_^ Enjoy! Also, anyone who has any questions or suggestions send me a message.