A fight will come

Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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#11 of A Wolf's Last Gift


A fight will come.

It was later at night. Shadey walked Silve...

A fight will come.

It was later at night. Shadey walked SilverFang to her den. As Shadey walked back his brother came over to him.

"I thought you were sleeping Liki. I know after doing what you done you at least be sleeping."

Liki stared him and sighed.

"Yes I was but I heard you to leaving and well I know what we have to do if we want to become alphas."

"I'm not going to fight you Liki. It's not me. I'm stronger then you and you know it. I can't hurt you anyways your my brother. Also if we did a special thing would go on with your father and the elders. I'm not going to fight you." Shadey said.

He walked away as Liki stood there and followed. Shadey was going towards the fighting ring that's used to see if the pack mates are worthy of becoming higher rank. Shadey stood in the middle. Liki stood by the ring. Before Liki was going to say something Shadey spoke.

"If you want to fight me then fine. But I'm not going easy on you. I'm going to fight to win."

Liki smiled.

"Well Shadey that's the way I want it to be. We will tell our father and we will do it in the next few days. I want to prepare. I know you're going to be a bigger challenge then the others I faced."

Shadey grinned as Liki walked away. Shadey followed behind him as they both went back to the den for they know the next few days they will fight to become the new alpha of the pack and control the large territory that will be there's.

Silver came back after finishing patrol. HE went back to his den as others did the same. He laid down and looked at the night sky He saw the moon and stared at it as he stated to doze off to sleep. Silver finally went to sleep. That night with his family together once again.

It became morning and why shadey was out getting food for the pack Liki came up to his father.

"Dad me and my brother have come to it. We are going to fight each other to see who the Alpha of this pack becomes. We talked it over last night and sounds like Shadey wants to do it. So with your permission we are going to do it tomorrow."

Silver growled a low quick tone and sighed.

"I guess its ok I wasn't expecting it this face but since you are getting to that point I'll talk with the elders and it will happen tomorrow. Now go do what you need to do. I'll be busy with this."

Liki nodded. As Silver left to talk to the elders he notice Shadey was getting food but Liki watched how fast he took a bull elk down when a pack is needed. HE stood there watching and he took it down by the trough and saw the blood that flew out from the neck. Liki now realized he got himself into something now that he might lose to.

He left as Shadey was dragging the kill back to the pack. Liki left to do training as Shadey just came back in with the kill to feed the pack. Shadey looked up and saw his brother leaving as the pack came over and ate. Silver came over to him.

"We will talk after we eat."

Shadey nodded to his father and ate the kill.

After the kill was completely gone Shadey went to a small pond they watched over and cleaned his face as his father Silver walked over.

"I hear that you're going to fight Liki now?"

"Yes... Yes I am. He wanted to do it wants to be alpha I guess. So if he wanted so badly well I'm going to make him try to get it. I'm not going to let him become alpha. If my real father was here I be in that pack and I be alpha. Just like Liki would but now we have to fight because of this. But I'm going to fight even if I die."

Silver sighed. "Don't say that don't wish to die. I don't want to lose you like I did to my half-brother. I can tell you more about your father. The day he was sentence to banishment if you like?"

Shadey sat down.

"Sure I guess why not."

Silver started where it began.

"My father well when I found your father well my dad never liked him for what you are. He tried to take advantage of your father due to his pack was dead and used him for his own game. But do to my teenage times and well since I wanted to well do dumb things. I wanted to test something and well I know it's wrong but I wanted to see if I was gay. But I only trusted my brother he didn't want to do that but we did it a few times and well my dad saw it and then talked to our elders. They had to do what the alpha said and they put a thing together in front of the pack. I cause it to happen. Shadow didn't want to that stuff. But then as my father sat on the rock you see me lay on he talked to the pack and the punishment that would come with it. Even though we put your dad in foster care I still called him my brother. But later on a few years later after his banishment. He came back. My father tried to kill him. But in the end my father was fucked and died due to the things Shadow did as a loner and due to the pack you and his bloodline was in. So really that's why you father was really not part of the pack for a while. But in the end now he's with us now. Even though he's not here he's with us as a spirit."

Shadey sat there and whimpered a little. "

I understand now. But why did you do the things you did why didn't you get banished?"

"Because Shadey. I was the son of the alpha I got my thing to but mine wasn't as bad as Shadows. But let's get over it. You need to train now before you fight your brother now."

Silver walked away as Shadey sat where he was and got up to train. Silver walked as he decided to go back to the den and take a nap. He knew he might hear about this one with Shadow.

During Silvers nap he tried contacting Shadow in his dream from the spirit world. But shadow wasn't responding. Silver kept calling out his name but nothing. Silver sat down in the darkness that surrounded him. Silver thought to himself for a moment.

"I wonder if he's talking to our god. He would have responded now if he wasn't."

Silver woke up and saw it was late in the afternoon the pack was feed and things were calm. At least until tomorrow.

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