
Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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I AM BACK! WOOT! I finally got enough time apart from school and homework (unfortunately I went back last Thursday) to do this! I don't know how I feel about this because I like some parts of it and some parts I need work on it. If you guys can comment on what I poorly and what I did wonderfully that would help alot! =^.^=. As always please enjoy! If there is anything you want me to change please let me know! Also if you want a request, you may message me. I will answer it on my downtime :3.

I AM BACK! WOOT! I finally got enough time apart from school and homework (unfortunately I went back last Thursday) to do this! I don't know how I feel about this because I like some parts of it and some parts I need work on it. If you guys can comment on what I poorly and what I did wonderfully that would help alot! =^.^=. As always please enjoy! If there is anything you want me to change please let me know! Also if you want a request, you may message me. I will answer it on my downtime :3.


Steven ran into an alley way, soaked from head to toe in rain. His footsteps echoed through the alleyway. His black hair flowed in the wind as his light black pants and white tee shirt stuck tightly too his soaked body. Steven's green eyes narrowed and looked over the landscape. A backpack was strung over his back and two silver 9mm pistols lay snugly in their holsters. He ran so fast he did not see the wolf in front of him and had to dodge the wolf. His mind was pushed back into reality.

"HEY! QUIT RUNNING!" The guardians shouted, chasing him deeper into the alleyway. "We just need to ask you some questions about the people you have been hanging out with."

Steven did not pay any attention to the guardians. He may be on bad terms with them already but Eutheria was already in bad terms with the guardians. The floating city of Eutheria has been his home for 10 years. He is 16. Most of the city was covered with modern style buildings. The walls were either lined with brick or siding.

When the animals evolved and did not agree with the humans, they attacked and society decided to float to the clouds. A peace treaty was soon signed in 2020 when fighting rose to the highest. Animals were allowed to live freely among humans, same with humans living freely among animals.

The guardians now ruled the city and took away the weapons people had for so long, guns and only the rich, superior, and guardians could afford Arks. Arks were worn around the wrist and captured the energy around a person. The person having an Arch was able to propel the energy through their body in any form. Fire, water, and earth were the most common.

Steven found himself cornered when the ally abruptly ended.

"We finally got-"

Their words were cut short when they saw a 16 year old kid wall hopping. The brick dug into his foot and he started to feel a numbing pain. He was growing tired. Steven grinned to himself when he found an open window and jumped in. The family was pretty shocked when meal time was ended to see a teen jump through their window and go out another leading to the rooftops.

The guardians climbed the fire exists on the bricked building and watched as Will jumped from rooftop to rooftop with ease that was until he got to the end of the buildings and the edge of Eutheria. Steven looked over the edge of the building to see clouds bellow him. The surface of earth could not be seen.

"You have got to be kidding me..." Mumbled Steven, as the guards started to catch up to him.

"Stop, we have you surrounded." The guards raised their palms and Steven felt something like a snake rap around his hands tying him together and looked down to see his hands bound with a golden chain.

"Using Arks? That's not fair...." Steven moved back toward the edge of the building.

"Now jumping would be suicidal...." A young guardian said worryingly moving his hand out to grab Steven.

"Oh this is different than suicide." Steven shot back and before the guardians could react, Steven leaned backwards and plummeted down toward earth.

He was already out of earshot. He mumbled a counter Ark to break the bound around his hand, releasing him from the chain. The golden sparks showered the grey sky and disappeared. Then he used all his strength against the G-force and pulled a cord on his backpack, making it form into bat-like wings. Before long Steven was flying.

"Damn, he has an Ark as well!" One of the guards shouted from above. Arks are not always in the form of wrist bands. Sometimes they come with gadgets and gismos like the backpack Will had on his back. It was a gift from the Resistance.

The Resistance was fighting against Eutheria's ban on Arks and wanted them to be sold not only to nobles and guardians but to civilians as well. This has caused anarchy and rebellion among the people of Eutheria. Steven leaned forward to streamline himself and felt the air rush past him. His head pounded and his ears rang as he moved around in the air. The rain flew by him like he was nonexistent. He looked exactly like a bat.

He made it past the clouds and looked down to see a forest bellow him. He decided to land there so he could get past the guards. He used his body weight to straighten himself out and he landed perfectly, moving dirt and leafs. Steven felt he disturbed the peace of nature.

The pitter patter of the rain on leafs and the small amount of sunlight coming through were a sure sign Will was deep in the forest.

"Might as well explore around a little bit."

Steven's decision was not swayed and he started to accompany himself with the surroundings. Something in his mind was not right though. He felt like he was being watched and he looked over quickly to see a pair of scarlet eyes staring at him. They quickly darted away.

"Probably nothing..." Steven thought as he started to grab twigs and sticks to build a fire. His mind trailed back to the fight on Eutheria. Then something like a bullet hit Steven's conscious. He realized it could have been the guardians in the bushes. He hesitated because it could be a trap but he quickly sprang into action and started to chase the intruder.

The trees started to dart by one by one as Steven followed the person. Before he knew it, a silver object that looked like a mop darted behind a tree. He did not notice that a wolf was standing on its two feet right behind a tree, waiting to pounce.

The wolf moved from behind the tree and raised its hand; an Ark on its wrist was glowing violently. Steven took the move hastily and upholstered his 9mm pistols and pointed them at the wolf's head. The wolf had silver fur and scarlet eyes.

"Who are you?" The wolf asked curiously. Instead of hostility coming to his voice it was more of curiosity. His voice was surprisingly warm and inviting.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Steven said, still not trusting the wolf enough to bring down his weapons. His voice was almost like liquid and chilled his veins. It was not real. Then Steven had another question.

"Where did you get the Ark?" Steven said while his eyes flashed towards the thick golden bracelet on the wolf's arm. It started to glow randomly but then cease and grow quiet.

"We are part of the Resistance."

Steven instantly lowered his weapons. "So am I. There is no use fighting here." Steven started to walk away. There was no use fighting someone who is part of the same war you are in. That was when the wolf said,

"Where did YOU get that Ark?" The wolf said in the same tone Steven asked the same question. Steven's curiosity rose again and he turned around.

"A going-away present from the guardians." Answered Steven snottily.

"Why don't you come back with us? You look tired." The wolf pointed out, his tail flicked. Steven felt the fatigue of climbing buildings and running from his pursuers sink in. His muscles started to lock up.

Steven also felt the need to go with the wolf. He had a lot of questions and he needed answers about why a wolf would be in the forest. Steven nodded and the wolf smiled and started to walk into the forest.

Steven followed the wolf deeper and deeper into the forest until the trees became thick and the sunlight that was not blocked from the clouds could no longer be seen. Steven could hear a rustling of bushes and looked to see wolfs hopping from tree to tree. He then heard a small trickling sound. A river was close by. Usually tribes on the ground set up camp near rivers for resources.

The wolf then stopped walking and turned around.

"The village is just up ahead but before we continue you must become one of us." The wolf said. Steven was surprised by what the wolf just said.

"What do you mean become one of you?" Steven said loudly. Then he recalled the story of civilians that come from Eutheria and never come back. They have to cross this forest to get to the other side of the Great Plains. The civilians would board a floating blimp or just take a hover board down to earth to vacation or move to another town. The closest town was Thite which you could only get to by crossing this forest. He realized what forest he was in. He was in the Cursed Woods.

The woods were thought to be cursed but then Steven started to put the puzzle pieces together. They were not cursed. People were just being kidnapped.

"You're the tribe taking people who travel from Eutheria!" Steven shouted.

"Very good. You're smart." The wolf instead of looking in panic for figuring out his plan was smiling.

"The only problem is you have the kidnapping thing all wrong."

Steven stood in place shocked but he sat down on a nearby tree stump and decided to listen to the wolf's story.

"Indeed I am the elder of this village. But we would not kidnap people. This village was made when animals evolved in 2040 and we have prospered ever since in peace and quiet until the Ark war that is happening now." The wolf said in his warm and inviting voice.

He paused and Steven kept listening.

"We, the tribe, decided that Arks should be distributed to society because of the good they can do for us." The wolf moved the bracelet that was latched around his arm. The gold reflected sunlight and Steven noticed red rubies carved into the metal. "Many years passed but people in Eutheria wanted out so we gave them a chance. This is where we come in."

"People under the empire's eyes did not want to be under Eutheria's control anymore so they moved down towards the woods. People would tell rumors about a tribe taking people in and away from Eutheria for their own safety. This is why people have been disappearing. They have done it for their own sake to get away from the government and become free."

Steven let this information sink into his brain.

"So your part of the Resistance and you take people from Eutheria to help them get away from the war and chaos?"

The wolf nodded. "We just want to see what is best for society."

"Alright, I heard you out. You are doing well for the Resistance so I will stay."

The wolf smiled. "Good, then let us transform you into something better...."

Steven was not prepared for what happened next. The wolf lunged at Will and bit him on the shoulder. A warmth started to spread across his body.

"What is this?" Steven gasped as fur started to spread from his feet and up his ankles, creeping upward and over his legs, chest, and face. It was blue. The fur on his chest turned a light blue. Will started to feel his arms, chest, and legs grow warm as the fur started to spurt randomly.

"Just embrace what you are about to become. We cannot let you leave. You know too much. If you stay here you will be safe and far away from the guardian's influence." The wolf said while wiping his mouth. "Sorry I bit you but it is the only way to transform you." The wolf then sat down on the ground and watched as Steven was turned into something different.

Steven's nose started to bulge outward into a muzzle and grow light-blue fur. His eyes turned to an aqua color while the blue fur on his ankles and up the back of his legs turned light blue. His feet stretched outward and claws started to form. A light blue coat of hair then made itself visible on Steven's newly formed paws. His hands grew and paws started to change to a aqua blue color and claws also formed.

Steven felt a new appendage grow. He felt a new weight on his backside. It was a tail and it turned into a curly position. Its tip turned aqua like his paws, back of his legs, and chest. Steven then heard a rip as his clothes tore in certain places. He roared when fangs formed and then fell backwards panting. The transformation was complete. He was now a full wolf.

"How do you feel?" The wolf pondered as he chuckled as Steven started to wag his tail.

"Wonderful." Steven said. Steven got up on his two paws and said

"You wanted me to meet the tribe now?"

"Yes, let's hurry. They would like to meet their new pack member."


This is a new thing I worked on. It took several visits to my ipod to find inspiration for this story. I hope you enjoy it as always! Song I listened too: Paradise Lost by Hollywood Undead ...


New Beginning

Yes this is Storm part 3 if you are wondering :3. I came back home from vacation to find my internet down and had to wait another week to get that repaired. The good news is now that my internet is repaired and speedy fast :D. Well that is about it,...


Forest's Branches (Forest Stroll part 2)

This was a request filed by KateTheMarten on sofurry. It was very fun to make and I hope you enjoy it! Sorry about not posting this sooner, I have been having trouble with my internet and now am forced to use a very very VERY old laptop. I am also...
