Diapers & Dunks

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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Though his diaper was firmly wrapped around his waist and obscured from public view, Jeremy felt uneasy about going to a basketball game.

He was coaxed into buying tickets and attending the game by his friend, Paul. Jeremy called Paul a "very pesky otter" for a reason. At the same time, he often desired to see his favorite basketball team play without sitting at home, and watched the game unfold on TV -- and he hadn't seen his friend in months.

The large, green raptor found himself in a slight dilemma as he rarely ventured outside his home with a diaper on. Jeremy wore diapers because it served to be a sexually gratifying experience that doubled as a convenience. Over time, the convenience evolved into daily responsibility, and he was content with handling it. However, he was very nervous about leaving his house diapered, thus the decision to go to the game with Paul weighed heavily on him. When he decided to go, Jeremy packed his black tote bag with three pre-folded adult diapers, wipes, and bottled water. During the trip to the stadium, when Paul asked what was in the bag, the raptor calmly replied, "Snacks and supplies."

Paul wore his dark sunglasses and let his headfur blow in the wind, which came through his car's sunroof. The otter gripped the steering wheel, and chewed bubble gum while listening to 1970s-era funk music. He bobbed his head to the "funkadelic" beat as he drove down the highway with his slightly-less-enthusiastic friend. Jeremy repeatedly adjusted himself in his seat since he felt his diaper converge uncomfortably by his rear. Distracting himself from the noisy undergarment, he'd occasionally psyche himself for the game by looking down at his #45 team jersey and smile like a fan. He stared at the side mirror, looked at himself, and happily brandished his pearly white teeth.

Paul rubbed the raptor's bald head and shouted, "Yeah, man. This is going to be fun -- you and I. Hey, who do you think is going to win the game?" The otter lowered his sunglasses, and darted his eyes toward Jeremy for a few seconds before restoring his focus on the road.

"The Hawks?" The Hawks were the away team.

"You son of a bitch. I knew you were going to say that. The Rangers are going to wipe the floor with 'em tonight. You'll see."

"For sure, man. For sure. Hey, how come you didn't bring your boy, Dylan, to the game?" asked Jeremy.

"We broke up last week."

"Last week?"

"He was flirting with other men on the side. Not the monogamous type."

"That sucks. At least we'll have a good time tonight," Jeremy assured the otter.

"You're a good friend, Jeremy. I know we'll have a good time."

After Paul said that to him, Jeremy had a sinking feeling in his stomach. "I hope I don't embarrass him at the game," he thought as he moved his waist around until he was in a comfortable position. He left a mental note to avoid "using" his diaper as much as possible. Once in a while, he'd curse at himself for wearing a diaper to the game to begin with. Before he left to the game, Jeremy mulled the idea of attending the event without a diaper, but he loathed the idea of having to wait in life at the crowded restrooms. He made a vow to watch the entire game without interruptions. Of course, the evening would be ideal if nature didn't call him during that time.

"You OK, man?" asked Paul. He deduced that Jeremy was in deep thought.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good. So when does the game start again?"

"6:30. We're 15 minutes away to the stadium, factor in 20 minutes to find a parking space, 10 minutes to find our seats... and we're good to go -- that is if you don't need to stop for refreshments."

"No, I'll be good."

Jeremy and Paul arrived at the stadium, and walked down an aisle with seats to their left and right. Paul carried with him his ticket stub, a large soda, and a hot dog with plenty of mustard and relish. Jeremy rolled his eyes at the otter, and sighed. He was relieved once he found the seats. His temperament quickly changed, and he unleashed a short burst of adrenaline once the lights dimmed, and the announcer's booming voice rang through the stadium like rolling thunder. Jeremy's eyes were fixed at the basketball court below. He watched the players emerge from the locker room one by one. When Derrick Carter's name was announced, Jeremy tugged at his jersey with fan pride. Carter's jersey was #45. Paul stood from his seat and started applauding for his team with a piece of hot dog dangling from his mouth.

"Dude, sit down! This is a basketball game, not a gay pride parade."

"Wha? Becawf I have a hot duff in my mouf?" asked Paul with a hot dog in his mouth.

Jeremy couldn't help but laugh. "Sit down before the Jumbotron finds you," the raptor said calmly.

Paul swallowed the hot dog, and sat down. "We could always kiss, and get on the Kisscam. Who knows? It might end up on YouTube."

"The last person I'd kiss is you..." joked Jeremy.

"Ouch! You shot me right in the heart, cowboy. I won't upset the virgin in the closet, then," said Paul with a sarcastic-sounding retort.

"Cowboy? This isn't Brokeback Mountain!"

After they coldly looked at each other for a few moments, Jeremy and Paul started to laugh hysterically. Both men bounced up and down in their seats like hyperactive children in the middle of a sugar rush. Jeremy noticed that Paul squirmed in his seat a little as regained his composure. The raptor shrugged it off, and watched the tip-off.

The first quarter was pain-free for Jeremy, but the game was intense. The quarter ended with a tie, and the raptor was hoping the team would rally early, and have a five to ten-point lead over the Hawks. The wide lead would serve as an opportunity for Jeremy to change his diaper without missing any key moments in the game. He was still dry, and there were no urges. In fact, he was surprised that he felt so comfortable in his seat. "Why did I worry so much?" he thought.

By the beginning of the second quarter, both teams remained in equal standing. The Rangers were up by only five points, and maintained the lead for most of the quarter. Jeremy could feel his bladder getting full, but the urges remained dormant. Meanwhile, Paul moved around in his seat and looked agitated. He cheered for the team, but winced a few times. Jeremy noticed that something was bothering him, but he didn't want to interrupt anything. Paul, at times, melted into his seat and bit his lip. He crossed his legs, and looked around nervously. At that point, Jeremy decided to chime in.

"What's keeping you from heading to the restroom?" asked the raptor.

"I want to see the game, but this quarter... this quarter doesn't seem to end. They keep stopping the clock with their fouls. If they could just... hurry up, for God's sake!" muttered Paul.

"Just go, and I'll tell you what happens when you come back. You shouldn't be gone for too long, really."

"But... the lines! The lines! I'll miss, like, the rest of the fucking game!"

"No you won't. Come on. The Hawks called a timeout. Now's your chance."

"Aw shit! I paid all this money to see this game, and I --"

"You had the large soda, mister I-won't-stop-for-refreshments."

Paul felt his full bladder throbbing. He could feel his balls aching as pressure was mounting. It kept pushing and pushing. Suddenly, the otter started relieving himself in his seat. Piss quickly soaked through his briefs and leaked onto his black shorts. Jeremy heard a strange rattling noise coming from Paul's seat, and he quickly realized what was happening. He swallowed in a panic, and whispered angrily to Paul, "What are you do -- why are you doing this?"

"Shut up for a second. I'm just taking away the pressure. I'll clean up, okay?"

"No, that's gross, and you shouldn't be doing that. We're going..." Jeremy stood up from his seat with his tote bag, and pulled on Paul's jersey. The raptor jerked a very humiliated Paul from his seat, and escorted him to the restroom. Paul left a drip trail of urine behind, and several onlookers booed the otter for his obscene behavior. Some even threw popcorn and empty soda cups at Paul, but the embarrassed otter paid no attention to the disdain expressed by the disgusted spectators.

Jeremy and Paul entered the nearest men's restroom with ease as there were no lines or traffic inside. Paul hurriedly dashed to a urinal and continued to relieve himself. He stood quietly, and held onto his member with intensity. As he continued to pee, he lowered his head, and punched the wall above the urinal with his right hand. He shook his head, and sighed. Jeremy stood behind him with his arms crossed. Once the others left the restroom, Jeremy and Paul were alone. When Paul flushed the urinal, Jeremy tapped his foot and cleared his throat.

"Care to explain what happened out there?" Jeremy asked in a tone coated with disapproval.

"I forgot about using the restroom before we left your place."

"Wait, so you were holding it the whole time?"

"I just wanted to get to the game on time."

"We got in our seats -- I believe -- 10 minutes before tip-off started. We were early. You had time."

"Thought I'd be waiting in the restroom lines for a long time."

"We didn't come across any lines now, did we?" Jeremy looked around the restroom. "Okay, you know what? Follow me into the stall on the far right, and close the door behind you."

"Mind if I wash my hands first?"

After Paul washed his hands at the sink, he walked into the stall with Jeremy and closed the door. He made sure that he locked it tight. He didn't know what was going to happen next, but he noticed that the raptor was significantly calmer. He let out a sigh of relief, but sweat continued to drip from his eyebrows, and his shorts were soaking wet. He felt like a big baby for wetting his shorts. He hoped the people, who witnessed his "accident," had a short-term memory. He was scared to leave the restroom in his current condition. He felt his yellow-tinted, damp briefs cradle his crotch uncomfortably. The feeling of pure wetness was intimidating to him.

"I would never imagine you doing something like that. What's the real story?" asked Jeremy with a tense whisper. He set his small tote bag on the floor, and unzipped it.

"Urinary muscle spasms. Had 'em since I was a pup."

Jeremy removed a clean diaper from his tote bag, which immediately surprised the otter. "Did you know about my condition already or..."

"I wear these."

"You're kidding right?" Paul looked at Jeremy's thick waist. When the raptor pulled down his black shorts, he revealed his diaper, which was still clean. This confused Paul, and he tried to rationalize what he just saw. Was it a prank? Was this some cruel, opportunistic joke? Paul decided to keep quiet, and let Jeremy explain himself.

"See, I wear these because, well, it's convenient -- especially for watching a game like this, you know? Think only hatchlings and old dinos wear these? Think again. There's a gray area," said Jeremy with a quick snicker.

"I was going to say, 'Oh my God, you're wearing diapers! Ha-ha-ha!' but since you're the dry one here, I'll shut up." Paul blushed.

"Take off your underwear or whatever, and let me put this on you. We're about the same waist size, so it should fit."

Paul did not object to getting diapered. In normal circumstances, he would have been disturbed by the experience, but he knew that he had to change out of his wet briefs. He quickly tugged his shorts down, and pulled down his underwear. His tight briefs were ridiculously soaked, yellow, and dripping. The briefs were starting to itch, and it felt more uncomfortable with sweat heavily distributed around his loins. Looking down at the dirty underwear on the ground, he thought, "I just pissed myself like a baby... oh man." Just thinking about it made him aroused, and Jeremy greeted his friend's one-eyed soldier with a raised eyebrow and a smile. With the diaper in hand, Jeremy chuckled and tried to turn away. Paul blushed even more.

"I'm sorry that I --"

"It's not like I never saw a hard dick before," Jeremy interjected.

"Shhhh, keep your voice down. People will think we're fucking in here!" Paul whispered.

"What a vivid imagination. Sounds like something you'd like, huh?"

Jeremy had Paul lean up against the wall in the stall. The raptor calmly opened up the large diaper, spread it out, and slipped it behind the otter's exposed rear. He pushed Paul's waist closer to the back of the diaper to keep it in place. He wrapped the front end of the diaper around the otter's inconvenient erection. Noticing it would cause some comfort issues, Paul pushed his member down, and Jeremy continued to diaper him. He managed to neatly arrange the tapes and the velcros, and gave Paul a satisfactory crotch squeeze to signal that he was done. Paul looked down at his diaper, and squealed with delight. It felt very comfortable and assuring. He rubbed his diaper jest to feel the crinkling sensation. It was like he was in a dream, but the euphoria was cut short once he looked at his watch.

"Shit! The game should be back on... wait, how long were we in here?" asked Paul frantically.

"Ten minutes at the most," replied Jeremy with a shrug. "Don't worry. We got the third and fourth quarter to watch."

"And how are we going to clean up?"

"'We'? You're the one that made the mess, not me. Grab some paper towels, and I'll stuff 'em in my tote bag. Ah, oh yeah... put your underwear in here, and we're good to go."

"Actually, next time you should bring a towel to sit on."

Jeremy slapped his forehead, and realized Paul was right. As long as he was sitting on top of one, spectators wouldn't notice. After thinking about it further, Jeremy cackled at the irony of the situation. Being concerned about using his diaper and causing it to leak in public, he witnessed his friend wet himself. There was some embarrassment by association, but he crossed his fingers and hoped that there wouldn't be any more issues. Unfortunately, by the time he and Paul returned to their seats, stadium security arrived and informed Paul that he would have to leave the premises for public urination.

"I can clean it up, and make it like nothing happened. No, really. Please, just let me stay," Paul begged the security guards.

"Sorry, sir. Policy is policy. You should have used the restroom like the grown-ups," said one of the guards in a cold, condescending tone.

"Look, guys. It was a medical problem of his, and he --" said Jeremy before he was interrupted by the other guard.

"Sir, we're have a discussion here. If you continue to intervene, we will also escort you from the premises. Do you understand?" said the other guard as he snarled at the raptor.

"No, I think that it's unfair because he paid lots of money for these two tickets. We could clean the mess up, take care of it, remove the evidence. You guys can just pretend that nothing happened. If there's a fine, I'll pay it. If you want me to fetch a mop, soap, and a bucket of water, I'll do it. I mean, give my buddy a break. He has a medical condition. It's not like he did this intentionally... right... Paul?"

Paul rolled his eyes and looked around sheepishly. "Alright, alright. I'll leave. Hey Jeremy, it was fun while it lasted. You can watch the game, and stay here. I'll just wait in the car and watch the rest of the game on my iPhone or something. I know how much you were looking forward to being here, so... yeah..." Feeling defeated, the otter sighed, and made the long walk up the aisle steps with his head down. Once security departed, Jeremy felt overcome with sadness. He couldn't watch the game by himself. Though the stadium was packed with more than 10,000 people, the raptor suddenly felt alone and conflicted. By the time he regained his composure, the Rangers extended their lead by 18 points, and they were about to enter halftime with strong momentum.

Without any further consideration, Jeremy promptly rose from his seat and left the stadium. He grabbed his tote bag, wrapped it around his shoulder with the bag's sling, and dashed up the aisle stairs. He reached into his shorts pocket, and took out his cell phone. He dialed Paul's number, and got a hold of his friend after a few rings. Out of breath, he told Paul, "I'll see you soon," and the depressed otter hung up with an unsettling click. Jeremy jogged to the parking lot behind the stadium, and found Paul's car. He stopped in front of the car with his hands holding onto his kneecaps. He leaned over his legs and panted heavily. The slightly chubby raptor was not used to the exercise.

Paul sat in his car, drumming his fingers on the dashboard. He looked at the side mirror and saw the exhausted raptor, who was trying to catch his breath. Paul's eyes opened wide at the sight of his friend, and he scrambled out of the driver's seat to greet him. Paul patted Jeremy on the back and walked him toward the car.

"I'm sorry about everything, man," said Paul as he walked Jeremy over to the front-passenger side of the car.

"No, no. It's okay. We all make mistakes, but... you know, I learned something new about you that made it worth the price of admission," Jeremy admitted. "It's true."

"Same here." Paul opened the car door for Jeremy. "I mean, wow. Well, 'wow,' as in, 'Wow, you're convenient.' Had I known about the diapers before, I would have been fine. I should have told you sooner..."

Jeremy flopped in the passenger seat and exhaled. He looked up at Paul, who was standing outside the car. "It's not about the past, Paul. It's about living in the moment, and being in the moment with someone I care about. And, you know, it was nice of you to take me to the game, but... when you left, things weren't the same."

Paul reached through the open window on the passenger side and rubbed the raptor's head. "You could have stayed and watched without me. I'm sorry I jinxed things easier with... you know..."

"Remember, you're talking to a diapered dino. I know what leaks are all about."

Paul smiled, and hopped to the opposite side of the car. Once he got in the car, Paul moved his seat away from the steering wheel so he could remove his shorts comfortably. He sat in his diaper and curled his feet with delight. Jeremy laughed and followed the otter's lead. After a few minutes of giggling, both males were wearing nothing but their sports jerseys and diapers. It felt very liberating, Jeremy thought. Paul agreed. Both friends were mutually aroused over each other's appearance.

"I really had no idea we had so much in common," said Paul as he stared at Jeremy's diaper.

"Yeah. Crazy. So, good luck finding a guy who doesn't mind changing diapers."

"I don't think I need to look, really," said Paul as he looked at Jeremy's eyes.

Jeremy sunk into his seat, and felt a chill run down his spine. He closed his eyes and relaxed his shoulders. The raptor looked up and moved his eyes around as he tried to think of something to say. He was overcome with the idea that fate brought them together: his diaper-wearing and Paul's incontinence was more than a coincidence. Also, Jeremy felt his affinity for diapers had achieved a purpose that went beyond mere sexual gratification. He felt like he could let himself go, and keep the diaper on. Why not? Life is short, he thought. "You only live once."

As he drove back to Jeremy's house, Paul's mind continue to wander frantically. He felt comfortable in diapers, but he was shy about using them. He felt his bladder muscles tighten when he thought about wetting himself. He emptied his bladder earlier, and he had no sudden urges. However, he felt his hard dick graze against the diaper interior every time he had the opportunity to visualize what he could do with his diaper. He fantasized about wetting himself out of desperation without anyone knowing but him and Jeremy. He fantasized about rubbing his wet diaper and stirring the musk that incubated inside of it. He fantasized about being "dirty" and having sex with the tall, domineering raptor; thus satisfying his aggressive, sexual appetite. He wanted to be fucked just for being a "good boy" and using his diaper for its intended purpose. He wanted to be rewarded -- not punished -- for a condition that haunted him for most of his life.

Paul could barely focus on the road. His sexual excitement clouded his perception of reality. He wanted to curl up with Jeremy on the couch, and watch the fourth quarter with him in just diapers. However, Jeremy had other plans. He wanted to relax and unwind after having a strange day. Interestingly, his diaper was still dry, and he was able to resist nature's call even though he had been wearing the same diaper for nearly four hours. He figured that the emotional investment in the game -- and the circumstances that followed -- distracted him from using his bodily functions normally. By the time he and Paul arrived back at his house, Jeremy was ready to turn on the television and finish watching the game.

He exited the car and pulled his shorts up. He calmly walked to his front door with Paul following him. After fishing for the right key on his keychain, Jeremy opened the door, walked in and immediately removed his clothes in the living room. Paul chuckled.

"Somebody's eager to get frisky tonight," said Paul in a seductive tone.

"Oh, no. This is how I usually am around the house," replied Jeremy with a cheeky grin.

"You're telling me that you walk around the house in a diaper, and that's it?"

"Sure. I figure, 'Why not?' Anyway, have a seat. Feel free to turn on the TV in the living room. I think the game is on channel 9."


Jeremy walked around the house crinkling. He headed to the bedroom to put down his tote bag on the floor. He set the bag beside his bed, and unzipped it. He removed all of the bag's content, including two unused diapers and Paul's damp briefs. The raptor raised the briefs up to his nostrils for a sniff, and he took in a scent that was different -- something he wasn't used to. The briefs were dry enough to contain the leaking. The briefs had a dark yellow tint, and it appeared to be a sufficient wetting that wasn't controlled. The raptor imagined himself in the same position as Paul, and wondered what he could have done differently. Once he thought about it, all the resentment toward Paul had faded away.

"Hopefully the accident wasn't caught on the Jumbotron," the raptor joked as he took Paul's briefs and walked toward the laundry room across the hallway.

Paul sat in the living room and watched the game. He felt at ease. However, he felt remorseful over the incident at the stadium, but he felt that it was also a blessing in disguise. He assumed that Jeremy disagreed, and he didn't want to be overzealous in establishing the "blessing" for the raptor. His mind continued racing and he tried so desperately to relax and watch the game, but he was horny, and had a difficult time trying to contain himself. The sexual fantasies were running rampant in his consciousness, and he was eager to partake in his pleasures. When Jeremy returned, Paul laid down on the couch, and watched the game from his side.

"You look comfortable," said Jeremy.

Paul scritched his diaper. "Oh yeah!" the otter exclaimed.

"I'm not used to seeing you like this." The raptor crossed his arms and tilted his head.

"I wish I could say the same about you, but you know, the diaper looks good on you. It's cute."

Jeremy blushed and sat beside Paul on the couch. The otter moved his legs and positioned them over the raptor's diaper. Together, they watched the end of the game and celebrated loudly when the Rangers beat the Hawks by four points. Since they left the stadium, the Rangers lost their lead, and had gotten into foul trouble by the end of the third quarter, but they managed to play defense and kept the other team away from the paint. Being the avid basketball fan that he is, Jeremy had some play-by-play commentary and mimicked the team sportscaster's booming voice. Paul chuckled, and playfully kicked Jeremy's side. Suddenly, Jeremy paused and delivered a faint chuckle.

"Hey, you know what's funny? I haven't peed in, like, several hours," the raptor admitted.

"Holy cow! You've been holding it all this time?" asked Paul as he sat up.

"Not intentionally."

Jeremy looked down at his diaper, and smiled. For several hours, the chubby raptor's diaper was completely dry -- but that was about to change. Damp spots appeared on the front of his diaper, and they immediately expanded. He emptied his bladder without hesitation, and felt the diaper swell. It got heavier and warm, but it felt good. He didn't want to stop. The diaper wrinkled toward the bottom turned yellow while the thin, blue-line wetness indicators disappeared. He was more than willing to contribute to the heavy musk scent, which was rich and inviting. He repeatedly groped his diaper as he wet. It got darker and darker. He could feel the warmth from the outside.

Paul slid beside Jeremy to study his diaper and rub it. He could feel that the raptor was already rock hard. He took the initiative and kissed his friend on his lips. Jeremy pulled his head back for a second to comprehend the situation. He blinked a few times before his aggressive animal libido took over. He smiled devilishly at the otter and kissed him. He stroked the back of the brown otter's head as he kissed him. In between kisses, Paul whispered to him that dirty raptors made him horny, and he wanted to be fucked by one. Jeremy subsequently yanked Paul's diaper down, and let it sink to his feet. Paul flopped onto his stomach and laid motionless.

The raptor pulled the front of his diaper down to expose his piss-soaked dick. He rubbed his balls, and guided himself into Paul's puckered hole. Paul could feel the entry, and he felt his prostate was sufficiently poked. His muscles tightened momentarily before relaxing. He felt a spark of pain run through his body, but he felt intense pleasure. He felt the remaining drips of Jeremy's piss moisten inside. He bit down on his lip and moaned quietly. Jeremy nudged the coffee table away from the couch with his foot so he could have more space. He tilted Paul to the side slightly. He started to hump, and it was off to a rough start -- but that's what Paul wanted. He wanted it rough and hard. He called Jeremy a "big, dirty baby" under his breath, and that got the raptor to fuck him harder. He told Jeremy that he enjoyed the musky "dirty diaper scent," and it made him horny. Jeremy pounded into him mercilessly. At that point, the raptor couldn't control it any longer. No matter how many times he tried to resist, he came in three strong, seductive and plentiful bursts. Paul ejaculated at the same time, and his semen created a small puddle on the hardwood floor.

"Sorry about the floor. I'll go clean it up," muttered Paul.

Jeremy rubbed his partner's back. "Don't worry about it. We're not at the stadium."

"Rub it in, why don't you?" the otter snarled.

"Eh... already did."

Jeremy and Paul were exhausted. It was a long day, and the two males wanted nothing more than to relax and pretend that they never went to the game. They only wanted to remember how much fun they had when they got home. Jeremy pulled his diaper back up, and helped Paul readjust the tapes of the diaper he was wearing. Once they restored order, the otter nuzzled Jeremy's big belly. He rested comfortably with his upper-body relaxing on top of Jeremy's chest as they continued to watch more basketball games. Suddenly, Jeremy caught a whiff of something foul. While resting on his lap, Paul said, "Mind if you change me?" Jeremy slid underneath Paul, got up from the couch, and walked away.

"Nope," said Jeremy, smiling.

Paul stood up, walked to the bathroom nearby. "Fine then!"

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