last call

Story by skoll fenrirson on SoFurry

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This is a story of sorts for those of us who cant feel any more

By the way Caleb the fox is copy right to me so if you use it with out my permission I be mad and fucking kill your ass Ha Ha Ha but really it wont be pleasant.

Last Call


skoll fenrirson

Dim light, I sit in my living room on a recliner that like every thing else in this place has seen better days, dim light shining through the part in my curtains giving the whisky bottle in front of me a warm over inviting glow, the low din from outside telling me of the hungry almost desperate pulse of life reminding me of just how much I've come hate it all, the people the place the situations and as I take the first shot I remind my self of my biggest bane, existence

At first when the doctor said it was just a mild case of depression and that with an up beat attitude and the appropriate amount of farmasuticles Id be A ok...what a fucking load they didn't help for shit, the only thing they did was net me a nice profit from selling them and using the money to indulge in other vices. But no matter how much I drank. Smoked or the myriad of other party favors I did, no mater how much sex I just got worse. With every shot with every puff or injection with every thrust I got worse and as I take another in a long line of shots I reminisce about the first time I met her, my angel and my damnation.

It happened while at my lowest, sitting in my basement belt around my upper arm loading my syringe with a dose of fine brown heroin relishing the kiss of the needle as I put another dose of hell in to my body and as my veins are set on fire I see her over on the stairs, a beautiful wolf with white fur and black hair that fell to the small of her back and a perfect feminine figure. She wore a simple white dress, I asked her what she was doing here, she said nothing she just stood up and walked over to were I lay slumped against the wall and sat down next to me.

We both looked into each other's eyes, her piercing emerald eyes looking in to my dead blue, looking in to my soul to the source of my pain and with out a word she took my head in her hands and held it to her chest and after a second I broke down and cried like a cub for the rest of the night, I latter woke alone and covered and in sweat and urine and lone wondering if it had been a dream.

Fast forward several months and shots later here I sit no strength left on my last leg so to speak lost and looking for a path home, and then I see her and she's exactly the way I remember her she stands there just in my periphery, I focus on the drink in my paw and her at the same time, with a grunt I down my shot and ask her is this it, is this all that's left to me, a life dammed to eternal hatred for a world with a plastic hall mark front that underneath it all is more decayed than a hit and run victim left to rot naturally for three weeks. I let out a small laugh as she comes closer leans in and kisses me.

As the kiss stops and we part I can't help but stare with my mouth open as slips her dress off and stand before me in all her glory I gaze her over and my god she's beautiful .her long legs her shapely body perky b cup breasts caped with rose pink harden nipples and a small muff shaved into an arrow pointing to the tightly pressed lips of her womanhood, I return My gaze to her face and receive something from her that I have never received from anyone but my mother, a caring smile. She walks back to me and straddle's my lap facing me. She reaches and grabs the hem of my shirt an lifts it up over my head and drops it on the floor as she looks me over and with a concerned look and says in defeated voice {Iv Failed}.

The first time I hear her voice and it like an angel with a quiver of remorse in her voice, I ask her what she means but she doesn't answer she just runs her hands over my exposed ribs poking up from under my skin my snow white fur havening long ago lost its sheen. Looking at my sunken malnourished stomach with its modest assortment scars and cut marks as well as the distinctive slash of red fur that start on the right side of my hip curving inward under the wait band of my pants to connect to my scrotum, her eyes reconnect with mine and she leans in and presses her lips to mine again slowly her eyes close as her mouth parts and she slides her tongue slides in to mine. I can feel her tongue sliding over my teeth and caress my tongue and slowly I close my eyes and for the first time in as long as can remember clear my mind of all thought except for the here and now and give in to the kiss.

After what seems like an eternity our lips part and she just holds my head in her hands looking me in the face taking in the dark circles under my eyes the hollow cheekbones the dead look to my eyes. And as she traced a claw over the crescent shaped scar going from the left corner of my mouth to the bottom of my left ear a reminder from an old drug dealer that I should always be on time with my payments, she finally realized what she was looking at, a creature that had taken every thing that life throw at him and had found existence wanting an no longer wanted any thing to do with it. As she took this in she felt a stab of pain in her heart but that quickly passed as I pressed my lips to her neck and hear her gasp as I lightly kiss her slowly trailing my tongue down over her collarbone over her left breast to her nipple.

slowly I swirl my tongue around her nipple be for sealing my lips around it lightly tugging on it with my teeth causing her to let out a groan as I lick and suck on her breast before switching to the right one and giving it similar treatment. I stop and lift her out of my lap so that she's standing in front of me, slowly I lean forward and rest my head against her tummy eyes closed just taking in her scent a mixture of roses and her heat, slowly I slid off my seat on to my knees. I had to laugh a little at the fact that do to the size difference caused by one the fact that she was a wolf and I am a artic fox and two the constant use of narcotics has stunted my growth at around five foot three so that in a kneeling position my just coming up to the bottom of her thighs, I felt her paw slide through my un kept shoulder length man of white hair bending her knees to lift my muzzle to look in her at her. I slowly leaned forward and took a tentative lick at her sex causing her to gasp and moan. I continued my treatment kissing and suck on her lips before sliding tongue back in to her vagina and liking up the sweet fluids that flowed from her,

I withdrew my tongue from her an concentrated on the little nub that had come out of its hood. I continued this for about fifteen minutes till she stopped me. I looked up and saw that she was panting and flustered, she he helped me stand up and slowly undoing my buckle and pulling my pants down and helping me step out of them and sitting me down in my chair before leaning down on taking my shaft in her hand slowly caressing and stroking it till I'm fully erect and standing at its full six and a half inches, she then rises and straddles my lap again taking hold of me and aiming it at her entrance, with one last look at me she lowers down and impales her self on my shaft both of us letting out a lowed moan as I hilt In side her


My god its like a furnace tight and wet and for a while we just stay like that holding each other getting used to the feeling of each other until she rise up and lowers her self back down with a gasp and repeats the process again and again both of us groaning and gasping the air fills with the sound of skin slapping together and our panting until she cries out cum's her fluids soaking my lap and her contractions setting off my own orgasm sending my seed into her womb and then with out a word she stands up and begins to leave but stops when she hears me say, why, why do you care about me, turns around and says , I could tell you the truth but you wont believe me you nihilism and pain wont let you hear the truth imagine if I tell that I'm a guardian angel but more than that I'm your guardian angel and that I've failed both you and my duty what would you say?

I had to think for a moment finally I said what would I say Id say I don't give care all I know is you're the only person who really cares about me all you do is cause me more pain every time you leave, I don't know if this is love or lust that I'm feeling or even if your really here or just some fucked up trip I'm having, all I know is that I don't wont you to go, I wont to be with you forever. She looked at me smiled and said not while you here to be together you need to leave. What do you mean I said? You need to leave but to do that you need to let it all go. How do I do that, her smile faded as looked at the ground, are you shore this is what you want I mean absolutely shore, Yes.

Then Ill tell you but only because I love you. Then how, tell me how we can be together. She raised her arm and pointed at my closet, the exit is in there. What, I said. You asked, and with that she kissed me ...and I woke up, I first I think it's a dream but I can still taste her on my lips. Confused about what she I went to my closet and open the door, at first I don't get it but then I see it the shoe box, inside the box my grand fathers colt .45. And there it is my exit it finally makes sense and I can't help but laugh, so time to make up my mind...I put the gun down walk over notice there about half a bottle left so I pick up the bottle and drain it in one long drink and through it away. Walk back and picked up the gun and put it to my head pulled back the hammer and with a tear and a yell I took the exit

Floating, cold darkness around me silence beautiful all encompassing nothingness

And then I feel it the weight of some one on top of me and I know it's her. How long I ask. Forever she says. I smile and hold her, then I feel something else something that I never expected. True nothingness and I'm happy truly, truly happy.

So that's my story, am I dead I don't know can I come back maybe I really don't know and I don't care I'm finally happy

The end

So that's it tell me what you think. Until next time