TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 21 Igüsa's future.

Story by Marinus18 on SoFurry

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Author note: Here is another more happy chapter. I am not really fund of writing dark and sad chapters so I never can keep it up. I especially like the ending part. It was great to make.

Igüsa: My futhere? Am I now really going to mate a filthly male?

me: Maybe.

Igüsa: Maybe?! What do you mean?!

me: You'll see.

Igüsa: 'shiver'

The legend of Spyro

Legend of the black dragon

Chapter 21 Igüsa's future

"So what do you think about it?" Terrador was having a talk with Cyril. They didn't really have time to discuss yesterday's events during the morning and they then had to do their referee shifts. However now Volteer was having his shift so they finally had the chance to clear up a few things.

They had decided to do the talk in Cyril's room. They believed that it was the most secluded and nobody except maybe Spyro or Cynder might step in.

However if they did it would only be for something serious.

"I'm not really sure what happened Terrador, I mean, we didn't actually see it" Cyril responded.

"Well Volt told me that Oxidus and Blizzard had a ferocious fight" Terrador said.

"We all know they had a brutal battle Terrador, that much was obvious" Cyril said a bit annoyed that Terrador needed Volt to tell him such a thing.

"I know that Cyril but what I don't get is how Oxidus, Blizzard, Igüsa and Frost all fit into this picture" Terrador said.

"I mean, to get things so out of control something very heavy, very emotional or very serious must have occurred"

"So what do you think Cyril? What kind of dragon is Blizzard exactly. He is your cousin after all"

Cyril's face instantly got more wrinkles and his teeth were exposed.

He looked definitely not pleased to be talking about Blizzard.

"That elitist bag of ice is a disgrace for the proud and noble Glaciad blood" Cyril snapped with his teeth baring.

"He may be my cousin but it seemed that was just a fluke!" Cyril's voice increased in volume as he seemed to get really angry.

"The way he views all other dragons is unworthy of our family! That rotten-"

"But anyway Cyril" Terrador stopped him before he was totally into his royal family things again.

"What do you know further, that son of his didn't seem that bad to me or was he just concerned about his farther" Terrador tried to get more information as apparently Cyril knew Blizzard well and might now more about Frost as well.

"Frost is a miracle if you ask me" Cyril's voice had decreased again and he was now sounding much more pleased and kind.

"He is truly worthy of his blood. I have never seen a dragon with such kindness, generosity and nobility before. It is not that he doesn't acknowledge his royal blood, he is proud of being one of the Glaciad ice dragons but he always gives to lower dragons" Cyril clearly was very fund of the young ice dragon.

Terrador let that sink in and he tried to think about the next step.

"So if Frost is so kind then does that mean his relationship with his father isn't well?" Terrador asked next as it seemed very likely to him.

"Oh yes Terrador, those two almost never agree. Frost has great respect for his elders so he keeps submissive to his father but he truly tries everything in his power to keep Blizzard from pollution the noble line" Cyril was still sounding a bit dreamy about Frost.

"More likely he is just kind and doesn't care about his lineage" Terrador thought as he wrote the real story in his head.

'Frost was a kind and generous young dragon who doesn't care much about royalty. He treats all dragons the same but his father does not and treats all other dragons condescendingly. Therefore they often clash with each other. Blizzard is still his father nonetheless and he can't go against him. He just tries to do the best he can.'

This version seemed like the real story as Cyril seemed very fund of Frost so he might praise him very much in his story.

"Do you also have any info on Igüsa? I knew she was his maid but Georga never really talked that much about how she did during her job" Terrador was good friends with Volt so he hoped that together with Cyril's connection to Blizzard they could rewind the entire event without needing to do any painful confrontations.

"Well Blizzard didn't really view her as important so I don't really know that much" Cyril started his talk already a bit uncertain.

"What I understand from him is that Igüsa was quite feisty for a maid. The only things I heard about her from him were complains about how burdensome, rebellious and disrespectful she was" Cyril said.

He now raised his voice again and gave it a aggressive tone "But in the case of Blizzard that doesn't say much as he will think that way of any dragon who doesn't either follow him blindly or worships him" Cyril clearly was not pleased by his cousin.

"I have never heard him say 'Igüsa'. He always said maid and talked about her as little as possible. Frost does call her by her name however and he seems rather fund of her. I have heard him once talking about helping Igüsa and by the way he was saying it I can conclude that it wasn't the first time" Cyril finished as that was all he knew.

Blizzard rarely spoke of her and therefore Frost couldn't speak much about her either.

"Hmmm" Terrador thought about what Cyril had just said.

"Um, excuse us" Terrador's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he spotted Spyro and Frost standing in the doorway.

"Ah Frost good timing" Cyril said gleefully "We were just talking about you"

"Well actually-" Frost started but couldn't finish.

"There was something important we wanted to tell you" Spyro continued for him but he also had problems to finish it.

"Can't it wait" Cyril said as they were kind of in the middle of something.

"It is about yesterday's events" Frost admitted.

"It is?" Now Cyril and Terrador were all ears to hear more about it.

Georga was in her house moping around in her room.

"Oxidus where are you? Did I really fail you? What could I have done?" The thoughts repeated themselves over and over again in her head.

She was totally in her own thoughts

Suddenly a voice broke her trance "Georga"

She turned to see Volt appearing from behind the curtain.

She didn't answer him as she just wished he would just go away.

However Volt didn't go away.

"What has happened yesterday? You still haven't told me anything" Volt said.

Georga just looked away and didn't answer.

"Come on Georga, what happened to Oxidus?" Volt insisted.

"Please leave" Georga said sadly.

"Georga!" Volt raised his voice.

However that didn't make impact on her closed mind at all.

"Please Volt, please leave" Georga said almost in a begging voice.

This seemed to make a deep impression on Volt and he walked out of the room although it was obvious he was very reluctant to leave Georga.

Georga kept walking aimlessly around in her room. Oxidus was the one thing that was on her mind. She felt like she would never smile ever again because she was feeling so empty inside.

"Oxidus how did I loose you?" Georga now again started to cry.

Meanwhile back in the citadel Spyro and Frost had just told Cyril and Terrador about what had happened yesterday.

"So if I understand you correctly. Blizzard had a misunderstanding with Igüsa then Blizzard attacked her. When she was defeated Oxidus rescued her but went out of control and he tore Blizzard to pieces. When he was about to kill Blizzard Igüsa saved him. Then we took them to the healer where Igüsa kept insisting that Frost stayed with Blizzard until he woke up. When Blizzard woke up he fired Igüsa" Terrador summarized it to confirm it.

"Dude, that's was what he just said" Sparx said annoyed.

"How dare he do that while-!" Cyril shouted but Terrador interrupted him by putting his wing in front of Cyril's face.

"So what was the misunderstanding about anyway?" He asked as it may be important if Blizzard was going to call the law.

"Well it was about-" Frost stopped as he felt a bit too embarrassed to continuo.

He started to blush and with his scales being an aqua blue colour that was very visible for everyone to see.

"About what!" Sparx encouraged.

"Why don't you fill us in here, rich boy" He suggested as Frost reaction made it appear like it was something interesting.

"It was about, um, the kind of thing that was, um, yeah about something that was just a game" Frost stammered as he had difficulty telling it.

"What kind of game?" Terrador asked as it was obvious Frost was hiding something.

"Um well you hit the other, well you-" Frost was starting to flap his wings uncontrolled as he didn't want to continuo it.

"Hit? A sparring match?" Spyro suggested as he also starting to become curious at what Frost was hiding.

"No, no, nothing like that" Frost corrected.

"But what then?!" Cyril was starting to lose his patients.

"Well it all began with a spa-" Frost just couldn't get it out of his mouth.

"A Spaaaa" Sparx prolonged the tone and make him finish the word.

"-anking!" Frost shouted with his eyes closed.

"Spa, anking. Spanking?" Spyro, Sparx, Terrador and Cyril all were very puzzled.

"It started with a spanking?" Terrador was the first one to say something.

Frost sighed deep to prepare himself. Now that he had said it he had to tell the rest as well.

"My dad forced me to act the same way towards Igüsa as he did" Frost explained.

"I had to obey him and therefore I acted mean towards her" Frost obviously wasn't proud of it. However he knew that Spyro had already heard that part so he just moved on.

"I wrote her a sorry letter and gave a box of Taviboah's as an apology"

"So that was what you were talking about back then" Spyro said.

"But what has all that to do with a spanking?" Cyril asked as he wanted for Frost to continuo.

"Well I put a joke in the sorry letter" Frost swallowed hard as he had to force the words out of his mouth "That I deserved a spanking when I returned home" he bent his head down.

"Hahahaha, And she took it literally and gave your tail-base a firm trashing, didn't she" Sparx said laughing at him.

"Well yes" Frost admitted.

"Well then she allowed me to give her a spanking!" Frost then said a bit fierce to defend his honour. It had gone both ways.

Spyro grinned but managed not to laugh at Frost but the idea seemed a bit silly.

"Oh now I see" Terrador said as it finally made sense. He didn't seem to have any problems not to laugh.

"And then Blizzard misunderstood it as that Igüsa was beating you and that's when everything else started" He filled in.

"Yeah that's right" Frost knotted.

Frost was feeling relieved. He felt like Terrador had saved him as he had broken the very embarrassing moment.

"So did she hit you hard?" Cyril asked as if that was really important.

"Well no, it was just a prank" Frost answered a bit puzzled.

"But because of that he attacked her and even after she saves him he still fires her?!!!" Cyril yelled in disbelief.

"Cyril, calm down" Terrador said trying to calm him before it was too late.

"Why Terrador?" Cyril snapped "That rotten, bigheaded, bastard!" He cursed.

"Ever since he hatched he had done nothing but disgrace us!"

"He never showed gratitude or respect but to do something like this!"

Cyril was getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"That Igüsa saved his life and cared for him despite everything he did to her and he doesn't show her anything for it?!" Cyril was shouting so hard that it seemed even Terrador cringed in from it.

"Boy, he sure doesn't like your dad" Spyro said to Frost.

"Yeah, they never see eye to eye" Frost whispered back. Although it was more shouting than whispering as he had to make himself audible over Cyril.

"That Blizzard is a disgrace to the royal Glaciad blood!" Cyril was still shouting to himself as nobody was really listening.

"Cyril that is not important right now" Terrador said sternly.

He tried to get Cyril to stop going completely into his royal things but it already was too late for that.

"Of course it is!" Cyril didn't show any signs of listening.

"Man Cyril is going to explode if this keeps up" Sparx said although no one could even hear him over Cyril.

"How dare he! Now the line will have the name of ingratitude!"

"Thanks to that jerk I need to repair the damage again!" He shouted.

Suddenly Spyro spotted a big chance now.

"Hey Cyril!!! There is something you can do to purify your family's name!" he shouted in the hope that the message would reach the enraged Cyril.

"What?!" Cyril suddenly seemed to listen.

"We actually came here because we had a big request to ask you" Spyro explained.

"And what might that be young dragons?!" Cyril said although he was less loud than he was before he was still shouting.

They told Cyril of their plan but kept him from doing it.

They couldn't let him go in the state he was in so they had to wait while he blew off his steam.

To their astonishment and even more to their annoyance that took over an hour.

While Spyro and Frost were waiting for Cyril to insult and curse Blizzard till he was satisfied Georga was still alone in her room.

She had kept moping about Oxidus all day and it still didn't get her anywhere.

"Oxidus why? What could I have done?"

"What could I have done to support you more?" The questions never stopped coming.

"Now that you're gone I don't know it anymore, who are you and why did this happen?"

"Georga dinner!" She heard Volt shout.

Georga got up and walked aimlessly out of her room.

As she walked into the living room she didn't turn to her guardian but just settled down next to the dish and started eating.

She ate slowly and chewed carefully. She didn't seem to eat because hungry but just ate because she had to.

She never even seemed to notice Volt, let alone say something.

Normally she was very talkative and they sometimes had problem eating all their food but this time she never spoke.

She didn't even say hi or anything. Nothing at all, even when she was asked a question she didn't speak.

"Georga" She heard Volt whisper to himself just like this morning.

Volt didn't know what to say to her and the dinner passed without any words being spoken.

Once they had eaten their meal Georga got back to her room and stayed there for the rest of the evening. She was pondering hard about what she could have done what could still have saved Oxidus.

She never spoke or did anything at all. She didn't even come close to any toy in her room and seemed completely out of life energy.

It was true torture for Volt to see his foster daughter like this and he felt like he would do anything to help her but there was just nothing he could do.

It felt like all he could do was watch in tears as Georga was going down the same path as Oxidus did.

Meanwhile Igüsa was thinking very similar thoughts.

She too would be willing to do anything to support her brothers but there just wasn't anything she could do.

"There may be no other options but to enter in the prostitution is something I just won't do!" Igüsa was determined in that fact.

She had been thinking and refusing to go into prostitution the entire day and she was exhausted.

"Just what can I do?" She thought but she had asked herself that question thousands of times today already.

Igüsa just didn't know it anymore. They had already run out of food and they had to pay lease every month. With only two days till the end of the month and not enough spare money to pay it they would be excluded now for curtain.

The reality wasn't as bad as this at all. They still had plenty food left in some unused drawers. Go out hunting was also still an option and if they put their heads together they still had the money to pay for this month and maybe even the next one also but Igüsa's head was so full of doom futures she had become extremely pessimistic.

She didn't even think about other possibilities and to her they were completely out of options.

She also felt completely out of energy as she lay half asleep on her bed while moping about what she could do.

Suddenly she heard someone knock on the door.

Igüsa groaned as she got up from her bed and walked towards the door.

She wasn't really in a mood for visitors but she didn't want to be rude and let them stand there all day.

She opened it and was a bit surprised by who she saw.

"Oh, hallo Frost, Spyro" She said as happy as she could.

"Hey, we have some pretty sweet news for you Iga" Sparx said happy.

"Well come in then" Igüsa said. Her mood was still way down but if they had something to say then she might as well hear it.

After all it was not like she had anything better to do.

"Well there is someone who has great news" Spyro corrected his brother. He was smiling very warmly as he clearly was very pleased.

"Well what is it?" Igüsa urged, she was now starting to really get interested.

"Hey! You can come out now!" Spyro shouted to someone.

"Yes, yes, I come out of this stinking and dirty allay" a voice sounded and Igüsa was very surprised when she saw the ice guardian Cyril appears from one of the many dark alleys around the decayed neighbourhood.

"Was this all really necessary?" It was obvious that he wasn't in such a good mood as Spyro and Frost were.

"That's Cyril!" Igüsa knew that Cyril was a cousin of Blizzard there was a strong possibility that Cyril might expect the same behaviour from her as well.

"It's such an honour ice guardian Cyril" Igüsa bowed as deep as she could. This was considered proper when meeting someone with a higher standing than you.

"I see Blizzard did his worst" Cyril said laughing.

"Huh?" Igüsa didn't know what to think of that remark.

"Don't worry you can drop the whole honour thing" Spyro said as unwanted praising was something he knew very well.

"No way man, let's see the full extent of her vocabulary" Sparx said.

"But as we said we have a surprise for you so let's go inside" Spyro urged as he wanted to stop Sparx before he got any weird ideas into his head.

Igüsa didn't know what else to do but to let them enter and see what they were up to.

This was all extremely confusing for her but she didn't have the energy to really worry about it.

"This place is a dump" Cyril said as he entered the tiny house.

"It's not much but it is home" Igüsa said.

It wasn't really a polite thing to say from Cyril but Igüsa didn't blame him.

Their house was a wreck and she didn't bother trying to deny that.

Cyril used his tail to shove some stuff out of the way and settled down on the ground as dragons normally did during a talk.

Igüsa followed suit as did Frost and Spyro.

Just before they could start they spotted a tiny fire dragon walk towards them.

"Iga, who that?" the little Furno asked as he spotted unfamiliar dragons.

"That's the ice guardian Cyril" Igüsa sighed, she was feeling very tired and hoped this to be short.

Now Oxidus walked into the house as well. It seemed he too was curious about why Cyril was here.

He looked up at Cyril, he didn't look awed but just curious.

"So Oxidus we have already met before but my name is Cyril" Cyril said politely.

"He has manners unlike his counterpart" Frost whispered to Spyro.

"But just like his younger counterpart" Spyro whispered back at which Frost smiled.

"And also just a temper like his counterpart's girlfriend" Sparx added to which Spyro gave him a dangerous snarl.

"I'm Oxidus" Oxidus said with his usual emotionless voice.

"A pleasure" Cyril said although he sounded a bit confused by the depressive voice of the fire dragon.

Having met Cyril now, Oxidus walked back out of the room to most likely get back to his pondering.

Cyril looked a bit confused at Spyro who shrugged to indicate that he shouldn't bother with it.

Cyril understood the message and turned to the dragoness.

"Well I think now that the pleasantries are over you all want to know why I'm here" Cyril said as he started the talk.

"You see the thing is-" Cyril stopped and waited a full 5 seconds before finishing his sentence. He really seemed to enjoy everyone anxious faces.

"I really need a housemaid for in the citadel and I was tipped that a good one is in this house" He said finally after he felt like he couldn't prolong it any more.

"What?!" Igüsa exclaimed in disbelief. She was so into her despair and misery that it took time to sink in.

"But maybe I should go look for one somewhere else" Cyril now got up again and it looked like he was ready to leave.

"No, no, wait!" Igüsa said a bit in panic.

"So who is it?" Cyril asked half lifted from the ground.

"Well I was once a maid for Blizzard" Igüsa said, she was so stunned that she followed into Cyril's obvious teasing act.

Frost didn't say it to her but he found the whole scene quite amusing.

"That's perfect, if you can handle someone like that Blizzard then you can handle anything" Cyril said smirking.

"I think I will take you" He said as to spell it out for everyone. It seemed Igüsa needed it clearly handed to her.

"Are you really giving me a new job?" Igüsa stammered still amazed and in disbelief.

"Let's say... for 15 gold pieces an hour" Cyril suggested "Is that okay?"

"15 gold pieces an hour?!" Igüsa shouted in disbelief what caused Cyril to move a bit back from her.

"That's more than ten times what I got from Blizzard!"

Cyril now looked a bit shocked himself "What did he pay you then?"

"12 silver pieces" Igüsa said almost like a admission. 10 silver pieces equal 1 gold piece.

"Per hour?!" Cyril shouted in disbelief. "That's a joke for him! He could rather just give you your daily food, I believe that would still have been more!"

"I will make sure that he won't have fired you without regretting it. I promise you that!" Cyril sounded very determined to punish Blizzard that he fired her. Unknown to Igüsa however Cyril would jump at any given chance to show Blizzard who's boss.

"That I gotta see" Frost was normally quite formal but this scene was too much for him to keep his cool. He was also looking happy and vengeful. The prospect of his dad getting scolded by the only one that could do that seemed like a show he wouldn't want to miss.

Spyro was smiling at his friend. Frost and Cyril did indeed seem to have a few things in common. Although they were both aristocrats they were respectful and generous towards all other dragons. Aristocrats or not.

"You will do chores in the citadel from 8 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the afternoon" Cyril sounded strict now but that was only because he wanted to get a bit more formality in the conversation.

"Of course" Igüsa was agreeing with it right away. It was two hours less than with Blizzard and the job still easily brought in far more money than previously.

"I have seen that you've been disqualified from the tournament" Cyril said next "I'm sorry for that but it means we won't have any problems for free days on unfavourable times"

"Wait a second?! I have free days?!" Igüsa was being perplexed again and again.

"I was thinking about one every week. You're free to save and spend them to your heart's content as long as you inform me at least two days in advance" Cyril said.

"Of course I will understand that emergencies can happen sometimes but keep those at a minimum because I have a tight schedule" he added.

"This is awesome" Igüsa thought out loud. She now seemed full of spirit and was pumped with youthful energy.

Cyril was a bit off-set by the highly excited dragoness who was acting like he was giving her hatchday presents.

He was hiring her as a maid not indulging her.

"I still expect good and hard work from you" Cyril said trying to make the point again that she still had to work.

It was no charity but a job after all. This Igüsa was surely acting strangely happy.

"Of course" Igüsa bowed hastily trying to keep a bit of politeness to her new boss but also feeling so much gratitude to him that she almost wanted to kiss him.

Igüsa was breathing fast and almost vibrating with excitement. She had a broad smile on her face and seemed so full of energy it radiated from her.

"Iga, what wrong?" Furno asked from besides her.

"Nothing's wrong at all Furno" Igüsa said full of energy and joy unlike the last time she spoke to him.

"Cyril here is my new boss"

"Hi Kyril I'm Furno" Furno said in his high pitched voice.

"It's Cyril little one" Cyril tried not to get angry and scare the little dragon but it was obvious he hated it when people got his name wrong.

"But anyway" Cyril now turned to Igüsa again and got back to job description "You start tomorrow and I want the citadel clean by six o'clock. Igus cup or no Igus cup" He said very stern.

Igüsa's excitement was shattered for a moment. The citadel was huge! With the hundreds of dragons around now it would an impossible task to do.

She was now starting to have second thoughts about this job.

"Don't worry Igüsa, he's just teasing you" Spyro now stepped in as he saw her obviously scared face.

"There are dozens of cleaners in the citadel at this moment to help you. They had kept the citadel clean without you remember" Spyro assured her

"Of course" It actually was pretty obvious. Someone had to clean the citadel in the days the Igus cup was already underway.

"I still have some documents to fill in so I really need to get going now" Cyril said as he now really stood up.

Igüsa felt like she just couldn't hold back the urge anymore and acting mostly on impulse now that he was about to leave.

She ran up Cyril and gave him a loud smacking kiss on his snout. She was just too grateful to him to let him leave the house unrewarded.

The move surprised everyone in the room but none as much as Cyril.

"What! Oh, well, um, that's new" he stammered when Igüsa had retreated.

"Yes, Igüsa is one of a kind" Frost said as he had first hand experience about how informal Igüsa could be. Especially if she was in a good mood.

Igüsa giggled girlishly as she seemed light and happy now. Thanks to Cyril all the pressure and all her worries were lifted off of her.

"I want to see you at eight o'clock tomorrow!" Cyril almost shouted now walked out of the house but then stopped as he apparently still had something to say "And I also don't want any more kisses from you ever again!" He added trying to sound angry but everyone could see that he was blushing.

"Thank you so much Cyril" Igüsa said gratefully and overjoyed.

"Don't thank me. It was Spyro who tipped me" Cyril said before quickly disappearing.

"Wait? You were the one who convinced Cyril?" Igüsa said to Spyro.

"Sure did Igüsa" Spyro chirped proudly.

"Frost told Cyril about what happened with when his father fired you" Spyro said but now he had problems continuing as he had to hold back his laughing "I don't believe I've seen him that mad before in my life"

"I didn't even know a guardian could" Frost added also laughing.

"Was he mad at Blizzard?" Igüsa asked sounding excited and very curious.

"He sure was. You should have seen him ramping and raving about how Blizzard was a disgrace to the royal, um-" Spyro couldn't think up the name of the royal blood and he looked at his friend a bit desperately.

"Glaciad blood" Frost reminded.

"Right, about how Blizzard was a disgrace to the Glaciad blood and how he should be expelled from all his riches"

"He should have his riches taken and live in our house for a few years. That would have some impact in him" Igüsa said agreeing.

"Yeah and you then are his boss and get to bark him around" Sparx added.

"Now that's a wonderful idea" Igüsa said seemingly already picturing it in her head.

"Igüsa" Frost said with a pretty serious tone.

"Yes Frost?" Igüsa said sensing it was something a bit more heavy.

"Even though you're not our maid anymore, are we still friends?" Frost asked.

"Of course we are Frost" Igüsa assured him, it almost looked now like she was the same age he was despite the size difference.

"I can't come as a servant anymore but I can still come as a guest"

"Yes, let's say you come and visit me on your first day off" Frost said happy that he wasn't going to loose Igüsa.

"Sure" Igüsa chirped like a young high spirited girl.

This Igüsa was new for Spyro. He had seen Igüsa when she was friendly, when she was angry, when she was sad but now he also saw her when she was happy.

"She only 23" He thought to himself. Igüsa had always acted very mature but seeing her like this reminded Spyro that although she was a full grown dragon she wasn't all that old at all.

Igüsa was still a quite young dragoness as well and also still had some childlike tendencies in her.

Suddenly Spyro saw that it was already dark outside.

"I'm sorry but I really need to get back now" Spyro said as it was starting to get late.

"Yeah, if I arrive home any later my dad won't be pleased" Frost said a bit fearful.

"Thank you so much you two. You have no idea how much this means to me" Igüsa so grateful.

"Anytime Igüsa" The three boys replied in unison as they walked out of the house.

After Spyro and Frost had left Igüsa was giving her view of the future a major rethink.

Previously it had all been about things like poverty and possibly even forced mating. Now it was filled only with happiness and possibilities

After calculating it Igüsa also was very satisfied by the new amount money they would receive. With 150 gold pieces a day combined with the 10 gold pieces of Oxidus that made 160. Oxidus now didn't even need to work anymore to earn their living.

However Igüsa knew that teaching was more then just a job for Oxidus.

Being a teacher was his pride and something he really enjoyed doing.

She didn't even bother asking him the question if he would stop.

Now Igüsa truly thought about the possibilities

With their new income they could renovate the house. The house next to them wasn't owned so maybe they could merge them into one. Or maybe they could even buy that house near the citadel she wanted.

Now all kinds of fantasies came up in Igüsa's mind. About moving into great houses and being able to do everything they had always wanted to do.

"Don't go overboard" She said to herself.

"Let's just keep things as they are and we will see what we'll do" Igüsa tried to keep serious but her happiness was making her act very immature.

And that was something she couldn't have when Furno was around.

"Come on Furno, it's already far past your bed time" She said with a stern voice that was so fake that even the tiny Furno wasn't impressed by it.

"Come on Furno, bed" Igüsa said it a bit more convincing now.

Furno still didn't really seem impressed but he obeyed this time and walked to his bed. However it seemed more like he did it because he was feeling tired than because she ordered him to.

He laid in his small bed and curled himself up to sleep.

"Good night, big sis" He said before closing his eyes. Igüsa was not a mother for him at this moment but an older sibling just like Oxidus was.

"Big sis?" Igüsa was very surprised at this.

Furno had almost never called her that. He had called Oxidus big bro plenty of times but he always called her Iga.

Oxidus now joined his younger brother and rested down. That he still didn't speak to anyone but didn't bother Igüsa now, nothing could still ruin this day.

Seeing her two brothers resting Igüsa realised she was quite tired herself and she laid down in her nest shaped bed as she had already done many times today.

As she laid down she could see her two brother sleeping in the two beds next to her. They were laying side by side but Igüsa still felt like they were sleeping alone.

Igüsa felt like that wasn't how it was supposed to be and she decided to do something about it.

She stretched her tail out and coiled it all the way around her brother. She wanted her family to sleep together with her and make sure that they weren't alone.

She pulled them closer to her and slightly pressed them against her side. She also curled her body around them and made the space a little smaller so that they were as close as possible.

Igüsa was right now laying curled up with her tail close to her snout. In the circle of her body lay the young Oxidus and Furno. Furno was already fast asleep but Oxidus was not.

However for some reason he hadn't resisted Igüsa's pull at all.

Igüsa could feel Oxidus stiffen for a moment but then relaxing again.

He crawled even deeper into her soft belly scales like a hatchling and Igüsa could hear him purring.

Even though Igüsa couldn't see it but she knew he had a warm smile and was thinking about their mother while he was laying curled up into her soft and warm belly.

"Maybe there is hope for him as well" Igüsa thought hopeful. She was desperate at the start of this day and totally full of life at the end of it. Maybe things weren't as bad as they looked for Oxidus either and his real self was still inside of him after all.

Right now she could feel the warm energy from him as he lay half buried in her. The unique kind of energy that only family can share.

Suddenly she heard Oxidus whisper something.

"Mommy" he whispered as he buried himself even deeper in her.

She didn't know if Oxidus was already asleep or not but she guessed that he was.

Igüsa's heart was still filled with happy youthful energy but her body was used up so Igüsa laid down and she quickly fell asleep.

With her two beloved brothers by her side and a bright future ahead Igüsa slept better than she ever had before in her life.



TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 22 Georga's hope

_Author note: Here is the biggest chapter my story has. Normally when a chapter surpasses 10.000 words I split it up but this time I didn't. This chapter is strongly one unit, it makes no sense if split up. But that makes it the largest one with ease...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 20 aftermath

_Here is the next chapter. This chapter is one of the few in my story that is sad. I know I said that of chapter 19 as well but that one still had action as well, this one has only sadness. Even though I mostly like happy chapters I do have to say that...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 19 true aggression

_This is one of my most bloody chapters. As well as one of my saddest. I know there are stories who are way sadder and bloody but my story has a light theme. I do believe that battle looks very well. It sure wasn't easy._ The chapter made me sad so I...

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