Summer Camp 2: Times of Grace

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#4 of Season 8: Constant Reset

Race for Glory- Summer Camp

Summer was now half way over. Keeping secrets were long dead. Now everyone knew Dorumon and Impmon were gay. Gabumon might have had a few bad weeks but he made sure that their lives were going to be miserable too. It was Veemon who was still able to keep up his secret. Veemon had still gone to Impmon every night and made love. Floramon of course was ready to defend Veemon's secret at any time. But even her nights weren't spent alone.

She was comforted by the soft warm body of the sexy Gatomon. They were actually together since last year. But even back then Gabumon was still a thug. This was the one place they felt safe to finally fully explore each others bodies. Gatomon loved how Floramon's body was rough and the tips of her arms and legs were soft and gentle. Floramon slowly removed Gatomon's shirt. Floramon loved how Gatomon's bra matched her skin. Floramon finally got to unhook and see her nice rack and pink nipple. Floramon took of her shirt and green bra and let her boobs hang loose to. Floramon pressed her body against Gatomon's. Gatomon's let her tail wag under Floramon's arms tickling her stomach.

Gatomon asked, "So how was it to kiss Dorumon?"

Floramon said, "He was surprisingly passionate about it. If I didn't know better I'd say he might be bisexual."

Gatomon sadistically perked, "You know maybe he might enjoy our company one day. Dorumon is sure one sexy male."

Floramon gently pushed Gatomon further against the bed, "Are you really suggesting that we mess with that gay boy and make him feel guilty. He has a lover and it wouldn't be right to do such a thing."

Gatomon meowed, "Oh come now; sex is just sex. It's not like love and sex are connected."

Floramon lowered her skirt and pressed back against Gatomon and said, "Sex is twice as great when there real love to be shared. Having sex just to get a reaction could prove bad. Plus Dorumon didn't do anything bad it's not like he derives to get punished."

Gatomon lowered her skirt as well letting Floramon press her gentle fingers against Gatomon's panties. Gatomon moaned slightly, "Punished? That poor darling's lover isn't even here. His lover is probably getting some action. While he waits here and does nothing now that is punishment."

Floramon brought her fingers pressing the inside deeper but still making sure not to rip Gatomon's panties. Floramon said, "You never know. His lover could be as loyal as he is."

Gatomon asked, "Loyal. So kissing you doesn't break that loyalty at all."

Floramon started to slip her fingers through feeling Gatomon start to get wet. Floramon said, "We had to trick Gabumon..."

Gatomon moaned, "But you said it yourself. He was the one showing so much passion."

Floramon said, "Well if you're going through with it then I suggest you flirt first. See if he breaks his loyalty then. But if you hurt him and his lover then it's all on you."

Gatomon stretched out and lowered her panties so she extended her legs further apart.

Gatomon breathed deeply and said, "Fine. And I'm telling this well just be a quick thing. His lover will probably not care."

Floramon came down and pressed her tongue against Gatomon's clit and ran down feeling her most wet furry skin as well. Floramon came up and asked, "Would you consider us lovers."

Gatomon tilted back and said, "Were totally girlfriends. Most females share a first time lesbian moment, as sure as some gay guys experience a straight moment. But that never interferes with real love."

Floramon just a little of her weight on Gatomon and while going back to fingering her and asked, "So were girlfriends but not lovers?"

Gatomon moaned, "To tell the truth I'm not into the whole love thing. I think it only hurts more since Digimon have a great tendency to mate with several other Digimon. I think it's time we realize that were only fooling ourselves for saying were in love."

Floramon stopped and asked, "So you're calling me a fool for being in love with you?"

Gatomon fully turned back now facing Floramon and said, "You're in love with me? Well I hate to break it to you but I know that you fall into the category of Digimon who mate a lot. Maybe love isn't met for everyone. But I say fuck it. We shouldn't let it stop us from fun."

Gatomon lowered Floramon's skirt and green panties. Gatomon came down and licked Floramon's clit like how a cat drinks milk. Gatomon's licks were rapid and still evenly timed out. Floramon went from almost being emotion crushed to not being able to hold in her moans within second. Floramon was so horny that she pinched her nipples and caressed her boobs. Gatomon licked Floramon's wet clit. Floramon bounced her body and Gatomon's hands caressed Floramon's hips. Gatomon gave one good lick while coming up with Floramon. Gatomon tucked in her legs under Floramon's. Gatomon's clit pressed against Floramon's. Gatomon kissed Floramon passionately though she just that it to be more seductive. Gatomon pinned Floramon to the bed and curved her body and lifted and pressed it down harder. Gatomon tilted Floramon to her left side and held her right leg up. Gatomon pressed in as deeply as she could as both the wet bodies rubbed of against each other, both moaning exceptionally load. Gatomon increased her pace even after reaching her climax. Gatomon wanted to show Floramon that there could just be sex. Floramon reached her climax as well. Floramon pushed enough and panted, "That's enough for me."

Gatomon crossed her arms, "Well you're no fun at all. I'm over here trying to show you a good time and you're already done."

Floramon said, "Well if you must keep going then I'd suggest maybe you should go find Dorumon. Or if you're really inclined you can just masturbate."

Gatomon stood up and said, "Very well. You know you really just love to suck up all the fun out of everything. But I digress I think I will pay Dorumon a visit."

Gatomon left the cabin after getting dressed to go walk over to the boy's side. She kept going but then Gabumon came out and started to follow up beside her. He said, "Hey good looking wanna go in my cabin and make out."

She looked back only for a second than kept going and said, "Make out with the guy who stood me up at the falls, I think I'll pass."

He kept following her and said, "That was a huge mistake I'll admit. But you got to believe in second chances. One gander at my fully naked body will give you second thoughts."

She laughed, "You're tub boat body. As if plus, in the shape you're in wouldn't be able to keep up with me. I came to find a boy who has stamina."

He said, "I'm might be large but when I get down and dirty I take charge. There's no male with as much stamina as me."

She stopped at Dorumon's cabin.

Gabumon asked, "What Dorumon? You're kidding me right. That gay boy won't take you."

She smirked, "Well if he doesn't than Floramon did say that I could have my turn with the blue dragon. Now he has stamina, but I think I'll take my chances here first."

She opened the door and said, "Next time try to follow up on what you're friends say about you. If you keep breaking promises than your reputation as the big bad bully my fade away. Now I do believe you have no more business here after all it gives someone like me the impression that you're gay too."

Gabumon freaked out and just ran as Gatomon continued to giggle her way inside. She came in just as Veemon and Impmon had finished one of their sessions.

Gatomon said, "Well I knew you were gay but I didn't think you do each other like that with Gabumon constantly breathing down your throats."

Veemon asked, "What are you doing here?"

Gatomon said, "I came here to see Dorumon actually."

Dorumon just so happened to enter after coming from the shower. Gatomon looked a Dorumon.

Dorumon asked, "Yes."

Gatomon looked back, "You two boys better leave. This is between me and him."

They both exited the cabin as Dorumon sat on his bunk. Gatomon said, "I've been watching you lately mister. And might I say you are an impressively handsome Digimon.

Dorumon padded the back of his head, "Oh, thanks for the compliment. Now what's this all about?"

Gatomon shifted close to him on the bed, "Don't play dumb. I know you're just dying to break out and have some crazy sex. Face it our partner isn't here and you're hormones won't be able to hold up for two more weeks."

Dorumon stood up, "I'm perfectly fine..."

Gatomon stood up and walked a bit as if she was getting ready to leave. But then she turned back and bent forward and fettled with her skirt. Gatomon purred, "Come on big boy you don't have to be so worked up all the time. It's ok to let out that stress I can see in your eyes."

Dorumon took two steps forward and looked down to see his own unchanged status, "Look, I'm fine. I don't have some boner issue that needs tending with. Plus I can wait to see my partner again."

Gatomon came back up walked over and forcefully pushed Dorumon on the bed. Gatomon said, "You might be able to wait. But when I'm in heat I gotta get what I want. And right now I want you. You and your partner are just going have to overcome this. After all it's just sex and not like I'm asking you to marry me."

Gatomon sat on top of Dorumon's groan. Gatomon begged, "Please help me take off my shirt."

She shifted her body as his erection now started to grow.

Gatomon giggled, "Oh what's this. Someone's a little anxious after all.

She continued to seductively dance coming back on his groan from time to time. Dorumon didn't seem to be resisting he even followed up and lifted her shirt off. He closed his eyes. He hadn't felt this good in a few weeks and she had been right about him really wanting some action. Gatomon planted some nice firm kisses each one getting Dorumon more into this. Dorumon kissed her back even letting his tongue wrap around hers. Gatomon removed her bra.

Gatomon leaned back and smirked, "Do you like what you see?"

Dorumon had a precious look at her divine white fury rack. He leaned in and sucked on her nipple. Dorumon's arms wrapped around her and worked his way down removing her skirt. Gatomon got up and took off Dorumon's pants. Gatomon could clearly see Dorumon's fully erect boner through his underwear. She grabbed on to his member and gave it a nice big thrust. Gatomon teased him slowly taking it off. It only made Dorumon more anxious.

Dorumon moaned, "Fuck me."

Gatomon smirked, "Your wish is my command."

Gatomon sat back on him pressing his penis toward him still toying with him. She sat up and gave a quick burst of passionate kisses. She came back down sliding in nice and slow letting each second of penetration really pinch out to both of them. Gatomon moaned. Dorumon hands came back up to guide her. She danced on his cock and felt her own boobs with her hands again. Dorumon leaned in and kissed her again. Dorumon began to bounce of the bed increased how far Gatomon came up almost leaving his member.

Gatomon brought her left hand up to Dorumon's cheek, "You really love this don't you."

Dorumon grabbed her hand and pulled it up. He brought her other hand up as well and leaned forward and kissed her again. He increased his pace and Gatomon matched up. Dorumon closed his eyes again starting to feel it build up.

Gatomon moaned, "Don't want to get too carried away now."

Gatomon rose up leaving his throbbing cock. Gatomon lifted her legs on Dorumon's strong shoulders. She contorted her back and leaned all the way in as her mouth tipped against Dorumon's cock. Gatomon gave only a few strong licks before wanting the full taste of his massive purple cock. Gatomon wrapped her tongue around. Dorumon licked her clit and found the taste very appealing. As Dorumon build up even more it only made him drive in further. Dorumon finally gave way his massive load was taken in by Gatomon. Dorumon almost made Gatomon reach her climax. Gatomon slid down bringing her hands down and flipped off as soon as her claws hit the floor.

Gatomon smirked, "You're real smooth for a gay boy. So tell me who this lover that Floramon now thinks you betrayed?"

Dorumon stood up and said, "Shit. I'm so sorry that I got carried away with you. I shouldn't have ever let you touch me. Agumon won't be happy about this."

Gatomon gawked, "My brother in law?"

Dorumon was surprised, "Brother?"

Gatomon didn't want to get into it, "It's a long a complicated story. I didn't even know he was gay. My brother was pretty dramatic about everything so I wonder how he'll take it."

Dorumon grew slightly irritated, "If anyone's telling him it's going to be me."

Gatomon said, "Then I'll leave it to you. You shouldn't worry too much. I bet his already had sex with some one else."

Dorumon cried, "You don't get it. I made a promise that I'd wait to be with him again. And I let my stupidity and desperation take over. I love him."

Gatomon put her hands on her hips, "Relax, and get a grip. I mean he did already have sex with Veemon."

Dorumon asked, "What? How do you know that?"

Gatomon explained, "Oh please, I can smell Agumon's scent on him even still. Don't worry it's perfectly normal to mate with other Digimon. Love is just a blocking point of sorts."

Dorumon asked, "Have you ever loved someone."

Gatomon cried, "Once, when I was young and stupid and believed in that sort of nonsense. But now that I'm older I see that it doesn't matter."

Dorumon said, "Love is still real. But if you keep up that attitude and keep switching mates than it will not only stay true but that notion will spread. When this ends I'm going to beg Agumon for forgiveness because I know that we belong together. Now please go."

Gatomon put on her cloths and barged out and the other two had been waiting so long that he had been kissing outside which could had been unsafe but there was no one else around. They stopped and Impmon went back inside while Veemon left back to his cabin. Gatomon went back to her cabin as well and went on her bunk.

Floramon asked, "I'm guessing it went badly."

Gatomon wiped her tears and then pushed her smile in, "Oh, we had sex all right. Dorumon wasn't that hard to break at all. I did find out that he loves my brother."

Floramon said, "You really are a relationship killer you know that."

Gatomon puffed, "Whatever. Agumon doesn't have clean bags either. He first relation was with Veemon who just so happened to be all Impmon when I left. Those four are a mess."

Floramon smirked, "Speaking from the girl who used to have a crush on Gabumon."

Gatomon picked up and pillow and threw it at her, "Shut up. I told you that I was over the dumb boy. He's still as foolish as I remember."

Floramon said, "So you take that out on Dorumon?"

Gatomon said, "He let me have my way. And I was right that boy was filled with stamina. We could have kept going. So that means if he wants to be with Agumon then they'll be a good match."

Floramon said, "I thought you said you didn't believe in love."

Gatomon said, "Just because I don't doesn't mean I should keep trying to take it away from others. I think this will bring them closer if anything. They'll both feel sorry and hug and make up. Did you know I actually kissed Agumon rather passionately once before I found out he was my brother?"

Floramon asked, "Really?"

Gatomon said, "Oh yeah it was rather silly of me. But if I didn't find out I think I might have actually had sex with him too."

Floramon said, "Enough of this talking. We should get some rest."

Gatomon yawned, "Yeah you're right."

Meanwhile Agumon had become a member of Shoutmon's band along side Bearmon who played guitar and Kotemon who played the drums. Agumon joined them as the base player and now they were a full band. They had toured all around and who make there was back to their hometown to return for the middle schools prom. One day Shoutmon got Agumon back stage to talk about all the songs and how to play them.

Shoutmon then randomly said, "Say you're sorta' cute."

Agumon blushed, "Excuse me."

Shoutmon said, "You don't have to hide the fact that you're gay from me. I actually told Dorumon about you. I figured he'd like ya'. You see I'm gay too. So how's it going along between you too?"

Agumon admitted, "Well we had sex once. I told him I loved him and he went of to summer camp to protect Impmon."

Shoutmon said, "Impmon's my brother. Of course I'd suspected Dorumon would do me that favor."

Agumon asked, "Do you have a mate?"

Shoutmon actually let out, "Well it was actually my brother who helped me lose my virginity. I knew Dorumon was gay beforehand and although I wanted to try being with him I knew it wouldn't work. I was told about you so I figured it was better if he had you."

Agumon asked, "Why don't you think Dorumon would work out for you?"

Shoutmon said, "He never said that he was gay. Then I figured out why. It was pretty clear that he was bisexual. I saw him checking out females before too. But hey in the end it worked out because he chose you and now..."

Agumon asked, "Wait, he's bisexual? How come he never told me?"

Shoutmon said, "Relax, its water under the bridge now."

Agumon asked, "Has he ever expressed in wanting to have sex with girls. Because he's at a camp with both males and females and it's been a while."

Shoutmon said, "Well if it's been a while and you're asking then the answer is most likely yes."

Agumon said, "No wait, I shouldn't think like that. And why would you say something like that."

Shoutmon said, "Because he's still young like us. Love isn't in at minds we just wanna fuck. We might say we love each other but that doesn't become true until later. Relax no ones going to keep a clean record forever. Everybody hits under the table isn't that right guy who's had sex with Veemon."

Agumon asked, "How did you know that?"

Shoutmon said, "Impmon told me before he left. And now we all have secrets. It's already been to long for me. So maybe we should just have sex now."

Agumon asked in a high pitched voice, "What?"

Shoutmon said, "Well you're already under the table. You have you're share of mistakes along with the rest of us so what's one more. Plus I bet you haven't had some since he left. Hell Impmon gave me pleasure but that only made me want some more. Now that I stand across you I thinking maybe we should both take out our urges now."

Agumon looked to the door but Shoutmon had been in front of it.

Agumon said, "Come on, this isn't right."

Shoutmon said, "We broke right along time ago. Let's just get this over with."

Shoutmon came in and kissed Agumon. Agumon almost didn't realized what hit him. All he knew was that he felt unbelievable good. Shoutmon reaching his tongue back so desperate to get on this action. Shoutmon shoved Agumon down still kissing him. Agumon was getting a fast boner and was getting into faster than he thought he would. Agumon started kissing back. Shoutmon ripped Agumon's shirt off and lowered his shorts and underwear at the same time. Shoutmon removed his own cloths with quickness. Shoutmon sat on Agumon stomach and pressed down and lowered himself. Agumon's penis pressed into Shoutmon's asshole. Shoutmon came down with so much force that they both yelped. Shoutmon really was desperate starting off quick almost wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. Agumon helped with Shoutmon speed and guided his quick thrust. They gave each other short kisses then came out with longed out moans.

Agumon moaned, "Fuck, I'm gonna..."

Agumon's orgasm came and Shoutmon also gave way as his sperm went on Agumon's chest. Shoutmon got off and gasped out, "Shit that was good. It might have been dirty and wrong but it was good. Now clean up we have a performance in ten minutes."

Agumon just did so not truly knowing how to think about having sex with another Digimon. Still it had to become is second notion as he cleaned up got dressed taking one of Shoutmon's extra shirts. They came out and the crowd went wild.

Shoutmon sang "As we live in these dark days filled with violence, opposition and hate, There lies a place of saving grace, Protected in the hearts of the humble, The faithful, the ones who choose the path of resistance to protest, Protect, save, proclaim our lives lived not in vain, In flesh, in spirit eternal, One love, One truth, One destiny, One love! (One love) one truth! (One truth) one destiny, Arise and be triumphant, No rest until all is fulfilled, Our roots must balance our branches, Be vigilant in truth and love, (in truth and love) There is a strength in numbers we must unite mankind There is a strength in numbers, our faith lies deep inside (We!) We struggle, (We) we suffer, (So) so we must come together (We!) We struggle, (We) we suffer, (but) but we will live forever Babylon's method of deception, So devious the strong are swayed, (so devious, the strong are swayed) There is a strength in numbers we must unite mankind, There is a strength in numbers, our faith lies deep inside, (We!) We struggle, (We!) we suffer, (So!) so we must come together (We!) We struggle, (We!) we suffer, (but!) but we will live forever

(One love, one truth) (One love, one truth) One love! (One love) one truth! (One truth) one destiny, (Yeaaaaah) There is a strength in numbers we must unite mankind There is a strength in numbers, our faith lies deep inside, (We!) We struggle, (We!) we suffer, (So!) so we must come together, (We!) We struggle, (We!) we suffer, (but!) but we will live forever, May the sun shine upon you and bless your inner light, and may you find true peace."

The crowd went wile for their performance. They would be their next performance to the middle school prom. So Agumon was able to return home.

The last days of summer camp came about. Everything was finally settling down. Dorumon and Gabumon had many close clashes in the few days that passed. Veemon and Impmon continued to hold up what only remained Veemon's secret. They got on the bus to return. Everyone had grown in the three month summer camp. Now a new year would have them all busy. It would be Agumon's and Dorumon's last year there. Shoutmon would be an alumnus who would only return for the special performance. Veemon and Impmon weren't so small anymore. They still had to be carful with thugs like Gabumon still lurking about. And the first news that was addressed to the students was now they would have to wear uniforms to school this year. For guys it was a black buttoned shirt with a white undershirt and black pants. Girls would wear black skirts. They both had to wear black shoes as well. This was heavily pressed on to try to keep from making fun of the way Digimon looked. However this didn't changed the fact that being homosexual still made some Digimon targets but it was Digimon like Dorumon who kept the others safe. With the short brief period Dorumon taught Veemon and Impmon how to defend. Now they were finally able to return home. When the bus opened Dorumon started to head for Agumon's house. Gatomon joined him.

Gatomon asked, "Going tell my brother what we did?"

Dorumon said, "I'm not going to keep secrets from him."

Gatomon said, "Then I'm coming with you. I just have to see the look on his face when you tell him."

They both went on ahead. Veemon was able to get out of Gabumon's sight quickly and sneak of to Impmon's house. He would wait there until the next day of school. Impmon just went to bed finally starting to be able to have control over his sexual urges. Shoutmon out drinking with Bearmon and Kotemon, they all ended up sleeping at the concert room. All the other kids had talked about a new rumored transfer students coming over. This new school year was going to be one hell of a ride.

Summer Camp

Summer Camp School was out and most of the Digimon partook to the summer camp program. Among them were Dorumon, Veemon and Impmon who had their share of secrets. There was also Gabumon who was looking for any moment to jump Dorumon. There was...

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Playing Doctor 2 After Veemon's and Agumon wild game of tag Veemon was tuckered out. Agumon carried him back to his house. Agumon plopped Veemon on one of the long couches. Agumon went downstairs to see Impmon had been there and had fully rested....

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