Kitai's hope chapter 6

Story by SilverWolfen on SoFurry

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#6 of Kitai's hope

Hey guys Same as allways, All charatcre copyright me. If you're not legal, dont read. If prostitution and male on male yiff doesnt float your boat then dont read. * * *

chapter 6

  • * * I absolutely melted into that smile, and nearly drowned in his eyes before our lips met and the world disappeared leaving me and Ramon alone with this simple passion that burned within us. Ramon was equally lost as Kitai was. He finally got what he had wanted for so long. He felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest as he held on to Kitai. Thousands of images of fireworks exploding to flowers opening couldn't express how he felt at that moment. My breath was so taken away by the kiss that I had to pull away after a long moment and just stare into the Tigers face as I caught my breath. "Wow" I said breathlessly staying close to the other. Ramon blinked several times trying to come down to the high he was at. If kissing Kitai was like that he had to wonder what sex was like. He took in several deep breathes and then blushed realizing he was thinking of sex with Kitai at that moment. He smiled at Kitai though looking deeply into his eyes. I simply stared back at Ramon. I reached up to rest my paws on his shoulders caressing either side of his neck. I leaned in and lovingly nuzzled the others nose, pressing those wet organs together. Ramon purred as he nuzzled Kitai back. He looked into Kitai's eyes the whole time lost in them for the first time finding he couldn't get enough of them. He kept smiling as he leaned closer licking the husky lightly on the cheek. I couldn't help but giggle almost gaily as my cheek was licked. I leaned in smiling and nuzzled under the others chin licking his neck. "I cant believe this could feel so good." I said softly. Ramon purred a bit as his neck as licked. "Tell me about it." he said feeling a shiver go through him. He lifted Kitai's chin and leaned in kissing him again. This time deeper and longer then the last. When it broke he pulled Kitai close. "I.... I love you." He said letting the words out as he finally admitted his true feelings. My heart jumped into throat as I heard those words. My tail wagged as my ears twitched erratically. "I.. I.. I..." I stuttered. It wasn't that I couldn't say it or didn't feel it, but just hearing those words from Ramon, threw me for a loop. Ramon ran a hand along Kitai's cheek. "Since the first day we meet. I felt this pull to you. Like a magnet I couldn't escape these feelings for you. At first I was scared." He gulped a bit telling Kitai everything now. "I knew how much you hated rich people from the way you talked about them. Then the sleeping for money came up. But, even with all that I couldn't stop. It finally hit me one night. I love you and I won't stop loving you. That is why I get so upset about what you do. It is also why I can't get to angry or leave you. I love you." Listening to him, tears slowly came to my eyes, By the time he finished I Just had to wrap my arms around him and hold him close. I sobbed into his shoulder pawing at his back, never wanting to let go of him. Wanting to feel his warmth forever. Ramon couldn't help but start to cry himself as he laid his head against Kitai's chest. It was like coming home at last after a long journey. Everything seemed to focus down to this simple gesture as he clung to Kitai's body. He didn't know what was to come, but at that moment Kitai was everything to him. I just clung to the other almost frightened that If I let him go he would be gone for ever. I continued to sob but slowly calmed down against the other. I shifted to kiss the other again, deeply and passionately.. I felt the other purring deeply into the kiss. I murred into the kiss my eyes closed, my ears and tail still twitching excitedly. I melted against the others lips lost in the moment, nothing else but Ramon mattered. Suddenly the tranquility of the moment was shattered into a million pieces by a sudden piecing polyphonic as my cell phone went off. Ramon broke from the kiss nuzzling Kitai softly. "Your phone is ringing." he said kiddingly as if the husky couldn't hear it. "If its a client I would suggest you tell them to shove off. You aren't in any state for it and further more a certain tiger wants to be with you more." I laughed a bit and licked the others nose. "I hear that." I told him grinning as I nodded my agreement to the others words about it being a client. I kissed him again before pulling away to grab my cell phone from my night table. I put it to my ear. "Hello?" My jaw dropped as I heard who it was, It was the wolf doctor calling to apologize about his actions. "Apology accepted." I listened to the wolf a little more, and apparently to ask me out. "A-a-a Date?" I asked. I looked over at Ramon, I couldn't help but feel a little saddened at the tiger, He had told me it wasn't possible that the wolf wanted a date. Ramon felt his heart fall as he listened to Kitai. He was happy it wasn't a client, but someone who wanted to date him? That was weird. Further more it made him jealous and upset. Of course his happiest moments were ruined by something. I listened idly to the Wolves chit chat on the phone as he tried buttering me up to go on a date with him. I couldn't help but look at Ramon for awhile. For some reason, I wanted to go on the date. I knew I had feelings for Ramon and he for me. But I wanted to see for myself whether, what Ramon had said was true, That not everyone saw me just for sex, so what else could I say..... "Sure." I said happily. Ramon's heart went to rock bottom right then and there. He loved Kitai. He had come out and said it. Now there was someone coming into what he wanted himself. He rolled over away from Kitai then feeling like everything went from the greatest ever to the worst. After chatting quickly about when and where, I hung up with a smile on my face. I turned to look at Ramon and the smile fell from my face when I saw Ramon had rolled away. I tossed the phone onto my bed and moved back over to Ramon. "Ramon.... Its just a date." I said softly, knowing this probably hurt the other. Ramon pushed Kitai off him and got out of the bed. "Nice for you. You can tell me 'how great' it goes later. We have classes tomorrow. I suggest you get some sleep." He got into his own bed giving Kitai the cold shoulder and falling asleep with his back to Kitai. I blinked at all this watching as within moments Ramon was out of my bed and back into his. I nodded weakly to his words and laid back on the bed. I pulled all the blankets to me and clung to them tightly. If only the blankets were Ramon, then it would be alright. I buried my face into the blankets and slowly drifted off crying softly. Ramon didn't say a word to Kitai as he heard him cry. A major part of him wanted to go back over and make things better, but he was angry and upset to the point of not thinking clearly. Yeah he was jealous of the guy Kitai was going to date. He was jealous of every guy Kitai ever had sex with, even if it was for cash. He loved Kitai. He even said it out loud for the first time to Kitai not moments ago. Certainly he didn't expect Kitai to feel the same at all or right away, but his jealousy was getting the better of him at the moment. I drifted into a restless, night mare filled sleep, rolling back and forth thrashing the blankets around most of the night. My fur was quickly matted and filled with sweat as whimpers of fear and pain drifted from my lips. If there was one thing about Ramon people could describe him as it was that he was stubborn at times. He was more angry with himself though as the night went by. In fact he wasn't getting much sleep at all with Kitai thrashing around in his bed. Biting his anger and pride he got up and walked over running a hand through Kitai's hair and kissing his forehead before getting into the bed with the nightmare stressed husky. Even in my sleep, I could feel the presence of Ramon as he kissed my forehead and got into the bed beside me. My thrashings quickly stopped and I unconsciously clung to the warm body of the tiger, my head snuggled under his chin, My black head fur plastered against my sweaty face. Ramon ran a hand through the husky's sweaty hair wiping the sweat away into Kitai's fur a bit. He sighed. He couldn't stay upset or angry with Kitai at all. He snuggled down into the bed and was soon asleep finding he enjoyed Kitai's smell a lot as it calmed him down. The rest of the night was uneventful, until Ramon's alarm went off and I woke slowly. I blinked and almost pulled away in shock as I found my self in Ramon's arms. "Ramon?" I asked tiredly looking up into his face, seeing he was waking as well. I decided it was much more comfortable staying near the other. Ramon smiled at Kitai nodding. "Yeah. You were thrashing around so much I felt you needed some comfort." He smiled at Kitai. I sighed softly hearing that. "I didn't keep you up did.." My words were cut short as I felt Ramon's lips on my and my mind melted into a puddle. "I'm sorry I got upset over the date last night." He apologized. "It's ok, I guess you have a right to be." I told him softly. "I'm all sticky" I complained feeling the sweat in my fur. Ramon chuckled a bit. "It isn't the good kind of a sticky. Well unless it was from having fun, which this isn't." He sniffed at Kitai with a smile. "You smell good." He said loving Kitai's scent. Even I couldn't help but blush at this. "I don't wanna take a shower." I admitted softly. I had to admit, that I was scared, What happened yesterday could have easily gotten a lot worse, very quickly. Ramon nodded. "We can take one together." He said finding he was a bit more forward now and wasn't as uncomfortable showing off his body to Kitai. I blinked at the others words and smirked. "Ok." I said smiling. I began to shift so I could stretch and felt my paw brush against something hard poking from Ramon's groin. "Hmmm Big kitty" I commented glancing down to the tent in the Tigers pants. Ramon blushed big time from Kitai's comment. Kitai was going to see almost how big by the time they got to the showers. He gulped a little realizing what he had said to Kitai about showering together. I shifted away from Ramon so I could stretch out, giving a long drawn out whine as I stretched tired muscles, My curled tail wagging over my back. I couldn't help but eye the tent in the others pants. "Need help with that?" I asked, I immediately blushed and looked away. I couldn't believe I had said that. Ramon really blushed at Kitai's question. The first thing that jumped into his head was 'yes please', but he didn't say it as he got up to get his shower supplies and take his mind off his problem. I sighed softly as I felt the other shift and get up and almost sighed in disappointment at not being able to get a nice personal look at that feline length. I rolled over and got up, finding I could move a little bit easier that morning, I guess I was starting to heal up. Gathering my shower things moved to the door to wait, with a towel over my shoulder, for the other. Ramon got his stuff and followed after Kitai. There was no one else up at all as they walked to the showers. Walking in the place was empty as Ramon set his stuff down and went to start the water running. I sighed audibly in relief as we found the showers empty. "Thank god for small favors." I murmured to myself as I hung the towel up and dropped my stuff. "We don't have to shower together, since no one else is here." I told him softly, hoping even so that the other would still shower with him. Ramon shrugged. "Its up to you." He said pulling off his shirt and wrapping a towel around himself before taking off the rest of the clothes so he wasn't fully nude standing towards Kitai. I smiled and pulled off my shirt. "You know my answer." I told him smiling a bit more as I dropped my pants, leaving me naked as I walked over and disappeared into the stall he had started water in. Ramon watched Kitai walk away naked eying the husky's body up and down. He gulped a bit finding himself excited and scared. Steeling himself he took off the towel and hung it up before getting into the stall with Kitai. I smiled as the other entered the stall, my tail wagging against the wall as I leaned against it under the shower. I couldn't help but eye the other seductively, stroking a paw along my own chest. "Like what ya see?" I asked grinning, with a mischievous twinkle in my eyes, the brown and blue orbs watching the tiger. Ramon shivered not able to take his eyes off of Kitai as he entered the stall. He nodded helplessly finding the morning wood that had went back into its sheath threatening to come back out again. I smirked, knowing I had Ramon helpless. I squirted some soap into my paws as I leaned forward a little and rubbed it into Ramon's chest. "Well, Husky got your tongue?" I asked at his silence. Ramon gulped purring a bit from Kitai's touch on his chest. If that was an answer it was all Kitai was really going to get as he was nervous and at Kitai's mercy as his feeling for him kept him such a state. I gently lathered the others fur moving from his chest and down his arms moving gently and slowly, enjoying the feeling of the others toned body. "You're so hot." I whispered gently, my tail continuing to wag. Ramon blushed at that and looked down at Kitai. He lifted the husky's chin kissing him as thanks for the compliment. He then took some soap and started washing Kitai in turn. I murred in simple pleasure as I felt the other begin to wash me. I couldn't help but close my eyes as I washed him, It didn't take long before my paws drifted downward over his abs, kneading gently. Ramon blushed deeper knowing all to well how close Kitai was to his groin area. But, he couldn't stop the husky. It all felt too good. In fact he was washing Kitai's chest now and the feeling of his hands through Kitai's fur was electrifying. He groaned a bit not wanting to share this with anyone, but after Kitai's date he might have to. I couldn't help but open my eyes and after looking at the tiger a moment, hook my arms around his waist and pull him close, pressing our wet bodies together. Ramon groaned a bit more as he was pressed close to Kitai. He couldn't help pushing them back against the wall as he pressed up against Kitai as he pressed his lips to the husky's passionately. He didn't know if they would make it to class and he really didn't care at that moment. His hands were on Kitai's hips relaxed. I moaned into the kiss my paws slipping down to cup Ramon's rump pulling him tight to my body. I let a soft whine slip into the kiss as I felt my sheath growing heavy and my length slip its furry prison. Ramon's member wasn't that far behind Kitai's as it escaped his sheath. He broke the kiss and looked at Kitai a bit worried. "Are you up for this?" He asked worried about Kitai still being hurt. I sighed softly at the question but knew the other was just worried. I nuzzled his nose lovingly and smiled gently at him. "My mouth and paws work just fine" I told him reaching down run my fingers around the barbed head of his length. Ramon purred at Kitai's touch. He just nodded closing his eyes as he felt a shiver go through his body. He was going to have sex with Kitai. He was excited and nervous, but mostly excited beyond belief. This was one of the things he always wanted other then just to be there for Kitai. He let out another purring sound as he pushed his member against Kitai's paw. I shivered lightly hearing the other purr. MY free paw, idly rested on the others chest as I slowly wrapped my paw around his length and slowly stroked along his length, feeling the bards brush the pads on my paws. "Hmm just keep purring" I told him as I leaned in and couldn't help but nuzzle his vibrating throat. Ramon smirked keeping his eyes closed as he stretched his neck a bit so Kitai could feel his purring some more. He put his hands on the wall behind Kitai to hold himself up as he pushed against Kitai's paw wanting more. His tail swayed a bit from side to side behind him. I continue to nuzzle his neck feeling the vibration tickle my nose, I couldn't help but lightly run my tongue through his fur teasing the warm skin underneath. MY tail twitched excitably against the wall I was leaning on as I began pumping the others length, going slower over the head, teasing the barbs. Ramon's purrs got louder each time Kitai got more towards the tip of his member and teased his barbs. He gave a small moan too at times as a shiver ran through his body from Kitai's touch. He wasn't new to sex. No he had sex with several people before. But, with Kitai it felt like everything was new. I continued pumping my paw along his length in the same manner for a little longer as I nibbled along his jaw line. I pulled away before capturing his lips in a passionate kiss, I gently urged his hips closer to mine and took hold of both our lengths in my paw. I let out a lusty moan into the kiss as my length rubbed along Ramon's. Ramon moaned into Kitai's mouth as he felt Kitai's member touch his. He wrapped his arms around the husky pushing against him to deepen the kiss. His tongue went into Kitai's mouth willingly wanting to explore every inch of it. I moaned around the invading tongue as I stroked our members together, my own length leaking pre over my paw and Ramon's cock. I suckled on the tigers tongue lapping at it gently Murring into the kiss. Ramon gave another moan and purr as he pressed against Kitai. His own member was soon leaking pre over their cocks as well mixing in with Kitai's. His hands moved to Kitai's waist and pulling it close as they kissed. Yea I had sex before and lots of it, But this was like nothing I've felt before. This was better then anything I've ever felt as if the fact it was Ramon I was with, enhanced everything. I let out loud desperate moans into the kiss as I could already feel my knot forming as I stroked our members faster, feeling pre soaking my paw. Ramon broke the kiss and nuzzled Kitai's neck licking it as he went. He then nibbled along Kitai's chin and muzzle before capturing the husky's mouth again in as a moan escaped his lips. He could feel pressure building in his groin as his hand moved to Kitai's that was wrapped around their cocks helping stroke them and his other to cup Kitai's cheek. MY ears twitched excitably as I shivered and couldn't contain my pleasured whines as I felt the tongue along my neck. I let out a loud moan as I was kissed again and felt Ramon's paw wrap around our members as well. Pre was soaking my sheath as my length drooled the sticky substance as my knot fully formed my furry sack pulling up against my body, signaling my imminent release. Ramon moved his paw around their cocks to Kitai's knot pushing and stroking against it upward. He knew he was ready to explode to all over the husky he loved. He moaned loudly into the kiss pushing Kitai against the wall and using his hand he had cupping Kitai's face to hold up his pleasure rocked body. I broke the kiss and threw my muzzle upwards as I howled out my Climax, spraying my dogcum across both our chests. I continued to stroke our lengths. My eyes rolled back as I nearly blacked out as my body was ravaged by the huge pleasure coursing through it, my ears and tail twitching jerkily. Ramon held back as long as he could before following Kitai with his own explosion of cum and loud growl. His body felt weak after releasing so much pent up sexual tension. He felt himself leaning on Kitai as he came down from his high. He nuzzled the husky's neck affectionately licking it lightly. I panted heavily releasing our members once Ramon blew his load. I murred softly as I felt his teasing tongue. "We... better.... get .... washed..... before.... caught" I panted out leaning against the wall behind me. Ramon's ears twitched a bit. "I... think... we... have... already." He said hearing someone that was about to enter the bathroom deciding instead not to. He chuckled at that kissing Kitai softly before taking some soap and starting to clean the husky's fur. I panted softly, smiling a bit weakly, as I felt some of the soreness in my sheath returning. "MY... god." Was all I could get out as I felt the other begin to wash me. I panted leaning back on the wall, more heavily as I felt weak from the sheer power of the orgasm. Ramon nuzzled Kitai's neck lightly as he washed him. "Too much for you?" he asked knowing quite well what the 'My... god' was for. He finished up as quickly as he could letting the water wash away the cum and soap. He then turned to himself trying to finish up so Kitai could go lay down. I just let the other wash me and then begin on himself. I was a bit upset, still being so weak from that night with the horses. I cursed inwardly a bit upset with my self, more than them. I reached out and took the Tiger's arm with a gentle smile and gently started washing it, running my paws along its toned shape. Ramon looked up at Kitai smiling as a blush came over his face a bit. He was getting use to being so open and exposed to Kitai now. Over the past couple of days they had gave each other so much information about each other to the other that it still took Ramon by surprise. His eyes spoke volumes at that moment on how much he didn't want to give up Kitai to anything. I stared back into those eyes, becoming lost in their depths. I pulled the arm closer and then wrapped my arms around the tiger as a whole holding him close. This movement was twofold, One I wanted the tiger close, two I was using him to keep my balance. Ramon hugged Kitai close as well wanting the moment to last forever. The water fell over their bodies as time moved slowly by. Ramon broke the hug and lifted Kitai's chin kissing him softly. "Come on. Lets get out of this shower and go lay down." he said. He didn't care about class at that moment. School be damned. I murred softly and nodded my agreement as I reached over and turned off the water. I gave his sack a teasing grope as I moved with him from the stall towards our towels. Ramon blushed a bit more when Kitai groped him. He chuckled a bit handing Kitai his towel and taking his beginning to dry himself off. Wrapping it around his waist he turned to Kitai so they could walk back to the room together. I dried off and wrapped the towel around me as I took Ramon's paw as they walked back to the dorm, My tail swaying happily behind me. A smile was plastered across my muzzle, even as a few sneers were heard from another early rising fur. Ramon rolled his eyes as they walked passed some of the other furs on the floor to get back to their room. Once there he closed the door behind them locking it not wanting to be disturbed by anything. He put his bathroom supplies down and unwrapped the towel around his body as he pulled Kitai to the bed with him. I cocked an eyebrow as I heard the door locked and I made a small gasp as I was pulled into the bed by the tiger and my towel fell from my hips. I giggled lightly and made to crawl away and hide in the pillows, wagging my tail teasingly. Ramon chuckled getting into the bed pulling Kitai out of the pillows tickling him as he did playfully. His own tail was swaying a bit as he did pulling Kitai closer and laughing himself. I struggled fakely as I was pulled back to the tiger. I grinned as I was pulled closer and then clung to the Tiger's chest. "Damn that was good, If a bit taxing." I murmured softly, licking the others jaw. Ramon nodded. "It was very good." He purred softly when he was licked by Kitai. "I hope it wasn't too much for you though. You must be sore all over?" I nodded slowly. "but mostly my sheath, all the playing around must have aggravated the bruises from the damn cockring I had put on me." I told him. I nuzzled the others neck licking teasingly, loving the purring. Ramon raised and eyebrow. "They put a cock ring on you?" he asked both curious and upset Kitai had gotten so hurt. He calmed down though as Kitai nuzzled his neck giving another purr. I nodded as I nuzzled his neck. "Yea, I wasn't allowed to cum until the very end, Just before I came back here." I told him licking through the tigers fur, moving down to his chest. I couldn't help but lick the tigers nipple. Ramon moaned a little followed by some more purring. "That... that is terrible." he stumbled out closing his eyes and purring from how Kitai's tongue felt on his nipple. He could feel his member growing again a little inside his sheath. I shrugged at his comment still playing with his nipple. "I think my money was still in my pants I wore that night, there was quite a bit." I mumbled before biting the nipple lightly, rolling it between my teeth. Ramon nodded pointing over at the clothes hamper finding he couldn't do anything else but purr and moan as Kitai played with his nipple. His sheath moved a bit as his member kept growing. "good thing you didn't do laundry" I commented before burying my nose in the fur of his chest again. I sniffed at the others fur and skin, the scent nearly intoxicating. "Hmmm how'd I get such a sexy roommate?" I asked running my paws over his sexy tiger body. Ramon nodded. "I kind of remember it like it was yesterday..." He said telling the story as it went into a flashback. ************************* They had met when they first moved into the room earlier that year. Before then they didn't know each other. Ramon was and still is the sort of preppy type. Ramon had gotten to the room first and claimed his bed already by the time Kitai got there. I had arrived with nothing more than a pair of suitcases and a duffle bag full of clothes, When you were a whore trying to save up enough money to go to school, you couldn't spend money on collecting useless knickknacks. Going into the room I almost groaned audibly on sight of the Tiger already there Because he had claimed the bed I wanted. "Hey there" I had said simply before walking to the unclaimed bed. "Hey." Ramon said unpacking some of his stuff on his desk. He didn't turn around to look at Kitai, but when he did he had to stop for a moment. This was when his crush on Kitai began. The Husky just had that effect on him. "My name is Ramon. What's yours?" He asked slowly turning back to continue unpacking. I hadn't even noticed the others hesitation as I had turned to the bed and dropped my bags upon it. I couldn't keep my tail from twitching nervously about being in a new place. That and I had never shared my personal space with someone like will happen during the school year. "Kitai" I said simply, I seemed off putting but I was just nervous. I started unpacking my bags piling the notebooks and books on the desk. Ramon nodded. "Nice to meet you Kitai." He didn't say much other then that until he was done with his unpacking. He then sat down on his bed sort of watching Kitai. He was nervous around Kitai too. He didn't want to come off as a rich kid which he knew from his last roommate only lead to problems. "So Kitai. Where are you from?" He asked just trying to get to know his roommate. I was still unpacking when the question came. The only reason it was taking so long, was because I was totally anal about how my clothes were put away so nothing wrinkled. "The City" I told the tiger. "You?" I countered softly as I piled my underwear into the bottom drawer of the dresser. Ramon smiled. "I'm from up state." He said not wanting to get into the details of the mansion he was from. "Growing up in the city must have been interesting." He said commenting on Kitai saying he was from the city. "What's your major?" I shrugged. "Guess more interesting then living in the booneys upstate." I murmured. "Writing" I muttered simply as I started emptying the last suitcase, no Pictures or mementos of home were in it, Just my money, shower stuff and other hygiene things. "Yours?" I asked just as curtly as I replied, I didn't know exactly how I felt about this fur. "The Arts with a business minor." He replied. He stretched out on his bed lounging a bit. ************************** The flashback came to an end and Ramon nuzzled Kitai's neck lightly. "We didn't exactly get along for a while, but we didn't get on each others nerves. Who knew we would end up like this?" he said nuzzling Kitai's neck again. I murred softly. "Oh yea, Remember when you found out about my whoring the first time?" I asked tilting my head off to the side. "You nearly went ballistic." I commented. I focused my eyes on him and chuckled a bit. Ramon chuckled to at that. "It was because it was in this room. If I remember correctly." he said agreeing with Kitai. He continued licking Kitai's neck as he listened to Kitai tell what happened. I smirked a bit and nodded. "Oh yea." I said softly grinning. "I remember now." I told him smirking still Murring softly as my neck was licked. And off I went down memory road. ************************* I had just started building my rep as whore on campus and this had been one of my first clients. Since He himself had a roommate who studied all night we couldn't go there. I figured Ramon would be gone long enough for me to earn my money So we went to my dorm and got busy. Ramon though wasn't busy all night. He was in the lab most of the night, but found he just couldn't take it anymore. So, yawning while he walked he headed back to the dorm. He wasn't ready though for what he as going to see. The money had been dropped on my desk before we moved to my bed and got to business. I was barely containing my moans and yips of pleasure and a bit of pain as The German Sheppard bending over me rode my tailhole. Ramon was so tired that he didn't even hear what was coming from their room. Walking in he wasn't prepared at all to see Kitai being rode by the German Shepard. He was embarrassed walking into that. With my eyes closed and my mind focused on the Cock in my ass I didn't notice my roommates return. The Dog in my tailhole on the other hand, gave a merely curious sound and I felt his thrusts slow a bit. "Hey, How much to get the sexy tiger in on the action?" I heard the dog ask a bit loudly and I blinked a moment as The question confused me, until I realized Ramon had returned. "No...." I mumbled out around the pillow clenched in my teeth. Ramon raised an eyebrow. "Your?...." he turned and saw the money on the desk. He then turned and ran out of the dorm. He was upset. Very upset over what he just found out about his roommate and he didn't agree with it at all. I blinked hearing the other run out, But I couldn't exactly go after him as the Shepard suddenly started pounding my tailhole and within a few moments rammed his knot into me, yanking a pained squeal from my muzzle and then a long moan as I felt his hot seed pour into my bowels. I was stuck for the next few minutes, tied to the canine. Ramon had left the dorm and gone for a very long walk. When he got back the German Shepard was gone and Kitai wasn't in the room. All he saw was the money on the desk and this made him angry. To find out your roommate, let alone the one you have a crush on, is sleeping around for money. It just made him very upset. As soon as I could I had left to go after my roommate, not really knowing why. The Sheppard had returned to his own room as I searched for Ramon. I returned after a long fruitless search, To find Ramon had returned to the dorm. I opened my mouth as if to say something, but closed it and just went to my bed. I stripped off the sheets and flopped onto the bare mattress. Ramon didn't say anything to Kitai. The look on his face said volumes. It wouldn't even be till the afternoon the next day until they even spoke to each other again. Ramon was sitting at his desk as the tension in the room built. "Why?" he asked. "Why do you do it?" I sighed as the question came, looking up from the book I read on my bed. "For money," I replied simply. "To pay for school" I added curtly. "But its not really any of your business." I snapped lightly. "It is if it is going on in my room." he said snapping back. "All you need to know is I don't like it or agree with it. But, because your my roommate and the last thing I want is either one of us to move out I want you to promise you will never do that again in this room." My eyes narrowed and I could feel my hackles prickle a bit as I looked at the tiger. "Last time I checked this was my room too." I replied roughly. "I don't think I can promise that." I added turning back to my book, my tail twitching irritably. Ramon just rolled his eyes. "Then put something on the door next time. God I don't want to see that or hear about it ever again." He said angry now turning to his school work. "Sure, Ill mark the door somehow." I said simply. "You act like it's so terrible." I commented. "Guys want sex, I give it." I said simply, before falling silent and going back to my book. Ramon rolled his eyes and let it drop. He wasn't going to talk to Kitai about it as he felt sick. It wasn't something he wanted to deal with. He grew silent to Kitai after that for a while. It also took him a while to get back to any kind of normal terms with Kitai. ***************************** Of course they were now naked in bed together. Things certainly change fast sometimes. I chuckled a bit laying with the tiger. "You didn't talk to me for almost a week after that." I reminded him. "And I never did remember to mark or lock the door." I added, Good thing most of the rest of my clients, had rooms we could use. I licked the tigers cheek and smiled happily. Ramon purred to Kitai licking his cheek and then blushed a bit. "Yeah. It really took me a long time to trust you again." he nuzzled Kitai's cheek softly. "But, now I trust you very much. If I didn't I wouldn't be laying here naked with you." I murred gently as my cheek was nuzzled. "Hmm maybe not, But I woulda gotten you naked eventually." I teased turning to lean more on him, my head on his shoulder. "If I wanted, and as I said before.... Damn are you sexy." Ramon blushed more from Kitai's comment about him being sexy. He smiled happily finding laying next to Kitai like this was perfect. They just seemed to fit together so perfectly. "But, I'm not one of your clients. I'm not after you just for sex. Must be new to you?" I nodded to the question, Yea, Its not like a whore had time for a 'love' life. "Yea, I've never really, even had a boyfriend before." I told him. "No one I haven't just been sex for." I added. Ramon ran a hand through Kitai's hair. "Well I can't say we will end up as boyfriends, but I'm here for you if you ever need me." He kissed Kitai softly. "I love you." I murred softly and shook my head to straighten my hair out when he ran his paw through it. "Thanks," I said softly. "I've never even had that much." I murmured softly. I smiled brightly at those three words, But I wasn't ready to return them, So I just kissed him again. Ramon knew Kitai wasn't ready for a commitment. It was all too sudden. Still he knew how true those three words were and couldn't stop himself now from saying them. He kissed Kitai back passionately hugging the husky close to him and wishing he never had to let go. I returned the kiss passionately and only broke to breathe. I panted softly, with a content smile. "We have class." I whispered softly leaning my head on the others shoulder again nuzzling his neck gently. Ramon nodded. "I know." he said smiling back at Kitai. "Can't be skipping them either." He still didn't let go of Kitai for a few more moments until he gave him one last quick kiss and moved getting out of the bed to get dressed. He felt light, as if he was on cloud nine. Yet, he also felt cold removing himself from Kitai. I sighed when the other left me, but that wasn't the only reason. I just remembered that because of being in the hospital, I didn't get any homework done. "Fuck" I murmured softly. I rolled out of bed and gathered what work was actually done and then went and got dressed. Ramon smiled over at Kitai as he had the same problem. They had spent the weekend together and even though he was use to getting his work done in time for the weekend he had remembered art projects to do which now meant he was going to be pulling some late nights to complete. Finishing with getting dressed he grabbed his book bag and leaned in to Kitai kissing him on the cheek. "See you after class." he said before leaving the room. "Bye" I said smiling as I watched the tiger leave. I stood thinking for awhile. Ramon had spent the weekend with me because he wanted too, not because of any other reason. Being with Ramon had felt better than being with any other guy. Maybe I had found someone.... * * * Ooooooooooooooh Wow, That was unsuspected..... The wolf actually calls for a date? ANd Kitai accepts. Hmm seems Ramon wasnt completely put off by it either.