A New Home - Chapter 3

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#4 of A New Home

Warning: The preceding chapter was clean, this one is not. It is, in fact, very unclean. Every character should take a long shower, and I should probably take a shower, too. You might want to take a shower, just to be on the safe side. It is also acceptable to take a bath, but don't stay in for too long, or you'll just soak up all your dirt again. Do NOT take a sponge bath, however, ESPECIALLY, if you have to ask someone to give you a sponge bath. That's just off limits, and you'll make the person that gave you a sponge bath want to take a bath. However, since you have tainted the bathtub, this person will take a shower instead.

I look forward to the water shortage.

"Okay, why don't you fill me in on what's going on now." Regent said as she maneuvered the Pathfinder into orbital traffic. She held the control stick in her right hand, moving it with a deftness that surprised Jonas, considering how large she was. Then again, Viridan had displayed feats of great dexterity as well, so he shouldn't be surprised at how coordinated his species was.

"We're going to meet Vyra outside the club, and she's going to take us in through the back door, so the guards don't see Jonas." Viridan replied, watching over her shoulder as she maneuvered the old survey ship into the center of three lanes of traffic. They were flanked on all sides by ships of all sorts, although most where simple personal or group transports. The sensors beeped once, and a dot appeared behind them on the traffic radar. It was a simple little piece of tech, set into the pilot's console to the left of the wheel. It was basically just a picture of the ship, with a light on the fore, aft, port, and starboard sides. When the ship's sensors detected a ship in the lane around them, the corresponding light lit up. It had probably helped prevent countless accidents, as most ships these days had quite large blind spots.

"I suppose it is still a hatchling," Regent replied, not even looking at Jonas. He stood with Viridan between them, as her tail had been making a habit of whipping his arm whenever he drew within its range. He had a wide red mark on his left arm now, which was raw to the touch. "I'm going to be watching that one. Give it a few drinks, and it'll either be prancing around like a lunatic or out cold."

"Captain," Viridan said, his tone switching to something considerably more serious than it had been the rest of the flight. "I want you to promise me that if something happens to Jonas, and I'm not there, that you bring him back to the ship."

"And I can do something to it when I get him back, right?" Regent asked with a grin.

"I'm serious, Hinal," Viridan replied. Regent couldn't help but look up at him with a surprised expression, nearly losing their spot in line to a transport looking to cut in.

"Well, you never use my first name unless you're serious about something," she replied, turning back to the control panel. "Alright, if anything happens to Fido, I'll bring him home and give him a bowl of kibble."

"Thank you, Captain," Viridan said, a bit of a grin returning to his snout.

"But no pets on the furniture, got it?" she asked, her tail attempting to snap at him but falling short. It did startle him into jumping back.

The progression through the traffic was slow but steady. The ships around them were making their way toward what looked like a giant ring, just floating there in space. They had gotten close enough that they could see the ships in the front of the line break into four new lanes, forming a diamond shape in the center of the ring. As the ships passed through, they either banked to the right and towards the planet, or went off to the left and stopped. There was about a dozen ships sitting in a rectangle off to the side, and Jonas could just make out the tiny dots floating amongst the enormous crafts.

"This is a security checkpoint," Jonas thought aloud.

Regent simply rolled her eyes. "Great job, detective," she replied sarcastically. "You got a job with the S.I.U. yet?"

"Calm down, Captain," Viridan replied. "Jonas has a lot of new things to figure out."

"Would it kill it to figure them out quietly?" she asked gruffly. "Of get off the bridge. That's a good idea, actually. Vir, why don't you go show him the inside of the storage closet?"

"What's gotten into you, Captain?" Viridan asked.

"Yeah, you're even more of an ass than you were five minutes ago," Jonas chimed in, and receiving a sudden, silencing glare from the black dragon in return.

"Look at all the ships they've pulled over," Regent replied.

Jonas and Viridan both strained their eyes to find what Regent was talking about. At first they saw nothing but a block of ships, but then the pieces began to fall into place, at least for Viridan. His eyesight was far keener than Jonas', and with it, he began to notice all the logos on the ships. First of all, they were all transport ships, meaning that it wasn't some sort of random screening. And Secondly, most of the ships had either the word 'animal' or 'pet' printed on the side.

"They must be looking for certain kinds of animals," Viridan realized. "Did the Artemis planets update their pet laws?"

"Not that I've heard, but I wasn't really listening for it," Regent replied, her muscles clenching uncomfortably around the control stick. She suddenly felt the urge to throw the landing jets on full and shoot straight up and away, but she restrained herself. "Those scanners will find the human, and they pull us over and impound my ship!"

"They're not going to take the Pathfinder, Captain," Viridan said reassuringly. "The worst they might do is turn us around and send us on our way. Probably suggest a clinic to get him neutered."

"Wow, what now!?" Jonas explained. "I agree with the captain. Let's get out of here."

"Relax, Jonas. I was just kidding," Viridan said with a chuckle.

"Those things do look pretty ugly, just hanging there in the open," Regent replied, trying to return to her usual demeanor but failing quite miserably. She was still as twitchy as ever, her left hand shaking quite heavily while her steering hand was left as still as ever.

"Listen, Captain, they won't take the ship," Viridan replied. "Everything will be fine,"

"Pathfinder, please enter lane one," a voice suddenly appeared through the ships speakers, making everyone jump. Even Regent almost lost the perfect composure in her right arm. When the comm channel closed with a click, Regent took a deep breath before pulling the ship forward up to the top-most lane. She pulled in behind two other waiting ships, and took another deep breath as she watched the next one go through. It was a passenger transport, a tiny thing, and it passed through the check without a hitch. The next ship, too, went unhindered as it turned towards the surface. That left only empty space between the Pathfinder's nose and the ring in front of it. With a third, final deep breath, Regent pulled the ship forward slowly, cringing as she watched the object pass over them on the scanners.

It was an agonizingly slow moment as the ship passed through the massive ring, inching forward while an invisible wave passed in and around it, touching everything it could. It took about ten seconds to pass through the ring, and once they had cleared it, nothing happened. Viridan rested a hand gently on Regent's stiff neck as she tensed up. The ship continued to move forward, Regent afraid to stop the ship for any amount of time.

"Uhh, Pathfinder...can you confirm the reason for your visit?" A voice asked through the comm. It was different from the first by quite a scale. While the first voice had been somewhat gentle and accepting, this voice was gruff, albeit quite confused.

"We're just heading down to the clubs for the night," Viridan piped in before the Regent could manage to reopen her eyes.

"Our scanners picked up a life form unrecognized by our systems. Can you explain that?"

"Well, we were out by the Gamma Six wormhole, well outside the boundary, mind you, and we found this wreck just floating there in space," Viridan began, pulling out whatever he could think of to create a story. "When we got closer to it, we caught this weird little signal on our scanners. So, I went in to investigate, and I found this little thing inside a locked-up escape pod. The bay was jammed shut, so the pod hadn't even made it out of the bay, but it was online and still pressurized, so it was okay. We pulled it out, got it patched up and healed, and then we took it out here for a taste of the nightlife. They love the nightlife where it comes from."

"So, you're telling me, that an species no one has ever seen before, on a wreck of an obviously unidentified craft, made it past the extensive monitoring equipment set up around the wormhole and drifted all the way out to where you were, and you just gave it a bandage and took it clubbing?" the other end asked.

"That's about the gist of it, I suppose," Viridan replied simply. "The guys at the research center must've thought that it was another asteroid coming through."

"Sir, I'm going to need you to bank to your left and enter the lot," the voice said. "I'll be coming shortly to confirm your...story."

"We'll be happy to have you aboard, officer," Viridan replied, trying to sound pleasant while Regent was busy freaking out in front of him. She might have thrown the ship in a complete loop if she hadn't released the control stick first. "Relax, Captain. Just fly us over and let me do the talking."

With a reluctant sigh, Regent gripped the stick firmly in her hand and rolled the throttle forward, slowly banking the ship to port. She pulled up next to a blocky transport ship and turned the engine off. After that, there was nothing to do but sit and wait quietly, and in Regent's case, twitch almost incessantly, until a loud ding ran through the ship's speakers.

"I'll go meet the officer at the airlock. You two stay here," Viridan said in an unfamiliar authoritative tone. "Jonas, just go along with whatever I say. And captain, just try and keep your head down."

After receiving a varied nod from both of them, Viridan headed down the stairs to the first deck, and followed the hallway until he reached the second door on the left. It had a large light above the sealed door, which now glowed green. With a quick command into the wall-mounted panel, the door opened with a rush of freshly pressurized air, and the officer stepped into the hall.

The officer was a Mari, a race of fish-like bipeds with generally heavy builds. They were usually found in mercenary and police positions, or anything else that let them put their musculature to work. The Mari in question was about seven feet tall, and had grey-blue plates that ran over his head in long, narrow strips. His head was narrow and flat, which emphasized his huge eyes. His nose consisted of two narrow holes in the center of his face, and his mouth was a wide slit that split with rows of small, sharp teeth. A set of gills was visible just about his collar, and while he was naturally aquatic, he didn't have any trouble breathing the regular ship air. He was wearing a black, lightly-armored space suit that fit tightly to his body, and Viridan could see the pistol that was strapped into his waist holster.

"Are you the captain, sir?" the officer asked in the same gruff voice that had been heard over the comm.

"First officer," Viridan replied. "If you'd follow me to the bridge,"

He led the officer to the bridge, being careful not to trip him with his tail as he followed quite closely. After reaching the top of the stairway, Viridan stepped onto the bridge and out of the way, allowing the officer to pass him and lead himself directly to where Jonas stood, looking quite intimidated by the armed fish-man that was suddenly towering over him.

"It's sentient, I assume?" the officer asked.

"Of course officer," Jonas replied. "I did, uh, fly a spaceship, after all."

"True enough," the officer asked. "Do you have a name?"

"Jonas, sir," he replied.

"And what exactly are you?" the officer asked, allowing Viridan to breath a silent sigh of relief. If the officer had never seen a human before, than this could work.

"I'm a...uh..." Jonas stumbled, looking past the officer and to Viridan, who merely offered a shrug. "I'm Jonas...ian. Yes, that's absolutely right. I'm a Jonasian."

"A...Jonasian?" he repleated. "Named Jonas?"

"That is correct, sir,"

"Well, whoever spawned you certainly lacked creativity," the officer muttered. "Now, are you an emissary? What exactly happened?"

"Well, you see, I was flying my ship near the...um...the wormhole, and my...battery died."

"Your...battery died?" the officer repeated, astonished. Viridan barely stopped himself for shouting out. He hadn't thought about how Jonas knew absolutely nothing about spacecraft.

"Yeah, my...solar...battery," Jonas stumbled. "It died, and I got hit by a passing meteor, and it pushed me through the wormhole. The collision knocked me out, and when I woke up, I was on this ship, with these two patching me up."

"So, what? You're a civilian?" the officer asked.

"I'm an...astronaut," Jonas replied thoughtfully.

"Astronaut? Astronauts haven't been real since first flights and early space exploration. Was this your species first flight?"

"First...far away...flight," Jonas said, dropping his eyes and rubbing the back of his neck.

"A deep space flight. Wow, this is just too much. Listen, my shift is over in five minutes, so I'm just going to get your ship registration and let you go down. This...Jonasian...defiantly isn't a giant slug, so there aren't any regulations against it. I'd advise that you get in contact with a government official soon, and see if they'll help you get home." The officer said.

"I will, officer, but my people would love to hear about new kinds of nightlife," Jonas replied, starting to feel more confident now that he knew that he was off the hook. "I think I can wait a little while to go home."

"Whatever, let's just get that registration," the officer said uninterestedly. "Are you the captain?"

"Oh yes," Regent replied, swiveling around in her chair. She looked like she was back to her usual self no that there was nothing to fear, so with an innocent smile she opened a small door on the bottom of the pilot's console and pulled out a dragon-sized tablet. With just a few taps, the officer received the data he was after, and turned towards the staircase.

"You three have a good night," the officer said. "Don't try to leave if you've had too many drinks, as the scanner will catch it on way out and we wouldn't want you to spend the night here."

"Thank you officer," Viridan replied with a smile, and watching as the heavy-set fish-man disappeared down the staircase. They sat waiting for a few moments, until they heard another ding through the speakers, and could see the officer moving away from the ship on the radar. With a collective sigh of relief, Regent turned the ship around and headed straight for the planet.

"A Jonasian?" Viridan asked.

"It was the best I could come up with on such short notice," Jonas replied defensively.

"Well, I'm just glad you didn't blow it," he replied.

"Yeah, spaceships don't run on batteries, squelchy." Regent replied. "You're lucky he believed the rest of your bullshit."

"Ah, screw you," Jonas said, sinking down onto the step that separated the captain's chair from the rest of the bridge floor. "Now I need want a drink."

"Oh, you'll get your drink," Regent replied. "We'll be there in no time,"


The entire ship vibrated and rumbled as it plowed through the atmosphere. Pure heat licked over the bridge window, distorting the rapidly approaching cityscape below. From what Jonas could see, it looked to be a lot of tall, irregularly-shape shaped buildings and neon lights. It reminded him of Las Vegas on Earth, but with a million more spaceships.

Soon, they were low enough for Regent to fire the landing jets, rapidly slowing their descent as they dropped into a large open hole in the ground, next to a wide, very plain white building. When the ship was situated about a hundred feet above the hole, a huge claw rose up and latched onto them, the ship shaking with a violent rumble that nearly knocked Jonas off his feet. As soon as the engines were turned off, the claw lowered them into a lit room, filled with hundreds of other spaceships. They were all locked into wide metal frames that wrapped around the ship to keep it in place, and had an extendable platform that connected wherever an airlock was.

The Pathfinder was lowered ten stories, to wear medium-sized ship racks lined the walls. The first available rack opened wide to accept the ship, and closed down tightly as soon as the claw had retreated. They waited a moment for the roar of motors and bumps against the ship to end, before a voice appeared through the comm.

"Welcome to Deluxe. You may now exit your ship. Do not forget to activate any locking mechanisms or routines you may have installed."

"Come on, Vyra should be meeting us where the employee shuttle disembarks," Regent said. "Follow me,"

Jonas kept close to Viridan's side as they were led out of the ship and onto a sturdy metal platform. At the end, a cage-like structure was positioned. Regent led them inside, pressed a button on the control panel, and the cage closed and dropped. They plummeted all the way to the bottom of the hanger, and Jonas couldn't help but latch onto Viridan's closest leg. When there were less than fifty feet between them and the solid ground, the cage suddenly slowly, and gently landed on the ground.

In the center of the room, a large rectangular ship was parked on the flat floor. It had two rectangular engines on the aft, and a downward sloped cockpit at the fore. A ramp jutted off the side, and a stream of all kinds of aliens was heading down the ramp and towards two sets of doors on the opposite wall. They could make out Vyra, lingering at the edge of the group as they flowed down the ramp, and stopped to wait as soon as she saw them exiting the cage and make their way towards her.

"I'm so glad that you decided to come," she said to Viridan as soon as he was within earshot in the loud hanger. She nuzzled his snout affectionately, before turning to nod at Regent and Jonas respectively. "Come on, I'll show you inside."

They followed the line until it diverged between two doors, the male employees entering the left door and the females entering the right. Behind the door was an enormous platform which, after everyone had stepped on, began to rise steadily up the shaft. Jonas could just make out the exit at the top of the towering shaft. When they reached it after a few moments' travel, he kept close to Viridan while the mass of employees surged passed and towards the exit. They joined the line at the end, and followed it into another large, open-concept space. Lockers and mirrors lined the walls, and there were several doors that led to washrooms and shower stalls. All of the employees began to filter away to their lockers, some removing regular flight suits or other clothing to slip into a formfitting black uniform. The sheer number of different species made Jonas' head spin. There were a few dragons, but everything else was utterly different. Some had tentacles, some had six legs, and some even had more than two heads. He felt a sudden surge of loneliness, for he knew that there were millions of all of these species in space, and he was the only human.

"I have to get ready, so you go on ahead," Vyra said. "The bar is just through the door on the other side of the room. I'll come find you later."

"Okay, my love," Viridan said, and nuzzled her snout in farewell. He took the lead as the group travelled across the vast space and through a large door. There was a short hallway, and another door, before they emerged into a massive chamber.

A small apartment building could probably fit inside the room, as the ceiling hung ten stories above them. The room was, to Jonas' surprise, not made of metal, but of looked to be made out of white marble. Half-columns rolled out from the walls every twenty feet, with elegant light fixtures reaching out from the stone itself. Three enormous chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a pleasant, consistent wash of light across the entire expanse. The room itself was the size of a football field, although none of the space was wasted. Two large bars were positioned on either side of the room, right in the middle. Between them were row upon row of varyingly sized booths, with the smallest on the left end and the largest on the right. There were wide, red carpets that ran over the floor wherever a booth was not, allowing for ample room to move throughout the crowded room. It was like Vyra has said. It all felt very posh.

"Come on, my booth is open," Regent said, and led the way to the right. She walked a few rows down before turning into the corridor and entering the empty booth three spots in. The well-padded bench seat curved around a circular table, and there were large holes in the seat back that Regent and Viridan both slipped their tails throw. Jonas came in behind them, having to stand on the seat to reach the level of the table, and even then he was barely glancing over it.

"Hey tiny, just run your fingers under the seat and it'll rise for you," Regent said, watching him with a smug smile from across the table.

Jonas immediately disappeared as he sat down on the seat and began to run his hand under the well-upholstered seat. He felt a cold metal bar under it, and as soon as his fingers touched it, he felt the seat beneath him began to rumble. He tore his hand away from the bar as he was suddenly shot upwards, the seat bending into a peak to allow him to reach tabletop height. The result was an almost comically large hill on one side of the booth, but it certainly served its purpose.

"I think the seat's taller than you are now," Regent said with a chuckle. "Now, I'll go get us some drinks. Vir, you have a preference?"

"Something gentle," Viridan replied. Regent gave a nod before sliding off the seat and heading towards the nearest bar.

"What? I don't get a drink?" Jonas asked.

"Oh, you'll get something, pigskin," Regent replied with a grin. "Don't you worry about that,"

She took off towards the bar before anything else could be said, leaving Jonas to rest his head on his upturned hand and wait.

"Why do I have the feeling that she's trying to poison me?" Jonas asked. "Or slip roofies into my drink."

"I think the alcohol will be more than enough," Viridan replied, staring up at the ceiling. "This certainly looks like a high-class place."

"Yeah, it reminds me of the pictures I've seen of Las Vegas, back on Earth," Jonas replied, taking in the ceiling with his friend. "Although quite a bit bigger."

"Yeah, humans couldn't make anything like this," Viridan agreed.

"Alright, here we go!" Regent's exclamation pulled them away from their admiration of the facility. The red dragon stood in front of the table, a grin plastered across her snout. A hovering platter was circling her head, and as she slipped into the booth on Viridan's left, the platter settled itself down in the center of the table, not spilling a drop of its precious cargo. On it were seven drinks, all of them completely clear and unassuming.

"Are these, what I think they are?" Viridan asked with a concerned expression.

"Oh yeah!" Regent exclaimed, grabbing up one of the glasses and dumping it into her open mouth. She let out a pleased sigh as the liquid travelled down her gullet. "A full round of 'MAC shells'."

"Why are there so many?" Viridan asked, gently gripping one of the shots as if it would bite him.

"Well, one for you, to start," she said. "Three for me, and three for the rookie,"

"You expect Jonas to drink three of them!?" Viridan exclaimed. "It'll probably kill him!"

"I don't expect him to finish them all, no." Regent replied, picking up another drink. "But I'm challenging him to."

"What?" Jonas asked.

"Well, I was thinking," Regent began thoughtfully. "Since there is absolutely no possible way you could ever convince me that your worth your name, I figured you could just accept a simple challenge. If you finish three of these shots tonight, three for the entire night, I'll start using your name. Sometimes."

"That doesn't sound so bad," Jonas replied with a shrug. "I figure we'll be here for a while anyway, so I can probably do it."

"Heheh, we'll see," Regent said with chuckle, placing one of the drinks in front of him. It was looked just like normal water, but due to the way Viridan reacted to them, he knew that they were far from it. Regent had called them shots, but they were the size of a regular water glass. With a final glance up at Regent's sneering face, he put the glass to his lips and took a deep draw. The instant the liquid touched his lips, his mouth was burning. Every surface the liquid touched burned terribly, causing him to immediately cough and hack as he tried to purge the liquid from his body. But with a sudden desire to prove himself, he forced back his inhibitions and swallowed the beverage. It burned all the way down his throat, but as soon as it settled into his stomach, the burn disappeared, and was replaced with a tangy, painless flavor. "So, how is it?"

"It's not so bad, once you get past the intense, boiling pain," Jonas replied, taking another, much quicker sip.

Regent eyed him with skeptical surprise, but ultimately resigned with a shrug and leaned back in her seat, dumping another drink. "Come on, Vir. Take your drink."

"I said I wanted something gentle," Viridan replied, swirling the beverage before putting it back down on the table, although not back on the tray.

"Come on, lighten up!" Regent replied. "You're too uptight tonight."


"Drink," the captain said with finality. "That's an order,"

With a sigh, Viridan brought the beverage to his lips and slowly dumped it in. He gagged instantly, more violent that Jonas' reaction, and spit the entire beverage out across the table. The robotic tray immediately began to mop up the mess with a rag mounted to the bottom.

"Holy shit," Viridan exclaimed. "Water! Get me a water!"

The tray suddenly shot up and flew away towards the bar, leaving the remaining drink on the table in front of Jonas. Both he and Regent had broken into laughter as the much larger dragon rejected his drink.

"Wow, Viridan, I thought you'd be better with alcohol," Jonas remarked, downing the last of his drink and banging the empty glass against the table with a loud clink. "It's not that bad,"

"Don't get too cocky," Regent said. "You'll start to feel it after the next one."

"Whatever," Jonas replied confidently. "This will be a piece of cake!"


"Oh my god!" Jonas shouted, dropping his second empty glass onto the table. "I feel so tall! Was the floor always that far away?"

Regent couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles. She had just finished her fifth drink, and even she was beginning to feel the effects of the drink's enormous alcohol content.

"How long have we been here?" Viridan asked, his tongue starting to hang a little more loosely than it had a few drinks earlier. He had managed to get a few lighter drinks, although that didn't stop him from dropping them like Regent did. "How much is this costing?"

"Ah, don't worry about a thing, Viry," Regent replied. "I'll just do another cargo run if I run out of money,"

"I thought you hated transporters?" he asked.

"I do! They can't fly!" she shouted. "But, it's okay because I can fly good. I fly really...good."

"Okay, Cap-caption," Jonas stuttered, shakily hoisting his final glass as if it were a brick. "This is the last one,"

"Okay, okay let's see you do it," she said, leaning as far forward as she could. Her snout was now less than a foot from Jonas' face, barely giving him room to put the glass to his lips as he hunched over the table. With a patchy breath, he sucked back the whole drink, in one go, and nearly threw the glass off to the side before reeling it in and slamming it dangerously hard against the table.

"There...I beat your cha-chalice," Jonas said, feeling far more triumphant than his terrible speaking skills could convey. "I beat you...bitch."

"Okay...uh...it was Joey, wasn't it?" she asked.

"Jonas!" he shouted, although her face was no further away than it had been before.

"Right right, Jonas," she replied. "Hey! Tray! Get us another round!"

"Ma'am, sensors detect that the party's blood-alcohol level has reached limitation status. The alcoholic menu has been prohibited for your safety," the tray said, muffled slightly as it was trapped under Regent's body. "Also, my load-bearing capacity has been exceeded. Please remove your body from me."

"Are you feeling me up?" she asked the tray, grinding herself a little against the cold metal top. "You want to go find an empty suite?"

"Ma'am, I am programmed to be incompliant with requests for intercourse. I can, however, bring you list of our floor staff, and the services they offer."

"That sounds great, why don't you do that?" Regent asked, raising her side to allow the tiny tray to slip free of her bulk and sail away. "But first, I want an appetizer,"

Her snout shot forward and straight against Jonas' face, fixing him in a sloppy, tangy kiss. He was startled by the sudden kiss, and couldn't fight the drunken dragoness as she forced his lips apart and rammed her tongue inside. She was drooling all over his face, but he couldn't push the more powerful lips away until they were good and ready to leave. Her tongue thrashed and pushed forcefully around his mouth, bat his tongue around like a cat with a mouse. Finally, after what seemed like too long of a moment, she removed herself from him, smiling lustily and licking the stray saliva from her snout.

"Damn it, Captain. Why are you a sexy drunk?" Viridan asked.

"Do you think I'm sexy, Viry?" Regent asked, turning the grin on him. "I bet your mate wouldn't want to hear that."

"Your menu, ma'am," the tray announced, and settled back onto the center of the table with a glowing blue tablet in the middle. Regent immediately snatched it up.

"Let's get her down here so she can punish you!" she said with a smile, and tapped Vyra's name on the list, and set it down for the tray to take away.

A few moments later, a gleaming teal dragoness stepped up to the table, unable to suppress the grin she had plastered on her face. "Hi, dear," she said. "Did you page me?"

"Hi, Vyra," Viridan replied, keeping his head low to try and hide his drunkenness but failing miserably. "No, that was the captain."

"He thinks I'm sexy!" Regent shouted. "I thought that we should take him into a room and punish him for wanting cheating on you!"

"You're both plastered, aren't you?" she asked with a chuckle. "How are you doing, Jonas?"

"I'm o-okay," he replied. "Kyra...No wait...Lyra."

"You're all drunk," she replied grinning ear to ear. "Okay, Regent, I'll take you and the cheater to a room."

"Wait!" Viridan shouted. "We can't just leave Jonas here."

"Oh, he'll be fine," Regent replied. "You won't leave the table, will you Jack?"

"I'll...I'll stay put," he replied. "I promise,"

"See? He promised," she replied. "Now come on, we need to teach you a lesson about cheating on your wife."

"Oh, okay," Viridan replied, and slid shakily out of the booth behind Regent. Keep a close eye on her drunken companions, Vyra led them between the booths and down past the largest patrons. She led them through a door on the back wall and into a large, musky room. It was similar in style to the main room, but instead of a block of booths, the floor in the center of the room was bare. Or rather, full of writhing, lusty bodies. It was the orgy hall, and it was almost completely packed. The floor was like a rough sea of sex, with no pattern to the waves of thrusts and moans. Viridan couldn't help but watch the scene as he passed, and he could feel the flesh stirring in his uninhibited loins. Even with his desire to join the fray, the women led him around the parameter of the orgy and into a door. They were now in a much smaller room, covered in cushions and bathed in a deep red light. There was a small wood-finish door on the opposite end of the room, which looked like a closet. Regent led Viridan past his mate as she flicked a switch, engaging the lock on the door.

"So, what kind of 'punishment' did you have in mind?" Vyra asked.

"We should have sex while he watches!" She exclaimed, jumping on the bed excitedly with her legs spread. Her folds were already wide and wet, releasing a potent pheromone that made Viridan member jump erect.

"And how do you propose that we keep him from joining in?" Vyra asked, a sly grin on her face as she sauntered towards the end of the bed.

"Don't you have anything in that kinky closet?" Regent asked, motioning with her head towards the door.

"Oh, I'm sure we can find something," Vyra replied, and moved over to open the closet door. She rummaged through it for a moment before returning with a simple leather collar with a long leash. The wall behind Viridan already had a few metal rings bolted into it for such an application, and the drunken, confused male was too transfixed by the scents and gaping vent before him to notice as the leash noted tightly around a ring and the collar was fixed firmly to his neck. As soon as he felt himself bound, though, he let out a pathetic whimper and tugged against the leash. "Sorry, Vir. You won't be able to break that very easily. Why don't you just relax while the captain and I have a little fun?"

It had been about five minutes since the dragons had left the room, and Jonas remained at the eyed his empty glass with fascination. He had never noticed how warped the world looked through the glass walls, and couldn't help but hold the glass to his right eye and look around the room with it.

"Hey beautiful," a voice off to his right called. He sluggishly turned towards the source of the voice, keeping the glass firmly pressed against his brow as he hunted for the voice's owner. "What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone?"

"All my friends went to have sex," Jonas replied. "I'm...supposed to stray here."

"Is that so? Well, a few friends of mine were looking for a nice girl to 'stray' with," he said. Jonas began to feel his seat sinking towards the floor as the new person touched the seat, and he could suddenly see the person he was talking to, after reluctantly putting the glass down somewhere behind him. It some kind of bipedal incest creature that stood at about Jonas' height and had a thick, green carapace. It had a dexterous mandible mouth, with two sets of pincers set vertically on both sides of its wide, toothless mouth. It didn't have compound eyes like most insects, but small eyes that looked closer to a dragon's, with slit pupils. "I've never seen something like you before. You are a woman, right?"

"That's a strange thing to say," Jonas replied, but paused for a moment. "Let me check,"

Despite having the new alien staring directly at him, he reached down and began to loosely tug at his flaccid member. It took a while, but eventually rose to attention.

"I don't think I'm...male," he replied, turning back to the newcomer.

"Man, you're pretty drunk. That looks an awful lot like a dick to me," the alien replied.

"I guess it is," Jonas replied. "I won a game show with it, you know."

"I thought I recognized you," the alien remarked, a pleased expression lighting up his face. "I saw you on 'The Cage'. My friends and I love that show. Congratulations on winning. I just wish that you were a chick."

"I thought you said I was beautiful?" Jonas asked.

"Well, sure...I guess," he stuttered. "But, we brought me friend here for his bachelor party. He's getting married tomorrow, and we can't have him fuck a guy."

"Why not go on the orgy flour?" Jonas asked.

"Well, we kinda wanted it to be intimate, but maybe you're right," the alien replied. "Hey, you want to join us?"

"I'm...not supposed to leaf," Jonas said.

"Aw, come on," the alien tried again. "It'll be fun,"

"Well," Jonas said, looking through the side of his glass again. "Maybe I'll go."

"Great, now come on. I'll introduce you to the guys," the alien said with a grin, and waited as Jonas shakily exited the booth. He landed on the ground with a thud, and nearly fell onto his face as his legs felt both a little stiff and a little loose. "Oh, here, take this pill. It'll help clear your head."

Jonas, in no condition to comprehend the consequences of taking a pill from a stranger, snatched the offered capsule and swallowed it. Almost instantly, he began to feel his mind clear, his limbs operate more quickly, and his eyes refocus. He followed the insect as he led him towards the smaller booths, and eventually stopped in front of a small group of three other insects like him.

"Guys, you'll never guess who I found!" he exclaimed. "It's that guy that won 'The Cage' a few days ago."

"Dude, I thought you were looking for a chick?" one of the others said, this one a medium shade of grey.

"Yeah, well, I figure that we could just hit the orgy floor," he replied with a shrug.

"The small orgy floor is closed tonight, dumbass," a black one said.

"How could they close it tonight?! It's Quint's goddam bachelor party!" the green one shouted.

"Guys, we don't...have to do this, you know," a white one piped up. He sat between his grey and black friends, and was looking quite nervous. Jonas knew he was the guy getting married.

"Yes, you do, man," the grey one said, putting a large hand on his friend's shoulder. "Your honeymoon can't be your first time. She could just get up and walk away if you don't do her right,"

"She won't do that," the white one said, and cast his eyes down at the table. "Besides, it's not going to be the same as it will be tomorrow night. None of the species in here are even remotely similar in body structure. Well, except that Ixiran, but I think she'd just suck me into her egg sack."

As the white insect motioned across the room, Jonas followed his gaze. He saw the creature he was referring to, an enormous mantis-type insect that was sitting in the very largest row of booths. She looked an awful lot like the mantis thing that had tried to eat him in his first arena match, but was probably bigger.

"I don't understand how they can serve all these different sized people," Jonas said. "Don't people sometimes get, I don't know, stepped on?"

"Sure, sometimes, but they've got a rubberizer in the floor. You've been hit hard into a wall in the arena before, so you know when the wall caves in around you. It's just like that," the green alien said. "Besides, some of the tiny guys here have a thing for feet, so they don't really mind."

"Well, what are we going to do about Quint?" the grey one asked. "He still needs a fuck, and I'm not bending over for him."

"Why don't you guys just get one of the staff?" Jonas asked. "Isn't that what they're hired for?"

"It's too expensive," the green one said with a shrug. "We spent all our money just to get in and have a round of drinks."

"Dude, go back out there and get us a chick!" the black one exclaimed, pointing down the run of booths. "Or, get us someone bigger so we can get into the medium orgy floor."

"Or the big orgy floor," the grey one added with a lusty grin.

"Hell no! I don't want some fourteen foot dude rubbing his dick all over my carapace," the black one retorted. "You remember what happened to Mearch?"

"Poor drone, it took him weeks to get all that cum out from between his ridges," the green one said. "Anyways, does anyone know why the orgy floor is closed?"

"I heard they're doing some contest or something on the floor," the black one said. "The floor might be closed, but there's no reason why we can't go check it out."

"It is better than sitting around here," the grey one replied. "Let's go,"

The three insect aliens slid out from their booth, with Quint trailing reluctantly behind them. When they all stood on the carpeted floor, the green one led them past the bars and towards the three doors on the opposite end of the room, which varied greatly in size. The smallest was on the left, which was a only a little larger than a regular human door. The door in the middle was nearly twice the height and width, and the final door, on the right, was twice the size of the middle door, taking up almost a third of the wall's enormous height.

"I'm Sedar, by the way," the green alien said as they walked. "The grey one is Herst, and the black one is Nuarc. Quint is the white one,"

"I'm Jonas," he replied. "What species are you guys, by the way?"

"We're Vitirians," Sedar replied, and stopped as they reached the door. He reached forward to run his hand over the door's face, and it quickly slid open in response. As they stepped inside, they found themselves at the back of a long line that weaved towards the floor. Jonas couldn't get a good look at the wide open floor from where he stood, but he could see peeks of movement between the crowd. It looked like two aliens were on the floor, circling each other.

"It looks like they're...fighting?" Jonas asked, standing on his toes to try and get a better view.

"Dude, check this out!" Herst called from behind him. The insect was standing in front of a large sign set up to the right of the door. It seemed to be written in several different languages, but Jonas couldn't read any of them. There weren't even any draconic letters, which he could recognize, at least.

"Jonas, you should totally enter!" Nuarc exclaimed, his eyes glowing.

"What is it?" he asked, squinting hard at the sign as if the letters might magically Romanize.

"It's an open sex tournament," he replied. "It has the same rules set as 'The Cage'. You'd win for sure."

"I'm not so sure I should get into it again," Jonas replied. "I was never really comfortable with the whole thing, so I don't think I'd join in willingly."

"You were willing to come to an orgy with four complete strangers," Sedar pointed out. "Besides, it's not like they're going to throw you in a cage if you lose, you just leave. Come on. If anything, you'll surprise a few fans of the show that are in the crowd."

"Well..." Jonas thought aloud. "I suppose it is all for fun,"

"Actually, there's a cash prize and box seat tickets to next season's opening fight,"

"Well, I suppose it would be nice to do something for Viridan, since he's letting me live in his home, after all," he thought aloud. "Alright, I'll do it."

"Great! Listen, we're going to go get into the crowd. By the time you're up, we should be able to get to the front," Cedar said.

"Aren't you guys going to enter?" he asked.

"Listen man, I'm not going to let anyone get in my ass if I can help it," Nuarc said as the group of insects slipped out of line. "I couldn't beat you."

"Well, your loss, I suppose," Jonas said with a shrug. The strangest sensation ran through him, one that he couldn't quite nail down. Was it...anticipation? Was he actually excited about getting back into a match?

"No, it's just the cash prize. That must be it," he thought to himself. But even as he thought about the unknown amount of money, it didn't give him the same feeling as when he thought about being in the arena. Did he actually like it?

"Vyra," Viridan whined, struggling against his lease while he watched his mate and his captain passionately kiss on the bed. Regent was lying on her back with her legs spread, and Vyra knelt above her, with her tail hanging high. The position gave Viridan a painfully good view of their quivering vents, and their tongues as they twisted and wrapped around each other. "Why won't you let me out?"

"Because...you're too...drunk," Vyra said whenever she could manage to free her tongue from Regent's playful, also quite drunken, grasp. "You need to learn to control yourself."

"But the captain is just as drunk as me," he complained. "Why is she allowed to have sex?"

"Because it was her idea," she replied, and giggled as the tip of Regent's tail snaked up her hind leg and brushed across the edge of her nether lips. With a smirk, Vyra suddenly lowered herself onto the dragoness beneath her, and firmly rubbed her own snatch against her partner's. With all of her experience, Vyra barely broke her composure, while Regent's lust was thrown around the room by a sudden, deep moan. Her hips shakily bucked up against Vyra's body, but it did nothing in comparison to the treatment she got without moving. With a stuttered sigh, she completely relaxed her muscles, allowing her partner to bring the pleasure to her. With both their tails hanging out of the way, Viridan couldn't help but stare directly at the females as they collided, and his snout was assaulted by constant, heady waves of their scent.

"Oh, Vyra," Regent moaned roughly. "You didn't do this last time,"

"One of the other girls taught me this," she replied. "After work."

"Oh, you naughty girl," Regent replied.

With every scrap of concentration Regent's lust-addled mind could manage, she discovered the rhythm of Vyra's grinding, and began to grind back against her whenever she finished a stroke. Soon, they had managed to create a perfect circle, a wheel of constant pleasure. Even with the alcohol there to dull her senses, the pleasure was too much for Regent to handle, and with a roar, her juices shot up and spread over Vyra's own dripping vent.

"That...was the best..." Regent panted, dropping, completely limp, onto the bed. "You're so quiet, though. Did you even feel anything?"

"Of course, it felt wonderful," Vyra replied, licking the tip of Regent's snout playfully. "I tend to keep myself quiet, though, unless the customer asks otherwise."

"Well, why don't you lie down on the bed here, and I let your sad little mate off his leash?" Regent asked. "And you can be as loud as you like."

"Mmm, I think he's learned his lesson," she replied, casting a glance at her mate. His lower lip was quivering pathetically, and he was making quiet whimpering sounds while his cock swelled painfully beneath him. "Let's let him out,"

The teal dragoness let a smile slide across her snout as Regent slipped out from beneath her. As soon as the other dragon was clear, she rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide, her vent shining with the juices of two dragons. Meanwhile, Regent made her way to Viridan's side, and stood back as far as she could while she gripped at the collar.

"Are you ready, Viry?" she asked. "Go get her!"

As soon as Viridan felt the smallest amount of slack in the collar, he leapt forward with all his might. He sailed through the air, over the edge of the bed, and landed directly on top of his mate. With a feat of accuracy that only a drunken, horny dragon could complete, he lined his cock up with its target during his descent, and as he landed down on the yielding bed, fully hilted himself with all the power his jump had produced. The bed was firmly welded to the floor, disallowing any movement from the bed, but not stopping Vyra as the force of the thrust and collision sent her sliding up towards the headboard. It took her a moment to even register that there was something inside her, but after a second, the forces running through her clit blasted her with pleasure and released a breathy groan from her throat. Viridan held nothing back as he pulled back and thrust back into his mate with almost savage force. The bed's firmly planted mattress rippled like a turbulent sea under the dragon's onslaught.

"Oh, Vir," she moaned, her voice faltering every time the force of his thrust ran through her frame. "You were always so forceful when you were pent up. I've missed you so much,"

Viridan said nothing, his face already tightened into what almost looked like a pained expression, and a growl began to rise in his throat. He could feel it coming, the tide rising with every thrust. Every ridge, every vein, every cell in his member was alive with the sparks of pleasure. He felt his testicles contract inside his body, and the warm rush burst from their walls. His growl rose in volume, quickly become a full roar as he put all his weight into his final thrust. As the power of his plunge was thrown through his body, his legs gave way, and he collapsed onto his lover's body as his semen burst into her. The added friction and weight against her clit caused Vyra to roar out in a similar roar, filling the room with lusty noise as she climaxed as well. Musky juices flowed freely from between them as they lay against each other, their lips instinctively meeting in a passionate kiss. The moment seemed to last an eternity, but even eternity can come to an end. The juices ceased flowing, and only the weak throbbing of Vyra's warm tunnel brought Viridan's sensitive member any feeling. With a grunt, he pulled himself free and returned to his previous position, his spent, sticky member draped over his mate's belly while it slowly retracted back into his body.

"Holy shit!" Regent exclaimed after a long moment of silence. "I think they might have felt that next door, even with the dampening walls. Didn't that hurt, Vyra?"

"They give you a rubberizer when you start, so sex never hurts," Vyra replied. "Well, unless you put masochism or bondage in your repertoire."

"I always took you for a slow, passionate kind of guy, Vir," Regent said. "I guess I was wrong,"

"Only...when I've been without it for a while," he panted. "Now, do you want to clean us up?"

"Hey, I'm the captain," she replied. "The sexy drunk thing wears off after sex, so you can clean yourself up."

"Mmm, okay," he said with a smile. He shakily stood up and spun himself around so he was facing Vyra's wet snatch. It was still quiet open from his ravaging, but he could see it slowly return to normal as the rubberizer gently released the flesh from its influence. Before the opening could completely seal again, he darted his tongue inside and wriggled it about, tasting the rich flavor of both of their fluids. At the same time, Vyra's tongue was slipping into his genital slit, cleaning away all of the juices that had been spread all over the inside walls. With a chuckle, the lips closed tightly around his tongue, and he yanked it free to begin licking around her. He even darted about her asshole for stray juice, and was lucky to find it completely clean of anything besides. She must need to clean it, in case she was ever asked for anal sex.

"There, you're all clean, my love," Vyra said, as her tongue retracted into her mouth and she smacked her lips.

"You, too," Viridan replied, and turned around to kiss his mate again, without removing the juices from his snout. She moaned as she tasted their fluids against during the kiss, and giggled as he led her tongue with his to pick up what was left. Once every trace of sex had been cleaned from the outside of the bodies, they merely lay in the bed, enjoying each other.

"So...are we done here?" Regent asked, making her way idly towards the door.

"I suppose so," Viridan said with a grunt as he and Vyra reluctantly rose from the bed. "We should probably go back and check on Jonas. Do we need to...change the bedding or anything?"

"Nope, it does that automatically, as soon as we leave," Vyra replied.

"Alright then, let's head back," Viridan said, and pulled the lock on the door. As soon as the door opened, he could hear machines operating on the bed behind him. He led the group out onto the orgy floor, to find it mostly empty. Only a fraction of the wriggling mass was on the floor, and the rest were cleaning themselves up and streaming out the door.

"Didn't you hear? It's that mammal thing that won 'The Cage' a few days ago. He's decimating in the open tournament," a passerby said to someone to his left.

"They had to move the ring to the large orgy floor, to keep up with spectator demand," Another said.

"I thought Jonas hated being in the arena," Viridan thought aloud. "Come on, I want to see this."

"Unf!" the creature groaned as Jonas' cock was suddenly driven into his asshole. He had been recovering from a failed lunge when Jonas pounced. The warm member only remained inside him for a moment before it was removed, and Jonas made his way to the far side of the arena. His opponent groaned as he stood up and made his way out.

"You sure you don't need a break?" the ref asked, who had been standing off to the side of the arena. He was a lanky, bipedal lizard, with a chameleon shaped head. He stood a good seven feet tall, and the way his limbs grew thinner in the middle made him look freakishly disproportioned. "There's plenty of time."

"No, I feel good," Jonas replied, squatting in place to stretch out his leg muscles.

He felt good. The longer he stayed in the arena, and the more matches he one, the more that made sense to him. When he had been about to enter his first match against the previous leader, he had wondered whether or not he actually wanted to get back into the ring. He had always told himself he hated it, but maybe he'd actually grown to like it after everything he'd been through. Or, maybe it was the fact that it was his choice to compete, that he wasn't being forced into it. Everyone there wanted to enter that ring, which made the atmosphere a little friendlier than it had been on that show.

"If you say so," the ref replied with a shrug, and returned to his usual place. "Can I get a headcount? How many opponents are left?"

"None!" a voice called back. "The last three just left,"

"Well then, I seems we have our winner!" the ref called, generating a roar of applause as he led Jonas to the center of the floor. "And for your prize, a one thousand credit chit and four tickets to the opening episode of the next season of 'The Cage'!"

"Jonas, what are you doing up there?" A voice suddenly rang out over the crowd. Jonas took a moment to look away from the pieces of plastic being handed to him and towards the door. Viridan, Vyra, and Regent were making their way to the edge of the floor, pushing through the crowd. "I thought I told you to stay put?"

"Yeah well, a better offer came along," Jonas replied with a shrug. "Plus, I was piss drunk. But look, I won!"

"Good, you can pick up the tab, then," Regent called.

"Come on, Jonas, let's get going," Viridan called, now standing at the edge of the floor with two heavy-set staff standing between him and where Jonas stood.

"Since we're here, and everything's already set up, why don't you come up here and we can have a little match?" Jonas asked.

"What? I thought you hated it."

"I guess I was wrong," Jonas said. "I suppose I just hated how they locked us up and forced us to do it."

"I...I just finished up with Vyra," Viridan stumbled, trying to find an excuse not to enter the ring with Jonas. He looked pretty excited, though. And it was just for fun, after all.

"Are you saying that you can't beat me?" Jonas asked playfully.

"What was that?" Viridan shot back. "I'd wipe the floor with you,"

"Why don't you come up here and try it!" Jonas shooted, a stupid grin plastered on his face despite the trash talk. "What do you say, reg? One last match?"

"Well, you're friend looks a bit too big for the small tournament," the ref replied. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to deny the request, for your own safety."

A collective groan of disappointment rang out through the crowd.

"Wait, Jonas can use my rubberizer!" Vyra suddenly shouted, and made her way out onto the floor. When she stood a foot from Jonas, she reached under her right foreleg and tugged a small metal square out from her scales. She reached forward and attached it under Jonas' left arm. Jonas cringed as the warm metal was pressed firmly against his skin, and tiny pincers held it in place. After waiting a second for a light on the device to turn from red to green, Vyra reached around him and positioned one of her talons against his asshole, and very slowly pushed against it. The flesh immediately parted and made way for the intruding object, just like it used to when he had been on the show. "There, you're all set,"

"Thanks Vyra. Can you hold these, too?" Jonas replied with a smile, and held the pieces of plastic for her to take as she left. "So, how about now, ref?"

"Well," the ref thought, placing a long-fingered hand at his chin. "Does the crowd want another match!?"

A deafening roar of cheers rose up from the crowd that surrounded the large arena.

"Alright, you'll get your match," the ref said. "Would the new competitor please enter the ring?"

Unable to suppress his grin, Viridan leapt onto the floor and made his way to the center, his head hanging quite a distance over Jonas'.

"You know, we've never really had a match before," Viridan said with a grin.

"Yeah, we had to tie during that last match," Jonas replied. "But, we've spared before, plenty of times,"

"Oh sure, we've spared," Viridan agreed. "But I never got to finish in you when we spared."

"You have to get inside first," Jonas replied.

"Contestants, take your positions!" the ref called, and they turned their backs to each other as they moved to their respective side of the ring. "Begin!"

Jonas had forgotten for a moment that Viridan had as much experience as he did, if not more. He was momentarily surprised when he lunged straight for him, when most of his previous opponents hung back and waited for him to move. With a quick leap to his left, he was able to dodge the rushing wall of scales and quickly get back to his feet. He knew that Viridan was not the kind of opponent he could wear down, as he had far more stamina than Jonas could ever hope to have. He'd need to plan carefully, and only make a move when he had an opening.

Realizing that he had missed his target, Viridan spun around and charged again. He didn't leap like he had the first time, which gave him far more control over his movements. As he ran, his wings flared outward blocking Jonas' escape to the sides. The only place he could go was down. As the dragon rushed him, he rushed right back, and dove onto his stomach at the last second. He could see the dragon's shadow pass over him, but just when he thought he was in the clear, he felt something wrap around his left ankle. With a gasp of alarm, he saw the tip of Viridan's tail coiled firmly around him, and the dragon was grinning mischievously as he slowly pulled him in towards his growing cock. Jonas clawed uselessly at the floor, looking for a handhold but finding none. At the same time, he kicked at the tip of the tail, but to no avail. As the end loomed closer and closer, Jonas took one last risk. He rolled himself onto his back and sat forward, holding tight to the tail that bound him.

Viridan glared at him playfully, and began to shake his tail wildly in an attempt to shake him loose. But Jonas stuck fast, feeling the way the tail flew back and forth. He focused on the timing of the shaking, and when the tail wagged back in Viridan's direction, he released his grip. The dragon's own strength caused his grip on Jonas' ankle to fail, and the human flew through the air and onto his opponent's back. There, he wrapped his arms as tightly around Viridan's neck as he could, and stuck there as the dragon began to toss and buck at him.

"Is the floor rubberized?" Viridan asked the ref as his attempts to dislodge Jonas fell flat.

The ref simply nodded.

"Perfect," he replied with a sly grin, and leapt to the side.

Jonas felt his legs fall away from the dragon's back as he suddenly leapt and rolled, trying to crush him against the floor. Jonas had been the victim of that move many times before, and while it would be difficult, he was confident that he could turn it to his advantage. He pushed himself away from his upside-down perch, landing on the ground as Viridan reached the apex of his jump, and rolled to his left. The enormous bulk of the dragon crashed into the ground less than a foot beside him, and he could feel the floor cave under him as it worked to absorb the force of the impact. While the dragon unsure of whether he'd hit his mark or not, Jonas leapt to his feet, stumbling a little as he ran, and leapt onto his opponent's belly. Grabbing the dragon's leg, he used it to spin himself around and get into position startling his tail. As much as he wanted to see the dragon's expression before he lost, any hesitation might cost him the match, so he immediately thrust into the waiting ass before him. The crowd erupted into cheers, but Jonas barely heard them as his cock tingled with pleasure. He'd been thrusting into people for an hour, and he had gotten quite sensitive. His best friend's quivering ass was by far the best of the night, and he was going to enjoy it.

"Well," he began, flopping forward and panting, getting his first real rest. His head had landed next to Viridan's erect cock, which emitted its earthy scent directly into his nose. "That was fun, wasn't it?"

"You're like a little bug," Viridan replied with a chuckle. "I just can't keep you trapped."

"Well, now this little bug has you trapped," Jonas said with a grin. "You know the rules. I've let everyone else go tonight. This is a sex club, and I haven't had one orgasm this whole night. And you wanted to leave!"

"Go ahead," Viridan said, wiggling his rump with Jonas still inside. "You've definitely earned it,"

Jonas moaned as Viridan squeezed his anal muscles around his sensitive member, and he couldn't help but push his nose against the side of the dragon's tall member. Every breath he took sparked like a thrust, his lungs filling with the heady air of his partner. When he began to thrust back and forth wantonly, he found that the hole was tighter than he remembered. But that only made the experience all the better.

As there sex intensified, Jonas suddenly felt something poke into his ass, and a roughly textured weight was dropped onto his back. He suddenly stopped and turned his head around to find that Sedar was laying against him, his cock plunged deep into him and an expression resembling pleasure on his face. His friends, Herst and Nuarc, had Quint between them, with one thrusting into his ass and the other into his mouth. The barriers that had been put up around the orgy floor had disappeared, and people of all sizes were coming onto the massive floor. A huge bipedal alien with the head of a boar and long, silvery fur was sitting on the ground to his left, with five four-foot reptilians of both genders rubbing their whole bodies against his enormous cock. A dragon was thrusting in and out of his female mate while a large anthropomorphic cetacean sat on her head. The female dragon had her tongue firmly buried in the whale-like creature's ass, while he was held the back of the male dragon's head while he bobbed on his long, writhing member. As time went on, links began to form between these once isolated groups of lovers. Living chains of sex spread across the floor like vines, leaving no part of the floor untouched. Any small person without an equal-sized person to enjoy would pleasure a larger patron.

The air was soon filled with all different scents, but Jonas couldn't detect any of them over Viridan's powerful musk. The sense of being so close to his lover in the midst of such a crowd was enough to drive Jonas over the edge, and with a shout that was drown out by the rest of the room, he climaxed. His body tensed as his seed rushed forth into the snug passage, and he felt a similar feeling in his own passage was filled by Sedar. The cock was removed from his ass, and he felt the weight leave his body as the insect moved over to his friends. Slick with sweat and out of breath, Jonas pulled out of Viridan and collapsed again. He felt a soft, warm grip on his sides, and he was pulled up to the dragon's chest, where he could put his mouth right to the human's ear.

"Did you enjoy that?" he asked with a smile, his mouth one of the few not filled with a sexual organ.

"Mmm...I always enjoy you," Jonas replied. "Now let me go so I can help you finish."

"I preferred to have sex in private," Viridan replied. "Why don't you help me once we get home?"

"But I have to give Vyra her rubberizer back," he said. "Are you sure you don't want to enjoy it while we have it?"

He nodded slowly, and held Jonas in one hand as he carefully rolled and stood up. He leaned his neck down to place Jonas on top, and carefully made his way off the floor, being careful not to step on anyone.

Once they were clear of the romping grounds and onto the relatively bare carpeted parimeter, Jonas climbed down from Viridan's back and followed him around to where Regent and Vyra were waiting by the door.

"I was about to go in there and finish you off myself," Regent remarked with a sneer. "Well, at least you weren't trapped in there like some of the other unlucky souls. They'll be fucked for hours, whether they want to or not."

"I guess we'd better get out of here, then," Viridan replied, glancing back at the floor. The entire mass seemed to surge towards the center, to fill the space that they'd left. "We had a lot of fun tonight. Can you afford that much?"

"Why don't you ask your sex champion friend that?" Regent replied. "He made the most money tonight,"

"I suppose it would only be fair that I paid the tab," Jonas replied. "You know, as a thank you, for everything."

"From my estimation, he's done a lot more for you than can be paid back with one trip to the club," Regent said. "You might have to pay next time, too."

"Well, I'll certainly help," Jonas said with a smile, and took the pieces of plastic that Vyra offered him. After tugging the small rubberizer out from under his arm and returning it to her, he followed Regent towards the now open door.

"I'll see you later, my love," Viridan said, and nuzzled her affectionately. "And...I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier."

"Now that you see that I'm right?" she asked with a grin.

"Yes, you were right," he replied with a playful sigh.

"It was fun," she said, flicking the tip of his snout with her tongue playfully. "I'm sorry that I couldn't introduce you to Marlo tonight. I guess things just got too busy."

"That's okay. You can introduce us next time. Have fun!" he said, and turned to where Jonas and Regent were waiting for him.

Just as they began to step over the threshold, Jonas thought he heard someone calling his name. He stopped and turned around, seeing Sedar running through the crowd towards him. It had only been a few minutes since he'd seen him last, and he'd already gathered a fair number of semen splotches on his carapace.

"Jonas! You're leaving so soon?" he asked. "The party's just starting!"

"My ride wants to leave, and it's been a long day. But listen, I want you to wish Quint good luck on his marriage for me. Oh, and take these," he said, and held the four tickets towards his friend.

"What? No man, you keep them," Sedar insisted. "You won, after all."

"I think my friends and I have had enough the show," Jonas replied. "You guys are all big fans of it. You'll enjoy it the most."

The insect eyed the tickets one last time, before reached out to pluck them from Jonas' grip. He eyed them with a wide-eyed expression. "You're the best, Jonas," he replied. "I'd hug you, but I'm covered in jizz. I'm going to go lock these up somewhere safe right now."

"I'm glad you like them," Jonas replied with a smile.

"It was great meeting you," Sedar replied. "I'll see you around."

"Sure," he said, and watched as the insect excited ran past him and towards the opposite end of the room. When he turned back to where Regent and Viridan had been standing, he saw that they were not there, but rather down at one of the bars.

"I paid for you, but you're going to pay me back as soon as we're on the ship," Regent said as soon as he'd caught up with them. "Come on, it's getting early."

"What time is it?" Jonas asked.

"About twelve-thirty," Regent replied.

"Uh, no wonder I'm so tired,"

"No, that's the sex and the alcohol," Regent replied. "You can sleep on the ship, just don't get hair on the cushions."

"I think I'll be okay until we get home," Jonas replied, but yawned nonetheless.

"Suit yourself," Regent replied with a shrug, and led them towards the front entrance, where people were still streaming in. They weren't hassled by any of the enormous bouncers as they made their way to an elevator, which they rode down to where the Pathfinder was still sitting. As soon as Regent sat down in the pilot's chair, the giant claw returned, latching on to the back of their ship and bringing them back to the surface. With a dull roar, the landing jets took the bulk of the ship, and as Regent fired the main engines, the ship rocketed forward and up, leaving the club Deluxe far behind them.


"I'll give you tomorrow off, but I'll have the ship here bright and early the day after that," Regent said, following them into the house's antechamber. "Are you sure you remember how to install them? I don't want you blowing up my ship."

"No worries, captain," Viridan replied with a reassuring smile. "Just leave it to me,"

"Alright, then. Good night to both of you," Regent said, and disappeared from the house, the door shutting tightly and locking behind her.

"Man, am I tired," Jonas said, yawning and stretching as he followed Viridan towards the bedroom.

"Me too, but Vyra would kill us if we went to bed like this," Viridan replied. "Especially you. Useless, dirty sweat glands."

"I guess you're right," Jonas sighed, and stepped into the shower after the dragon. As soon as the water began to run, he ducked under the dragon and began to rub at his genital slit.

"Jonas, what are you doing?" Viridan asked.

"I owe you an orgasm," Jonas replied. "And now we're all alone, just how you like it."

"You should at least let me roll over first," He remarked, and pulled his rapidly growing member away from the eager boy's hands. He rolled onto his back on the slick metal floor, and watched as Jonas scaled his tail to lie behind his member.

"Now, why don't you just sit back and let me take care of you?" Jonas asked as he once against returned his hands to the strong pillar of flesh that rose before him. He just loved the way it felt, so strong and ridged, but silky and yielding to his squeezing. He began to slowly rub his hands up and down the shaft, now slickened with water, but he wanted more.

"How do I get soap?" Jonas asked, and as soon as the word left his mouth, a small nozzle descended from the ceiling on a hose and hung within his reach. He reached out and gripped it, his fingers wrapping around to the trigger on the far side. He positioned the hose to hang over the member in front of him, and flicked the trigger. Soap began to spew from the nozzle, drenching the cock in slick white ooze. When Jonas went to rub at his lover's member again, he felt no friction, but far more quivering in the flesh as he worked his movement faster.

"Oh, Jonas," Viridan moaned. "I should add a soap dispenser to the vibrator ring."

Jonas chuckled, and continued to rub and stroke his friend. The only downside to the soap was that he couldn't use his mouth to pleasure him, but at least he'd managed to do more with his hands. He felt the flesh in his grip pulse and tighten, and he knew that his pent-up friend was getting close. He turned off the soap nozzle and wiped the soap away, completely removing any traces of it, before leaning forward and sticking his mouth over Viridan's tip. He could still taste the tang of the soap, but not after a torrent of semen erupted over his tongue. The musky, creamy liquid cleaned the unpleasant taste from his mouth, and whatever taste might have been on his chin and chest as the copious juice began to drip from his full mouth. He couldn't swallow it all, so removed his mouth and merely let it fly in all directions. Once the eruption ceased, Jonas went to work licking up any semen he could find, and while the taste had been diluted by the water, it did not make it any less enjoyable.

"Oh, you're such a good friend," Viridan sighed, resting his head against the warm floor. "But you're terrible at cleaning up,"

"I don't think I can get up," Jonas groaned. "Can we just sleep here?"

"Well, the shower does have an automatic shut off," Viridan replied, yawning himself. He reached down to pull Jonas up to his chest, and wrapped one arm around him in a loose embrace as the warm water cascaded over them. Jonas couldn't help but try and snuggle down further into the dragon's warm, soft embrace, and as he listened to the soothing boom of the beating heart beneath his ear, he was quickly lulled into sleep.