My Secret

Story by Baphijmm on SoFurry

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It felt like I was committing a crime. Wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up over the top of my face, back slouched, I snuck through the local supermarket like I was planning to make some sort of heist. Nothing could have been further from the truth; in fact, not only did I fully intend to pay for my purchase, but I was in this place because I didn't want to go through the "risk" of raiding the college health clinic.

I could see the prize at the end of the aisle. Guh, why did they have to put all that stuff in the same place, and so far away? It's like they want to make sure you know that they know what you're buying. Oh well, it was now or never. I took a sharp turn and walked quite briskly past the display, my eyes scanning mostly the bottom shelf as though I was merely passing them on my way to the... feminine hygiene products. Seriously? *This* is what they keep on the other side?

I kept walking, turned down the next aisle, and made a small circle through the pet supplies, going over what I had seen and trying to make a decision based on that limited evidence. What size would I need? What about shapes? Flavors? Ugh, it was all so difficult to choose! I stood in front of the chew toys for a few minutes, pretending to browse as I calmed myself down. This didn't have to be difficult. Other people do this all the time, right? But they probably weren't doing it for the same reasons. I'm such a pervert.

I took a deep breath and marched down the primary walkway once more, back in the direction of the aisle with my treasures inside. This time, I slowed down significantly as I passed the display, letting my eyes wander over the various packages and words I could make out. "Titan", "Magnum", "Stealth Force Beta". What, were these things named after movies? I shrugged, thinking to myself. I didn't want it to be invisible, but I certainly didn't want it to be completely impervious to... sensation. I blushed hard. Why was I here? God, it was so embarrassing!

I grabbed the first pack my hand could reach, barely paying enough attention to see the package was labeled "Moxi". I didn't see the size, or really anything else about it besides the fact that the box was black. I really didn't care; I just wanted to get this torture over with so I could finally try this out. It was my first weekend in my college dorm, my first time out of the sight of my nosy parents. I was going to take advantage of it, absolutely.

I silently thanked the Drab-Mart gods for having the gumption to install self-serve check-out lanes at this location. I minded a little that the middle-aged woman at the center console was staring at me the whole time, but it definitely beat dealing with a live person and trying to make this purchase. I didn't even want to imagine! What would they think of me?

I paid in cash; didn't want any sort of paper trail that anyone, least of all my parents, could follow. Grabbing my bag, I neglected to bother with the receipt as I made for the door. The store seemed somewhat understaffed that day, another fact for which I thanked the Drab-Mart Powers that Be; I really didn't want to deal with an exit guard.

Stepping outside into the sunlight, I felt seriously over-dressed; it was still summer after all, even if it was the end of summer. Still, I didn't want to run the risk of anyone possibly recognizing me, so I kept my hood up and walked at a quick pace until I was out of the parking lot. I didn't want to look too suspicious, especially as I had done nothing wrong... yet.

Once my feet hit the concrete of the sidewalk on the other side of the blacktop sea, however, that changed. Fear melted into excitement, and all my energy that had been coiling within me, held down and tightened up so as to not attract unwanted attention, burst forth in my stride. I was lighter than air. It seemed like no time had passed between that moment and arriving at the freshman dormitory on campus, a good half-mile away. I didn't care that I was out of breath and felt like I was going to cough up blood. I had done it. I was going to try it as soon as I got in my room and closed the door.

I made sure the coast was clear, then marched my way down the interior hall to my room; I fondled around in my pockets for my key card, remembering I'd shoved it hastily into my wallet before I'd left. As soon as the door was unlocked, I was inside, slamming it shut behind me. I blushed a little as I looked to the right side of the room; the bed, carefully made and lined with class notes, belonged to my roommate. We'd only just met, really; I didn't know him all that well. Still, I knew he was in class, and that I'd definitely have the room to myself.

My hoodie and t-shirt flew across the room at my desk, and with little ceremony I was on my back in my own bed, my hands roaming over my body, finding all my favorite places. A tweak of a nipple, a stroke of my tail... I didn't even have to touch my crotch to get myself hard, my mink hormones coursing through my body, still on overdrive as I came out of puberty, more than enough to get me in the mood in a heartbeat. I could see the bulge of my, in my opinion, meager prick as it strained against my pants. I'd often imagine a perfect world where no one wore the damned restrictive garments anymore. Shirts were fine, though. And underwear. Good god, I spotted my roommate the other day in just his shirt and a pair of briefs... Mmpf. It could definitely look good on the right person, though I don't think I'd ever tell him that.

Hastily, my fingers fumbled with my fly, and all the while I panted, trying to stay focused on the task at hand. Managing to get the zipper down after a few seconds, I kicked the garment away, leaving myself in my own favorite pair of tight red briefs. My body displayed its eagerness to the silent witnesses of the room, straining against that measly covering, the twin bulges of my balls pulling it taut underneath. I pulled the bag from the store to my chest, hands shaking as I removed its single content. The sleek black box caught a glimmer of the sun with a corner, and I winced a little, bringing it closer to my face to inspect the package for the first real time.

As I'd observed in the store, the particular brand I had picked up was called "Moxi." They were a size medium, which I guessed was as good as any. Hey, it was my first time even seeing the things outside of a classroom, and that had been embarrassing enough; just the description of what they were had me so I couldn't get up from my desk for a half-hour, so righteous was the fury of my erection. From that day in fifth grade on, I knew I had to try this at least once in my life; now that the chance was literally in my hand, my cock threatened to destroy my favorite underwear with its relentless pounding.

Hands still unsteady, I carefully opened the box; some part of me, for some reason, wanted to preserve the evidence of my first time. I cautiously - as though my actions might damage the precious goods inside - shook the box into my other hand, gasping as the cool foil tumbled out. There had been more than one! By pure chance, I had grabbed a multi-pack! What luck!

The box was discarded almost as quickly as the bag before had been, all consideration for the packaging suddenly gone as I took the strip of the things and held them aloft. They had similar labeling to the box, though these all very clearly stated that they were "NOT FOR INDIVIDUAL SALE." I chuckled a little at the thought, momentarily distracted from my epic quest to discover this aspect of myself.

I pulled one of the units from the strip, hands still quivering as I shucked the rest aside. This was it. This was the moment, right here. I bit my lip as I carefully took a corner of the foil and tore it open, fingers darting into the pouch almost on their own to pull it out. The cool, slick material felt amazing, and as I freed it of its packaging once and for all, I held it up to the light, blushing as the scent of latex filled my nostrils. This little ring of bliss, a rolled-up sleeve of desire. My very first condom.

With the kind of eagerness only a teenage boy could muster, I pressed the sheet of material to my cockhead, groaning a little at the sensation. In front of me it had looked quite ample, but as I began to roll the thing down my shaft, it became quite apparent that it was actually a little on the small side. Not that this was even remotely a problem in my mind; to me, it felt like I was fucking a bowl of the nectar of the gods. My cock seemed to agree, the glans swelling up like I was going to cum right then and there. I stopped myself, catching my breath and trying to calm myself down before continuing, the sheer girth of my shaft compared to that of the condom actually forcing it to roll back up a little. The sexual tension was astounding; for a brief moment, I almost felt like Sisyphus trying to forever roll that boulder up a mountain.

Finally catching up with myself, I slowly rolled out the rest of the condom, barely able to get it to the base of my penis; however, once there, the organ's swelling made sure it wasn't going anywhere. I cheered silently, then pulled my hands away, just watching as my cock bobbed and twitched eagerly within its new latex prison. I breathed in, then breathed out, trying to keep my PC muscle from flexing, just letting my dick do its own thing for now. It was anything but relaxing, but at the same time I didn't want to be anywhere else in the world. As I lay there watching the gentle nodding of my rod, however, an idea crossed my mind, something far too good for me to pass up. This was my first time masturbating like this, and already I was getting naughty!

I turned my body ninety degrees, so my head was hanging off the side of my bed, my legs up in the air against the wall to make room. Slowly, I began inching myself back onto the mattress, "walking" my way up the wall, using it as a support for my weight. Then, once I was situated properly, I slowly, very slowly, began letting my midsection bend down, bringing the weight of my legs up over my torso. It was difficult to keep this going - especially as much of my strength seemed sapped to support my libido - but I was able to somehow manage to bring my legs down without hurting myself, straddling over my upper body.

I'd never been able to fellate myself, and while that was certainly on my list of things to try to accomplish eventually, right now my only goal was this, to bring my throbbing, aching dick closer to my face so I could see it writhe within its tight latex confines. I sat like this and watched eagerly as the tip of the condom ballooned a little, knowing I had just leaked a little pre. I couldn't stand it any more; I had to touch myself!

Very carefully so as not to lose balance, I reached up and grasped at the wrapped organ, wincing as a shot of pleasure darted through it. Slowly, I began to stroke, squeezing more tightly on the downstroke, loosening up on the upstroke. I could tell this was one of the lubricated condoms, though honestly I wasn't sure whether or not anyone even sold non-lubricated any more. I watched myself with extreme interest, my cockhead flaring intensely with each stroke as it forced its way past my hand, only to relax a little as the same hand came back. The show was amazing; though it was my own dick up there, I imagined that it was another male, bent over my prone form, using me for some sick, twisted exhibitionist gain. I certainly didn't mind being the forced voyeur, the thought making my already-sensitive shaft twitch.

I groaned beneath my abdomen, my hips instinctively trying to roll down in spite of my contorted back. I couldn't help myself; it just felt so good, I needed to reach that peak. Sure enough, about a minute later, I felt that familiar twinge building at the base of my shaft, and I shuddered at the thought. I was going to cum. I was going to fill this condom. And best of all, I was going to watch myself do it.

While it is indeed true that most of my species have climaxes lasting up to 24 hours by our very nature, most urban minks, in an attempt to be able to get any work done at all, take a sort of climax-reducing dietary supplement. I'd been weaned on the stuff, and so I'd never felt the intensity of such an orgasm; however, I have often dreamed of it, wondering what it might be like to cum uncontrollably for that long, how big your balls would have to be to support such a load. It was a very pleasant thought.

I shuddered, a lustful moan rising from my throat as my cock pulsed hard in my hand, and with that the first rope of cum spurted hard into the reservoir of the condom with an audible THWAP; it filled completely almost immediately. Naturally, I didn't have any time to think about this before the second spurt overcame me, my hand instinctively clenching the base of my shaft hard. I threw back my head and cried out, my hips still trying to fuck that non-existant hole as another rope burst forth from my dick, the tip of the condom beginning to balloon to absurd proportions. I knew from experience that this wasn't nearly over, and in the back of my mind I began to worry a little.

My other hand flew up to join the first in clamping down on my out-of-control genitals, my teeth gritting as orgasmic pleasure swam through every ounce of my being. Another, then another burst of seed shot forth, and the tiny, now flimsy-looking sleeve began to push back on the volume; I could feel the warm, slick fluid being pushed down around my shaft, and knew what was going to happen mere moments before it did. My fingers lost their hold on the condom and the thing shot off my still-firing cock, hitting me square in the face and splattering much of the room with spunk.

"Aw, sh-- shit! NNGH!" I tried in vain to grab the thing, as though doing so might undo the damage already done, and in so doing fell over off the bed, slamming my back on the carpeted floor. Wincing, the remaining few shots of cum from my climax still leaping softly from the tip of my erection, I rubbed the back of my neck and looked up, trying to re-orient myself. It was then that I noticed the sandals, the feet within them, the legs attached to those, all the way up to the eyes of my roommate as he stared down at me in awe.

"Chad? Dude, what the fuck!?"

I blushed hard, my little secret having been discovered; there was nothing I could do but shrug. "I'm sorry, Tony; I didn't think you'd be back so soon!"