Story by Kathryn on SoFurry

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>>>I wrote this one like it's a teenage girl either writing in a diary about what happened one weekend at a party or talking about it.... I'm not quite sure?! well... maybe you can decide for yourself..... enjoy! ;)

My best friend and I usually hang out on the weekends, but is it my fault that my best friend just so happens to be a guy? I personally think the only reason people make a big deal out of us being friends is because I'm human and he's a bobcat. And I say... so what! Anyways, we had been planning to go to this HUGE party for like 2 weeks. Everyone we knew was gonna be there and we were both totally ecstatic over it.

Well, it was Friday night, the night of the party and James, my best friend, came to pick me up at around 6, because you know... I'm only 15 and he's 17 so he can like, totally drive. So what if he and his dad made the car out of spare parts. It's totally awesome black with red flames along the sides which HE did the pain job for BY HIMSELF. Anyways, we get to the party and it's a total drag. Sure, there was beer, but I'm a scotch and shot drinker. Beer is WAY too flat for me. I think James knew I wasn't enjoying myself because he kept staring at me and asking me if I was ok. I told him the truth, this party sucked. James smiled at me, jutting his snout toward the staircase. It was innocent enough so I followed him.

We went into one of the bedrooms and James shut and locked the door behind us. I wasn't worried, I trusted James with anything and everything. I sat down on the edge of the bed, looking around. Obviously a teenage guy's room, I thought, rolling my eyes after seeing all the posters of naked chicks along with the pile of playboy magazines that were heaped on the desk.

James leaned toward me like he was either gonna kiss me or whisper something in my ear, instead he nibbled on my ear. A shiver went up my back, my eyes rolled back in my head and I started moaning. All of a sudden, he was like, kissing me, licking my lower lip. So I pushed back with my own tongue. Then he starts running his tongue along the inside of my lips and he reaches between my legs and starts rubbing the crotch of my shorts.

He was starting to scare me, but I couldn't bring myself to stop him. I tried to lift my arms and push him away, I even tried to pull my tongue out of his mouth, but I couldn't. I was like goop. I couldn't do anything. I wont lie about it though, I was enjoying myself.

I started moaning again, pulling his body closer. James leaned forward farther until he had me so I was laying down beneath him. He started to undo my shorts, at the same time, pulling his member out and pressing it against my panties. I gasped so I could scream but he slid his tongue back into my mouth and my mind went completely blank. My tongue started pushing on his as I pulled his head toward mine and started pressing my hips into him. Then, he yanks down my panties so the head of his shaft was pushing right against my clit. I was scared, pushing him away but when his slid his paw up my thigh and squeezed my ass firmly in his strong figners, I just melted, falling limp beneath him. I started moaning loudly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and gasping for air between kisses. His member began moving up and down along my clit and lips. I felt like I was gonna pass out, but I kept urging him on, yelling, "MORE! MORE!"

He kept whispering for my to relax and I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't as he slowly slid his finger into my depths. I gasped for air, pushing on his shoulders. He paused, moving it in and out slowly and gently. "Just relax!" he repeated, adding another finger and moving slightly harder and faster. I was about to cry, I was so afraid.

"Sh... don't cry... please don't cry... it's okay... I won't hurt you!" he said quietly, trying desperately to calm me down. I forced back my tears. I trusted James with my life... If he said he wouldn't hurt me, he wouldn't... He added two more fingers. I grimaced slightly, trying to hide that is was uncomfortable. I think he saw me because he pulled his fingers out. I closed my eyes and took a deep, relaxing breath.

"How ya' want it?" he asked. I had no idea what he was talking about. I lived a VERY sheltered life, I still hadn't known what sex was until we had "sex ed." in the 9th grade. Sad, I know... Anyways, he just smiled at me, "Never mind. But if you want me to stop, just tell me, okay?"

I nodded, still having NO clue what the hell he was talking about. I closed my eyes again as his tongue played over my lips, then started screaming when he took the sudden plunge into me. It didn't hurt, sure it was a little tight, but it just scared the crap out of me, besides, the party was so loud, I don't think anyone heard except for James, who kept moving in and out as hard as he could.

My head was spinning so fast I thought I was gonna pass out, yelling for James to stop. He kissed me, his tongue hungrily searching my mouth. I was limp, gasping for each breath as he laid down on top of me, keeping inside of me, he too, breathing heavily. I just laid there, limp beneath him, my eyes closed as I continued to gasp for each breath. I opened my eyes and pulled his head down, biting his ear seductively, still breathing hard as ever. He started in again, slow this time while he kissed my neck and chest as far as my shirt collar would allow, letting his tongue roll deliberately over my clammy skin. I arched beneath him, still struggling to breath, but yearning desperately to be more intimate, moaning softly. I started playing urgently with his hair, letting my hands move over his big, fuzzy ears. He reached around and grabbed my ass, pulling himself in deeper and faster.

Then he lifted my shirt up and started kissing just under my breasts. I moaned louder, arching even higher beneath him, sliding my hands down to his ass which I grabbed tightly and pulled toward me. I felt him grimace slightly with surprise, his claws digging at my skin slightly then growing slack again. Tucking his snout under my shirt, he worked his head under it and started sucking and licking my breasts. I grasped his shoulders and pulled them down toward me, moaning and grunting like 'I' was an animal. He slipped a finger in my ass, with another huge thrust he spilled his load into me, letting his tongue roll over my nipples. I grasped the wrist of the paw with the finger in my ass and just held it. My eyes opening suddenly, gasping for a breath, then moaning as I closed my eyes again and relaxed. He inserted another finger in my ass and started pushing them in and out slowly, allowing me to get used to them and loosen up. He pulled his head out from my shirt and started kissing me passionately. I moaned loudly, pushing down into his paw and shaft, letting my tongue roll slowly and slightly limp over his. He started fingering my ass faster as he sped back up and started plunging into me again. I screamed loudly, begging him to stop, unable to breathe and unable to think because my head was spinning so fast. I started crying. He thrust in one last time, as hard as he could, releasing his load.

Then he stopped, he didn't move. I could feel him staring at me as I continued to cry, my head pounding like hell from spinning.

He pulled out and brought me up into his arms, "you okay?" I continued to cry, struggling for each breath as I shook my head. James started rocking me back and forth, "it's okay, it's okay..." he repeated over and over again. We just sat there for what seemed like forever while he rocked me.

I calmed down, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him tightly. He pulled me away slightly, my face still drenched with tears. Bringing his paws to my cheeks he wiped the tears away. I felt myself blush and lowered my head away from him. I looked up to find him looking at my half naked body, smiling from ear to ear.

I was hesitant, but I leaned toward him, licking up the side of his neck then biting his ear firm, but playfully, then sucked on it. I pulled away, laying back , hesitant again as I reached out to touch his chest. His paw covered my hand and urged me to explore to my heart's content, giving me a small grin, closing his eyes as soon as my hand made contact with his lightly fur covered body. I took a deep breath, measuring the breadth of his shoulders with my hands, then running them down along the fine line of black hair that fell along the mass of gray and tan fur. His muscles rippled beneath my fingertips and palms, sending a shiver down my spine at the thought of how muscular and strong he was. He kept his eyes closed, breathing heavily as my hands continued to explore his body, encompassing his member gently, rubbing up and down along it. James moaned, arching his back slightly.

I stopped, "Am I hurting you?"

He sighed, opening his eyes only slightly and smiling, "In ways you can't even image." Before I knew what had happened, I was on top of him, kissing him again, playing my tongue over his lips. He licked my tongue into his mouth and started kissing me, so I pushed back, reaching for his throat. I thought he'd freak out, but he just moaned, pulling me on top of him, kissing me back but not fighting my tongue. I pulled away slightly, biting his lip then plunging my tongue back into his throat, grabbing his wrist and forcing his paws onto my ass. He moaned again, starting to finger me, with both paws, up my ass. I gasped for air, continuing to kiss him deep into his throat, but pulling his paws out and placing them on my butt cheeks. James squeezed my ass and kissed me hard, but him tongue started to go slack.

I pulled back and looked him in the eyes, "what's wrong?"

He chuckled, closing his eyes, "just a little exhausted... guys can only go so long..."

I tucked my hair behind my ear, still staring him in the eye, "do you want me to stop?"

He opened his eyes, shaking his head faintly, "no."

I paused, "you want me to keep going?"

He smiled, his eyes filled with admiration for me as he pulled my shirt off and looked my naked body up and down several time, letting his paws slide delicately over my skin, "yea."

I shivered slightly at his touch, closing my eyes and moaning softly as he slid his pawss down the backs of my thighs and then back up to my hips and up along my sides until he was cupping the sides of my breasts in his palms. His paws were so strong and I knew the power in them, but when he touched me, it was like his paws were delicate rose petals as they slid along my moist skin. I could see him smiling without even seeing his face as he kisses my gently on the lips. I smiled, feeling myself blush again as I pressed my lips hard into his, forcing my tongue slowly into his mouth, but just letting the tip make contact with his. He smiled, starting to wrestle with my tongue. I pulled back, nervous that I might hurt him or make him pass out. He kissed me as hard as he could, squeezing my ass again. I pushed him down onto the bed away from me, pinning him there, searching his gaze nervously with my own, "I don't want to hurt you or anything."

He smiled at me, "Don't worry, the worst that'll happen is I fall asleep... you wont hurt me..."

I giggled lightly. "You're my ride home, buddy, you better not fall asleep," I lectured sarcastically, giggling again, but stopping as he brought his paw under my chin and drew my lips toward his, kissing me again.

I don't know how, but the next thing I know we're in the driveway at my house and James is opening the car door, putting out a hand for me. I looked around, feeling like I was in a daze or something and trying to get back with reality. He knelt beside me, "You alright?"

I shook it off and looked up at him, "yeah... I'm fine...." He put out his hand again and I took it.

He led me to the door, "Normally I'd kiss you goodnight, but your parents think that we're just friends... I wouldn't want to get you in trouble or anything...." I sighed, a little disappointed as I lowered my head. "...but," he quickly tucked his paw under my chin, lifted my head and kissed me, when he pulled away it still hadn't hit me that he kissed me, "sometimes exceptions need to be made."

After an extremely long pause, I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He smiled, "good night."

I paused again then smiled back, feeling myself blushing again as I lowered my head just slightly, "good night."

He kissed me on the forehead and walked backwards toward his car, smiling at me the whole time, then smacking into the still open door. I giggled, then he shut the door and went around to the other side, blew me a kiss then climbed in and backed out of the drive. I just stood there as he backed out and disappeared down the street. I sighed heavily, falling back against the door and closing my eyes as I reflected on the time we spent together. Suddenly I fell backwards to the ground, my parents had opened the door up on me. I looked up at them, still in a daze. My dad smiled, "I take it you had a good time?"

I looked up at him and sighed again as I closed my eyes again. Good time wasn't even worthy of explaining the time I had, I thought, my mind in a fantasy world and I got off the floor and floated upstairs to my room.