A Wolf's Pride

Story by Ranger61 on SoFurry

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A Wolf's Pride

Words from the author: Go easy on me, this is my first time. Any kind criticism or advice is much appreciated. And let me know if it needs any corrections and whatnot. Just don't kill me. This story should not be read by those under the age of 18 due to hot sexual content or it is illegal in your area (blah, blah, blah). You have been warned!

On a calm and sunny afternoon, in a quiet suburban town that prided itself as a city, a delivery truck screeched to a halt outside a non-descript house, the driver stretching as he climbed out of the seat. Looking around, he smiled to himself as he watched some children playing happily on the sidewalk. Carl, his name stitched onto the front of his shirt, inhaled the soothing atmosphere around him, even as the secret behind this tranquil setting hung in the back of his mind.

This town was one of two that was supported by the government because of the genetic lab companies that were stationed in them. Both labs play with animal DNA by combining it with that of human DNA to create new subjects for research. The lab in the other city was called Amtax. They are the larger of the two and they use their research not only for the money, but to make new breeds of soldiers for military use.

The lab in this town was called Dyna-Gene and was run by a husband and wife team. They may have been running a smaller company, but they use their research is for the betterment and understanding between the human race and the animal kingdom. They also had a real fondness for wolves in which they used their DNA in most of their research and studies.

As Carl walked up to the nice two-story house he was delivering to, he thought to himself, I hope I get to meet that couple one of these day. They live in this area somewhere. As he stepped onto the patio he reached up and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately he heard movement inside and a young man opened the door.

"Hi, can I help you, uh," he looks down at Carl's nametag, "Carl?"

"Yes, I have a delivery for a Jack Lunar. Is that you?"

The young man shook his head. "No. Name's Andy, his best friend. But he is here." He turns his head up the stairs. "Jack! You owe me five bucks! It was for you."

"Yeah, yeah, I heard," they heard from somewhere stairs. "Did you forget that my senses are sharper than that?" Carl looked up to see someone walk out of a room at the top of the stairs. At least, he thought it was a person.

As Jack walked down the stairs, the first thing Carl noticed was his head, a head of thick gray hair that was darker on the top towards the center that got whiter as it went down and framed his face though it remained nearly untouched. Also, on the top was a pair of pointed dog ears that looked very plush to the touch. His forearms and legs that weren't covered by his jean shorts had the same gray hair in the front that went to white on the backside. Overall, he looked like a young human that wore a wolf-like hoody under his street clothes, until his gray tail could be seen swaying with each step he took.

"See something you like?" Jack asked as he stepped up to the delivery man and crossed his arms. As he stood there his tail lifted itself to his left side. It was long enough to reach his knees and had white fur at the tip.

"This is no gimmick, my friend," Andy chuckled, taking the tail. "We are talking about a real tail with high quality fur and its all part of his anatomy. I present Jack Lunar, son of Mike and Janet Lunar, directors of Dyna-Gene." Carl's eyes were as big as dinner plates from the surprise.

As Carl was absorbing the information, his hand absently started to reach for one of Jack's ears. Jack snapped into a defensive stance, growling with his mouth open showing one and a half inch canine teeth and his ears flat against his head. The delivery man froze when he saw the fangs and the fierceness in his silver eyes. Jack eased forward sniffing Carl's hand like he was getting his sent. Jack started to circle him like a guard dog making sure he was okay.

"Sorry about that," Jack smiled when he was satisfied. "Can never be too careful. As I am sure you are well aware by now, I am not 100% human. I am, in fact, a product of my parents' research at Dyna-Gene, so you could say I am their latest experiment with 1/3 Canis Lupus in my DNA, more commonly know as the original Gray Wolf." He smiled wide with pride. "I was born from my mother's womb that's 20 years in the making." Andy suddenly smacks him in the back of his head.

"You're 21, dumbass," Andy scowled. "You really forgot that today's your birthday? Your parents probably sent you something."

Jack slapped his forehead. "That's right, the delivery!" Carl handed him the clipboard to sign and saw his claw-tipped black fingernails. He looked down to see his toes were also tipped thinking he wore sandals when he went out. He managed to catch a glimpse of his bare palms save for a few calluses from hard work.

The delivery man went back to his truck and disappeared in the back to get Jack's package. He came back wheeling the dolly onto the lift and brought down a very large metal container that had a window at one end. "Where can I set this?" he asked wheeling it up the steps.

"Right here in the foyer," Jack said. Carl sets it down next to the stairs and Jack helps lay it down with his enhanced strength from his wolf heritage. No one could see his ripped muscles because his thick fur hid them pretty well.

"Damn, that thing's big enough to hold a body," Andy said. "What is it? A sarcophagus?"

Jack closed the door after the delivery man left. "That thing is a cryogenic capsule. Dyna-Gene has a few. My parents let me try it by putting me in one for two days. They told me no one can last more than 120 hours, that's exactly five days. Let's see what's inside." He kneeled down to look through the porthole only to find it frosted over. As he brushed the ice away... "What the hell?!"

Sleeping inside, they saw the face of another wolf, but nothing like Jack. While his face was human, this one was more dog-like with a muzzle and fur covering its whole face. Jack could tell it was Anthro-class at 60:40 human to animal ratio. He was classified as an Enhanced Human with a ratio of 80:20 while Enhanced Beasts are just the opposite from him. Its fur had a similar color code to him but it didn't look as thick as his meaning a different breed was used. One of which he knew of. His heart started to beat in a different tempo as he gazed upon it.

"I... I think she's an Egyptian Wolf," Jack said not taking his eyes off her.

"Egyptian Wolf I believe you. But how do you know it's a girl?"

"I can tell by the shape of her eyes," he said still not looking up. "Not everyone can escape that trait." Andy looked at him to see that his eyes started to shimmer.

Oh God, Andy thought as he sighed. If that isn't a look of "love at first sight" I don't know what is. He looked down the capsule and saw a sticker at the foot of it with a line grid that had dates and times on it. "What's this?"

Jack snapped out of his daze. "What?"

"Right here, Romeo."

"That's a timecard. Supervisors put down the subject's name they are in charge of, the time they went in, and when they are scheduled to come out. Let's have a look." He looks at it to see the last log. "Her name is Aleena."

"That's a beautiful n..."


"What?" he asked nearly jumping out of his skin.

"What the fuck were they thinking?" He immediately looked at the nearest clock then back to Andy. "They put her in with no intention of taking her out. Look, no end date and she was put in nearly five days ago. She's reaching her limit. I've got about four minutes to get it open. Go up stairs and get the blanket off my bed." Andy rushed up stairs while Jack found the control panel and ripped it open with his claws. His heart was racing as he searched among the wires and found the ones he was looking for. He remembered what he needed from his dad's training exercises in case of emergencies. He took two wires and tied them together and touched them with a third sending electricity through them. He heard the two heavy thunks he wanted to hear when the locks unlatched and the lid cracked open letting mist shoot out.

The fog cleared when Jack opened the capsule. He looked inside to see her shivering and knew he was successful. As he gave a sigh of relief he couldn't help but examine this beautiful beast. She had a lithely figure that had a nice hourglass shape to it. With the lack of thickness in her fur he could see the outlining of her lean muscles meaning she worked out a lot. Her black sports bra held what appeared to be C cup, maybe D, breasts and her only other piece of clothing were matching black panties. Her fur was white as it started from her chin, supposedly outlining around her breasts, and continued down her stomach until it disappeared under her panties.

"Hey, hero, your tail's wagging." The sound of Andy's voice snapped Jack back to reality with red cheeks. Jack looked up to see his blanket in Andy's arms and immediately grabbed his tail to stop it.

"Sorry." Jack reached in and lifted her out holding her with care walking into the living room. She acted on instinct as she grabbed his shirt and pressed her head closer to his chest. He set her down on the couch and she is still shivering uncontrollably.

"I thought she would've warmed up some by now."

"The effects of being frozen in those capsules can last for hours because of the chemicals used. That's why everyone needs to get warmed up immediately with something warm when they get out. Otherwise they'll freeze to death in their own skin." Andy swallowed hard.

Jack took off his shirt revealing that his chest and upper stomach were bare and well toned. Very carefully, he eased himself on top of her to share his body heat with her. The moment he rested his chest on hers his face turned a deep red.

"What's wrong?"

"Her fur isn't the only thing that feels amazing," he said though his clenched teeth.

"You are one lucky bastard, you know that," he said as he placed the blanket on top of them and tucked them in for better insulation. Aleena wrapped her arms around Jack's back grabbing his fur and made him cringe in pain.

"P-p-p-please," Aleena whispered in a shiver, "d-d-don't d-discard me." Despite her shivering she had the voice of an angel to his ears.

Jack reached up to her ears and whispered to her, "I swear nothing like that will ever happen." Her grip on his back lessened becoming an embrace and her shivering started to calm down.

A few minutes went by and her shivering finally ceased as she became warm again. Jack was ready to come out when he was sure she was sleeping peacefully.

"Okay, Andy, get me out of here," he whispered struggling unsuccessfully. "You tucked us in pretty good."

"Now why would I do that?" he whispered back with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. "You look so comfortable in there."

"Because if you don't I'm going to end up poking her, and I don't mean with my fingers." Andy grins trying to hold back a laugh as he undid the covers and Jack was able to slip out putting his shirt back on.

While Jack stayed with Aleena, Andy walked over to the capsule she was in to take a closer look at it because his instincts told him to. He looked down at the timecard again to find the company logo. He found it at the top right corner. It was an A with a double helix extending down from the bridge of it.

"Hey, Jack, who did you say your parents' rival was?"


"What does their logo look like?"

"An A with a double helix like a strand of DNA. Why?"

"You may want to have a look at this."

Jack came in and saw the logo. "Damn them. I never did like those guys. With them, it's always about making soldiers and making profit. They use wolves because they make excellent hunters. But still, why would they throw her out?"

An hour passes and Aleena groans as she wakes up. Her eyes slowly open and her vision started to clear as she found herself staring up at the ceiling of a residential home.

"Where am I?" she asked as she sat up rubbing her face.

"You're at my house." She gasps looking in front her to see Jack sitting in the easy chair with Andy standing next to him against the wall watching her. She quickly lifts the blanket over her chest. "Relax, Aleena, no one is going to hurt you. My name's Jack. I'm a wolf hybrid like you. This is Andy."

Her face suddenly went sour. "As if you could hurt me, pup." Andy cringed as if he felt the cheap shot himself.

Jack frowned at her statement. "Now that was uncalled for," he said trying to keep his cool. "I just saved you from freezing to death in your capsule that you were stuck in for nearly five days."

"You're right," she said with an evil smile. "You should be my lapdog."

"Now see here," he said as he stood. However, she tossed the covers off and stood stepping right up to Jack. He looks up at her. "Damn. You're one hell of a woman." She stood 6 feet tall at the top of her head, 6' 2" if you include her ears, and Jack was only 5' 9" at the tip of his ears.

"The odds are stacked against you, pup." She leans down to get in his face. "Not only am I taller than you, but I am more wolf than you which makes me superior." They stared in each other's eyes looking for weaknesses, but he only saw her beautiful jade colored eyes.

Jack didn't even retreat. "Now you listen to me. You had better watch it because you are in my territory."

Aleena stepped back and looked around. She was impressed with his home and looked back at him. "Mine now."

"Think again!" He stepped towards her before Andy wrapped his arms around him trying to restrain him.

"So is this human your trainer?" she laughed.

"GrrrrrRRRRR! EXCUSE US!" He grabs his friend and stormed out of the living room heading upstairs. They went into his room and he slammed the door behind him.

Jack paced back and forth trying to plan his next move. Andy was about to say something but Jack pointed his finger it at him telling him he wants quiet. Andy quietly nodded.

With nothing else coming to mind, Jack walked over to his dresser, grabbed his cell phone and made a call after putting in a special ear piece made just for him since his cell can't reach his ear and mouth. He did have an extra phone headset for the house in his room but he didn't want to risk her listening in.

"Hi, this is Jack Lunar," he said when someone picked up. "Can you please put me through to my parents? ... Thank you." Jack waited a few seconds before someone else picked up. "Hi, Mom. ... Not so good. Is Dad with you? ... Okay, put the phone on speaker. ... Hey, Dad. Listen, guys, I got a bit of a problem over here." He explains to them about the delivery, what he did when he got the capsule open, what Andy found on the timecard, and finally what happened before he made the call. "And that all happened today. ... What do you mean how do I feel? ... Wait. No. I'm sorry. I know it's for your research. Let's see. Rage, obviously, because she's been making fun of me and I think desire mixed in because I want her. ... You're going to do what? ... Okay, I'll see what I can do on this end. I'll talk to you guys later. Love you." He gave a frustrated sigh as he hung up.

"So what did they say?"

"They said that they're going to set up a meeting with the director of Amtax to get this straightened out and I'll have to make due over here and keep my cool. Easier said than done."

"Let's try to take this one step at a time," he said as he went to the door to leave. Jack followed.

As they were walking down the stairs Jack was doing breathing exercises to try to keep his boiling blood from bursting. Jack ended up stumbling a little from doing it too much and got lightheaded.

"I'm going home," Andy blurted out when they reached the foyer.

"What?" Jack turned him around.

"I'd rather not be here if this turns into some kind of dogfight. No pun intended."

"I know what you mean. C'mon, man, I need your help with this."

"No, you don't." He turned Jack so that their backs were to the living room and dropped his voice so that only Jack could hear, hopefully. "Listen, ever since we met in middle school you have tried to the best of your ability to this day to be human. Even when you were being picked on by the jocks or teased by the girls you showed them your fangs but then you turn around and told them that they were jealous and walk away. You have done pretty damn well, but I think your parents would agree with me when I say its time to unleash the beast because it is part of who you are. Don't be afraid to let it show its face once in a while."

Jack let out a long sigh knowing that he was right. Andy walked out saying he'll be back in a couple days and Jack walked back in the living room where Aleena patiently waited.

"If it was me, I would have ripped their faces off," she said with pride about herself.

"Apparently, he wasn't low enough and that's personal." He took a seat in the chair.

"I'm just saying that humans should respect us beasts. Trying to be one of them is fucking pointless."

"Shut your damn muzzle! Because you're the only pup I see around here trying to be all high and mighty. Remember, you're in my territory and no one pushes me around here."

She paused for a moment. "Hmm... If you won't submit, I wonder how good your parents are at playing dead." Jack lunged out of his chair and took a swipe with his claws. She saw it and barely avoided the attack as his hand whizzed past her cheek. She scrambled off the couch and crouched in a ready position flashing her claws and fangs.

"I was just starting to get over you talking shit about me," he growled as he quickly took his shirt off and threw it on the couch. "But what pisses me off the most is when people talk shit about my family! That is the FINAL straw!" He gets in his own ready position bearing his own teeth and claws.

Without another word, Aleena rushed Jack and brought her leg around for a roundhouse kick. Jack quickly ducked under her leg and countered bringing his leg around across the floor sweeping her grounded foot out from under her making her land on her back. Just as she hit the floor he pounces on her trapping her legs under his and holding her wrists on either side of her head.

"That's the last time you threaten my family," Jack said with rage filled eyes.

"Then what are you waiting for? Finish me off! I've got nothing left anyway!" Jack blinked and saw a tear escape her eye and his rage subsided some but he remained at the ready. "You got it easy. Don't think I haven't heard of you, Jack Lunar. You were born from your mother like any other human while I was grown in a tube. I've seen them, the other experiments just floating in their tubes and being told I was the same. You were gifted with a name and the love of family and friends. My name was A733NA and was treated as nothing more than a mindless soldier. I named myself Aleena because that's what I saw when I looked at it upside-down when I was a kid. Just recently, when I was called I told them my name was Aleena. That's when everything changed, as if developing a will of my own rubbed them the wrong way. After that, they put me in that capsule and I wake up here. If you haven't figured it out yet, they discarded me and I've got nothing left. So just finish me." She turned her head sobbing and closed her eyes waiting for death to take her.

Jack was surprised to hear such a story and his rage disappeared to be replaced by sorrow. He moved his legs so he was straddling her and let go of her wrists. He leans down and licks her across her cheek with affection. She opened her eyes and looked up at him with those jade eyes into his bold silver eyes.

"I refuse," he told her. "From the moment I saw you, I felt a happiness that I never knew existed. Sure I had a family and friends but even then I felt lonely. So believe me when I say that no one around here will ever discard you while I'm around. After all, this is my territory and I make some of the rules." As he said this, Aleena felt her heart flutter. He placed his hand on her cheek and brought her in for a deep, passionate kiss. Aleena never felt like this as she melted in his embrace.

After what felt like an eternity, Jack broke the kiss and she whimpered because she didn't want it to end. He looked deep in her eyes again.

"Aleena," he said in a near whisper, "will you be my beta and mate?" She was shocked but happiness flowed through her as more tears filled her eyes and her throat constricted on her.

"Why would you even ask such a question?" she choked trying to stay as the tough girl that she was and did her best to hold back a sniffle. "Of course I will. But I'm warning you, if I detect a hint of weakness I'll (hic) I'll come up from behind you and take your spot as Alpha."

Jack let his biggest smile show as he finally found the happiness he was searching for all his life. "Fair enough. It's about time I had a challenge." He brought her in for another kiss. This time he pushed his tongue to meet with hers and they started to dance in their mouths. At that moment, the world ceased to exist as they both let out moans of pleasure of just being with each other.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and was able to get her legs around his waist. He slid his left arm under her sitting her up some and brought his right hand down to her side running his fingers through her fur up and down her waist getting a feel of her ripped and lean curved figure. He could tell that she would give him a run for his money but he didn't care, he had the girl of his dreams and he would never give her up without a fight. Without warning his hand slid up to her chest grasping her left breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. She was so soft and firm under his touch as he started to knead and caress her. She let out a sharp gasp and broke the kiss.

"What are you doing?" she asked with a playful smile and seduction in her eyes.

Jack gave her a mischievous smile. "I'm going to have my way with my Beta."

"Then what are you waiting for?" She brought her hands to the bottom of her bra and lifted it letting her large breasts bounce out. Jack couldn't help but stare because they looked bigger than he originally thought and her nipples were already hard and erect. "You like what you see? They're DDs. And don't think I didn't feel this naughty boy down here." She reaches down between their bodies and grabbed his crotch feeling his already hard shaft. She gave him a smirk of pure seduction. "Well, well. I guess I'm not the only one well endowed, am I? Just do me a favor." She reaches up close to his right ear and whispered with her sexy voice, "Tear me to shreds."

Jack didn't need any more encouragement. He got himself untangled from her legs and lifted her off the ground in his arms with ease and carried her up the stairs. Impressed by his strength, Aleena started to feel a tingle in her lower regions that caused her panties to get damp. At the top landing he disappeared with her in his room and dropped her on his bed. She gave a surprised yelp from the treatment.

"Mmm," she cooed as she licked her lips. "Big dog likes to play rough."

"Never played rough before." He crawled up her body and placed another kiss on her lips. When they broke he reached under her arms behind her and pulled her bra off the rest of the way tossing it behind him to the floor. "I'm just letting the beast loose."

Jack grabbed her legs and pulled her to the edge of his bed spreading them. The scent coming from under her panties assaulted his nostrils. Slowly this time, he slid his hands up her muscled legs to her shapely ass giving it a gentle squeeze making her moan in pleasure. He curled his fingers in grabbing the elastic of her panties taking them off as torturously slow as he could revealing her soaked pussy. The scent became stronger and he caught himself before he went feral.

He had enough staring as he plunged his face into her snatch. He sucked while he gnawed giving her type of massage she has never had before making her shiver in approval while he kneaded her firm ass. Her heavy breathing was his second reward for his service. He then reaches up with one hand and grabs one of her breasts rolling his thumb over her hardened nipple. She gave a long moan when he gave her a long, slow lick brushing his taste buds over her sensitive clitoris.

Jack's pants were getting tight as his cock begged to be released from the confines of his shorts. He stood and started fumbling with the belt. When he got it off his shorts and underwear followed suite and his member was free standing proud and pulsing with each heartbeat. She looks at it to see that he was blessed with 10 inches of furless human flesh and smiled at it.

"Now that is a beast," she said as she eyed it like the predator that she was. Her chin was becoming wet with drool.

Without warning Jack flips her over. He grabbed her hips and set her up so she's on all fours. He approaches from behind with his tool locked onto its target. He pokes and prods her cunt with the tip which sent jolts through her whole body.

"Please," she pleaded looking back with torment in her eyes, "give it to me." The look in her eyes was priceless to Jack as he saw her.

He leans up over her and gives her a quick kiss on her back between her shoulder blades. "Brace yourself." His rationality took the back seat as he straighten back up and pulled back only to plow into her with no remorse tearing right through her hymen stealing her virginity in one swift motion. He remained frozen in place as she clenched her teeth and gripped the sheets trying to ride out the white hot pain.

After a few seconds, he asked, "You okay?"

Panting after the pain passed, "I never felt so wonderful in my life. I'm in heaven. Please, don't stop now!"

Jack placed his hands on her ass and as he started to pull out her velvet walls constricted almost trying to keep him in. He pulled out enough so only the head remained inside. She shivered at the sudden emptiness. He shoved back in as hard as he did the first time making them both groan in pleasure. After a few thrusts he started to build a nice rhythm.

"My Alpha! My Alpha!" she cried as she took it. "Give it to me, ALPHA!!" Her breasts swung with each thrust. She pushed back meeting his every thrust.

"Who am I?" he demanded. He slammed hard into her making her yelp.

"My Alpha!" she cried in pleasure.

"Again!" He pounded her again and with a swat to her ass.

"My Alpha!" she squeeled.

"That's right!" His hand went to the base of her tail and gave it a squeeze. She moaned loudly with approval.

"Oh, God, right there! Right there! How did you know about that?"

"I have my ways," he said as he gave her tail another squeeze sending pleasure rocket throughout her body.

In the back seat of his mind, Jack could not believe the fierceness he had built up in him. He realized that if he had let that go there would have been a lot of trouble.

Through the bliss of his thrusting and the wet slapping of their meeting hips, Aleena felt something pound against her nether lips. Her fog filled mind realized what it was and her eyes opened wide with realization. "I thought you were more human than that!"

"That's what you get for assuming," he said with a rasp in his voice as he kept pounding her. "It was as if they manually pieced me together. I like my human cock. And I like this knot it was equipped with." His voice was beginning to get ragged and his sweat matted down his fur. "I think... I think I'm gonna blow!"

"C'mon then, Jack!" she said with carnal desire. "Shove it deep in me!"

He moved his hands to get a better hold of her hips and pulled his tool out far enough so only the head was in and slammed it hard back in her. The impact was enough to push his knot in her and she could feel the head threaten to pass into her womb. His knot stretched her walls to the limit. The mix of pain and pleasure he was giving her caused her to climax immediately. Her juices splashed against him as it barely escaped.

Jack thrust deep into her a few more times before he shot his load into her and the sudden warmth of his seed caused her climax one more time. Both howled with pleasure like the wolves they were before they finally calmed down. They collapsed on his bed completely out of breath. With his waning strength, his flipped them over so she was on top out of human courtesy. The movement of their sensitive bodies made them both gasp in pleasure.

"Hey, Aleena," he whispered under her as he was back in control of himself.


He wrapped his arms around her waist holding her close. "I know for a fact that my parents will accept you in our family. So let me be the first to welcome you to Dyna-Gene."

Aleena gave a huff of artificial frustration. "You are a real idiot, you know that?" she said in a playful tone. "Here I am enjoying the moment and you say that and I was expecting something else. Now I want to kiss you but there's no way to do that because of your knot and you had to take me from behind."

"Sorry," he said sarcastically. "You are never satisfied, are you?" Suddenly he started to nuzzle her neck while one of his hands grasped one of her furry globes and the other played with her clitoris. His combo attack sent shivers through her body like an electric shock. The reverberations stimulated his cock making it jump inside her. "But for right now, let's enjoy the moment."

"Whatever you say, Alpha," she cooed.

"I love you, Aleena."

"That's what I want to hear," she said when she felt her heart fluttered. "I love you, too."

A few minutes into their afterglow, Jack's knot went down enough that Aleena was able to get off with a pop and gave him the kiss that was overdue. As they began to snuggle the phone rang. Jack picked it up before answering to see that the caller ID displayed "Mom and Dad."

He pushed the button to answer it. "Hey, guys. ... Thanks, I do feel better. Did you get a hold of Amtax? ... They'll meet with you at the end of the week? No shit and today's Tuesday. You complained, right? ... Well, there's no rush anymore so just take your time. ... Nothing happened. ... Well, let's just say Aleena and I met on common ground." He gave his Beta a loving squeeze and a kiss. "Hey, come home after the meeting. You guys have got to meet her. ... No, I am not going to put her on. It'll be a surprise for when you come home. In fact, why don't you come home today? It is my birthday after all and I want to go out and have a drink. ... You guys forgot it was my birthday, too? Geez! ... I was the one that forgot. Andy reminded me. Hey, Mom, is it okay if Aleena uses some of your clothes? I think she's your size. ... Because all she came in with was her underwear and I want her to be presentable when you guys meet. ... Thanks a lot. I'll see you later. ... Love you, too." He hung the phone up and gave Aleena another kiss as he brought his tail up and brushed it against her. She brought hers around and wrapped it with his.

"By the way, how did you know my tail was so sensitive?" she asked looking into his eyes.

He nervously cleared his throat before answering. "Because mine is, too."

"Oh," she said getting the idea. She started to laugh and he started to laugh with her for a moment before calming down. "You up for another round?"

"Oh yeah."

Friday comes around. Andy pulled up to Jack's house into the driveway in his car. He got out and started walking to the front door hoping for one of two things.

"Hey, Jack," he called when he stepped through the door. "You still alive or can I have your stereo?"

"Even if I'm dead you still ain't getting my stereo, asshole!" he said from the living room.

"Damn it, will you hurry up and die already!" He walked in to find a strange site. Jack was sitting on the couch watching TV with Aleena sitting next to him fully clothed with her legs across his lap while reading a magazine and he was petting her legs. "Umm... Okay. Jack, what's going on?"

"I freed the beast," he said smiling at him.

"Did he ever," Aleena cooed putting her magazine on the coffee table.

"After you left, I told Aleena that she wasn't going to push me around. Then she threatened my parents. That made me snap and we got into a little scuffle. I won and pinned her to the floor. That's when she told me that Amtax threw her out and I gave her a home. That's when things really started to heat up. My parents called later that day and I told them to come home to meet her. They absolutely loved her and we went out drinking. Oh, and she says she'll take my spot as Alpha if she detects any weakness. So she keeps me on my toes."

"Did your parents ever meet with Amtax?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, today. My parents called after they met with them an hour ago saying that they said things like trash belongs with trash. Apparently, they prefer mindless drones."

"Fuck them all!" Aleena shouted with a fist in the air.

"Damn straight! Those assholes are so blind that they have no idea what kind of gem they threw out." He reached up brushing his fingers to her cheek and pulled her in for a quick kiss.

"Looks like you two are hitting it off pretty well," Andy said feeling a little envious and depressed. Seeing this, Jack looked back to Aleena and gave her a nod.

"In fact, why don't we show you what they're missing?" They got off the couch and Aleena started walking over to Andy. Her swaying hips were mesmerizing him.

Andy started to retreat. "Uhhh... No thank you. I just... I..." Suddenly he bumped his back into something. He looked behind him to see Jack just as he wrapped his arms around him, trapping him. "J-Jack, wha-wha-what the hell are you doing? What the... HEY!" He looked down to see Aleena rubbing his crotch.

"You know I can't stand to see you like this," Jack said to his best friend. "You act all high and mighty until it comes to relationships. When you see other couples, you get depressed. When you try to talk to a girl, you shut down. Now, you told me to free the beast. So now it's your turn." He looked at his beta and gives her a nod. She took Andy's pants and pulled the zipper down.

"C-C-C'mon, man! This is considered rape!" He feels her moving his underwear out of the way bringing his tool out seeing it half inflated.

"Then cry out for help."

Andy remained silent.

"Thought so."

Aleena stood and licked Andy's cheek. "You're not as big as Jack," she told him, "but I think you can still satisfy me. So relax, will ya?" She sinks back down and looks at his cock hungrily.

"I-I don't think this is a good idea. I mean she's your girl. I just... Ah!" He was cut off when she gave the underside of his shaft a gentle lick and it instantly stood erect at eight inches. She didn't wait as she plunged her head down taking him in all at once. As she started to piston her head he was beginning to plead. "P-Please, make her stop! I'll find my own... Ahhh!" He came in no time. Aleena swallowed each wave that came through. She took it out with a pop and two more shots of his seed came out. One wave landed across her muzzle and the other landed on the back of her hand.

"Wow," she said licking his cum off her hand. "Was I that good?" She sat there looking sexy for both of the men.

Jack shook his head out of his daze. "Not only are you good, but he's always been a quick-shot."

"Is that so?" She takes her shirt and bra off in one move revealing her beautiful bosom for all to see and sandwiched Andy's cock between her furry globes and began pumping while staring at him with those sexy eyes of hers.

The firmness of her breasts combined with her soft fur caused him to harden again after deflating a little and caused him to climax one more time. His cum splashed over the top of her chest.

"I said it before and I'll say it again," Andy said through labored breathing. "You are one lucky bastard, Jack." He looks back at Aleena to see her removing her pants and kicking them over to her discarded shirt followed by her underwear. She lies down on the couch with nothing but the fur on her pelt giving him her best 'come hither' stare while lightly fingering herself causing his tool to bounce back up. Jack lets him go and shoves him towards her making him take a few fumbled steps. He looks back at his best friend asking silently with his eyes if it was really okay. Jack answered with a nod.

Andy took his pants and underwear off nervously and was about to approach when Aleena quickly jumped off the couch tackling him to the ground. "You took to long," she said looking into his eyes. "And I'm already horny so there won't be any need for foreplay." She reaches down grabbing his dick guiding it to her wet slit.

Without warning she sat down plunging him inside her. She started to grind her hips causing his breath to catch in his chest. Seeing this, she bent down and nibbled on his neck. The sensation he felt made him gasp returning his breathing to normal.

"Can't have you dying before we heat things up, can we?" she asked sitting back up.

He took his shirt off and she reached down rubbing her hands over his average built chest and stomach. He normally played basketball which resulted in his light muscle tone. She lifted her hips slowly and brought them down just as slow as if she was giving his cock a massage as she squeezed her velvet walls.

"Ah, FUCK!!" he cried in excitement. He reached up and caressed her firm globes. She moaned in approval and he began to buck his hips to meet her descent.

Just as she was about to pick up the pace, a hand gabbed her tail making her freeze in midair.

"I have been on the sidelines long enough," Jack declared as he held her tail. He stood there already undressed with his cock standing proud.

"Awww, Jack, we were just about to get it started," she said giving him her best "puppy dog" eyes of disappointment.

"Jack," Andy said with a cocked eyebrow, "are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

"Double-Team," both men said with satisfaction.

"Oh yeah," Aleena said with a drop in her voice. "I've been waiting for this."

Jack lets go of her tail and positions himself behind her spreading her cheeks with his hands feeling the strength she possessed. He placed his finger along Andy's sensitive shaft collecting as much of her juices as he could and swirled it around the puckered hole which sent shivers up her spine.

"Alpha..." she gasped.

"I promise I won't shove my knot in," he whispered. He aligned himself to her tailhole and slowly pushed his way in. The sheer tightness and warmth made them groan in pleasure and she gently arched her back. She panted with pleasure as he made his way further and further in. At about two inches to go, he held her firmly and thrust forward hilting himself causing her to yelp from the suddenness.

"Oh fuck!" she exclaimed.

"Even I felt that," Andy said. "And I almost lost it."

"Ready?" Jack asked.

"Oh yeah."

Jack started moving his hips slowly as he began to rock Aleena's body and Andy started to move his matching Jack's movements. Her tongue hung out of her mouth and her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head as ecstasy consumed her.

Andy's hips bucked up off the floor every time that Jack pulled out as they made like pistons. To Andy, her pussy walls felt so smooth and slick like fine silk. All three groaned and gasped as fur and flesh met repeatedly. Jack reached around cupping both her breasts caressing them and was rewarded with moans of delicious ecstasy. Andy saw this and reached up to lightly pinch her nipples and rotated with Jack's caressing. She gave a couple sharp gasp as she was taken to a heaven of pure bliss just as they started to pick up the pace.

A few seconds of pounding went by before Andy spoke up. "Dude... (Oh fuck!)... I'm gonna cum!"

"Same here!" Jack strained with his knot pounding at her ass.

"Me three!" Aleena cried.

Andy was the first to climax, shooting his seed deep inside. Jack was next after fighting the urge to shove his knot in her ass. Aleena felt both of them shoot their load into her depths giving her wave after wave of heat basting though her until she couldn't last any longer spilling her wolf juices all over Andy's hips.

Aleena fell on top of Andy panting. Jack fell back taking his cock out of her ass and sat back on his elbows. When she got off of Andy, the trio struggled to get on the couch. Since it was his first time, Andy felt his legs give out a few times until they finally made their long journey to the couch and plopped down on it.

"Thanks, guys," Andy said with a smile after a few minutes in the afterglow. "I actually feel like a weight was lifted."

"I was happy to help," Aleena said giving him a lick on his cheek.

"Dude," Jack said giving his best friend a two-fingered salute, "that's what friends are for, helping each other out. You helped me, and helped you."

"You two don't mind if I crash here tonight, do you?" Andy asked as sleep was starting to take him.

"Not only do we not mind, but I would recommend it. My parents will be at the labs for the rest of the weekend."

"Oh boy. I can see where this is going..."

They fell like dominos as Andy fell onto Aleena which made her fall onto Jack causing him to drape himself over the arm of the couch as exhaustion finally claimed them.

The End